mo's Discussions (31)

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I need your help please

My daughter Lucy is sixteen weeks pregnant and had to have an amnio test to see if the baby has downs,her last baby, Jasmin who is now five was born at twenty eight weeks and weighed 1lb 5 3/4 ounces, she is not very good at this it would seem,what I

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First Contact Dream.

I am sure I have posted this before, but before you all go into melt down over disclosure which seems rampant on here tonight I will give you a refresher course.


The dream I had would have been less than a year ago , and the sky was full of space cra

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I had a vision today.

What is going on ? I feel so out of it can't stay awake have a painful neck and shoulder and other symptoms and then I had a vision .


I was being carried away in black plastic by a man , the next thing a woman was saying don't pick the flowers as the

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Get high.

I have had a song running through my head for about 4 days , can't remember who sings it but it say's I should have cleaned my room but I got high ect.  And at the same time when I have slept I have had about 3 drug related dreams about getting high,

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A positive poem.

I wish you happiness, peace and light,

And hope next year brings an end to your plight.

All rulers of darkness must leave with thier clan,

Then earth fills with light cause thats the plan.


We'll all live in peace with the one's we love,

And celebrate wit

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Well what do you know I have just been suspended from united starseeds,no reason given as to why , so I sent a message in the hope of being told , I have had no argument with anyone and can't think of a reason, I will keep you posted.

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