Hey everyone!
I really wanted to write a blog about i guess peoples abilities,
anything i guess out of the ordinary that most people dont have
to do with psychic abilites or anything else because it would be cool
to know what other people can do. I find it fascinating.
I want to know that im not the only different person out there
and that there are others like me, which im sure there are.
Coz it gets very lonely and i cant talk about it with a normal person
who dosent believe in paranormal things.
So i know that we all have alien dna mixed in with ours, maybe
thats a reason we inherit these abilities or it could just be that
our souls are highly developed from our past lifes??....
It could even be a mixture of both those things i dont know, im not an expert :)
Anyway ill start off with my weird ability, actually i would love to know if theres anyone else out there who can see this aswell.
Since i was 13, i would lay on the garage roof sunbaking lol!....
and i noticed that i could see small balls of light moving allover the place.
So i was like ummm....wtf.....and then this was the time i started to see auras, actually i trained myself to see auras and then i dont know what happened but i from then after i could see auras all the time around people but the moving balls of light didnt know where that came from.
Theres nothing wrong with my eyes i have 19/20 vision i got my eyes checked too lol...
Anyway so now that im older, i figured out what i can see.
I can see atoms...my eyes sortof magnify them, thats why they appear bigger?....... if i can best describe it that way. The movements are exactly like how atoms behave. The spinning and hitting each other and appearing in a random place again.
In UV light i can see them very well, like on a really sunny day or in the solarium (which i dont do anymore, bad for skin) will look at a clear blue sky and see them move allover the place and its really fun watching them too.
Also they seem to move slower than normal in strong uv light.
Cant see them when its night time, dont know why.
This picture is probably the closest match to what i can see without the bubbles around the outside. The yellow atoms spinning, the middle part cant see that.
There always white in colour, like white hot energy and there is even a smaller black atom ive seen but its rare, dont see it all the time, very hard to keep eye watch moves fast.
Its not that special i guess, omg telekinesis would be amazing but ive tried it and i have 0%telekinesis in me...lol :p.......tried it many times and nope nothing, maybe put my energy into it but never moves......
Ive heard that when you do the 12 Dna activation, you also end up starting to see them aswell btw ive done it and its amazing! your body and soul feels like wow after! energized!...
So anyway,ive started off with mine.
You can post your cool abilities below to share if u want.