mrtoon's Posts (6)

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The Art of Jumping Time Lines

As i feel gratitude for the New Earth, now, I am very excited to share this message with all who are open and ready for change and acceleration!

Although it may seem paradoxical to some, your timeline—your life—is only one of many simultaneous possibilities. And it is quite possible, indeed it is your birthright, to alter your timeline and the potentials of your life.

Your culture, for various reasons, has hypnotized you into believing that you are limited to one timeline. In this message we shall endeavor to discuss our understanding of timelines and how you can change them.

Whenever there is an increase of chaotic events, there is a convergence of multiple timelines. Due to the fact that your planet has entered a Chaotic Node and is experiencing ever-increasing levels of chaos, there is also an increase in what we call time nodes.

Time nodes occur when two or more timelines converge. As a result of their close proximity oscillation effects sometimes occur when the realities of one timeline bleed through, or are psychically perceived by those on a neighboring timeline. Strong timelines can also literally affect the possibilities and/or probabilities of other timelines within a time node. In other words, creative and novel effects often occur within timelines when they enter a time node (proximity to other timelines).

These are evolutionary jumpstarts that hold tremendous possibility for accelerated evolution if you understand how to utilize them. As a result of the volatile nature of events on your planet, there are multiple time nodes emerging. This is a very complicated and complex affair, and we shall endeavor to break it down into its smallest segments, for we believe that this information has vital significance for those of you engaged in the ascension process, and for its sheer survival value. Let us turn our attention to the larger picture first and then to the individual strategies we suggest.

Your planet is poised on the brink of utter transformation. The form of this transformation has multiple expressions, and it is you—the collective—that will affect these outcomes to a greater or lesser degree.

Some of these outcomes, these possibilities, fulfill the prophecies of planetary destruction and purification. Other timelines, other expressions, reveal a different outcome. A sudden unexpected shift in human consciousness could bring the Controllers, who have so negatively affected your destiny, to their knees. And there are hundreds of other possible timelines between these two polarities. There are vested interests in your society who wish you to remain hypnotized, which wish for you to continue in the delusion that you are limited to one timeline, one experience of life as they so deem it.

But you have, within your nature, the ability to change timelines and probabilities at the last moment of any event—whether it be personal or collective. We do not say this to be “positive.” We say this as a matter of fact concerning your evolutionary potential. Whether you will collectively reach this potential or not remains to be seen, but the path of an Initiate is to reach upward for the highest potential, regardless of what may or may not be happening around him or her. Thus, in this message we shall discuss what you can do, and how you do it.

From our perspective, your collective destiny is the summation of individual choices that you, as persons, make. This is combined with evolutionary and terrestrial forces that are far beyond your and your fellow humans’ abilities to control. This collection of forces also involves cosmic patterns of energy and intentionality from areas of the cosmos beyond your local solar system, for you are a part of a complex cosmic matrix that is your universe.

If we were to use a metaphor, we would say that you, as humanity, are on a great ocean vessel. But many of you are asleep, and there is someone at the helm directing this vessel that should not be there. For many historical and trans-historical reasons, which we won’t go into here, various beings have commandeered your ship.

But, ah, how the tides are turning. More and more of you are waking up, though some, still half-asleep, stagger across the deck as they watch the tempestuous storm of their world changing before them. The Controllers know that many of you are waking up—too many for their comfort.

It is, indeed, an interesting time to be alive!

The current ecological situation in the Gulf is one example of multiple timelines. In spite of your media’s grand attempt to dismiss the situation, many are sensing how dire the situation is, and indeed, there are complications in the Gulf region that are beneath the surface, both literally and figuratively.

In our previous message we addressed several possible timelines for this event. Which of these possible timelines will unfold into your three-dimensional reality is not written in mud or concrete, but is a changeable event or outcome. In this message we wish to discuss how you, the individual, can jump a timeline into a different destiny at a moment’s notice. This can be extrapolated to your civilization also jumping timelines, but that is a topic for another time.

For the moment we wish to turn our attention to you, the individual human and how you can jump from a disastrous timeline—from an outcome you do not wish—to something more benevolent, life-friendly, and full of evolutionary potential.

For the record, there are technological means to jump timelines, but our information here deals with human consciousness, and how you, through the power of your own awareness and intention, can jump timelines. For this endeavor, you already possess two of the greatest treasures in your very own nature—your sovereign will (to make choices) and your capacity to feel. These two, when combined properly will allow you to jump timelines as you so desire, as co-creators of your reality rather than being mere pawns on a chessboard.
The Fundamental Principle

The fundamental principle, for jumping timelines, involves the coordination of a few significant fields of intentionality.

1) You identify the timeline you wish to move into.

2) You shift your vibrational state to match the timeline.

3) You lock in the vibrational state so it does not waver.

4) You take an action that is an expression of the new timeline.

5) Persevere.

In this fifth stage, you must hold the vibrational state of the new timeline you have chosen, making choices coherent with the new timeline and persevering with this despite sensory information to the contrary.

This last phase of perseverance is important, because your current timeline is an accumulation of your beliefs and intentions. Depending upon the strength of these beliefs and intentions, you may have to accumulate a vast amount of energy in order to overcome the set pattern of your life.

The information we are sharing can be used to address any timeline or expression in your life, down to the most mundane situation. In this message however, we will be addressing this methodology for jumping timelines in regards to the ascension process and how you can move into timelines different than the timeline of the culture you are currently residing in.

This is, for some, a revolutionary idea; but for us it is simply a truth about your nature. You are creator gods and goddesses, and this information we are sharing is simply your birthright. We offer it to you at this time with the anticipation and hope that many of you will jump timelines and tilt the keel of the ship you are upon and take the vessel into safe and prosperous waters.

Enough of the metaphors now, let us get to the nuts and bolts of how you jump timelines.

The ascension process, from our perspective, involves the energizing of your second body, your KA, and its elevation in vibration so that it emits more light, eventually becoming the SAHU, the Immortal Energy Body. There are many ways to raise the vibration of one’s KA. Most of your spiritual traditions have their own methods for raising your vibration, unfortunately, many of them are also riddled with dogma, taboos, and quite honestly, interference patterns from thought-forms placed by those who did not and do not desire your freedom, but who profit by your imprisonment.

And, yes, it is sad to say that some of your spiritual traditions—and especially your religions—are insidious traps, and if you are to rise upward in the ascension of your own being, you must separate truth from falsehood. Only you can undertake this task, for it is one of the necessities of mastery. This is a line in the sand of consciousness itself for those who have chosen the ascension of their own being. They become masters of truth and do not step aside from ferreting out falsehood from reality. They are not slaves to dogma. They bow to no one but their own divinity.

From an energetic standpoint, the ascension process begins when your life force, calledSekhem by the ancient Egyptians, begins its ascent up the Djed, or sacred pathway of the chakras. This is ascension in its simplest form. It is the expansion of consciousness and awareness. As your life force enters your higher brain centers and as your KA body becomes energized, you enter another phase of ascension. At this phase, you begin to metabolize light itself. By light we refer to spiritual light, a light that exists in the spiritual realms. This light feeds the KA body and increases its vibration. When the KA body reaches a certain amplitude, or strength of vibration, without wavering, it ignites with a type of etheric fire, turning it into the SAHU, or Immortal Energy Body. This could be viewed as one of the final stages of this particular form of ascension. But what we wish to make very clear is that any movement upward in consciousness and movement of life force up the djed, regardless of the method used, is part of the ascension process.

We wish now to discuss some basic concepts and training strategies that will impart a basic method for jumping timelines. We will then turn our attention to how you can create a new probability for yourself, even in the midst of what appears to be great difficulty. And most importantly, we will explore a significant evolutionary opportunity that exists within your current time node.

One of the first tasks facing you if you are to jump into a different timeline is the transcendence of fear. Most humans fear the unknown, but there is a much more insidious element involved here. The Controllers, those who wish to control your destiny and profit by it, are masters of the projection of fear and they are using vast resources of mind control and hypnosis through the media to convince the masses that there is much to fear. And while there is, quite frankly, some truth to there being reasons for fear, the higher truth is not being revealed.

The higher truth, as we view it, is your capacity to change your reality, your innate ability to use the two treasures of your sovereign will and your capacity to feel as a means to navigate into new timelines. Let us be specific here.

As we mentioned earlier, the type of ascension we are speaking about begins with the simple movement of your life force up the djed, or spine, into your higher brain centers. As this takes place, the energy wheels within your KA body, called chakras, become activated in new ways. This opens windows of new possibilities, and new insights, new forms of inspiration and creativity blossom. But if consciousness is locked into fear, it becomes imprisoned by the lower centers, the impulses for survival, sex, and power.

For various historical and trans-historical reasons, as we alluded to earlier, there has been and continues to be, a collusion to keep humanity locked into the lower centers, to perpetuate fear as a means to control destiny. Thus for any master who chooses the upward path, one of the first hurdles to pass through is the Valley of Fear—the projected thought forms of one’s culture. You must then pass through the portals of limitation that would confine you, to recognize the lies that have been perpetuated, even by some of your most sacred religions.

But let us say that you have the courage and fortitude to undertake such a passage, and let us say, for the sake of example, that the timeline you wish to live in is one of benevolence: loving kindness. Here is how you would do this, remembering that the same principal applies to any timeline you wish to create for yourself.
Preparation and Training

The first step is to identify the timeline you wish to create, that you wish to live in. In this case it is a timeline of loving kindness. The second step is to move into the vibrational state that matches the timeline. In this case, it is the feeling state of loving kindness, so you would, yourself, reside in this state as much as you are capable of. By this we mean you would exhibit loving kindness to others and to yourself.

The third step is locking in the vibrational field, so it does not waver. This is an important aspect of jumping timelines because the old vibrational state has a life of its own. Just because you have chosen to create a new timeline and have stepped into a vibrational state that matches the timeline, is not a guarantee that the timeline will manifest or continue. You must lock the vibrational field in place, for this is what sustains your access to the new timeline.

The first two steps involve your sovereign will. You choose a timeline you want to experience. You choose a vibrational state that matches the timeline. And in the third step—locking in the vibrational state—you use the second treasure of your nature: your capacity to feel.

By feeling the vibrational state you wish to be in, you amplify it; you strengthen it. And if you also include a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude for the vibrational reality, you will hasten its birth.

This simple act of appreciating, or feeling gratitude, for the new timeline catalyzes its reality in ways that boggle the mind. So it is that the two treasures of your nature are joined together in these three steps. The next step requires your sovereign will again. You must persevere, to hold the vision of the new timeline and the vibrational state, regardless of what your senses are telling you. This is the passage where many fail.

The manifesting of a new timeline into your three-dimensional reality requires accumulated energy. If you persist in holding the vision of the new timeline, with the vibrational field (or feeling of it), along with gratitude for it already existing, you will accumulate energy.

The task here is to be true to your vision while paying attention to what the current reality is showing you. It is not about pretending. It is about facing reality as it presents itself to you while simultaneously holding a higher vision. In other words, you deal with the reality of your life while simultaneously holding the vision of a different life. This is the art.

Using our example, if you desire to create a life with more loving kindness, you would move into that vibrational state by exhibiting loving kindness to others. If you were able to also feel gratitude for this vibrational state, it would accelerate the creation of the new timeline.

In reality, there will be a period when you will recognize that not everyone is capable of loving kindness, nor of receiving it for that matter. Your vision will then be refined by the realities of life, and this maturation of your consciousness will take place naturally, as you deal with the realities of your current timeline along with the emergence of your new timeline.

One result from this way of proceeding is that you will become a master of loving kindness and a master in dealing with those who cannot express such vibrational states. Eventually you will experience a life of more loving kindness, where more people express that quality to you and you to them. And when you encounter someone unable to express this quality, you will be more able to deal with him or her without losing this quality in yourself.

Thus would you seed the new timeline and new reality for yourself.

Let us now return to the collective timeline.

As we said earlier time nodes are juncture points where multiple timelines converge, and you can jump from one to the other if you understand how it is done. We just explained the basic principal as it applies to individual timelines. Now let’s discuss how you can jump to a different timeline than that of any given collective.

As paradoxical as it may seem it is quite possible to live a separate timeline, having a different experience of life than those around you.

Let us say that again another way. It is possible to live in heaven while others are living in torment. At the deepest levels of consciousness it is simply a matter of choice.

We do recognize that you have been, and are continuing to be, manipulated by forces that desire to keep you imprisoned. But our choice in this communication is to give you keys to jump out of that imprisonment, not dwelling on the history of it, or the identities of those involved. For, in truth, the true Controllers are unseen by you. They are the Puppet Masters.

As chaotic events escalate you will have many opportunities to jump timelines. Our suggestion is to remember the steps we discussed earlier. You might experiment with this method by choosing to conduct an experiment. Choose something that you would like to unfold as a reality in your life and using the steps we discussed, see what you can create.
Physical and Spiritual Survival

Our essential reason for imparting this message involves something of greater consequence than creating personal desires. This “something” literally has to do with your survival, both physically and spiritually.

As chaotic events escalate, your powers of intuition will be more important to you than ever before.

Some people call them “hunches.” Without knowing how you know, you suddenly knowwhat to do in a situation.

This is how intuition works. In these moments of intuition you are at a juncture point—a time node—where you can jump into a different timeline and a different outcome.

This increase of intuitive receptivity is one of the hallmarks of personal ascension, or the movement upward in consciousness. A more developed intuition has obvious physical survival benefits.

A moment ago we said something that may be paradoxical to some individuals. We said that the ability to jump timelines had both physical and spiritual survival benefits.

What we meant here is that the ability to jump a timeline into a different outcome can result in physical survival in certain situations. By spiritual survival, we mean that there are threats to your spiritual awakening. If you lose track of your own truth, if you lose the two treasures that you possess in your nature—your sovereign will and your capacity to feel—then you are spiritually in danger. Do not lose sight of these treasures in yourself. As chaotic events increase, and they shall—for this is the birthing of a new world—the Controllers will increase their efforts. Be leery of mind-control and of any thought form that limits your sovereign will and your ability to feel, regardless of its origins—even if it comes from one of your “sacred” religions.

Any thought form, no matter how dressed up in sacred garb or political correctness that would limit your sovereign will to choose or your capacity to feel should be avoided. This is a vital necessity for those of you who wish to survive this passage spiritually intact.
The Convergence of Timelines and the Alteration of Probabilities

Let us now turn our attention to the primary reason for this communication. Everything we have said up to this point is background and suggestions for the training of your own consciousness to jump timelines.

But now we turn our attention to two highly significant timelines that exist independently of your creation. They are of a different order of existence. They are not created out of your personal choice. And they exist in diametric opposition to each other.

You exist, as we have said on numerous occasions, in multiple timelines and probabilities simultaneously. One of the timelines you and humanity are living in at this moment is a fulfilling of the prophecies of doom and planetary destruction. This is a very real timeline. But, this is only one possible timeline. You are at a convergence point, a time node, where it is possible to jump from the doomsday probabilities into a new type of Earth and a new order of existence.

This timeline, which we call the New Earth, is a very different dimension of experience than your current reality. In this timeline, Earth is deeply honored and held in gratitude by the bulk of humanity, which understands and appreciates the truth that all life is interconnected.

Here, Earth is not ravaged and exploited for the sake of profit—at the detriment of her very ecosystem. Technologies have been transformed through the elevation of human consciousness. Gone are the life-threatening technologies and life damaging mindsets of your current era. Wars are a thing of the past. The Controllers who exerted negative forces upon your destiny through their manipulation of religion, economics and international affairs have relinquished their power. Life itself is held as sacred, and a new understanding of the sacredness of matter is embraced by humanity. There is no war between Heaven and Earth in this new world.

There are more things that we could say about this timeline, but you have a sense, we hope, of the difference between this timeline and the other that ultimately leads to doom and destruction.

There is one more thing we wish to say about this timeline of the New Earth. It is an attribute that we particularly appreciate. In this new timeline, the veils between the worlds are thin, and there is greater interaction between humans and intergalactic beings—such as ourselves—and with what you might call the devic and spirit worlds.

It is here that we must say it is not our intention to sway you, for we believe in non-intervention. We will not interfere with your free will. However, we are free to point out to you what we see.

In ancient Egypt there was a goddess called Maat, who held a set of scales, and upon death the heart of an Initiate would be placed upon the scales, and a feather would be placed on the other side. If the heart was as light as a feather the Initiate would be given entrance to the heavenly worlds—meaning higher states of consciousness. But if the heart was laden with negativity, regret, and sorrow, the Initiate would have to return to the lower worlds.

In a very real way humanity is at its meeting point with Maat. Every person who believes in the timeline of doom, destruction and horror will add to its reality. Everyone who holds as real the timeline of the New Earth will add to its reality.

You are not powerless in this situation. You hold in your very nature the power of radical change for yourself and the planet—especially for humanity. If you feel a resonance with this timeline of the New Earth, and if you choose to live in this new order of being, you will be adding your weight, so to speak, and helping to tip the scales.

We wish to say something we said earlier, for it is of vital importance. It is possible to live in heaven while those around you live in torment. This has little to do with your location in time and space, but more to do with your vibrational state.

If you feel the truth of what we are saying and choose to align with this New Earth, we welcome you to a new timeline and a new destiny.

Our suggestion is to go over the steps of how to jump timelines we gave earlier, and to begin the grand experiment. Enter the timeline of the New Earth and prepare yourself for the miraculous.

Finally—let the Earth speak to you. Let her caress you and transfer to you her deepest knowledge and wisdom. She shall be a great ally in the coming changes.

We shall give further information about jumping timelines and the New Earth in future communications. But for now, we hope you have a basic understanding of how to proceed.

As always, even in the midst of such great difficulties as you now face, we hold a higher vision for you, the human family. We see your hidden greatness, even though you may not see it yourself. We hold a light in this hour of darkness. It is just a reminder of the great light you hold within yourself. It is time to free this light within you. Future generations will be blessed by your ascent. May it be so.

The Hathors
August 3, 2010
Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

Several things caught my eye in this communication. First of all they used a term, trans-historical, which I had never heard before. When I asked them about this, they said it described a way of looking at certain types of intergalactic influences that transcend linear time. Thus, the influences they were speaking about were generated outside of time, as we understand it, but then showed up in our time line from pre-history until the present moment. I don’t completely understand all of what they are saying here. I am just passing it on.

Since they emphasized the significance of time nodes so many times and belabored the point of how to jump from one timeline to another, I asked them what the duration was for this current time node. According to them, this time node is highly significant because it contains multiple convergences of possible/probable timelines that will affect our planet and our destiny as a species. Two of the timelines they specifically mentioned were a timeline that fulfills the prophecies of planetary purification and destruction running along with a timeline that leads to a new more benevolent future, a timeline they referred to as the New Earth.

So when did this time node begin and when will it end? According to them, this particular time node of polar opposite destinies emerged into our 3D reality in July of this year and will continue in various permutations through July of 2013.

Please note, they are not saying that the New Earth timeline came into existence during this time node. In point of fact, according to them, this benevolent timeline has been going on for quite some time. But the polar opposite timelines of planetary destruction versus planetary renewal are now moving very close to each other (the time node aspect). Thus, if one knows how to jump timelines, it is much easier to do when the timeline you desire is so close to the one you are on.

The significance of this time node is that humanity is at a choice point regarding which timeline it will experience as a collective reality. And according to the Hathors, the reality that will prevail is being anchored through the choices we are now making, both as individuals and as a collective.

In this message, the Hathors have imparted a basic method for jumping timelines, which, as they indicated, is primarily information for those of us who choose to live in a different and more benevolent reality than the increasingly surrealistic and life-negative reality that humanity is currently living in.

The Training and Preparation section of their message can certainly be used as a method for personal manifesting. Indeed, those who are experienced with these types of matters would most likely consider this information to be Manifesting 101. But the simplicity of the method belies its profundity. The Hathors are masters at simplification of complex concepts and techniques, and this one is no different. However, their reason for sharing this basic method is not for manifesting desires, though it will work for this purpose; it is rather to present a method that will allow us to radically shift planetary realities— if not for the greater collective of our human family, then at least for ourselves.

I loved the metaphor they chose to describe our current situation—as a ship at sea. Indeed, our situation reminds me of what happened on the Titanic as it was sinking. The ship had hit an iceberg and the lower levels of the vessel were filling with water. At first they tried to hide the danger from those on the upper decks. And so the party went on, complete with orchestra, until the end was obvious.

In the manipulated media-hype of our consumer obsessed culture, few are pointing out that our ship, the S.S. Western Civilization, is severely listing to one side, or that it is sitting dangerously low in the water.

The Hathors believe that if enough people jump timelines, leaving the prophetic timeline of planetary destruction behind, and instead, enter the more benevolent and life-affirming reality of what they call the New Earth, many of the disastrous prophecies regarding our planet will not come to pass.

But they are also clear that even if the collective does not shift into a higher destiny, something remarkable will happen for those of us who have the courage to live a different reality than the one that is being impressed upon us by our current culture. “It is possible to live in heaven while those around you live in torment.”

There is something else in this latest message that I consider to be of vital importance—especially for those of us who are actually going to attempt jumping timelines. And this “something” has to do with our human capacity for delusional or “magical thinking.” In case you aren’t aware of that term, magical thinking is a thinking disorder in which the person believes that just by thinking something, it is real or can be made real without any effort on his or her part.

There is, in my opinion, a highly toxic element in New Age thinking that encourages denial as a means to cope with certain difficulties in life (i.e., magical thinking). And to be sure, the current and escalating insanity of our world is increasingly difficult for many of us to cope with. But if someone reading this thinks that denial is an acceptable means to deal with the realities of our current timeline, I wish to point out that the Hathors are saying something quite to the contrary.

Part of the art of jumping timelines is to hold the vision and vibrational signature of the timeline we wish to experience. But at the same time, we need to pay attention to the actual realities of the timeline we are on. This is living between the worlds, and this is the type of mastery the Hathors are calling us to.

I suspect that many of us who choose to jump timelines (myself included) will encounter a learning curve, where we fall short of being able to leap to the new timeline and/or fail to sustain it. This is completely normal when learning a new skill, and yes, this is essentially a new skill—albeit a profound one. So my advice to all of us neophyte timeline-jumpers is to be gentle with ourselves, leave self-judgment behind, and enter into this type of learning experience with a good sense of humor. After all, the whole thing is, from at least one perspective, a grand cosmic joke.

How we navigate the realities of a transforming (some would say dying) civilization, while keeping our hearts and minds on the timeline we wish to live in, will undoubtedly become an art form.

And so… to my fellow Artists of the Living Mystery, to those of you who are enamored with the vision, and who have the courage to jump, I raise my cup to you.

I salute you and the great undertaking we are about to engage, which is nothing short of the ascent upward into our own highest qualities as spiritual beings living a human experience.

Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Tom Kenyon

Read more…

After intense experiences with the new hathor meditation my best friend brent, was contacted in meditation, I began asking questions and she was channeling her energy through him for he says all he remembers of a
four hour period, 2am-6am last night, he only remembers the first hour or so of
questions/experiences, he was viewing us speaking from different angles in my
bedroom, so much was said and I know I must speak my truth but for now I will
simply convey a small portion of this “great gathering” of an experience! Thank
you for allowing me the space to share! Namaste!

Here is some notes we wrote down

when we woke up in the morning we had forgotten large chunks of what happened but still remember most of it, though my friend brent only remembers being in that place with her for an extended amount of time.

I just kept asking questions, its like they kept coming and she was willing to tell me anything to make me more comfortable with her presence... anyway heres what we got as of now...

Anderan (her name)

She is extremely beautiful with blue eyes , intelligent and funny. Full of so much love and compassion.White Dress. Played in forest and hid behind tiny trees"

She had a very very positive outlook and brent and
I’s immediate future stating that ascension is very very soon for us.

We will
be in full knowing and merged with our Original Blueprint with full Galactic
human abilities of creation and that we’re moving into a universally peace
based community to spread and share love and light(information)

the smarter you
are the more light you have.

I felt like she suggested continue educating and
increasing in knowledge aka light.

The Hathors are in alignment with our
highest good and the meditation.

At first it was hard to see her, her radiation
was so bright, soon she turned down the light and she had really light skin no
make up
She didn’t have any shoes, and had long blonde curly hair

It felt like she dressed that way to make me more comfortable.

She said I could transcribe the channeling on the computer if it made me more comfortable. She said that she’ll be back. She kept speaking from a collective unity based perspective.

We went to sleep and in the morning –noon we attempted “mentorship”, if you will, through a gratitude meditation that is truly mind expanding / heart expanding, what a feeling it is to feel gratitude for the earth for my
own physical heart for the pineal gland for the point way above my head, this
has been so amazing thus I am truly grateful!

So I typed this before we started meditating…

I am open I am ready I am here guide me

I seek higher truth and KNOW it is my birthright and I believe that with 100% of my being. So be it.


“Do not seek the experiences you will receive naturally.” (it didn’t seem like she said to give up) just know they are your birthright???

“Don’t stay on one thing” (it was an expansion of conciousness)ie. (Being interdimensional?)

“The amount of acceptance we have toward her doesn’t shock her she has seen it she has watched us build our society and watched us build our beliefs.”

T here is a Reoccurring image of her taking my hand and suddenly being in the brightest light

“Her family is far closer to us then we know,

You can take that by location or by time”

“What the human race must understand is it is not a certain point drawn out on a map it is not a scheduled time, it happens when humanity wants it to”

Were going through forest and she keeps ducking behind trees and my movement is in total alignment or resonance/harmony with her, as if we were one

Can we see you in the physical , we asked.

“If you can catch me” with a big smile referring to a question I asked about her physical contacts with brent and I.

There are certain aspects of her llife she is trying to hint to me.

When I asked about her planet she said “…Our?”

There aspects of our life that we need to better recognize, not only our future selfs but our subconscious self, the subconscious self will place you in key situatons, because every movement that your subconscious
makes, you know whats going to happen in the end

There are things that are seen that cannot be taken as a literal.

waiting on something so literal so, so physical

There Is meaning in the smallest things

….Pulling sensation to a location…

When I am around her every single little thing she does makes me feel not only more comfortable, the way she makes it feel makes it so much easier to believe, it feels she is here to cater to my knowing

The forest doesn’t feel like its literal, they are little and dense, she passes through them easily, and he is having to duck and dodge

The forest is your mind the trees are small distractions from the truth and small things that aren’t in alignment. If the forest were gone there would be a field

She kept leading me toward the end of the forest, she knew there was something at the end of the forest that I was not aware of.

To everyone, there was so much more that was said that I didn’t write down, I was so filled with intense emotions, excitement, and just the increased joy of being…

I KNOW this is only the beginning and she is always there…

(when I say she I also mean her and her family, she seems to speak as one with them, but still individuated)

Also, brent says she wouldnt stop smiling and just for the record she spoke telepathically and her mouth didnt move except when she smiled, and just how extremely beautiful she was..

Also, brent says she wouldnt stop smiling and just for the record she spoke telepathically and her mouth didnt move except when shesmiled, and just how extremely beautiful she was..

I asked about the fake alien invasion, she says "Seriously how long will you allow that to control you, and i said not onemoment!!!! She says exactly. there is nothing to fear her and her peoples mainmessage was for the upliftment and empowerment of all people!!! the main pointi felt was this: Remember who you truly are. remember who you are, you havepowers. gifts, tools of manifestation and creation through your emotions sincetruly all is in one and one in all, I am the great I am and so are you and thisknowing is my power, my light, and we are all one, all the creator and no thingcan imfringe upon your free will unless you accept it. LOOK AT THEDISTRACTIONS. From her perspective i can see how she sees most things as adistraction from higher truth, and what is that? knowing of who you are,embodying the light, raising in frequency.

if i could look at another way they view thier involvement... they are here to anchor in a frequency to help in the planetaryascent.

I asked about those thats energies is or wont adjust (the dark T-shirts)

nothing is wasted the universe draws all light back to itself, can you imagine giving birth to children on a new earth a 5th densityplanet ... where will those souls come from, several other paralellpotentials...

Can you feel this?

Tonight around 11-12am i was looking up at the starconstellation of pleiades and directing gratitude for the shared informationand love i was gifted.
Immediately a ball of light manifest some distanceto the right of the cluster and went super fast a distance and dissapeared on the left of thepleiades star cluster like in a almost curved line? I felt excitement and joy.
Thank you for allowing me to share my experienceswith you.
I do not use my body for limitation and allpossibilites are open to me for i am guided by a divine intelligence and eventhe smallest thing has a much much higher meaning, so be it!!!
Love you all Brothers and Sisters (wink)

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The purpose of this world meditation is two-fold. The first is to activate and open your personal access to your own higher mind, symbolized by the metaphorical term “The Halls of Amenti.” The purpose of this personal activation is to bring to you the gifts ofyour own higher mind—new creative thought, joined with wisdom, for the elevation ofyour own life and the elevation of your relationships, as well as your community through the mysterious arising of personal courage and inspiration. These shall be the gifts that come to you when you open your own Halls of Amenti, meaning your own Higher Mind.

The second meaning of the term “Halls of Amenti” refers to the energetic work we shall be undertaking on the behalf of all humanity and future generations. It is an energetic that will operate independently of you, and does not involve you, nor does it involve the group that will be gathered in Seattle.

The action of Opening the Halls of Amenti will involve multi-dimensional energies that we will engage during the twenty-four hour period we mentioned above, and especially during the one-hour period while the group in Seattle is in meditation. We shall orchestrate these extraordinary multi-dimensional resources to open the actual Halls of Amenti that reside in the etheric realms, and whose physical anchor is beneath the Giza Plateau in Egypt. This shall be done for the courage and inspiration of all mankind, and to bring forward new understandings, and new technologies joined with wisdom for the elevation of all life.

For those of you who choose to enter into this meditation, time and space shall be transcended, and you shall fly on the wings of your own higher natures.

The Hathors
October 11, 2010

Note: This Hathor message contains instructions for a potent energy meditation called The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti. You can use this meditation for great personal benefit whenever you wish. However, the instructions for this energetic process are being released at this time for those who choose to participate in a Hathor World Activation Meditation that will take place on October 31st 2010. A group will be gathered in Seattle, Washington at this time, to engage the meditation. This information is for those who are unable to attend the full workshop, but would like to participate in the meditation with others from around the world.

Through the meditation we are about to convey, you can access higher levels of creativity, innate within you, and gain access to what we refer to as your Higher Mind—which is simply an aspect of your consciousness that extends beyond the constraints of your awareness as it is currently experienced within the constraints of time and space. This Higher Mind—this interdimensional aspect of your consciousness—is a potential source of immense inspiration, wisdom, insight and creativity.

The Crystal Palace Within refers to the pineal gland because part of its structure is crystalline in nature. These small calcite crystals have piezoelectric properties that can respond to the higher realms of light. By activating these crystalline potentials within your pineal gland you open a portal to your Higher Mind, which can bring to you, and humanity, an influx of creativity, insight and solutions to personal and collective problems.

The mediation has three phases.

First Phase

The first phase involves activating the heart chakra and entering into a heartfelt resonance with the Earth. This link through your heart connects you to Earth’s wisdom and the process of ascent that your planet is evolving through. This is done through yourfeeling nature, specifically through sending appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth herself.

This is a very important aspect to this particular meditation because Earth’s energy is vaster than yours. It can help stabilize you in this process, and it links you into the progression of ascent that your planet is passing through.

In this phase of the meditation you place the focus of your attention in your heart chakra, located in the center of your chest and feel appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth for life itself. Depending upon your level of development some of you will simply rest in this feeling of appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth.

Others of you may actually feel these energies flowing from you into the Earth.

Other persons with advanced interdimensional abilities may find themselves floating in space, sending their appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth from this vantage point and/or from a highly expanded state of being. So there are vast numbers of ways to experience this.

This phase is also an energetic transformation of a collective thought form held by humanity. This thought form is the belief that Earth can be used, even abused, for mankind’s own purposes without regard for its affects on other life forms.

This thought form must be removed and transformed if humanity is to survive the passage that is now upon you, and so when you undertake this simple act of sending appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth, you are simultaneously linking into the ascent of Earth and contributing to the transformation of this highly destructive thought form: that you have dominion and power over the Earth.

In the New Earth, stewardship will be the keynote, along with an understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and an honoring of Earth herself.

Second Phase

After you have dwelled within this vibratory field of appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth for at least five minutes, you shift your attention from your heart center to the pineal gland in the center of your head and listen to the Pineal Gland Attunement.

This particular sound meditation is a little over five minutes long, and was specifically created to assist you in activating unused potentials within the crystalline structure of your own pineal gland.

The sounds you will hear are analogs to fluctuations in the light realms. They fine-tune the receptivity and subtle perceptual abilities of this gland. It is very much like switching on an antennae and then tuning it to the higher realms of light and to what we have referred to earlier as your Higher Mind.

For the entire duration of this sound meditation, this Attunement, your awareness is simply in the center of your head, in the area of your pineal gland. There is nothing to do other than to keep your attention in this area. When your mind wanders, you bring it back to the pineal gland.

Let the sounds resonate and activate this area of your brain. Again, depending upon your level of awareness, some of you may simply experience subtle, undefined shifts in this area. Others may experience complex geometries of light. Others may experience themselves outside themselves observing actual fluctuations of energy within the pineal gland. There are many other possible perceptual perspectives as well.

The important thing in this phase is to “not try” to make anything happen. Just allow it to unfold. After this phase of the meditation is complete you move to the third and final stage, which we refer to as Opening the Halls of Amenti.

Third Phase

We are using the term, Halls of Amenti, in two ways. The first refers to an etheric storehouse of information that lies beneath the Sphinx in Cairo, Egypt. The second use of the term means to enter into a high vibrational state of mind through which you make contact with your own Higher Mind. This second view is the one to hold while engaging this particular meditation.

This phase of the meditation gives you direct access to your Higher Mind and its vast potentials. Unlike the other two phases of the meditation, in this phase your awareness is in multiple places simultaneously.

We will present these in order. Some persons will be able to hold only one point at any given moment. Others will be able to hold more than one point of awareness simultaneously. Simply hold as many points as you are capable of. If you continue to use this method you will eventually develop the ability to hold multiple points of awareness simultaneously, and this ability (to hold multiple perspectives at the same time) is a powerful training method for developing interdimensional awareness.

The first and primary point of focus is to an area we refer to as the BA point. This is not where your Celestial Soul or Higher Self if located; this is simply an energetic entry point. The BA refers to your Celestial Soul, or in some ways of viewing it, your Higher Self. If you were to physically raise your hands above your head, where your fingers touch would be the BA point. (Please do note that in this meditation, you are not actually holding your hands above your head. This is simply for reference only.)

In this final phase of the meditation your awareness is at the BA point and you send appreciation, or gratitude to this aspect of yourself that is outside of time and space. Specifically you are sending appreciation, or gratitude for the influx of wisdom, insight, creativity and inspiration, as well as possible solutions to problems you may be facing.

This is a very important part of this phase. The harmonic—the vibrational signature—of appreciation, or gratitude activates the BA, your Celestial Soul or Higher Self. Through this action you are opening a portal to your Higher Mind, and you are also bringing to an end another limiting negative thought form that has plagued humanity for eons.

This thought form is nothing less than the belief that you are separate from your own divinity—that somehow you are less than and do not deserve to receive the gifts of your own godhead.

This thought form was introduced to control you through your religions. It is a highly limiting and damaging thought form, for it denies you access to your higher wisdom,your spiritual vision, your ability to discern truth from falsehood and your abilities to change your reality, as you desire.

We cannot emphasize enough how insidious this limiting thought form is, nor can we emphasize enough how significant an action it is for you to hold this new thought form (that there is no separation from you and your own Celestial Soul, Higher Self or Divinity) in place while you send your appreciation, or gratitude to your BA.

You are not asking, pleading, begging or praying to your Celestial Soul, to your Higher Self or to a god. You are simply opening a conduit to another part of your own being. As you continue in this phase you will feel a response from your Celestial Soul—a movement from the BA point down into the pineal gland.

This is the descent of energy from your Higher Mind along with insights and empowerments into that aspect of your being you know as your body and mind. These empowerments are in the form of spiritual light patterns, which you may or may not consciously be aware of.

As you allow the descent of energy from the BA point to continue, your second point of focus includes the pineal gland, allowing the downward movement of energy from the Celestial Soul into the crystalline structure of the pineal gland itself.

If you are capable, simultaneously bring into your awareness a third point, your heart chakra in the center of your chest, so that the influx moves from the Celestial Soul into the pineal gland and into the heart center. At this moment, send appreciation, or gratitude to your Celestial Soul, to your BA, for the revelation of your own Higher Mind.

Finally for those of you who are more advanced, place your awareness at a fourth point, which is in the very center of the Earth itself, so that the influx of your Higher Mind flows from the Celestial Soul into your pineal gland, into your heart chakra and down into the center of the Earth.

Don’t concern yourself with how many points of reference you can hold; holding the first point, which is the BA point, is enough to begin with.

As we said earlier, if you continue with this meditation, you will eventually be able to hold more points of awareness simultaneously. The purpose of this meditation is to activate unused potentials and abilities within your interdimensional nature, and to give you access to your own Higher Mind, which you can then use to infuse your life with new insights, new understanding, new forms of inspiration, and new creative solutions to problems you may be facing (either individually or collectively).

Due to the fact that you are connected to all life, as you open yourself to the potentials of your own Higher Mind, you help your fellow humans to also accomplish this as well.

We are presenting this meditation at this time for those of you who wish to join us when we do the planetary activation on Sunday, October 31st of this year, 2010.

We ask that you go through this process many times before the actual event, so that you are quite familiar with it and have mastered it to some degree.

On October 31st at 3 pm Pacific Daylight Savings, those of us who are gathered for the event in Seattle will enter into this meditation. You are invited to join us wherever you may be in the world. Through a common vibrational state (appreciation, or gratitude) we shall transcend time and space together. We shall enliven the Crystal Palace Within, and we shall Open the Halls of Amenti for the benefit of your selves, and for the benefit of humanity.


In summary, this meditation that we call The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti, takes approximately 15 minutes. The first five minutes are spent sending appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth, with the understanding that you are also amplifying a thought form and adding it into the planetary grid—a counterweight to the destructive thought form that humanity has dominion and power over the Earth. You are replacing this insidious thought form with a new one—humans are both co-creators with Earth and stewards of life.

After you have spent at least five minutes in this vibrational field of appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth, you move into the second phase, which takes a little over five minutes. This involves listening to the Pineal Gland Attunement, letting the sound do the work for you, simply keeping your awareness in the center of your head.

In the third phase, which will take five minutes, your awareness moves to the BA point, above the head. During this phase you send appreciation, or gratitude to your Celestial Soul, your Higher Self, opening a conduit to your own Higher Mind, understanding that through this action you are not only opening the connection to a higher aspect of yourself, but you are also simultaneously transforming a negative thought form held by humanity.

This thought form is that you are less than your own godhead, and that you do not deserve direct access, but require an intermediary. From our perspective, you require no person, no entity or organization to be an intermediary between you and your own Higher Self, your own Godhead, your own Divinity.

During this phase you allow an influx of energy to move down from your Higher Mind, which is accessed through your Celestial Soul, your Higher Self, into the pineal gland. If you are capable of holding more points of focus, allow this influx to move into your heart chakra in the center of your chest and finally into the center of the Earth.

The timing of this meditation is both propitious and portentous. You are at a critical passage in Earth’s ascent. You are not powerless in the midst of the growing chaos that is around you—far from it. You have powers and abilities within you that await your command.

The Hathors
Baja, Mexico
August 29, 2010

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

The first thing that struck me about this latest message from the Hathors is their act of naming two highly injurious thought forms that are affecting our world culture.

In their opinion, these two thought forms are a type of mental/emotional and spiritual poison that is affecting our very selves and the world we live in.

The first of these thought forms perpetuates the belief that we have dominion over the Earth and that she can be used and abused as we wish. Part of the underpinnings of our current worldwide ecological crisis can be traced directly to this thought form that is expressed most succinctly in the book of Genesis. Recently I read some writings by scholars suggesting that the King James translation of this text was actually a misinterpretation of the particular scriptural passage in question (Genesis 1:26-28). But misrepresented or not, it has fueled a human arrogance that underlies much of our philosophy as well as our cultural, scientific, and technological attitudes. The injury from this thought form is affecting our very ecosystem, the very fabric of life itself.

The second injurious thought form they addressed also traces its roots back to religion. This is the belief that we are somehow separated from our own Higher Self, Divinity, Godhead or whatever name you wish to call it. The end result of this thought form is that we are banished from the realms of light and spirit by our own self-condemnation. The Hathors are very clear about their attitude regarding this thought form. There is, in their opinion, no separation between us and our Celestial Souls, our Higher Selves, or our Divinity (again, whatever names you wish to call it). We need no intermediary between us, and our divine nature. And the perpetuation of this belief in our unworthiness to receive the gifts of the light realms actually prevents us from receiving the grace and healing that is our very birthright. This type of healing grace from the light realms is streaming to us from another aspect of ourselves, not from a force outside of us.

The Meditation: The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti

Phase One

In Phase One of the meditation, when you send appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth from your heart chakra (in the center of your chest), you do this with the understanding that Earth is something of immense value to be cherished and protected, not something to be subdued and robbed.

The Hathors view the two words, appreciation and gratitude, as different from each other. Appreciation is just that, appreciation for something, in this case for Earth and life itself. Gratitude, however, is a much deeper and stronger feeling than mere appreciation. Some persons are not capable of feeling gratitude due to various reasons. But most persons can at least feel appreciation, which is why the Hathors gave these two options. If you feel gratitude to the Earth and the mystery of life, wonderful, go with that feeling. If you can only feel appreciation, that is not a problem. Go with that feeling and eventually it may turn into gratitude.

This First Phase of the meditation lasts five minutes. This is so that you can enter into the vibratory signature of appreciation, or gratitude and link yourself energetically to the wisdom and presence of Gaia.

This can be done in silence or with music. I have chosen to post the first five minutes ofWorlds Ascending from my latest CD, Ascension Codes, because, for me, it invokes a feeling of joy and connectedness. At the end of this message you will find a link to this audio file and you may use it, for your personal use during this meditation. (Please honor my requests on the Sound Gifts page of my web site and do not use this music for other purposes.)

Phase Two

In Phase Two of the meditation, you shift your attention from your heart chakra to your pineal gland located in the center of your head. The Hathors call this phase of the meditation The Crystal Palace Within, which utilizes a Pineal Gland Attunement sound meditation that lasts 5:47 minutes. All you do in this phase of the meditation is to keep the focus of your attention in the center area of your head where your pineal gland resides. For more information about this unique sound meditation go to the Chaotic Nodes and Dimensional Attunements, posted on October 8th 2009.

Third Phase

In the Third and final Phase of this meditation, you open your own Halls of Amenti, to use the Hathors’ terminology. It is here that you open an inner portal to your own Higher Mind, a source of wisdom, insight, creativity and inspiration from the higher realms of your own being. It is important to realize that this access is to an interdimensional aspect of yourself. It is not something outside of you, although in our normal states of consciousness it may appear that way to most of us.

The Hathors have given several points of focus for you to experiment with. Most beginners will need to stay with one point of focus, but as the Hathors point out, if you work with this meditation over time, you will eventually be able to hold multiple points of focus simultaneously. Their directions on how to work with these points of focus are pretty clear, I think, so I won’t discuss them further.

This final phase of the meditation lasts five minutes, and as with the first phase it can be done in silence. For those of you who are supported by the use of catalytic sound (like me), I suggest listening to the same five-minute audio file from Worlds Ascending that I chose for the First Phase of the Meditation.

After this final phase of the meditation, I suggest you take some time to rest and just be with yourself to feel and sense the subtle energetics that will unfold after the meditation is complete.

The meditation is also a highly effective tool for accessing higher levels of your own consciousness. And, as such, it can be engaged regularly for great personal benefit. As with all powerful energetic processes, be careful to not over stimulate yourself. If you experience too much energy for your comfort, or if the mind-altering effects continue into your daily life to a distracting degree, back off from doing the meditation for a while, and then put more time between meditation sessions.

The Crystal Palace Within: An energy-meditation

This is a powerful, yet gentle, energy meditation that was created to facilitate access to higher states of consciousness and awareness.

A detailed description of the meditation and how to engage it can be found in a Hathor Planetary Message entitled: The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti.

If you wish to experience this meditation, it is strongly suggested that you read the entire article before listening. There are several phases to this meditation and each phase is critical to the effectiveness of the energetic process.

There are three separate audio tracks that comprise this audio file. The first and third tracks are identical, last five minutes each, and are the first portion of Worlds Ascending, from my CD, Ascension Codes.

The middle track is 5:47 minutes long and was created to activate unused potentials within the crystalline structures of the listener’s pineal gland. This piece is called thePineal Gland Dimensional Attunement.

When you download this audio file, you will see that there are three (3) separate tracks. Each track is separated by about 5 seconds of silence. When one track ends and another begins, it is a signal to shift into a new phase of the meditation as described in the instructions article, noted above.

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BE Inspired! In-spirit; know thyself.

"Presence is simply what happens when you transcend thinking" - Eckhart Tolle

“Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself. Your body and mind will become clear and you will realize the unity of all things.” Dogen

'Love nothing but that which comes to you woven in the pattern of
your destiny. For what could more aptly fit your needs?'
- Marcus Aurelius

'If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due
to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have
the power to revoke at any moment.'
- Marcus Aurelius
Don't just believe in miracles...
...depend on them –Max Stein
If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it. -William Arthur Ward
As a Man thinketh in his heart, so is he. -Proverbs 23:7

" To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in that suffering if there is any point in living there must also be a point in suffering and dying" Viktor E. Frankl

"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."-Marcus Antonius (A.D. 86-161)
"The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well."-Hippocrates
When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills (Chinese proverb)
Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom (Lao Tse)
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now. (Goethe)
If not now, when? (The Talmud) Thank you for allowing me to share my light :)
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Every Deeping In Presence, In The Present.

Lakota Proverb

“Tell me, and I will listen.Show me, and I will understand.Involve me, and I will learn.”

'If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due

to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have

the power to revoke at any moment.'

- Marcus Aurelius

The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly—you usually don't use it at all. It uses you.

all the things that truly matter — beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace — arise from beyond the mind

All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness

Emotion arises at the place where mind and body meet. It is the body's reaction to your mind — or you might say, a reflection of your mind in the body

It wasn't through the mind, through thinking, that the miracle that is life on earth or your body were created and are being sustained

You may not yet be able to bring your unconscious mind activity into awareness as thoughts, but it will always be reflected in the body as an emotion, and of this you can become aware.

Love, joy, and peace cannot flourish until you have freed yourself from mind dominance

Pleasure is always derived from something outside you, whereas joy arises from within

Pain is inevitable as long as you are identified with your mind

"Nobody’s life is entirely free of pain and sorrow. Isn’t it a question of learning to live with them rather than trying to avoid them?

The greater part of human pain is unnecessary.

It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life

To live, is to suffer, to SURVIVE, is to find meaning in that suffering; if there is any point in living, there must also, too, be a point in suffering and in dying. - which, to me , from my perspectives allowes me to realize everything no matter what it is, is happening for a reason and there is a DEEP spiritual lesson within it.

The pain that you create now is always some form of nonacceptance, some form of unconscious resistance to what is. On the level of thought, the resistance is some form of judgment. On the emotional level, it is some form of negativity. The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of resistance to the present moment, and this in turn depends on how strongly you are identified with your mind.

Thank you for allowing me to share my light.

To meditate is to listen and recieve from the god-source.

To Pray is to talk to the God-source and ask for answers. Becoming still allows the answers to be recieved without even knowing youo have been given a gift; for later use!
Drink the sweet nectar of the moment and bathe in the abundance of presence; in the present. :D

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ONENESS :) from my heart to yours...

Timothy Leary
One of the more spectacular discoveries in quantum physics demonstrates the ability of Information to travel faster than the speed of light.-timothy leary

Futurist Gregg Braden recently described three fascinating experiments . . .

A Russian scientist working in the US created a vacuum in which a small number of photons were randomly dispersed. He then introduced a strand of DNA, and after a while the photons lined up along side the DNA, exactly mirroring it's spiral shape. When the DNA was removed, the photons remained in their spiral form.

In another experiment, the US military took a DNA sample from a donor. The donor watched various videos of emotional situations. Observations of both DNA in the donor and the donor's DNA sample in a distant location recorded identical reactions to the videos at the exact same time.

In a third experiment, people expressly trained to focus and project emotive expressions "threw" various emotions at DNA samples. Samples receiving "positive" emotions (love, compassion, appreciation, etc.) visibly lengthened, seemingly relaxing as the spiral form unwound. Samples receiving "negative" emotions (hate, rage, anger) visibly contracted, seemingly tensing up in reaction to the stimulus. Researchers in this experiment recorded what they believe to be low levels of nuclear fusion, biological fusion, seemingly a power source generated from within the cell that was not the product of burning fuel (food digestion).

This faster-than-light quantum connection between physical objects, this "action at a distance" or "non-locality" demonstrates a form of communication so radical in it's implications that many modern physicists are afraid of entering the discussion for fear of appearing heretical. Think of the Catholic church forbidding the knowledge of the orbit of the planets because science threatened to dismantle religious tenets. What happens when the American Medical Association finds itself in the same quandary when physicists tell doctors that a thought can heal. Imagine the Church, as well, again on the defensive when learning that a concept of God is not necessary to explain the power of healing prayers.
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