flashstorm's Posts (84)

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Something for Nothing

George Osbourne: “No one will get something for nothing.”

Getting something for nothing is called a Gift. The basis for Giving without ulterior motives can be kindness, caring, sharing, love, empathy, compassion, sympathy or friendliness. Such spirits of giving that reflects the better parts of human nature. This beautiful and totally threatening (to this civilization) spirit of giving is cynically resigned to one obscenely commercialized day of the year, or to charities in the form of manufactured and commercially acceptable compassion. Those who genuinely give without expectation of reward are not interested in an equal exchange. They give because they care for others. Such a spirit has no commercial value in this society. By this I mean it does not create profit for the wealthy and powerful and so to them is meaningless and without merit.

This civilization is a series of farms created by those with historical wealth and power to steal the resources of the planet and the time and labour of the human chattel, in order to amass more wealth and power. The majority of humans sign contracts or agree to have their time and labour stolen in exchange for currency that in no way shape or form is a fair exchange for said time and labour. Thus just as these “corporations” and businesses generally steal the resources of the planet, so too they steal the lives of humans slaves while convincing them how lucky they are to have a job and how free they are (on weekends) compared to other countries where their fellow human chattel must work 16 hours a day 7 days a week and with no benefits.

Under such a system those who give, and the vulnerable who receive gifts must be carefully controlled or else stamped out. Because “if everyone went on benefits, the economy would go to hell”. In other words, there must be no way out for desperate, depressed, psychologically tortured slaves, no loopholes unlike the powerful who have their tax loopholes. The system must be ironclad. All must contribute to society, to the farm, otherwise how would anything get done? and more importantly how would the wealthy and powerful amass even more wealth off the backs of the chattel to temporarily satisfy their insatiable, infinite greed?

So the puppet politicians, bought and sold by corporations are there not to serve the people, but to serve the interests of the wealthy. Whose purpose is clear. To steal the time and labour of the majority for profit. To rape and kill children in secret (as the biggest thrill). To set the human chattel against each other. To make the enslaved angry at those who have escaped the whip. To control or destroying the beautiful giving loving nature of the human heart and replacing it with a computer, that constantly tries to figure out...how to get more.

But this whole scenario is a learning experience, it is a mirror that is being held up to all people everywhere, showing us where this road of the greedy, selfish and corrupt heart leads. It’s final end that is endless suffering and hopelessness for everyone. It also clarifies the other path, one of sharing, giving, kindness, empathy, compassion, caring and love. That human society can be built and thrive on these principles and the only ones who would lose out, are the child raping slave drivers and those who buy their bullshit.

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Coming Technologies

Some of the technologies that will be introduced to the public in the coming months:

Free-energy systems - for electricity, light and heat

Food replicators - create perfectly nutritious food as needed from the ethers.

Water creators - Create as much water as needed directly from the atmosphere.

Disintegrators - disintegrates all human waste and external waste (note this could be used as a weapon, but will never be abused by peace loving advanced peoples. Dangerous violent humans cannot use this technology).

Energy suits - full body suits for clothes that provide protection, warmth, coolness and also automatically wash and dry the entire body, disposes of and cleans human waste.

Floating habitats - perfectly safe high altitude floating habitats based on advanced magnetism and antigravity systems.

Anti-gravity vehicles - transportation safely to anywhere on the planet no fuel required.

Healing systems - heal any physical disease or sickness, regrow amputated limbs, heals broken bones.

Protective system - device that immediately puts to sleep any individual or group of dangerous violent being for a period of time.

Inter-planetary travel - details of star systems and space exploration operating through magnetic and replication technology.

Harmonizers - Astral and Mental body harmonizers for spiritual growth and spiritual plane exploration.

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How to Find Your True Purpose in Life

For those who do not know what their true purpose in life is, here is one method to find out.

To find your true purpose in life

  1. Take out a blank sheet of paper or open up a word processor.
  2. Write at the top in big capital letters “WHAT IS MY TRUE PURPOSE IN LIFE?”
  3. Write an answer (any answer) that pops into your head. It doesn’t have to be a complete sentence. A short phrase is fine. Or it could be long and rambling, it could anything, just write it down.
  4. Repeat step 3 until you write the answer that makes you cry. This is your purpose.


This method works very well. For some people you may end up writing up to a hundred items or more before you find your true purpose in life. It may take some people more than one day. But if you stick at it eventually you will get it.


You will get hints of emotion when you put down certain items, but if you are not crying, these are only parts of what you are meant to do.


You will know you have it when the emotion flows out of you and you are crying like a baby. The tears are streaming down your face and you are full of absolute certainty. This truly works, I was sceptical and it worked for me, you just have to be truly determined to find your purpose.

When you find your purpose you will realize that YOU are THE EXPERT at doing this thing. There is no one else on the planet more qualified than you to do this thing. This is your divine purpose and your reason for coming to this planet.


Once you have discovered your purpose, put aside everything else and plan carefully how to do it. You may have to get certain training to do it, but you already know what that training is, you will just be remembering. Remember the whole of creation and the divine are behind you in your purpose, for you are the expert in this particular area as it relates to you and the world. It may be difficult and you may have to find a lot of strength and motivation, but it will be well worth it.


As we come to the end of 2012 and move into 2013, now is the time to do what it is you came here to do. Now is the time to pull out all the stops and make a difference in the world and to the coming age. Some may not feel they are ready, but for those who are yearning to know what their purpose is: NOW IS THE TIME.

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The Art Of Letting Go

In this world, the idea of concentrating on self is a very ingrained principle. The whole capitalist system relies on each individual taking a self centred approach to life. Even new age spiritual doctrines focus on themes such as finding your true self, or who you really are, divine sovereignty etc.

Many who do think of giving, think only in terms of the human race. Contributing to society, helping other human beings. Or perhaps we go so far as helping other animals if we feel love for them. This is all very good. It is wonderful to take the focus off the self and concentrate on others.

However many, many people concentrate on themselves, and their close relationships. They focus on the relationships that will make them happy, money, material goods, experiences and sensory delights that will satisfy them.

The problem with this self centred approach is that when things go wrong, as they inevitably do, because of excessive self concentration, we can experience severe stress, fear, anxiety, worry, depression and many other emotional problems.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be happy, and with wanting to be in harmony, which is what happiness really is: The harmonious operation of the human being, mind body and soul. Yet the way we go about trying to find happiness through relationships, money or other external things is doomed to failure. Amassing, grasping, accumulating things and people does not bring happiness or harmony.

Many people experience fear and anxiety for themselves and for the future. Stress over money and financial situations is common. Dealing with job and relationship problems can be very difficult. Not to mention illness, disease and mental problems. And these are the fortunate ones. At least they are not starving or suffering from slavery and war like many others in the world.

All these negative situations and problems arise through the karmic result of the past actions of human beings. The human race has engaged in many many terrible actions of the past, and the current suffering on the planet is a result of this. Apart from the many horrible things humans have done to each other, animals and the planet. We take, take, take from this beautiful planet without giving anything back.

It is a narcissistic exaggeration of the selfishness of our species, that takes from the body and consciousness of the planet without giving anything back in return. We assume that this planet belongs to us, without realizing that we all without exception beneficiaries. Everything we have including all our possessions and human bodies, is given to us by the kindness of the consciousness of this planet.

And what do we give back to her?

How many people spend any amount of their time sending gratitude and love to this wonderful planet. Who give love to mother earth, her nature spirits that work to provide all the benefits we have. The gorgeous energies that surround us on this planet, unique and wonderful in the galaxy. Who send love to the divine beings that administer this world, the elementals of the ocean, sky and earth. That celebrate the beauty of this planet and the love that flows through all things. What do we do to the animals who constantly emanate this love?

No no no, many of the human race only sees itself, it’s selfish needs, it’s selfish desires. Giving love to the planet seems absurd. In fact it does not even enter into their consciousness. What we can seize, what we can take. How much money can I make. How can I “survive”. Who will love me. How can I be happy. How much profit can I make. How can I make my life comfortable. How can I look after my family.

The greatest wealth a human being has is the love within them. Giving this love is the meaning and expression for life on this world. Gaia has no need for your money and all your possessions already belong to her, they will return to her when the human race is nothing but the dust of an ancient memory. What Gaia longs for from the human race, is their love, their kindness, their innocence.

To emanate love from the heart and aura to all beings throughout this planet is the harmonious functioning of the human being. There is no longer anything to fear, or to “try” to survive. When your thoughts, emotions and emanation give love to all the expressions of mother earth. This language of love, communing and communicating with nature through love is what is missing from the human beings of this civilization. As a result they are cut off from nature and probably have good reason to fear it.

This planet and all planets, all galaxies within this universe were created out of the void to celebrate Love. This is the great harmony. You enter this harmony through the expression of love through the heart and mind. In this way you join the great celebration of love throughout the universe.

The suffering of the world is created through the negative karma of the past. Love and Compassion create huge amounts of positive karma in the present and for the future. There is no greater way to increase your storehouse of merit (thats real wealth that lasts not only for this lifetime but for future lifetimes).

Akasha is the fifth element. It is also called by others The Spirit, God, Emptiness, The divine, The source, The Infinite Light, The Great Mother, The Force :-) It is the infinite void, out of which all of creation was birthed. This spirit is pure emptiness, there is no self there, no attachment, no ego, no desire, no negativity. Pure bliss and infinite love and compassion.

Spend time in meditation to let go of attachment, worries, desires, cravings, stresses, fears and self obsessions. Let go of those things that define our identity, and dissolve this ego into infinite emptiness. There is no self there, only pure awareness. We enter Akasha and become a chalice that is full to overflowing with love. Our identity becomes this love. Give this love to all to others, because this chalice is the outpouring of the source of love to all beings and all things, which never ends.

There is nothing to fear or worry about. Whatever needs we have are met. Whatever problems we have, the wisdom, knowledge and solution arises out of the infinite depths of love and the great spirit. When we are in ego and worry, our fear prevents the spirit from flowing through us. Let go of worry and doubt. This vibration is absolute trust and faith. Let the omniscient wisdom of the divine source flow through you.

One day we will all die. Eventually the human race will be no more on this planet. And long after this, the planet will be no more. All our concerns and worries will mean absolutely nothing. All that is left is the gratitude and love we have given to each other, the planet and the divine. This will last for eternity. For this reason forgive and let go of all who have wronged you.

To live a life of beauty, and harmony and to enter the sacred space of peace and everlasting happiness.Let go and Let love fill the heart, mind and soul.

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Love to us

Love is innocent as a child
Love is happiness unbounded
Love is peace as deep as the oceans
Love is the infinite joy of the stars
Love is gentle and kind
Love is the wonder of the universe
Love is the beauty of Gaia and Venus
Love is clear and pure
Love is the silence of the ages
Love is justice throughout the earth
Love is the dancing of the mermaids
Love is bold and daring
Love is the greatest adventure
Love is the infinite bliss
Love is the greatest mystery
Love takes you higher and higher
Love is the harmony of all things
Love is the highest wisdom and the greatest power
Love is the embrace of a lover and a stranger
Love flows through all things
Love outlasts life and death
Love is what we take with us
Love will heal our hearts and minds
Love is the eternal embrace
Love shines forever beyond the shores of time.

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Nearly there

We have made a great deal of progress and our world has passed through the most dangerous outcomes, to enter a future potential of love and happiness. We are nearly there. One major reason the ships of our star family have been in our atmosphere and over our planet, is to help dissolve the polluted, negativity that is coming from the planet. People’s minds were full of depression, sadness, fear, suffering, pain and many many more terrible states of mind. The populace of the world was/is projecting this out into the universe, and it was so potent that it was covering the world in darkness and nearly affecting other worlds of a higher vibration. So the starships, the swoops from the loving and beautiful civilizations were dissolving this and sending more harmonious vibrations to Earth. Helping us. They are not going to save us, and there is only so much they can do for us. The negative/dark powers were also doing their work and for everything positive that the lovely ones do, they try to twist it and turn it, so that we are tricked into making more negativity and horrible vibrations all over the planet. They have pretend starships that they use to trick people, and lots of other silly stuff.

The powers of negativity work very hard by putting thoughts in people’s minds and making people feel bad, and using all kinds of tricks to make people be depressed, sad, fearful, anxious and generally horrible. So that we project this out into each other, the planet and the Universe. But they are just tricksy they are like crazy children who are trying their best to make sure that we don’t enter the love world of the future. Obsessions about the illuminati and the dark cabal and those who are running the world and dominating us is just a trick that is being used to make us focus on negativity and thinking that somehow we have to fight them to be “free”. Yes this situation has some validity, but focusing all our attention on this just plays into the hands of the negative ones. We end up projecting fear, and anger and other negative emotions and thoughts. Which creates more problems.

There is no them and us, with the human race we are all one, and are all responsible for everything that is going on in the planet. It is our responsibility to create justice and peace. Due to the wonderful activities of many loving people on the planet, and also help from our starfamily, the world is moving into the beautiful vibrations of the loving worlds. However in order for us to all make this transition effectively, we must transform ourselves.

A person can be in heaven and yet feel nothing but pain and suffering. This is due to the state of their mind. They still have delusions and negative states of mind, and that is being reflected back to them for they create their own experience and reality by their thoughts and emotions.

Similarity as this planet ascends to the beautiful spheres. There will still be those who suffer and experience pain and horror, because their mind is reflecting back their delusions and negative states of mind to them. Eventually they will die and be reborn on a planet that is more in keeping with their vibration.

For those who wish to enter the happiness of the beautiful realms. It is down to our heart and mind and what we fill those with, and what we concentrate on. For this is essentially reflected back to us. If we are still projecting fear and anguish out into the universe, this will come back to us magnified. There are so many beautiful souls on this planet who are helping to transform this world, and they all do it through the power of Love. It is by concentrating, meditating on and being centred in Love that creates the smooth transition to a happy world of love and peace and the completion of ascension. It is by switching our mind from selfishness to cherishing others, caring for others, sending love to others, by wishing others to be happy, that we ascend to the light. We must therefore free our mind of the negativity and delusions which pollute it such as Greed, Selfishness, Lust, Hatred, Anger, Vanity, Pride, Jealousy. We must stop projecting fear and doubt about the future and enter into the arms of trust and love. We must learn to become Innocent, Loving and Kind. This transformation happens through the power of Love. It is through Love that we transform ourselves and in doing so the world. Through concentrating on Love, we help to dissolve the negativity in the world and around the planet. We assist the star family in their mission of helping the Earth ascend.

There is no happiness to be found in external things. Looking around for things to provide us happiness, whether it be technology, relationships or money is doomed to failure. Happiness is an internal condition that is created by our mind and heart. We must create peace in our own heart if we wish to see peace in the world. With Love and Peace in our own heart the world will transform to reflect what is inside of us. Because we are creating the world we see. The Heaven realms are closer than we think. But it is our delusion and negative states of mind that prevent us from entering into them fully. Through Love we transform this state so we may enter the bliss of heaven on Earth.

The new world is full of endless happiness, peace, justice, love, wonder, harmony, beauty, joy, adventure, treasures unknown and the companionship and celebration of the great galactic civilizations of loving worlds. To ascend to that world, is simple. Focus on Love, don’t pay lip service to it, but spend time in meditation and fill your thoughts and heart with Love. Sometimes people have love in their hearts, but are still projecting negativity through their mind. Bring your mind and heart into oneness through love. Let love fill your thoughts. Reject negative thoughts and feelings, push them out, and let love radiate from you. Love for others. Trust and true faith in a new world of Love and Peace. Have no doubts about this. Don’t look at the world and think it is impossible or will never change. Do that and you are part of the problem. Through Love create the faith in a new world. Believe 100% in it. Love always triumphs. Even if the human race is ejected from this planet, eventually a new race will arise to replace them and live in harmony and love with the consciousness of this wonderful planet. In other words this world will ascend no matter what the human race does. It will fulfill its purpose. The question is whether or not you choose to come along for the ride. The choice is up to humanity. Many millions have chosen love. Chosen to project love, to give love, to cherish others, to open their hearts and let Love triumph within them and thus in the world. This is the reason why we are all still here on this planet right now, because of Love. To be free of delusion and negativity and to become innocent, loving and kind is the task and challenge for humanity. Innocent yet wise. Wise to the knowledge that engaging in negativity leads only to sorrow, suffering, pain and death. That by abiding in love leads to heaven on Earth.

As we project love from our hearts and minds as one into the atmosphere of the planet we assist with the ascension process. Each person that does this magnifies and accelerates the process vastly. But do not be fooled, the negative powers will do everything in the ability to try to make sure that you are in fear, anxiety, helplessness, defeat and depression. Don’t give into this, draw on the omnipotent power of all embracing love. Let Love triumph within you and thus in the world.

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The Magic of Water A Meditation

Our civilization is very good at expressing 3 of the 4 elements. The element of Fire is very much an important part of life. We must be disciplined, have will power and be focused in order to succeed. In Air we must be well educated, have an understanding of the world, and some knowledge or ability to contribute to society and make a living. And In Earth we must be organized, have perseverance and patience to be effective in engaging this world.

Yet as I have mentioned elsewhere, when it comes to the element of water, our civilization knows next to nothing. The element of water in it’s positive aspect relates to feelings such as Love, Compassion, Peace, Serenity, Happiness, Harmony and heart to heart sharing and connection. These are the universal feminine energies.

So if our civilization is running at about 80% in terms of Fire, Air and Earth, in terms of the element of water we are at about 4%.

What this translates to is yes people fall in love, we have families and friends, we experience some emotional well being. Yet our race is haunted by a lack of true deep and lasting peace. Ask most people to tune into the field of love that surrounds and interpenetrates everything and everyone and they look at you as if you are insane. Happiness when it comes is fleeting and without transformative effect. Many many people live lives of suffering, stress, anxiety, fear and disharmony.

What is missing from most people’s lives is those emotional states and feelings that satisfy and fulfill us as human beings. Wealth does not provide this, although it may make our lives comfortable. Many wealthy people have other problems and suffer from the same emotional and psychological problems as everyone else. They also are not free of physical illness even though physically they may not have to slave away at a 9-5 job.

In terms of the water element as emotional well being, our race looks to others in the form of relationships, family and community.. Yet our relationships with others are often fraught with problems, disappointments and even scandal. i.e. relationships can cause us as much pain as they can relative happiness.

What is absolutely crucial for the human race at this point in our evolution is that we must find within ourselves the astonishing beauty and wonder that is hidden within the water element, of which our civilization knows next to nothing. These are as I have mentioned essentially the universal feminine mysteries which out of its vast treasures includes such things as cosmic love, universal compassion, and deep and lasting peace and happiness. Yet the doorway to these treasures lies through the harmony of the feelings and emotions in the emotional body, and this is always done through the element of water. Which itself is a gateway to the well being and healing of the whole human being, mind, body and soul.

For this purpose I have created a short meditation that anyone can do, to find the element of water within.

Imagine you are in are floating on your back in a quiet cove of water such as in the picture.
The sun is shining, the water is a lovely blue green color.
You are surrounded by the beauty of the cliffs and beach.
The sky is a deep blue, and far out of the cove the ocean goes on forever.
It is quiet and serene, there is a wonderful perfumed smell in the air.
You feel the warmth of the sun on your body.
You let all stress, strain and anxiety dissolve into the water below you.
You let it flow away deep into the ocean.
Your body fills with cool, clear water.
There is a feeling of peace that comes over you.
You are absolutely safe and protected, there is nothing that can harm you.
This peace is a peace that has lasted in the oceans for 4 billion years.
There is no need for fear, for you feel a peace that will last for another 4 billion years.
An infinite variety of wonderful feelings fill your body.
Now you let go of yourself, your identity and flow your being out into the ocean.
You are one with the ocean, you feel its beauty, its grandeur and it’s love.
It speaks to you, shares its secrets and it’s dreams.
You see the fish, the coral, and you glimpse the the beautiful domain of the mermaids.
You feel the heartbeat of the planet. The love of mother earth, in her caring for all her creatures.
You feel the love that flows through the gorgeous energies of the planet. There is no end to it.
You feel the love that is in all things that flows through everyone and everything.
You tune into the great harmony.
You are healed and whole.
Send your love and your gratitude to this harmony.
You are a part of it. You are within it. You are one with it.
There is nothing to fear. All fear dissolves into nothingness.
You are safe, protected and you will always have all you need.
Relax. Let go. There is no rush. There is no time.
There is only Love.

Slowly come back to your body, floating in the cove.

Now you are ready to face the challenges ahead of you.

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We have come to the finish. All that is required is the final push. Now gather your strength and shine your light for the final claim of victory. There is nothing we cannot do. In all the campaigns on all the planets we have fought and won. For we always win. We always win.

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The Triumph of Love

In observing the powers that currently have control over the populations and surface of this planet, it became clear why they hold such power over the peoples of this world. I also made observations as to what the people need to do to be free of their influence and dominance.

Corporations are the dominant powers over this planet at this time. Most banks are themselves corporations and even the central banks themselves. The level of influence and power that the banks and corporations have over the planet is unprecedented in history. We truly live in the Age of the Corporate Empire, that rules over the Earth like a benevolent, yet vicious behemoth.

It’s influence extends in every area of life all over the planet, there is almost no one alive who is not influenced by the power of the Corporatocracy. To get to grips with why these corporations hold such influence, is to investigate the nature of the beast, and find out the source of it’s power.

The central banks which basically control the financial system all over the planet, were set up to essentially ensure the dominance of currency, their goal that no one on the planet should be able to live without using some form of bank controlled fiat currency. They have the power to create money out of nothing and loan it to governments and citizens who cannot survive without it. The basis is that money is king, that it’s value takes precedence before human life or value. ie they use money as a tool of total dominance and control over the world populations.

There is nothing wrong with money in and of itself, it can be used as a tool of dominance or a simply as a tool to facilitate human endeavour and activity. To place the value of money before that of human (or even animal) life is a profoundly absurd idea, unless you realise that this is done to ensure that a tiny group amass vast amounts of wealth, property and control at the expense, exploitation and vast suffering of the masses.

The labour of the masses needs to be controlled, because without labour, all wealth is worthless. Making currency mandatory for survival and controlling a people’s access to currency is the means for controlling labour. The mechanism for the process and engine of wealth accumulation is the Corporation.

The Corporate “person” sees itself as the pinnacle of planetary evolution. It believes in nothing except doing any and everything to accumulate vast amounts of money/profit. It will thus take on the role of an angel or a demon and anything in between to accomplish this objective. It can appear beautiful and caring, adventurous and exciting, scientific and academic, it can appear as a matriarch, a patriarch, a youth, a lovely maiden . Always it projects an image of positivity and well being. It is very good at doing this. It has in fact mastered the art of doing this to a degree far beyond the any person’s ability to project positivity. With advertising, marketing and the media it defines the culture of what is popular, trendy, fashionable and desirable.

Underneath this facade however it will rape, murder, kill, commit genocide, destroy the environment and enslave whole populations in order to fulfil it’s objective of acquiring infinite profit. That is there is no upper limit on it’s greed, nothing is ever enough. The Corporate “person” therefore has no conscience, no compassion and no empathy, although it will pretend that it has those things in it’s insatiable quest for profit.

As such, since there is nothing but a cold lifeless machine at the heart of every corporation, it has an advantage over the more blatantly negative powers of dictatorships, fascism, and war mongers. The Corporatocracy in fact uses these negative powers to suit it’s agenda, it negotiates with them, placates them and fornicates with them in order to make money. Indeed those types of negative organizations are simpletons compared to the Corporation, which is capable of far worse negativity than them and such great enchanting positivity.

The Corporation is a machine that treats human beings like various classes of androids/robots who are scientifically engineered to produce maximum profits for a company. The only value a human being has to the Corporation is their ability to make profit. To put another way it sees human life in terms of monetary figures. ie the only value a human life has to them is it’s monetary value.

In summary :The Central Banks have forced the Governments of the world to enforce monetary value above human value through the barrel of a gun. The Corporations act as the engine for the accumulation of wealth and property. The media as the propaganda machine to condition and enslave “consumers” to the Corporate Dictatorship. Those who benefit from this system are a tiny group of human beings who consider themselves to be masters of the world.

The Corporate “persons”. are extremely adept, you could call them magicians. They have mastered human psychology and also 3 of the 4 elements. That is they are consummate masters of both the positive and negative aspects of Fire, Air and Earth.

In Fire they are disciplined, focused, masterful, and wield immense power. In the Air element, they control all human scientific understanding and knowledge and massively influence the educational system. in the Earth element, they are master builders, have taken control of the majority of the Earth’s resources and are supreme in organization and planning.

Indeed a great deal can be learned from them and they certainly make it so in our schools and educational system. However when it comes to the Water element, the corporation is strangely and cynically hollow. The water element in it’s positive aspect relates to Love, Peace, Happiness, Compassion, Sharing, Heart to Heart Connection, Kindness, Caring, Peace, Serenity, Satisfaction. In fact all the emotional things that make human life beautiful, wonderful and worth living.

Of course Corporations will pretend to project these things, they will use the word Love in their marketing campaigns because they know how human beings react to this word. They will suggest that their products will give you happiness, as long as you pay the price. They will pretend to care for human beings, while at the same time massively exploiting them. They will encourage peace, while at the same time profiting off arms sales and the “opportunities” of war. But it is all a magicians trick, slight of hand, a beautiful and enchanting corpse, dancing to the tune of profit, profit and more profit.

Thus although we are accomplished in terms of the Fire, Air and Earth elements, the true depth and the beauty of the Water element is almost entirely absent from this civilization. Because the powers that control the doings of the human race could not survive if the water element was in any way active to a serious degree. It would be their total and complete annihilation.

It could be said that the water element embodies the essence of the feminine universal energies. These feminine powers are astonishingly powerful beyond the current comprehension of this planetary race. These are universal energies, although human females have a great advantage over males in the expression of these energies, since their bodies are hardwired to express them.

In a nutshell these powers are the ability to become one with anything and anyone in the universe through the power of Love. That is you are inside the mind, heart and feelings of anyone anywhere. You know all they know, you feel all they feel as if it is your own feelings. You connect heart to heart with any being and share and celebrate the love that is within both of you. The human race collectively has yet to rise to this level of Love. This is the art of oneness, not in an abstract or intellectual sense. Not pretend Love, which humans are so fond of. But in the sense that you are really and truly there within another’s heart and soul. You nourish them, you heal them, you bless them, you restore them, you uplift them, you dissolve their negativity and share the essence of your being. There are no secrets to you. You are able to do this with anyone on Earth, whether they be a dictator, a CEO, the president of the United States, or a starving child.

This is the power of the water element and the feminine mysteries. This is the level that we must rise to, to be free of those powers that currently dominate the human race and are leading it to extinction. Thus the functioning of the water element when it is effective is the elimination of all wars on Earth. It is the filling of the world with Justice and Peace. It is the Healing of the planet. It is the creation of harmony with the planet and the universal laws. It is the triumph of Love.

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Human wellbeing over Profit

Probably the most important thing humanity needs to do in this time, is to make sure that human well being is given priority over profit and the financial system. The financial system exists for one purpose and that is to allow the few wealthy to amass power and wealth at the expense and exploitation of the majority. Human well being, that is the right of every human being on the planet to life, freedom, land and water should be made the absolute priority and take precedence over any financial system and any law except the law that says do not harm another. As such the corporate entity is the enemy of humanity, and human beings must strip corporations of their rights, powers, wealth and land to be used for public purposes. Or else face being owned and controlled by corporations for life.

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I forgive all who have harmed me, wronged me or who I have wronged.

I send them a blessing of everlasting love and joy.

To those who have ever been my enemies, foes or hated, I release them to their happiness and peace.

May love fill them like a river that flows from the beginning of time to the ends of eternity.

To my loved ones and those who are my friends may our hearts be ever joined in love and yet be free of attachment.

To that great community of all who love on this planet and on all worlds and planes,

I join with them to celebrate the love that gave birth to the universe.

In our hearts the joy is infinite in our shared existence.

We need no temple to gather, no priests or rituals

Only hearts joined in love together, shining like lights throughout the infinite cosmos,

Lifting those who know not love but only suffering to heaven.

and on to the everlasting cosmic freedom of perfect enlightenment.

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Child of Time

I would like to give you a tour of my world. My home is a wonderful planet within this galaxy.
There are no roads, no cars, no planes. The cities are green and lush, Trees, tended grass, plants, rivers, lakes, and flowers. Organised together in a delightful setting. Among the greenery are places of dwelling, learning and gathering. Beautiful and colorful dome shaped places shining in the sun. Banners that fly in the air emblazoned with the symbols and images of our history.

There are flying circular vehicles that come and go, Landing on the platforms of large travel centers or on the grass in front of homes. Our people are always laughing and happy, dressed in enchanting and colorful clothes. Their faces glowing with an indescribable joy and enthusiasm. All around we are surrounded by a peace, that reverberates in silent protective power.

We have a technology that works in harmony with the planet, The power source is the infinite energy that is all around. All are free to explore the planet in these harmonic flying vehicles.
There is no money, no greed, no hatred, no jealousy, no war. We live to learn, to live in peace, and grow in knowledge and wisdom. Happiness and Freedom are our birthright.

There is an enormous space centre full of colorful domes, Large platforms and spires that reach up high into the sky. Within this expanse are many flying disk shaped craft of different designs and colors. These are the craft of space visitors and those going out into space. It is a bustling arena of much activity and excitement.

There are breathtaking statues of towering beings and monuments. Some students are gathering at the Universities, talking and laughing on the grass, Yet these are not the privileged few. All are students, no one is excluded. There are many scientific centres that study the mysteries of the universe. All without exception have access to this knowledge, whether they are at universities. Or at home on their computers. The history of our galaxy is learned here and that of other planets. There is no end to the amazing stories of this galaxy, which we explore with our technology that takes us to the long gone ancient galactic civilizations of far past.

As we move over the planet in one of the flying machines. We see many communities spread over the planet. There are farmlands augmented by advanced technology, That provide all the food everyone needs. Everyone without exception has enough sustenance and a comfortable dwelling. The water that is needed is taken by devices that extract it from the air.

The breathtaking wonders of this planet are enjoyed by all.. The most exotic and exciting places are shared by all. It is not uncommon to see dancing on the beaches before gorgeous oceans. Games and parties that go well into the night, with no need for drugs, alcohol or money. Indeed our planet is a famous paradise, with many visitors from far distant worlds

There are places and temples of meditation. Where there is simply a celebration of the Love that gave birth to the universe. The Love that is shared among all beings throughout the planet.
Spiritual wisdom opens up the inner planes, and there is interaction with all manner of beings from the spiritual worlds. They teach many things. Many mysteries are explored. Art here is celebrated. The Art of Love. Plays, films, theatre, dance, music, paintings, all bringing people together to share with each other heart to heart, the endless mystery and wonder of the universe.

But perhaps most amazing of all are the wondrous energies, indescribable that fill the atmosphere and environment. Gorgeous and infinite in variety. That uplift and embrace. Like swimming in an ocean of ecstasy. No wonder we are always laughing.

Across the evening sky, the flying vehicles move, shining in the luxuriant atmosphere.
And an undying peace fills the air, a peace that will last for all ages of time.
Looking into the eyes of my brothers and sisters here I share a happiness that will never end.
Staring out at the dazzling ocean sparkling in the sun, Love fills us all, Everlasting.

As the night descends and I see clearly the billions of dazzling stars of the heavens. I have learned the names of the ones with inhabited planets. I have travelled to many of them, They are part of a great community of star-faring worlds. I feel joined to them and feel their love as one great galactic community. I remember the wonders of those worlds and their peoples. Smile.

My planet is a part of me as I am a part of it. This is where my friends and family are. We are all part of the consciousness of this planet, and live in harmony with her and in return she teaches us many things. This planet is my home and is a great family of love.


The name of my world is Earth and I am the child of your future.

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Time to let go

Time to let go of the old world,

The old beliefs, the old structures, the old system.

Let go of doubt, worry. No more clinging.

Trust the process, everything will go well :-)

Believe in yourself no matter what others say.

Fear nothing, there is nothing to fear.

And above all believe in Love,

For now shall Love triumph over all.

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