LIVE KRYON CHANNELLINGHi everyone, from most precious Kryon. Embracing all in Pure White Source Light, FredarickaLIVE KRYON CHANNELLING"Attributes of the Shift" live channelling was Given in Moscow, RussiaMay 23, 2009To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto, to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. In addition, this channelling was also given in a place where Russian language was being translated back and forth. Short sentences have been altered to make it more readable. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Moscow in May 2009.From Lee Carroll: Here is a message for Moscow that is very similar to the message given only a few weeks later in Sedona, Arizona. Both of these messages will appear in this channelling section of the web site. This message is about the shift. The Sedona message is about becoming quantum. There is new and different information in each one, and also similar information and metaphors. If you see it repeated, know that those are the most profound things that Kryon sees for us today. This one seems like a shorter message, since what you are missing is the Russian translation. The USA message in Sedona will be more complete.----------------------Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Can you feel it here? There is a sweet energy in this place. It's a sweet energy... something that is heartfelt, not mind-felt. Questions have sometimes been asked, "Kryon, do you know where you are?" Oh, yes. I'm at a place where I'm saying goodbye to many minds and many faces at the moment. Some feel they may not see me again [speaking of this being the last channeling in Moscow for the seminar]. However, they really don't understand. They would connect my partner's channelling to me, never understanding that I walk with each one of them. I am not an entity to be worshipped. I am an energy of home. I've been with you from the beginning, since the first breath, and I'll continue until the last breath. That's the connection that each one of you has with God while on Earth. There will be some teaching today, but the real teaching is the question: How big can you open your hearts? How much can youreally receive? Can you leave differently than you came.There is a big shift at hand. Yesterday we spoke of it and we concentrated on a portion of it that was consciousness. We spoke of the question of if the shift was for everyone or was it for a few. We spoke of Human choice. We gave you the metaphor of moving from the spiritual winter to spiritual summer, and we showed you that the shift is happening everywhere. We also told you it's up to the Human Beings to open the door and go outside. It's a metaphor that means that the Human Being can accept it or not. This means that the shift is happening, but humanity has the choice to see it or not. Nowhere is this more evident than in what I'm going to discuss next.We have hinted at something now for 20 years. DNA is changing. I'm going to concentrate again on this, and it is the reason I'm here. DNA is changing in a way that's going to be mysterious to some since it will enable processes in the Human body that you didn't even know you had. However, these processes will not be activated unless there is consciousness involved, doing it.Human BiologyI must speak about biology. I don't want to be too complex, but I must explain it to those who do not fully understand. One of the most complex shifts of this new energy is taking place within your chemistry. It is a real shift, and a real change. Your DNA is complex. It has three billion parts in it, yet less than five percent of it creates tens of thousands of genes that are the instruction sets for the Human body. Ninety percent of your DNA is totally quantum. But as we said yesterday, these are the quantum instructions that speak to the 3D chemistry in the smaller percentage. So the 3D chemistry in your DNA is not going to appear to change, but what you can do with it will. Think of the less than 10 percent being the engine that makes the genes, and the rest of it as being the instructions to the engine. The instructions are what are changing.This is accomplished through magnetics, one of the most powerful and dynamic forces for life change on your planet. This was hinted at even in the first Kryon transcription in book one. It is what brought the doctor into the fold [Dr. Todd Ovokaitys]. For he read about the magnetic resonances of the parts in the Kryon transcription and realized that I was describing what he had discovered. You have heard that I am the magnetic master. You thought perhaps it had something to do with the grid of the planet? Not really. It has to do with DNA, which is also magnetic, and the life force of the earth.When you rearrange some of the magnetic resonances of the quantum parts of DNA, you activate potential. "Big words, Kryon, but what does it mean?" I'm going to save some of the technical explanations for science sessions, and this is not a science session. I'm going to give you some information that's going to seem unbelievable: Your Human body is perfect, and depending upon the energy of the planet, the instruction set for your DNA changes. You are headed for one of the highest vibratory rates the planet has seen, and it's all part of the shift that I spoke of yesterday. This new vibration begins to change the actual chemistry of cellular structure due to the quantum instructions. Did you ever wonder about the cells of your body? Did you ever think perhaps they don't work well? On a scale of one to 10 for what the Human Being is capable of, right now on the planet, you are a three. The body is capable of a 10. You're about ready to move to a six.Listen to this. The body is capable of so much, but it doesn't do a very good job. Your immune system lets so much disease in! It's tricked by so many viruses and really doesn't do very well. Does that sound like a divine plan to you? Do you ever sit back and say, "Who designed this? The viruses that often appear on the planet seemingly overnight take hold so quickly, and the Human body can't even recognize them. What kind of an immune system is that?" You'd be right to ask that question. The answer? Not a very good one. It's working at 30 percent, that's why.How would you like an immune system that would block almost everything that came in, one that couldn't be tricked by viruses that destroy life. It wouldn't let them reproduce. Did you know that that is potentially what is in your DNA's abilities? The reason it's 30 percent is the energy of the planet developed to 30 percent. With the addition of intent and free will, Human Beings are going to be able to increase the efficiency of their immune system. They will be able to freely walk among viruses and flus and not catch them. They will seem different than other people. They'll seem like they have some kind of magic protection. You can call it what you want to, but it's because they are participating in the shift, and this is called Human evolution.With their free will, they are calling upon the energy that is theirs. Did you know that this body of yours is designed so that cancer would never, ever get a hold? Yet it's one of the biggest killers of Human Beings! There's a process in cellular structure that is self-diagnostic. It has a medical name in science called apoptosis, but it doesn't seem to work very well. The reason is because it's working at 30 percent. Did you ever wonder why cancer could get such a hold and the body couldn't do a thing about it? How would you like to double the immune system's efficiency? How would you like to see an entire part of the population cancer free? "Kryon, are you telling us that's where we're headed?" You're going to see it in many Humans... and it will be obvious they are different. But a test of their DNA will show that they are just like all the others. This is because you are only measuring the 3D chemistry and not the quantum 90 percent. You will beable to enhance your DNA, and the instructions to the chemistry. The potentials are there for this before 2025. You will see Human Beings who are able, by themselves, to increase their immune systems. "That's unbelievable." Well, if you thought that was unbelievable, the next one will shock you.Your DNA is designed to keep you alive for a long time. It is designed to repair things that are broken and rejuvenate them. Don't you find it odd, Human Being, that even while being at the very top of the evolutionary ladder, a starfish can grow back an arm and you can't? Did you ever think about that? There's something coming you don't expect: The Human Being's ability to grow back limbs that have been lost is next. Now, this may seem to start with chemical enhancement [drugs], but it's going to be something the Human Being is doing through the altering of their DNA. The alteration itself is going to allow some new, enhanced drugs to work on some... and not others. It's going to happen in the next generation. These are potentials only. I'm giving you biological potentials of the shift that is here. These are real changes that you can see, and when you start to hear of these things, remember this night. The science is going to want to claim all thevictory and not assign it to Human consciousness at all, so remember that we spoke of it here in this esoteric meeting. Oh, there's more, there's so much more.How would you like to replicate chromosomes without shortening the telomeres? Let me interpret that. How would you like to not age so fast? Aging is a design function of a 30 percent operational system of DNA. Did you ever hear about some of the ancients living a long, long time? Did you think that was a clerical error? "They couldn't have lived that long," many say. "Somebody must have got that wrong in the transcription," they say. What if they did live that long? They did! It was before the vibrations happened on this planet that would take your DNA down to 30 percent.New Energy is HereLet's speak of the new energy system on the planet. There are actually several, but the one I want to talk about has the stewards sitting in this very city. The one you call Peggy, the teacher has discovered a process that is pure energy, and is the toolset that will convert this energy into intent to activate DNA in the way I just told you about. It's the catalyst to push the DNA past the 30 percent level. Do you see how this starts to fit? This increase in efficiency is not going to happen on its own. It's complex, and requires intent, causing vibrational shift. Oh, there's more!"Kryon, if a man or a woman has a damaged heart valve, why doesn't the body fix it?" What a great question. Did you ever ponder that? After all, you replenish your organs all the time. You regenerate the largest organ in the body many times over your lifetime [Human skin]. So why can't you do it to a heart valve? What's wrong with a body that doesn't know that? The answer is that it's operating at 30 percent."You're talking about miracles, Kryon." I'm not. I'm talking about the way the Human body should be. I'll move past this, for it's just too unbelievable, isn't it? So let me just say that when you see these things start to occur, remember you heard it here first, will you? In a spiritual meeting... not a science meeting.Reawakening the Inner ChildThere's going to be the potential of a reawakening of a very important energy, and it's all part of the shift. You need to hear this: Much has been said about this energy that has laid dormant. There are those who have worked on this, but at a 30 percent operational level, the Human body can't develop it. A 60 percent one can and will. Have you ever heard of the Inner Child? You can't define this energy, really, but let me give you the feeling of it. All of you were children at one time, and many of you had normal childhood lives. Go back with me for a moment to when you were six, maybe five. Let me ask you something: What did that feel like? What were you worrying about? What was the drama in your life? There wasn't any! The only thing you worried about was how long you could play or when you had to go to bed. Everything was taken care of, wasn't it? You didn't have to worry about getting money to go to the store for food. You didn't learn about thatuntil later, did you?So there was a time in your life when all there was was love. What a freeing feeling! Can you imagine that right now? How would you like to revisit that feeling as an adult? Oh, wouldn't it be freeing? This is the potential of a consciousness working at 60 percent. This is one of the keys to a consciousness that is going to defeat drama and worry. The reemergence of the Inner Child energy is a balance mechanism, so that the Human Being can have a far easier time of it. They can have joy in their lives... a joy that shows, just like that of a child, and it's all part of the shift.What about the Earth?We told you that we would speak even of Gaia [the energy of the planet]. Then Gaia went and spoke about it! [Pepper Lewis speaking earlier in the day] So let us then just validate what Gaia said, for you need to hear this from several sources: Don't worry about what's happening to your planet. What is taking place is a natural occurrence that has been accelerated in time by the shift. It's nothing that you caused. Go ahead and clean up the air and stop depleting the earth's resources... but know that you did not cause what is currently happening.Did you hear that earlier? [Pepper channelled the same thing.] What is happening is a natural cycle of what we would call the water cycle of the planet. It has to do with magnetics and temperature and it occurs every several hundred years, give or take several hundred years. What you're experiencing right now, your own Russian scientists have seen and acknowledged. They say that you are seeing a reoccurrence of a mini-ice cycle, and this is exactly what we have been telling you. It's a time on the planet much like you had in the 1400s and it is upon you again.By itself, it's not life threatening. Oh, indeed you will have more storms. So if you're in a storm area, you'll be more aware, won't you? Perhaps the water level will rise. If you live on the beach, perhaps you'll move. That's just being smart. It's not life threatening if you're smart. But then again, that's free choice, isn't it? And just like we mentioned yesterday, there will be those who will deny it and they'll stand where the storms are, denying that there are storms. Some will perish in the process. They'll stay on the beaches, watch the waters rise, and perish. These are the ones who don't want to see the shift and will not acknowledge what is taking place.The time frame that is geological has sped up on Gaia. It had to, in order for Gaia to vibrate higher. Things are happening faster than the geologists thought they would, bringing you what you have called global warming, which is a climax of a climate situation that always occurs before a cooling cycle. It's normal. You'll see. So again, when scientists discover what's really happening, remember you heard it here in a spiritual meeting about the shift and not in a science meeting. This is information we've been giving you for some time. It starts to outline the attributes of the shift, and it will encompass so much!The Hidden Energy: The search for the God withinThe last one: All of these attributes, including the DNA shift, bring you to an awareness level where you're more willing to search for the God within. "Is that really related to DNA, Kryon?" It is! The quantumness of the parts of your DNA that talk to the chemistry will start to realize that there is more. Many will begin searching for the Higher-Self, and that's when you're going to discover one of the missing pieces. It's something you've always known about, but something you've never given credibility to. I'll tell you what it is. It's an energy that you don't develop yourself. It's an energy that Humans all have, and from the depths of your ignorance, you think it's yours. It can't be. It's too big. It's love.There are mothers in here. I want to take you back, mom, to the birth of your first child. Can you remember that time? Do you remember when the child was given to you to hold for the first time? Do you remember locking eyes with that infant? Can you remember that? Now, would you tell me what that felt like? Just tell me what that felt like! The angels that were standing around the bed were singing, and you could feel it. That's the love of God visiting the two of you with a strength that you could never have generated yourself. Were there any Humans standing with you weeping? Did you know that the ancients were in the room with you? Did you know that your great grandparents were with you there? Did you know they were singing? And you thought you generate that energy all by yourself? You thought somehow all that came right out of your chemistry, didn't you? Well, it didn't. It's one of those magic moments where you meld with the Higher-Self. What ispouring through that door that you've opened is the love of God!It's also what happens when a man and a woman come together in love, when they look at one another and that spark happens of romance. For a little while they look at each other and all they do is sigh. Psychologists will say being in love is a form of temporary insanity. It takes over all cellular structure. You think you generated that yourself, don't you? Well, you didn't. The Kundalini experience is the love of God. When two come together in love, they create more energy than the two of them possibly could create together as Human Beings.There's a missing element, and I tell you about this because this is the love of God in your life. This is available for you to feel with yourself and with your Higher-Self. How would you like to walk around with that? How'd you like to shine with that? Do you think anybody would notice? Oh, they will. They'll say, "Why do you smile so much?" What are you going to tell them? "I've fallen in love with myself!" [Kryon laughter] Be careful, that's not exactly the right answer to give them, but that's the fact! It's all in the DNA. All of it empowering the Human Being.So that is what's going on with the shift. It's not about something that God is doing to you. It's about an enablement that is occurring, allowing you to take charge of the pieces and parts and the energy of your consciousness that you've never had control of before. I'm going to close.Human Being, don't ask how. That's such a linear question. Don't ask how. Instead, just "be" and begin the intent to create these things in your life. Start a process that will accomplish it just through your intent alone. Intent to start the process actually starts it! We've said this before. There are those who are intellectuals here who want to know the process. And their argument goes like this: "Kryon, you can't expect us to do something so life-changing without understanding the process. We have to know the mechanics of it. We're not going to trust our lives to something that is a mystery in its function." Sounds like a pretty good argument, doesn't it? Well, I've got one back for you. From me to you!What happens today when you're done here? I'll give you the scenario that I think must happen for you to have asked the question. The intellectual goes out and gets in his automobile. Then he gets the manual out and studies the workings of the transmission, every valve, every gear. Then he continues with the manual of the engine, every valve, every gear, every lubricant, before he can ever drive it home. Right? I mean, after all, you would never trust your life to something when you don't know how it works! Or can you?You see? You all do! This may be a silly metaphor, but it's the one I want you to remember. Turn the key and start the engine of intent. Let this journey begin, for there is so much energy created with your conscious mind... a quantum energy that you cannot define or understand. Instead, trust the love, for it is the glue, it is the lubricant of the new energy on this planet. You don't want to hear that, do you, intellectual? For I've just told you that emotion is the key. Get used to it. Open your heart. This is the message of Kryon.I am the lover of humanity. One who knows each one of you. Each one.And so it is.KRYON
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Mary MagdaleneTransmitted through Chanel LingenfelderDurban South Africa - 6 June 2009Christ Consciousness Gateway 6:6Please note - The information of this Transcript is free and should be made available to all that feels drawn to it, however please do not add, change or alter any of its contentsShould you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, connect with the Energy of S pirit and set the intent for your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by your higher self for your greater good.*** *** ***I am Mary Magdalene, and I greet you in pure light and bless you with the most profound love. I gift unto you a wonderful energy of passion, beauty, dearness and togetherness, greetings dear onesA; Greetings thank youI have come today to give a very special message and this is always for me as Mary Magdalene a most profound and special occasion bringing a message of light and love, a message that interweaves the Energy of the Christ or the Christed One.Dear ones each of you on this planet has a most profound specialness and that is the recognition of the Christ in you, we know that this may be very difficult for you to understand and embrace for the human factor most times do not allow you to embrace yourself as purity and light, in fact to embrace yourself with such divinity which enables you to be part of the Greatness of the One that you know as the Christed Being. In truth you need to understand that the essence of the Christed energy is a mere representation of that which has always been, which will always be. The Energy of the Christ is the energy of S upreme Divineness presented to each of you to embrace, take in, and be a part of (as you have always been invited to do throughout all of your lifetimes) to take part in that which creates the Christ awareness. The Christ Energy has been around within the Realms of Creation forever since the beginning of time. It is an energy which is shared bymany a being and for this very purpose it is very important for you to understand that you need to see this blessing of being Christed as an energy of oneness thus acceptance, which gives unto you a licence so to speak of shining your own inner light (out unto all). Every one, no matter if they feel themselves to be not worthy, or being drawn into the valleys of darkness at times, all share as part of this energy in fact when it comes to consciousness none is more superior than another with the differentiation being that levels of understanding and perception differs, either sharing these or not. In this way you are all the same, and if you are all the same then so are we. Do you understand?A; YesThe Christ Energy that you are being gifted with within this month (June 2009) specifically is to further bring forth a wonderful support for you that enable you to recognise within the self all the qualities and attributes of divinity and pureness which is still dormant within most, some perceive this whilst others don’t. The energy of this time is a true dedication to The Christ, for you have experienced part of this some time ago during the month of April celebrating Easter, then during May you celebrated Wesak (Buddhic) and now during the month of June the combination of these two energies, one that brings forth enlightenment of the heart and the other that beings forth enlightenment of the mind, and as these two Energies combine they create a third energy, the awakening of you as a Christ Child. This energy dear blessed ones is what you now have to embrace and come to terms with no matter how you may speculate yourself to be when it comes tovibrations, it matters not, but what indeed matters is your part in this awareness and with that the realisation: of you being most profoundly loved and cared for, thus it truly doesn’t matter what your present life situation may be, but that you as a Christed being (and know that I don’t only address those present but also those that may come to read these words feeling drawn to them) have taken on this time the responsibility of a lifetime to bring an awareness to this energy, grounding it, unto this planet. Therefore we urge you to take the time especially during this time (June) and connect to the self. Create time to connect with the self, light a candle, perhaps two, be quiet and with that use this time specifically to connect to the inner essence of the self. There are some that find this quite difficult to do as they are unable to be still especially for prolonged periods, but you will find when you try, that there is always a way that willcome forth for you that will guide you to be calm and still. The calmness and stillness (which you have had numerous messages on over the past few months) is what now truly comes into a divine perspective as you realise the need of this.You need to be calm and at one with the self, not only at this time, but always. I understand that some aren’t able to create a specific ritual or a set area to do this but if you can, give it some thought especially at this time combining the most recent celebrations of these Christ Attributes, that of my beloved Jeshua and Lord Buddha.There are great support coming forth for this planet at this time and within this text it includes the last 20, 30, 40 years of your earth time, as with the current which will continue into future times, infinitely. There is tremendous support and energies beamed forth from off-earth locations, other galaxies, constellations, star-systems, and then also from some nearby locations one of the closest being the waves emitted from the planet you know as S irius, which as you know is not simply one single planet but rather a combination of many that makes up that which you perceive with the naked eye as one. Take the time to glance through your local telescopes and you will see this to be true, in fact there are three which you seem to single out yet there are many smaller stars and Light Clusters that combine to create this energy reflected as S irius.Dear beautiful beings I cannot emphasise enough the importance of being at one with the self, thus cleaning out, dusting out your closets from that which has kept you bound slowing your vibrations down preventing you from stepping through the threshold into a much greater and higher purpose. These are usually created through the act of fear which is one of the most powerful earth energies for it truly prevents expansion and thus prevents one from being the best that you can be. One of the energies being beamed forth from S irius at this time is set in place to directly influence the cosmic lattices which surround this planet dealing with un-and-consciousness This has been set in motion for humanity to now begin to grasp and understand the origins of that which they fear so, for fear as you well know is mainly caused by ignorance. If you are not sure and don’t understand something then you fear the aspects of this (what it reflects to you) for you arein fact unable to share your passion and compassion with the end result of that which it represents. Once these fears are being brought into the open and you are able to go into the origin and depth of these, thus the actual root cause of this, then the hold and control that these fears has over you is in fact eradicated and eliminated.One of the other energies that keep humanity snugly glued under the blankets of insecurity is being unsure, and here specifically one of the major challenges that those of the Magnetic service had to and is facing as part of the Ascension project, is to weave a whole new energy into the unconscious which eliminate and dissolve all of the matrixes that holds the energy of insecurity together, for what happens is you will find that someone finds a fear in something that they haven’t previously experienced, or not in a good way, yet by sharing this they feel more comfortable. Let me explain a little, what I am getting across here is humanity would rather gather together in times of turmoil fearing the worst than to actually want to know the origin of this. To give you a clearer example; at present massive pillars being constructed around your planet, some of my own energy through the Magdalene Columns and others that anchor the energies of other beings,yet there is tug-of-war playing out between various groups of differing ‘thought forms’ as some present a whole new way of giving support integrating new energies, whilst others may see this from a fear-based perspective as the enemy. Much good as you know is being done by many beings on many levels even though they don’t all share the same platform or understanding of that which is perceived by some to be good or not. Nonetheless within the energies of various groups familiarity breeds content therefore some of the masses would rather run from that which create new energies than to turn and face that which controls their fears, and in so doing being able to remove the thorn from their side eliminating that which pierces them so.The energy bringing in a whole new vibration of Christ Consciousness and anchoring it at this time, is what is supporting the dismantling of the matrixes of fear which are fuelled by the imbalance of the lower chakras in other words those below the heart. Consciousness on the other hand is a reality dear ones, which is now expanding and growing at such a speed. Consciousness is Energy in Expression (also that of the Creator, Father Mother God Goddess) which means ‘becoming aware of something that is very different from that which you have previously entertained’. Consciousness or being conscious, gives you the ability to move beyond the matrixes that previously fed these fears keeping them in life, some kept alive through the control of some of the world’s religious orders, many fearing the ‘new age’ for example - if you could call it that - but in great honesty there is nothing new about this age, admittedly it is different, but it has alwaysbeen, was always projected simply not through and into earth reality but it was always there and soon this shall be your past thus there is no newness as all is creation which is the expression of God Goddess from the Creator, it is the expression of all that is Light in manifestation thus thought, deed and love.The Christ Energy at this time is beamed forth to bring about calmness, thus awareness for you about the part you play as a being in the overall picture, yes this energy you carry within. It is available to everyone and intended for you to become this by living through its essence serving as Light Pillars, thus to hold the power by sharing it with others, family, friends and also those that you do not know for in this time someone might come forward asking for your advice and input thus you need to be able to share your wisdom with others which is one of the reasons initiations are being hosted throughout the planet anchoring light pillars into your beingness and this planet, in many different ways, taking on many different forms, many different realities for at the end all is as one. The overlying essence of this beauty and Christedness lies for you in the understanding of your sacredness which is the Christ within-ness. Being able in some small way toshare knowledge, experience, or relating a story on this all serve to anchor light upon the planet for as you know all which is reflected is recorded within the unconscious realms. The collective unconsciousness is where this energy collects and takes on form of that which is projected into it therefore know this: Your governments cannot go into war without teams to fight for them. What would you think would happen if every single one of the soldiers of your lands refuses to go to war? Nothing… there can’t be, for the governments aren’t able to fight their own wars thus they rely on the collective energy created by the anger of these soldiers (men and women) which support this energy, creating it anew with each day. If all do not gather forming platoons joining camps psyching themselves for the war at hand and what they ‘believe’ they are fighting for (even though it is so completely ridiculous)- there will not be a war, and this is thereality of it therefore the sadness here lies within the indoctrination influenced through dark forces, the men and the woman from their lands enforcing them to do so.Dear lightworker friends if you could but read or see the energy being reflected from the many men, woman, young ones within the war stricken areas, the countries at war, civilian war, any wars, you would not believe the unhappiness and sadness that is present for many of those fighting within these situations are only in that position because of the monetary controls these governments has over them in other words kill for a wage. S ome may be there because of circumstance, some because of emotional manipulation be that from a completely disgruntled base chakra aspect reinforced by immediate family and friends, be it through government manipulation it matters not for the fact remains when you look at the true patriarchs fighting, very few are truly there because of the deep conscious anger they harbour towards their fellow man. This is another aspect of the Christ energy being anchored this day, to heal this energy as part of the celebration of thatwhich you know as the 6:6 Gateway, this is to anchor pillars of light unto this plane unlike ever before supporting a new matrix of love weaving this into the cosmic lattice of divine and pure enlightenment.By interweaving this energy into the unconscious through this gateway (not only this gateway but most certainly every key date activation which some of you might be quite familiar with), through the energy being beamed forth from the likes of S irius this day comes forth vibrations of imprints which works through the Metatronic Keys which naturally relates to geometry. In geometry there is always numerology and within numerology there is always the understanding of balance and the balance that is expressed through this is what brings to you the possibility of rewiring all of the energy that surrounds your planet preparing your planet as we speak taking her into her ascension years, being given a whole new influx of light, love and compassion so that she may shed her third dimensional self, shed her fourth dimensional skin, and take on her glorious and most profound fifth dimensional coat of many colours.The Christ consciousness Energy increases with each new day its power, ability and ways through which it is able to change and transform not only lives but life. The energy of The Enlightened One is a reality that is now coming to face you though the mirrors of your inner consciousness unlike anything you have as yet experienced. Changes will be more evident and will increase with the flow of time which will result in even more massive changes which will change the face of the planet as you will see things in a different light, you will live within a different light and to prepare you bit by bit, slowly and with intent, we introduced to you a ‘free-will’ way of changing that which you presently face. Dearest light and beautiful friends the only way that you can get to the stage of embracing all of that which I have shared with you so far is to acknowledge your inner power thus light, and the power that I am speaking of is certainly not the lowerlimiting solar plexus but indeed a combination of all of the chakras and with that I mean all of the lower 12 chakras for these energies combine and is expressed through that which you know as the 13th chakra. All of you have experienced the chakric initiations in some way or another and the 13th chakra simply gathers all which goes before it in a subtle way. To be able to absorb this thus make head or tail, is to make a pledge to begin working diligently with the self and believe me it matters not if you are only able to share one minute, hour or day at a time with the self, just do it, thus what matters is for you to take that step forward and begin to truly know yourself deeply, intently.You recently received teachings on trusting the self as master Djwal Khul asked you to be clear about being honest or dishonest with the self , so this honesty is what then creates a safety platform for you to step from raising your vibrations into a totally different frequency of unconditional love. In reality if one takes the complexities of the structures of life out of the picture humanity seems to believe there are many different types of love be that the love for food, parents, tea, money, driving, work, studies, institution of prayer and so on. Humanity seems to think that love differs between parents and partners which is true in some way yet KNOW that love is universal, it is the most important and powerful essence that my beloved taught when He walked on your plane in the shoes of Jeshua. Unconditional love has only recently become more understood as you realize that you cannot truly place a limit on love, or for the sake of something place alimitation on love because of the way you feel or project energy at that time.So this new energy that is beamed towards this planet this day, anchored through 12 specific Christ Rays is made available to everyone that wishes to shift conscious awareness and with this awareness awakening your consciousness you are urged to practice unconditional love much more freely. Unconditional love demands honesty and truth, and within this sacred space you cannot entertain judgment thus you cannot only embrace that which makes sense to you and reject that which you fear for how do you know unless you have gone to the core to explore and dearest ones, beautiful beings, this is what the power and the essence behind life truly is all about, to explore, to learn and have fun. In fact if you are able to look at your lives from a detached aspect you will clearly see what most of humanity focuses on, that being after they stepped into life detaching from the cosmic realms into physicality setting out to embrace the Christ energy upon this plane nomatter the challenges, they soon run away from just this energy for after the birth process the more conscious they become the more unconscious they react.When younger you don’t have the consciousness challenges as when you get older, in fact life is suppose to get less challenged when you are older but because of fear most are unable to rise above this, let go of the clauses of fear that hangs over them, digging into their skins, spurring them to go to war. Firstly declaring war against the self by challenging everyone else except the self which is all of a lower solar plexus vibration which then grabs unto the straws of the lower vibrations within the outer crown chakra and through this self righteousness you find it almost impossible to even comprehend the existence of unconditional love, and from there it is a downward spiral fuelled by fear, lack, greed and insecurity all because of internal conflicts sparked through the dishonest aspects of the self. It is for this reason that we ask you to pay true attention to being honest with the self and as beloved Kuthumi suggested on numerous occasions dearones, rather be honest with the self even if you feel unsure about sharing this with another at the time than to be in denial with the self in other words create a situation for the self where you are able to share your own wisdom with the self in an honest and kind way without judging the self placing the self under the spell of the laws of expectation.Charity begins at home, you know this?A: YesMM: it cannot be truer and in the same way honesty begins with the self.The confusing thing here is humanity gets confused about the commitment they have with the self and what the charity should be that stays at home and of course these are put into balance or imbalance through the scales of guilt, so with bringing the Christ Consciousness into a more profound and clear vibration comes the understanding now for you to embrace the self as a Christed Being. Let the judgement fall away, let the expectation fall away and embrace with purity, love and Light all that you KNOW is possible and how do you know this? You experienced it before be that active or as a observer, you know the true essence of Creation deep within, and in the same way many has to support each other to create a collective awareness in the name of war, why not create support amongst many to spread awareness in the name of LOVE. Then in this same way begin to see love as a united oneness energy that is ALWAY S the same.Dear ones, beloved beings, the essence of this energy comes to life through you reflecting this from your inner being, reflecting out to everyone and not to make different situations comply according to the love that you believe it to be. Do not give this kind of love to this being and that kind of love to that being because of your judgment for this is conditional. To get into the Grace that is released through the presence of unconditional love you need to understand how you create your reality, this means claiming your truth, your honesty thus divineness and then by claiming to love the self as all others you have to be prepared to bring these vibrations to life sharing this with all on which ever level of understanding they may be able to relate to it. In this lies no judgement henceforth if you are not able to share the same love from one to another then the question here is for you to ask yourself ‘Where does this love come from’? Is thisprojected through the lower heart aspect? Is this love projected through the higher sacral aspect or is this infact a mind-generated love reflected through the third eye? These are the questions you need to ask of the self.The current and unfolding energy is about compassion, care, and recognition of sacredness beginning with the self, thus see this in all others, for if you are not able to recognise the oneness and unity purity within the self you will not be able to successfully pass this on to others so what we are bringing across here is that now is a truly important time to be at one with the self which brings us back to today’s message.Lady in audience coughs profusely - Mary Magdalene spoke to the group to assist her by opening some windows and getting water etc then made everyone do a exercise reflecting healing towards her throat and then towards their own throat chakras using Reiki, charging the throat chakra with love and beauty and the ability to communicate that which we believe in and also to communicate to the self that which we don’t understand as yet. S he asked everyone to bless their throats with the ability to anchor truth, to trust the self and the inner child. S he then guided all to invoke the Blue Ray and to reflect this through the palm chakras into the throat to soothe all of the irritations we still have to face and being blessed with the confidence to do so. S he then asked the group to turn their palm chakras out to face the person opposite within the circle and to look them in the eye giving your love vibrations to them and in this way confirm that we loveourselves as we love all others and visa versa. (The words of Mary Magdalene).MM: Obstruction in the throat is mainly caused by the inability to express your truth. As ambassadors for The Christ Energy you are given this opportunity within this lifetime (as you requested) to integrate extreme high vibrations thus frequencies of colour and sound which support your transcendence from a lower vibration or a single carbon density into an infinite silica density thus crystalline vibration. In the process of transforming your energy from that which is limited to that which knows no bounds, anchoring into that which has the need to expand and explore, the need to dance through the universe embracing the universes beyond with infinite expression, you need to integrate and understand these things that not only I Mary Magdalene but many others share with you at this time, through many beings in many ways, through vessels, transmitters, channels what ever you prefer calling these. The answers to all truly lies within and you are able tointegrate these simply by being yourself which is why authenticity is so important. You need to be in your own passion for if you are not you wont be able to give unto another with compassion for compassion is unconditional love in expression thus in action expressing deep care.Lightworkers especially are being asked to be very aware of that which you project out to others for many are creating subconscious schools of thought and followings merely through that which you project, some of these are as old as time itself. Even though you may be from different pockets or schools of thought you are asked to link hands using the tools given to you through miracles or magic, and for these to be shared amongst all that resonates with it, for you are not meant to go in different directions but rather to interweave these through the action behind the truth that ‘opposites attract’ creating balance in a ‘new way’ so that you can be live through a whole new energy, the same new energy that shall one day give unto you a clear-cut wake-up call about unity and oneness which shall in no uncertain terms present you with every confirmation you have ever needed when it comes to your Christedness within.The energy being beamed forth at present initiated through the 6:6 Gateway is gifted from 12 avenues of Christed direction each blessing the planet with a specific energy or train of thought along with the understanding these through your way of Being. These Christ Rays will bring unto this planet even more profound gentleness and love than ever possible before, in other words as the density layers are being lifted from the blankets of unconsciousness that humanity to eagerly enfolds themselves a complacent trance within, these new Christ Rays will infiltrate matrixes and densities previously hard to reach laying down blankets of love which we from beyond this realm weave into your reality one stitch at a time connecting hearts throughout worlds. This heart energy is the core energy beamed forth from these 12 directions which are initiated this day beamed forth from the heart aspect of the beings that carry the energy of these physical planets orenergies or systems of light, these cosmic basins that intersect time and space. The essence of being honest, unconditional love, your Christed beingness, and the essence of weaving new truths into time and space, all of this is impossible without it being infiltrated into and through humanity’s heart system including the initial heart energy (the average heart energy), the evolved heart energy (the scared heart) and for lightworkers such as yourself we shall combine these as one heart, the golden heart energy.Begin working with the self integrating these heart aspects with intent and with that embrace the golden heart energy as your centre of sacred consciousness, your scared heart. When you connect to your planet and its people connect through the oneness of this energy attaching it to every other using the golden cords being released from this infinite realms of golden consciousness.If there is one that you feel incongruent with spin first the golden cords of sacred love between your heart and theirs, and then surrender by allowing these to meet as one as you exercise your Christ Consciousness Will to be bestowed upon them thus share that which you have been so blessed with in this way removing conflict delivering balance which supports deserve ability in other words honesty with the self about your authenticity. Humanity sadly more times than not are only able to relate to their own deserve-ability when it comes to that which they own. The paradox here lies in the fact that there is no judgement on that which you own for this is a physical world with material needs and wants and you are by no means meant to live in lack. As with this so it is with sexuality, which you as a Christed being have full right to enjoy for all are simply energies of this plane so why deny this, embrace it for the right reasons not simply because you feelinsecure or fearful without worth, neither because of victimhood or the need for another to confirm your worth. The Christed being is able to stand tall for that which they believe and share this with others and the ultimate of this is to do so without the expression of voice but rather by example. This is made possible through the natural flow of energy beamed from the heart (expression of the soul), and the eyes which are the windows of the soul, this is true shared compassion. By becoming aware of your energy, that which surrounds you, and the relation between the inner and outer worlds you now have to take heed of these words embracing the Christ Consciousness within for this is what you came to do bringing light, love and profound wisdom, it is indeed what you came to do so why now turn your back on that which has been planned for eons and to begin BE YOUR S ELF! Teach the self to have compassion towards the self, practice unconditional love andstay on these vibrations or frequencies and if you want to be a light beacon or pillar claiming yourself to be a lightworker exercising your Christedness, then beam these qualities towards another. If you want to now let go of fear, limitation, shame, if you want to truly expand your mind making a set difference in this time zone, if you want to be one of the ones that claim leadership being a forerunner or fore-walker set to initiate change and support the shift in consciousness weaving new light into the matrixes within the lattices surrounding this planet, then you have to surrender into love.Surrendering into love allows the self to be guided by the consciousness of All That Is. If you take the essence of all that is into one expression you will come to face an energy that is ‘greater and higher’ that you, yet the same, called your higher self, your God- S elf within and without. The higher self, the mastered or Christed self needs absolutely no convincing of the journey that you have come to walk. It knows the route, it understands where you need to go, what it needs to do to guide you along these ventures. Becoming enlightened along your journey of Ascension and Christed Consciousness is about surrendering all of the lower frequencies of limitation into that which is far more expansive, far greater, S upremely Divine in Knowing. This energy of the higher self knows only One energy; God, thus know that God and Love is synonymous therefore with great awareness become aware not only of all that you are set to realign within your energysystems but even more so that which you have ignored pushing it outside of your energy systems over time. I am asking you to share compassion towards those you have previously snuffed at and in this way share your compassion with the tiny minute flowers in your gardens even those you term weeds for these too carry the symbolism of God in their life cycle. As I shared previously waves of energy are constantly beamed towards the earth in forms of geometry and the geometry of this universe is expanded through the Metatronic Keys which carry the wisdom we present you with during these teachings, you also come to know these keys through life lessons. These keys we also offer to you during your dream state and but this I mean not only the dream state when you are asleep but even the dream state during your hours of being awake (day dreaming) when you allow your consciousness to flow along the pathway of your imagination which shows you flashes and picturessome which you believe you have not ‘seen’ before when infact you have, for your brain is able to formulate even that which is physically unseen as it triggers new images derived from that which you have previously experienced in some way.Familiarity breeds content thus do new things, expand your horizons, do not keep yourself locked into one school of thought thus learn different things, share different things and in so doing allow the beauty and the sincerity and the love of Christ to be alive in you! And so to help you, each of you, to guide you, and to give unto you some personal assistance I want you to imagine you are held within a beautiful, most beautiful Temple. Pause.All get ready for the energy activation.Transport yourself into this beautiful temple of a diamond vibration and see all around the tingling multicolour reflection of the diamond energy. Pause. Visualise all the diamond colours flickering all around almost a reflection of that which you cannot usually see for that is the diamond energy taking on all atmospheric energy reflecting it to you according to it’s cut, thus it combines all of the energies that surrounds it reflecting these through the colours it emanates. Pause.Know that you are secure and thus be calm as you sit down in the core of this temple. Pause. For a moment, feel the Oneness of this temple, of this energy, of this space, and as you feel the oneness, as you become comfortable with this energy allowing the blankets of comfort to calm you, I want you to imagine that surrounding you, 3mts to either side of you in all directions creating a circle 6mts in diameter, 12 pillars of light are being released from the floor of this temple, 12 crystalline pillars with you held in their centre standing in the core of the 6mt diameter of this energy. Pause.I now want you again to invoke the presence of the oneness energy. Pause. You are still alone in the stillness of this temple surrounded by the 12 crystalline pillars of brilliant clear quartz. Pause.Now within your mind (although these pillars initially are not pure diamond quality) see how the diamond energy within this temple is reflected into the brilliant quality clear quartz pillars with them glittering with the diamond energy in an array of light and colour. Pause. Now transform the 12 crystalline pillars into 12 pure diamond pillars of light. Pause.I Mary Magdalene now manifest my energy within this circle of Light coming to stand behind you resting my hands upon your shoulders, now feel my love penetrating into your shoulders. Pause. Feel how I transfer the true essence of my being into yours. Pause. Feel how I give of my Christedness for you to embrace yours. Feel the flow of light emanated by my hands as they gently cup your shoulder joints. Pause. Allow these vibrations of love to fully infiltrate into your being and the more love you embrace and integrate the brighter these 12 surrounding diamond pillars become for the more sparkling the Christ Temple becomes. Very long pause.Now feel the Presence of the Christ Jeshua manifesting within this sacred circle, with the Christ Energy standing before you both myself Mary Magdalene and my beloved Jeshua now place our hands with our fingertips touching (his right with my left and my right with his left) covering the cap of your crown chakra in other words we lay our gentle hands upon your crown. Pause. Now absorb the impulses of light that are being transferred into your energy field from the both of us as we charge you with all of that which you lack to fully and truthfully claim yourself to be part of The Christ Team, understanding what it means to call yourself a Christian. To give your love unconditionally for this purpose without placing upon the self or another judgement or expectation and to never conform to that which you truly know cannot be within the world of authenticity thus preventing you from being authentic. Pause.The Lord Christ Jeshua steps back and so do I as we indicate for you to stand up facing Jeshua looking deeply into his eyes feeling very familiar with His energy absorbing the Essence of His S oul that He reflects from His eyes into yours. Pause.Now turn around and face me Mary Magdalene looking into my eyes absorbing my soul-self reflected through my eyes for you to absorb. Pause.Again turn to face the Lord Jeshua as we indicate for you to sit down on the big fluffy cushion for your comfort within the centre of this Temple . Pause.I remain standing behind you and the Christ Jeshua remains standing facing you as we now initiate you to awaken within the 12 Christ levels of your spiritual physical reality which will truly help you to transcend yourself claiming your magnificence thus Christedness and through this impart your inner Christ Essence to all including the energies that makes up the lattices, grids and so forth. Pause.The Christ Jeshua manifests a most beautiful and scared Diamond sword similar to the Excalibur of Archangel Michael holding it in His Right hand hanging by His side. I step forward asking you within your mind to connect to the diamond pillar directly in front of you behind Jeshua. Pause. Open your 3rd eye, crown and higher centres and connect with this Light Pillar of Diamond Frequency. Pause. I Mary Magdalene now places a magnificent golden crown upon your head as we initiate you into the 1st Diamond pillar of Christ Consciousness, with Jeshua raising His sword knighting you by touching the top of your crown with the tip of his diamond sword sparkling your crown, bringing it to life with an array of diamond energy with the gleaming golden crown resting on your crown chakra. Pause.We now activating the second pillar but instead of us moving the pillars are rotating in a circular counter clockwise motion and as the energy move from one pillar to the next within your front facing vision a ring of Fire ignites between the pillars linking them one at a time until a full ring of fire will be active at the end of the process. S o now the initiation is repeated at pillar 2 initiating your crown with diamond consciousness as I place the 2nd golden crown upon your crown chakra melding with the 1st with the Christ Jeshua knighting you to carry the energy of the second pillar of Christ Consciousness. Pause.As the pillar moves to the third slot so does the ring of fire extend linking the 1st, 2nd and 3rd diamond pillars as we again initiate you with the golden crown symbolically knighting you with the diamond sword of Truth. Pause. This process is now repeated as we come to face the 4th pillar again reinforcing the Golden Crown Christ Consciousness Energy sealed and knighted by the diamond sword of truth. Pause.As we move on the liquid fire extends from pillar to pillar with you receiving the golden crown imprint and diamond knighting at each new pillar.This process continues and repeats through pillars 5,6,7,8,9,1o and then 11. After pillar 11….MM: After the 11th pillar knighting the Christ Jeshua places the diamond sword back into its pouch (hanging by His side) and I again place the golden crown upon my own crown as we indicate for you to stand up facing my beloved. Pause. The Lord Jeshua now places both of His hands over your heart chakra in the front as I place both my hands over your heart chakra at the back. Long pause.We simultaneously release a most powerful Christ Energy creating a golden weave of divine consciousness weaving between our hands back to front and then front to back travelling through your heart chakra spinning golden cords through you as this energy interweaves connecting all of the aspects of your heart with ours. Pause. Feel the sacredness of this thread connecting us all, from my right hand through you connecting to Jesus’ left hand and His right hand connecting to my left through your heart. Pause. Connect with the intensity of this energy as these cords begin to cross over through your heart from my right to His right and His left to my left symbolically imprinting a Golden Cross within your heart. Pause. Now visualise a golden sphere of light forming in the front and back of your heart chakra with our hands over your heart chakra contained within its centre. Pause. This energy now increases in vibration becoming much more powerful as we inviteyou to connect with these golden cords weaved at every angle connecting our energy with yours, connecting the top and bottom right and left ventricles of your physical heart with this etheric energy. Pause.This energy carries the seal of unity expressed through the symbolic sphere or ring and the cross serve symbolically imprinting balance within your heart space, the initial energy that created the flow of energy through the heart (golden weaves) was introduced into the heart to create a strong foundation for you to beam your light from as a Christed being, one whom is an ambassador for this energy in support for the One who carried this cross for you, and still does. Today we gift you this most beautiful gift of your own golden cross imprint within the heart energy and although some may feel their cross to be a heavy one to bear at times, it always comes into balance. Pause.Both of us now step away from you and with that I want you to feel the essence of the Christ Love deeply anchored within your heart, tap into and draw from it. Pause. Again bring into your mind the energy imprints we have activated within your heart energy, the weaves from back to front and visa versa, then the weaves crossing creating the cross imprint then the forming of the anterior and posterior spheres which seals this energy. Pause. Now allow this golden heart symbol as a whole to begin spinning in any way you choose, become aware of it increasing its vibrational spin until it spins so fast all you are left with is a golden energy within the heart that sparkles and glows. Pause.As this glow is reinforced the sacred ring of fire closes up linking the 11th and 12th diamond pillar forming a complete ring of fire surrounding you, protecting you, keeping you safe. Pause.I now come to stand next to my beloved both of us facing you. Pause. The three of us now join hands in this way forming a scared connection creating a wonderful flow of golden supreme light as Jesus charges from His masculine aspect into yours (holding your right hand) power and will for you to be your authentic self and I charge your feminine aspect (holding your left hand) with the flexibility and creativity for this to be. Pause.Now visualise the 12th Crown come to life in your crown centre. For each it will reflect in a different colour, it may not necessarily be gold, so visualise the crown of your choice to bless your own glory with a colour vibration that resonates with you. Pause. Now allow this individual colour vibration to transform into a crystalline vibration which absorbs the 11 golden crowns becoming one with the 12th representing Oneness, see this crown in a crystal form that you can truly relate to thus allow your chosen crystalline vibration to glow gloriously upon your head. Long pause.Lord Jeshua now lets go of our hand, steps forward, embracing you with His heart pressing closely to yours as He transfers the love that He Feels for you from His heart to yours. Return His embrace and give your thanks to Him as He steps aside. I now step forward embracing you giving you my love from my heart to yours. Long pause. We both step back again taking our initial places me behind you and Lord Jesus in front of you, we both turn and walk away from you in opposite directions, passing through the ring of fire and come to stand facing you now on the outside of your ring of fire which links the 12 pillars of Christ Light. We hold out our hands as to bless the fire and with that the fire ignites burning stronger, glowing and expanding becoming more intense as the 12 pillars increase in height and width becoming massive tall and wide pillars of light touching each other becoming one with the fire thus all you are aware of now is this massive diamondfire energy that surrounds you, anchored deep into the earth, flaring high into the sky. Very Long Pause.Today we ground these pillars of Light into the foundations of Mother Earth. They are beamed forth from various galaxies and planets of which the most prominent are S irius, Pleiades, Arcturus then there are the constellations that serve as balancing energies to charge the earth with these Christ Rays. Rays beam forth from Cassiopeia and Bootes, S corpio and S agittarius, then there is your S un which anchors the fire aspect unto the earth blessing you with a constantly charged Ring of Fire aspect, you also have the femininity of your Moon and Venus, then there is the unpredictableness of Jupiter and Mars, these are supported by many other energies beaming these Christ Rays unto your planet in the form of 12 Rays as a gift to support you, helping you to become as one with the new vibrations of Light, now we also blessed you with the Ring of Fire for you to utilize in any which way you feel comfortable with. The Fire for protection, the crystal diamondpillars also representing the 12 aspects of you as well as the 12 major houses and how these affect you (Aries, S agittarius, Virgo, Leo and so on). The 12 main houses give unto each a spark of personality or flavour of dealing with things which is very important thus when it comes to astrology there is much more than what seems to meet the eye or ear for that matter, so know that each of you have very evident within you an aspect of each of those representations within your skies therefore you have the 12 major archetypes to deal with and grow through upon this plane, then you have the 12 senses of which most have only been exposed to the first 5 of sight, sound, taste, feel, smell yet there are truly 12 available to the enlightened being. Then there is the one that you call your 6th sense, in fact your 6th sense is actually another 6 senses which makes 12 not so.So with these towering 12 pillars of light which project these Christ Rays towards you via these areas mentioned we sincerely hope for you to utilize this energy, creating that which you desire by placing yourself within this energy, by walking your Christ Conscious truth, by embracing everyone of your fellow man as a Christed Being, with you as them, one that knows no judgement that does not support in any way victimization or blame, and with that one that will do all within your power to share with all your Light, and you do so best by simply surrendering into Christedness. I am Mary Magdalene I gift unto each of you a beautiful Magdalene Rose as a gift, thus see this Rose of the same crystalline and colour vibration that you are crowned with, and then place this into your heart so that this may remind you each day just how very special you are. Au RevoirA: Au Revoir, thank you.End
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" The Celestial Chronicles #13"" Things that Go Bump in the Night "Since “forever” people have had problems believing that energetic forces set on mayhem and murder not only still exist on the planet, but propagate through the disbelief. These forces have 2 methods of seeking, finding and attempting to destroy people. One is to randomly attack and subjugate those they need to feed upon and the other method is to selectively seek those that are considered “serious threats” to the existence of these malefic forces. I do understand the human reluctance to accept this as a valid truth. BUT that does not alter the fact that this is still continuing. Normally I do not share the experiences I have had with this force with the public, however all things being equal….nothing is “normal” anymore. I am going to do so now, at least I shall describe one experience replete with pictures, in an effort to break through the closed doors that so many people have erected around themselves. The thought they have is “if I don’t acknowledge it, it cannot happen.” Actually this is exactly what the “agenda of the lost Souls,” thrives upon.You see the more a person insulates him or herself in the gross veil of disbelief or refusal to accept this truth, the more easily that individual(s) are “taken over.” I and so many others such as myself not only those who are walk-ins, belong to the #2 group targeted by the dark forces. It is because we teach those who are receptive to our teachings; we unmask the Illuminati machinations for all to see. We are not here to save anyone, we do however teach you how to save yourselves. We “move and shake” the very foundations of illusions this planet was corrupted by and founded upon. We are considered “notorious” by many because we do not con-form to the human beliefs, rather we “conform” to the highest of the Spiritual Laws. We are the ones that the Illuminati and its covens are seeking to destroy. We speak out publicly, we do not back down from attacks, we are prepared for the onslaughts that these forces relish so much and we do NOT act-out in anger. This means their attempts to acquire our Spirit Selves has failed…rather miserably in fact. Their methodology to capture earth-bound Souls has only recently began to change. I will discuss that later. For now please pay attention…Those who are attacked by the first method, can be said to be “in the wrong place at the right time.” Sometimes it is a predestined event, however at other times another Soul has volunteered to take the place of one who will be attacked. Other times there are some karmic issues at work. But the most common reason is the devour and conquer routine. First they attack in such a manner that the hapless human is unaware that it is happening. It can be through physical touch, sexual intercourse or outright “in-your-face” emotional or physical violence. They need to infect and damage the person. In this manner the life force of the individual suffers grievously and is often fatal. As the intellect rages and acts out in extreme fear, the Soul Voice cannot be heard. Soul Voice is what stands between the individual and the dark forces. So if you muffle the Voice there is no warning heard; if you do not know how to defend yourself you cannot withstand the onslaught of this energy. And that is the way it is.It is in this manner that these horrific battles have been fought here on the Earth star planet since the dark Souls conceded to the Illuminati way of life. As both my father and I have been stating for the last year or so, you are now witnessing and participating in the death throes of the Illuminati Forces. This is the good news. The bad news is they now act out of sheer madness, a lunacy not seen here with them before! Their once extremely vast numbers have dwindled most considerably. Many of the Dark Lords have already beamed off this world, most willing to allow their followers and their own brethren to remain here without their staunch support and fight to the death. The true Illuminati hierarchy already knows they have lost. This was a shocking revelation for them. It was “not supposed to be this way,” we know why it happened. So many of you have altered the course of planetary history by doing what you can and all that you can to assist in the defeat of the BEAST. I say to those of you…”kudos, you have done well. It is NOT being unnoticed.”Before I proceed to describe an interesting experience I had, I shall warn you of the latest cunning method the dark ones are using. They have learned a subtle manner of attacking you. First they scan you for your weaknesses, be it a physical problem, an emotional issue that you have not laid to rest, or much to their delight…. your doubts about your Spirituality, your perceptions of “not being good enough to help others.” They can see the energy force and coloration of any of these things. Each aspect of yourself contains its own hue and energy level and vibration. It is here in this macabre battlefield that they now agitate and manipulate the vulnerable spots revealed. It is why mainstream people globally are acting out in more violent ways; episodic rages in family life and around friends, zero tolerance for those who do not agree with their own deeply rooted beliefs, etc. As for those who are “light workers” and those who are “light weavers,” I implore you, take nothing for granted, examine the “ why” to your doubts, when did it increase and what are you doing to stop it. Forewarned is forearmed. You will need it!“The BUMPS”A couple of summers ago I was invited by the author Don Ferrari to stay in my motor home about 50 feet from his house in a place my husband and I later termed “Don’s Mountain.” I had adopted a sweet kitten I named “Socrates” shortly after I arrived there. It was mid-May and of course Washington state is an area that also offers beautiful views just as there are in Montana. My aged motor home had a bed in the rear that was laid out horizontally rather than vertically the way many of these vehicles are. One night, a very clear night with thousands of stars visible, I was awakened by a loud pounding on my door. In my bedroom were shelves built into the walls, I looked at my clock that was on a shelf midway to the center of my bed. Socrates slept curled up next to me and did not stir. The reading on the clock was 3:00 a.m. The pounding was 3 loud “pounds” on the door. Just the three. I did not get out of bed because I knew what was out there was not human.I did say, “go away,” then I went back to sleep. The following night at 3:00 a.m., yes it happened again. This time I did not even say anything, I merely turned over and went back to sleep with a loudly snoring Socrates. Night # 3, same experience but this time I yelled “get a life already.” Probably nothing Spiritual about that remark, but I was getting really “p.o.“d…no reference to a post office box. Now here is where things get interesting, night #4 at 3:00 a.m., I was awakened by a hideous clawing and scratching sound. It seemed to be coming from inside the headboard. I knew there were no mice or anything else there. It sounded like long claws slowly being run across a blackboard. It was a high-pitched and very piercing noise. Remember I had not had a full unbroken night’s sleep for all those nights, so I was not only tired I had definitely had enough! Within moments I set up a tremendous electrical blue energy charge which I sent out towards the “thing” that was so obviously attempting to scare me.The charge had a loud high pitched hissing sound to it because of the type of not-of this-Earth electrical energy that I use. Just as soon as the charge soared out and around what I had defined as my perimeter, the attack ceased. I…of course… went back to sleep with the sleeping kitten. There was to be one more night of “high strangeness,” first I want to tell you all why I did not open my door. Yes, I knew it was not human, however I always follow the “rules of engagement,” when I am confronted by nefarious entities. Nothing can enter into your life unless you first invite it in. The simple act of opening the door is issuing an invitation. See? Ok, the following night…guess what time…I was awakened by a most cryptic disturbance. The entire bed, from the middle of the bed all the way down to the end and all of the bedroom in the motor home from the middle downwards, was slowly being lifted into the air and angled vertically. It gave a whole new meaning to “levitation.”So there I was, with a sleeping kitten next to me, watching that whole part of the motor home suspended in the air while the rest of the motor home remained on the ground. It was really quite fascinating! Books, my brass alarm clock, papers, hair pins, pens and all else that were all on the shelves that were now lifted and angled vertically, NEVER MOVED! It was as though they had been glued to their spots, not a single thing dropped. This lasted for about 5 minutes. I remember stating “frankly, this is getting boring,” within seconds of that statement the vehicle began to be slowly lowered and returned to its normal position. I did what anyone else would have done, I went back to sleep. The next morning Don was going to pick me up and we were going to go check out a local fair. When he drove down to my motor home I was outside taking a short walk around the vehicle. No particular reason, simply curiosity on my part. There, right behind the motor home, about 3 feet from the large back window I saw tracks of a most unusual nature. I called Don over so he could see them too. I gave him my 35mm camera and he is the one who took the pictures.Don is 6 ft. tall, large boned, and has very large hands. He measured his hand against the prints and we saw that each footprint was over twice the size of his fully extended hand. Ironically, there was no beginning to the prints and there was no continuation of them beyond that spot. They were just there. The most interesting part about the footprints is that there was only a single print, not the normal 2 legged ones most would commonly expect. Below are the pictures Don took. No, they are not bear, lion, coyote, deer, elk, wild turkey, sasquatch or anything else from this planet. It never returned to harass me again. I was told, “IT returned to its place of origin.”Picture #1Picture #2Picture #3Picture #4The next 3 pic's are zoomed in sections on Picture #4You see, awareness is a state of being too; do not be naïve and believe that anyone is exempt from these dark forces. For all the above stated reasons, we are all fair game. Pay attention please…the life you save may be your own.salude…"In the beginning of the beginning I watched as my earth star cousins raced madly in ever continuing larger circles of displaced realities. Each was consumed by the need for survival, but only of physical survival. I watched as the many cavorted while the few were shunned who knew of true life. I say to all of you now here in this "now" moment of true life with a passion, a zest for the KNOWN, creating perfection in all that you do and say. Realize that YOU are each a unique Being, that YOU are GOD in physical expression." more…
ASHTAR COMMAND SUGGESTED READING LISTUPDATED June 6, 2009Below is a list of titles dealing with Ashtar Command which have been recommended by Cmdr. Ashtar as accurate in regard to his messages and the current overall mission of the Ashtar Command (including contingency missions).Some of these titles are out-of-print and can most easily be located at online booksellers. Two which I have found carry most of the recommended titles and www.abebooks.comASHTAR: A TRIBUTECompiled by TuellaGuardian Action Publications, P.O. Box 27725, Salt Lake City, UT 84127Available to read free online or free download at www.thenewearth.orgScroll to near bottom of home page, then click on the title.ASHTAR: REVEALING THE SECRET IDENTITY OF THE FORCES OF LIGHT & THEIR SPIRITUAL PROGRAM FOR EARTH(This book is almost identical to the previous one.)Compiled by TuellaInner Light Publications, Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903ISBN: 0-938294-29-6THE DYNAMICS OF COSMIC TELEPATHYBy TuellaInner Light Publications, see address abovePROJECT WORLD EVACUATIONBy TuellaInner Light Publications, see address aboveAvailable to read free online or free download at www.thenewearth.orgScroll to near bottom of home page, then click on the title.IN DAYS TO COMEBy Ashtar, channeled through E.P.H.Saucerian Publications, Clarksburg, W. Va.(Mari-el’s Note: This is my very favorite of Ashtar’s channelings. It was received very early after his arrival here and truly represents his character. Charming yet powerful read. A bit hard to find, but well worth the search!)GOOD NEWS:This title has been re-published by Forgotten Books! It is identical to the original, except for the addition of a one-page Publisher’s Preface, obviously written by a publisher who has ZERO knowledge of Ashtar and the Command mission. So, skip the smart-mouth publisher and get to the good reading!Available to buy online at by searching on “Ashtar Ethel P. Hill.” It costs $6.95. You may also read this free online at www.forgottenbooks.orgAlso note: There is another re-publication of this book available on, which has Ashtar pictured on the cover as a Zeta Reticuli being. Ashtar is most assuredly not a Zeta! I haven’t seen inside this re-publication, but I don’t think I would spend any money supporting a publisher who thinks Commander Ashtar is a Zeta!ON EARTH ASSIGNMENTBy TuellaGuardian Action International, P.O. Box 27725, Salt Lake City, UT 84127Any of the following Conclave series of books, received through Tuieta:Conclave: Meeting of the OnesConclave: 2nd MeetingConclave: 3rd MeetingConclave: 4th MeetingConclave: 5th MeetingPortals of Light, Inc., P.O. Box 15621, Fort Wayne, IN 46885NEW WORLD ORDER: PROPHECIES FROM SPACEChanneled by The Ashtar Command and the Solar CouncilInner Light Publications, Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903ISBN: 0-938294-11-3ON EAGLES WINGS COMPILATION, volumes one and twoThese are compilations in book form of a very high vibrational magazine with very accurate channeling which was previously published in Australia. Again, hard to find, but well worth the search!The following books by Eric Klein (channeled by Eric Klein):The Inner Door, Vol. OneThe Inner Door, Vol. TwoJewels on the PathThe Crystal Stair, A Guide to the AscensionOughten House Publications, P.O. Box 2008, Livermore, CA 94551-2008THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: THE KEYS OF ENOCHThe Academy for Future Science, P.O. Box 395, Ava, MO 65608(Note: This book is extremely significant if you would have an understanding of The Brotherhood of Light and the Merkaba ships of the Ashtar Command!)You can order this book new from the publisher for $50.00 plus $5.00 for shipping by going online to you look for this title on, they are charging a minimum of $75.00 for used copies! Go direct to the publisher. You will save money and they send the book priority mail so you receive it in just a few days.CELESTIAL RAISECompiled by MarcusA.S.S.K. Publishing, 2675 W. Hwy. 89 A. #454, Sedona, AZ 86336ISBN: 0-9618316-0-X (hardcover)(Note: This is an extremely beautiful book, with many pictures of Command cloudships, some partially densified.)MASTER SYMBOL OF THE SOLAR CROSSCompiled by Tarvis with Channeling by Tuella of the Ashtar CommandISBN: 1-60611-016-0Inner Light/Global Communications, P.O. Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903ANYTHING you can find (and afford) by George W. VanTassel!VanTassel was Ashtar’s very first channel when Ashtar began speaking through channel in 1952. VanTassel had a huge knowledge of the Visitors from Space and “the way things work” at the level of their technology. VanTassel’s books are rare and expensive. I have managed to afford two of his titles, which were expensive and I find them to be worth every penny! These are two of his titles:THE COUNCIL OF SEVEN LIGHTSWHEN STARS LOOK DOWNOTHER TONGUES - - OTHER FLESH, HISTORY AND PROOF OF UFO’SBy George Hunt WilliamsonThis great classic has been re-published by Forgotten Books. It is available to read free online at You may order a hard copy through Complimentary to the Ashtar Command message and teachings:The following books by Glenda Green and Jeshua (Lord Jesus-Sananda):LOVE WITHOUT END ISBN: 0-9666623-9-3THE KEYS OF JESHUA ISBN: 0-9666623-7-7Spiritis Publishing, P.O. Box 239, Sedona, AZ 86339, www.lovewithoutend.comARCHANGELS & ASCENDED MASTERSBy Doreen Virtue, Ph.DHay House, Inc., P.O. Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA 92018-5100, www.hayhouse.comISBN: 1-4019-0063-1
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Chapter One:MEMORIES OF "THE ARK"The first generation of Humanity now returned and established on the New Earth are privileged indeed. Not only are they the pioneers of a New World; they hold in their own memories their unforgettable experiences on the great Mother Ships. As future generations are born and grow up, tales of these giant space ships will be handed down as folk memories like the story of Noah's Ark. But for now the experience remains strong in people's living memory, providing a rich source of material for the stories which those of the present "Mother Ship Generation" pass on to their children and grandchildren now being born on the New Earth.They tell of the warmth and welcome when they first boarded the giant spacecraft shocked and bewildered by the turmoil on Earth, of the healing vibrations which soothed and calmed them, the spirit of openness and instant friendship with anyone and everyone they were to meet whether from Earth or from any one of numerous other planets.They recall the incredible size of the craft: the typical Mother Ship, anything from ten to a hundred miles or more in diameter, seemed like an entire planet, and indeed many of the ships' Earth guests departed without ever having fully explored the complex and fascinating craft which had been their home. No sensation of enclosure was ever experienced, for the accommodation, office and meeting complexes were set in "open space" so vast that it seemed like "the great outdoors". There was a feeling of sky high above, and beneath it there was "countryside" for walking and relaxation, and lakes with rocky shores and secluded beaches. In scenic spots were pleasant meeting places in rustic settings where people could chat and enjoy some light refreshment.They remember the spirit in which the Space Brothers offered their help. Whatever was needed was there. Advice was always willingly available. Their interest, the concern, the enthusiasm, all were offered in abundance. Yet nothing was ever pushed or forced; for those of higher evolution understand the Law of Karma, that each must create his or her own reality. Earth's new inhabitants had to create their new world from their own hearts and minds, in line with their own collective point of evolution; and now it is done they alone must be responsible for what they have created, be it good or bad. The right and the duty of Earth's people to pursue their own line of evolution was always respected. Yet this was not reflected as a cold, academic detachment; the warmth of encouragement was always there in abundance, advice always freely offered.And of course they remember the creative excitement of the great debating and planning sessions on board the Mother Ships, for it is based on those debates, decisions and plans that the present civilization of the New Earth was, and will continue to be, created.At first, on the great Mother Ships, healing, relaxation, and familiarization with the spacecraft environment were given precedence.As the Earth arrivals began to tune themselves in to the higher vibratory environment they found their bodies lightening, their minds becoming more alert, the need for sleep and food lessening. They gradually found themselves able to "see" on different levels as their range of perception widened, and so that they might enjoy and benefit from this new breadth of vision they were given opportunities to travel in thought to other planets and other civilizations.Many also took the opportunity to study Earth's history through the Akashic Records. They emerged much chastened by the experience, for Human history is a turgid tale which is both disturbing yet rich in moral lessons.But that was history, for with the benefit of a higher vibration rate and level of consciousness the old antagonisms and competitive ego-motivation which had been responsible for so much conflict in the world gradually faded away, replaced now by an enthusiasm to move forward in a spirit of cooperation, working together in the joy of sharing and contributing. At this point the people of the Old Earth now "born again" were considered ready to commence the serious work of preparation for their eventual return to their New Earth.The debating and planning sessions on the various Mother Ships, centrally coordinated on the Ashtar Command's Ship Shan Chea, took place in huge debating chambers expressly set aside for the purpose. Here the guiding philosophies of moral and social law were first explored and formalized; broad notions of nationhood were discussed; economic laws were debated and researched; the nature of community was analyzed.So that they might begin their great debates with a unifying foundation, the Earth people were given opportunities to study and discuss many of the great Universal Laws which govern the Universe and the conduct of people, communities and planets within it. The beauty and simplicity of these great Laws was a revelation to them; more so was the gradual understanding of their universality and practical effectiveness. It was not felt necessary by our space friends to stress to Earth people that these Laws had already been given to Earth many times by great Masters and Teachers whose words had been largely ignored by a self-centered humanity!The Laws of the Universe give us many rules for our guidance. They can be divided into three Groups: the laws of Manifestation, the Laws of Self-Understanding, and the Laws of Relationships.The Laws of Manifestation tell us how we can give form to our wishes on whatever level of reality we currently exist. They are concerned with what we on Earth would commonly call the "technology" of physical science, through the growing understanding of which we provide those physical goods and services deemed necessary for our health, comfort and improvement.The Laws of Self-Understanding tell us how we can gain a greater comprehension of self within the wider context of evolution, and of the laws of karma through which we control and affect our destinies - the Science of Spiritual development.The Laws of Relationships tell us how to treat one another correctly, and how to treat all other beings in the universe including the animals, insects, trees and rocks in the same way; this we would call Political Science or the Science of Social Conduct.The Laws of Relationships are many, but they are based on one single Law, namely that whatever we may choose to do, we should do nothing which is harmful to, or actively interferes with, the evolution of another or other lifeforms. This is the Law which guides the Universe and all of the more evolved planets; it is the Law which was taken for granted by all the Space Brothers on the Mother Ships and it was - it is - the Law which Earth people soon came to understand and unreservedly adopt.Earth people with experience or natural talent in legislation and political matters then began to make their contribution, pointing out that this concept equates not with Freedom which is inherently unlimited, but with the word of Latin-Roman origin: Liberty, a concept of limited freedom. A Land of Liberty is not a place where there is absolute freedom to do whatever you like no matter what the effect may be on others; that would be a Land of Anarchy. A Land of Liberty is a land in which the expression of individual freedom is limited to the extent necessary to permit the similar enjoyment of freedom by others.Even with the inherent limitation of freedom expressed in the term Liberty however, there are degrees of limitation and degrees of liberty. When everyone pursues their own evolution, destiny and enjoyment in whatever way is best for them, but with one essential qualification: that no one should do anything which is harmful to, or interferes with, the evolution of others: then and only then is the overall liberty maximized. Enjoy your liberty, but do not prevent others from doing likewise.When this idea had been thoroughly explored, Earth people termed it The Principle of Liberty.A very simple law, as many Earth people thought when they were first told of it. Yet when they began to study its implications, both with the assistance of Space Brothers expert in such matters and through their own debates, they began to realize that this one single and apparently simple Law does many things. It can guide each individual's personal conduct as it effects others; it can guide us towards fair and responsible use of the natural resources; and it can provide a just, stable and productive basis for economic and commercial activity.And used as a Constitutional discipline it promotes a totally new kind of government: government which serves and is subservient to the Principle itself, government dedicated to the promotion of liberty, government in which all may freely and without formality participate to the fullest extent of their wishes, capabilities, inclinations and interests. With a clearly defined Principle guiding the course of law there can be no unilateral decisions, no arbitrary justice. Legislators become "Upholders of Justice" whose job is not to wield arbitrary authority, but, with the widest public participation, to interpret and apply, as accurately, fairly and consistently as possible, the guiding rule of right relationships: freedom up to, but never beyond the point where freedom harms, or imposes upon the freedom of others.With this foundation of common understanding established as a background, attention could then turn to the detail of constitution and legislation, personal and commercial law, and the physical planning of the built and natural environment.Chapter Two:A NEW GEOGRAPHYAs time and the higher vibratory atmosphere healed the many "wounds" of past history - the memories of war and competitive strife of Earth-life - the old differences and distinctions of race, creed and color had gradually faded. They were not silenced as an act of self-discipline nor were they "swept under the carpet"; such distinctions and the prejudices which so often went with them had been manifestations of a lower level of existence, and in a higher-vibratory atmosphere the old national, religious and linguistic groupings no longer held any relevance. Earth's geography too had changed, so even if people had wanted to go back to their "old countries" this would not in most cases have been geographically possible.So how would they choose to group and locate themselves on the Earth's new surface? This question involved the probing of human psychology through much debate and soul-searching.After considerable discussion which seemed to move in circles and lead nowhere it was decided to start again with simple basics, the very fundamentals of life which in the old, long-established societies were always taken for granted.To begin at the beginning, people need to identify with something called "home". Most basically of course, one needs a home in the form of walls and a roof - a private space in whatever form and in whatever particular location one may choose or find possible. But the concept of home is not just a single isolated dot on the landscape; it's like ripples on the pool, an ever-expanding sense of belonging. Around or close to the private home-space you need a community in which to combine in work with others, for cultural exchange, to do your shopping, to meet friends. And widening the view yet further you need access to a city, where you can employ some specialized skill or enjoy those special things, the lectures, concerts, learning, that require and are generated by a larger population.Ideas became clearer with further debate. Though many would choose the quiet life in remote countryside, all were in agreement on the fundamental human need for contact with others, for commercial, cultural, educational and social purposes. Those who felt they might like living in semi-isolation, nonetheless visualized being within reach of a small village community; those who preferred village life liked the idea of having access to a nearby larger town, and on occasion, to a city which could offer yet more specialized and sophisticated amenities. And of course there were many who firmly chose "city life" for its cultural stimulation, its varied activities and its sense of centrality.Thus the concept of the County was born as the fundamental unit of group habitation: small rural communities and a few isolated homes around the outside, villages and towns towards the center, all linked to a central-hub city which would form the nucleus of the whole community, or County, and act as a cultural and commercial focal point.But do we then spread these Counties equally over the Earth's surface? If so, given that the world's population will be but one tenth of what it used to be, Counties would be very spaced out and isolated from their neighbors. Further debate revealed the need for a yet wider sense of identity, some kind of a regional-grouping corresponding in many ways to the old nation-state.But how big should it be? While many looked back on their old "countries" as being of an acceptable size, it was observed by those who had previously lived in the United States of America that most Americans had actually thought of themselves as Texans or Oregonians first and Americans second. This was not to deny their American nationality; it was simply an acceptance of the fact that a comfortable grouping with which people can identify corresponds more to one of the individual States in size than to the total USA.Thus it was decided by broad consensus that anything from half a dozen to a dozen Counties could be grouped to form a "Region", as it were, a "Regional family". The Counties would be grouped closely enough to create a sense of identity, yet sufficiently spaced-out to allow room for wilderness recreation and "for nature to breathe". A much greater spacing and distance was envisaged between the Regional Groups.What do we call this grouping of Counties? Regional Grouping is a bit cumbersome. State? No, not really; and the word Nation was definitely unacceptable! Ultimately Region was generally agreed as being the term most appropriate for the grouping of Counties.As the planning debates proceeded on the Mother Ships and ideas gradually turned into formal plans, and as the re-planting of the now cleansed and stabilized Planet Earth by teams of Earth people and Space Brothers gathered pace, so the map of the New Earth's geography, both natural and built, began to take shape.Regions were to be carefully spaced around the surface of the Planet, their locations often corresponding with the planet's internal Vortexes or Power Centers (equivalent to the Chakras in the human body), or else located to take advantage of a particularly pleasing natural area. Some were in the cooler areas, some in the "tropics" - though on the New Earth at the etheric level there are no longer the physical plane's extremes of temperature which rendered the old Earth uncomfortable or even uninhabitable in its frozen polar, or humid equatorial regions.The layout of a typical Region might possibly consist of up to nine Counties arranged on a loose grid pattern to allow easy and equal access between them. The individual Counties comprising the Region are well separated with plenty of natural wilderness in between; yet overall there is a comfortable feeling of "belonging" to one's home Region, enhanced by the greater spacing between Regions. Not that there is any competitive nationalism, nor any reason why people should not move freely anywhere on the planet - or to other planets for that matter!Moving about.... Yes indeed. What sort of transport will there be on the New Earth? Right from the start two important propositions were accepted: one might be called negative, the other positive.On the one hand it was unanimously accepted by everyone from Earth that never again would they allow themselves to get into the mess of cars, roads, spaghetti junctions, tailbacks, commuter crawls, pollution and environmental degradation which had been the distinguishing features of "transport" in the old days. Nor were they willing to contemplate what many saw as an even worse scenario: the hundreds of tiny "personal flying craft" darting about the skies in a constant cloud of multi-dimensional and multi-directional movement often visualized by twentieth century science-fiction writers.On the positive side they were shown by space brothers with knowledge of such matters something they could all readily understand: the simple fact that if you plan for shared transport, shared transport will work perfectly effectively. Examples of this proposition were shown from life on other planets. And indeed there were many interesting historical examples drawn from the Old Age in the USA, Britain and Europe showing how in the heyday of public transport during the 1920s and 30s shared transport had been planned in conjunction with major housing developments, or cases where transport undertakings had built amusement parks at the extremities of their routes to maintain traffic volumes.In contrast, later location of residential and commercial developments in Britain and the USA was scattered and haphazard, spreading almost unrestrained over the countryside. The absence of integration with shared transport facilities made shared transport unworkable; and the low density of scattered development made individual transport inevitable.The necessity of integrating transportation as an inseparable aspect of overall planning in fact combined very effectively with the County concept already agreed, resulting in three types or levels of transit facility.First, the individual homes and small neighborhood communities of five hundred people or less at the outer periphery of the County are served by the Rural Services. These Rural Lines are carefully molded into the surrounding contours, even if that requires the occasional detour or slightly longer route. The pace of travel in glass domed magnetically levitated trains is leisurely, reflecting the needs of passengers who are either tourists enjoying the scene or country-dwellers who have chosen that environment specifically as a reflection of their quieter nature and less hurried lifestyle.Second, the larger villages and towns are linked to the City at the County Center by the faster-moving Radial System, like spokes radiating from the hub of a wheel. In addition, there are two or three orbital routes encircling the County Center at varying distances, linking the spokes in the form of outer rings and permitting travel between the outlying towns without having to go through the Center.Third, a high-speed network between Counties links County Center to County Center, similar to the "InterCity" concept of the old days. In fact this "InterCity" service operates not only within the Region itself, but is also extended beyond as an "Inter-Regional" system to link Region with Region worldwide.A separate, totally underground and totally automated freight transportation system was also conceived, using standardized goods containers, following the above-ground radial and grid routes.Thus New Age travelers can move about easily and efficiently, while those enjoying the pleasures of countryside will see no traffic-clogged roads, freeways or motorways, no evidence of smog or pollution.Once the basic details and theoretical form-plan had been agreed, Earth planners and participants on the Mother Ships were provided with holographic facilities which seemed beyond their wildest dreams of science fiction, though they were an everyday reality for the space brothers.In an apparently living environment of multidimensional holographic virtual reality, homes, neighborhoods, villages, towns and cities complete with industries, agriculture, recreational facilities, natural environment and transport could be created merely by the power of thought. Individual homes were then able to be located within particular towns and cities, and then furnished, even color schemes were chosen, and gardens planted... all in the form of multi-dimensional Thought Reality captured on the Mother Ships' powerful computers. Once created in this holographic form, the whole environment or any part of it could be experienced as if walking through it in "reality"; yet anything could be modified or even totally restructured merely by the power of thought."Is this Illusion or Reality?" bewildered Earth people often asked their Space Brothers, who had a somewhat annoying habit of suggesting that all experience is illusion and that it is we ourselves who give it "reality" so that we may learn from it. Yes, there were still some areas of mutual non-comprehension between people from Earth and those from other, more evolved planets; but the Space people all had a great sense of humor and fun, and since they seemed well aware of those concepts with which Earth people still had difficulty they would always make a joke of it. As one Venusian pointed out: "Fortunately Evolution continues on its way regardless of whether we understand it or not!" The debates on the planning of the New Earth were taken very seriously however, and though there was no shortage of good humor it was always to the point and in proportion.The planning and debating proceedings were led by Earth people in a style reflecting their new attitudes. "Experts" were not called upon to dictate to everyone else, and there was no competition to "hold the floor". Individuals who felt instinctively that they had a special talent or interest in the subject under discussion would speak out, after which general comment and debate would follow so that all views could be heard. Everyone felt quite free to speak their mind, yet all spoke briefly and no one dominated the proceedings.As the collective vision of the New Earth gradually unfolded, its progress was followed by anyone who wished to do so from any place on any of the various Mother Ships, large or small. And as in the more advanced factory production lines of the 1990s anyone could "blow the whistle", anyone who had good reason could "stop the production line", break into the proceedings from anywhere and say "I think this is going the wrong way" or "wouldn't it be better that way?"All the plans were drawn up in minute detail before any construction began on the New Earth. Simultaneously with the planning sessions on the Mother Ships, Planet Earth was being re-seeded and re-planted with vegetation where it would not conflict with the building of towns, cities and transport lines.Onto this pristine natural canvas the now completed plans of Regions and Counties, homes, parks and workplaces, recreational facilities and agriculture were then given physical form by teams sent down from the Mother Ships in advance of the general re-habitation. Only when all of the infrastructure and most of living accommodation was completed, some dozen years into the new millennium, did Earth's people begin their return in substantial numbers to their totally cleansed, rejuvenated and now largely rebuilt New Earth.But "the Return" is a fading memory. Reality is the New Earth, on which its new inhabitants and their communities are now well established.
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In order to allow the emergence of your true essence and authentic nature as a being of love and creativity, you need to release what works against this realization. That part of you that believes in fear and scarcity and lack, and in abandonment and rejection and pain.This part of you is the rational mind and its associated personality complex, the ego. Your rational mind needs to be busy, and will keep repeating to you the fear stories of all the other minds around you, on Television, Radio and in Newspapers. Until you switch it off - and start to listen to the broadcast of your HEART. Your heart will send you feelings of love, peace, serenity, compassion and acceptance. Now is then time to align with this message. Tell your mind that it was designed to assist your unfolding on earth, not to dominate it. Your mind is a fearful child - your heart is a wise and loving elder. Your heart speaks the truth of your soul. Far rather to follow the voice of your soul/heart, that speaks with Spirit and is guided in Love.Emerging into Feeling and AuthenticityWhen you make this switch, you will begin to FEEL more than THINK. You may imagine that this will be wonderful - and well it should be. But most of you have repressed your feelings since you were children. Your parents, teachers and the culture in general told you what to think and feel, and so you switched off your authentic feeling voice - your heart- and repressed and denied your true feelings. They somehow were not "right" or "accepted" by those around you.As adults, many of you are subject to ADDICTIONS: to drugs,alcohol,nicotine, food, televison, work, sex or even religion. All ways of avoiding feelings and authenticity in favor of escapism and other people's ready-made solutions to your life.As you once again "switch on" your heart voice, you may have to face many painful feelings that have been repressed for many years. Many of you may feel lingering DEPRESSION and SADNESS as you struggle to understand why you feel this way. These are authentic feelings, so not reject them or judge yourself. Rather understand that your soul is asking you to recognise these very old feelings relating to inauthenticity - and to clear them.The process of clearance is through FORGIVENESS and allowing the emergence of VULNERABILITY and TENDERNESS in your life. Forgiveness will happen as you emerge into COMPASSION, for you will understand how we have all been taught to switch off the heart and follow the mind as a survival technique. Those who taught us to do this thought they were doing the best thing to help us to be "real" and "rational". So we will not need to hold onto angers and resentments about the past as we move into this new and empowered space of FREEDOM to be who we authentically are.Vulnerability and Tenderness; Becoming "Real"We were brought up to believe that we need to be strong in order to survive and gain love and acceptance, and so we learn to repress any feelings that might represent "weakness" as we understand it. We are taught through movies and television soap operas that "love" involves heartbreak, rejection and abandonment, and as we experience these things, or imagine we do, we close our hearts and nurse our angers and hurts.But the true voice of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and ACCEPTANCE says that these things are mind-created illusions, and that we only have to enter into our authentic being to experience the supportive and all-embracing love that surrounds us.But to enter this HEARTSPACE we must be willing to be VULNERABLE. To show others who we truly are and to TRUST that they will accept us. Even if this acceptance is not forthcoming, being authentic and acting in integrity will release immense power in your psyche. It will allow you to truly FEEL your reality and act from a place of power rather then victimhood.Emerging from Vulnerability is TENDERNESS, a deep feeling of compassion and acceptance. An understanding of your own vulnerability and that of others, producing gentleness and kindness and caring, no matter what the circumstances. And in this tenderness will arise a true understanding of the experience of love at the centre of all things, and that every experience is a gift of love and can be lived as such, without anger or hurt.Tenderness and Vulnerability provide the bridges from one heart to another and create a space for SHARING and GROWTH.The Bridge to Global CompassionOnce you have learned to master your own feelings through authenticity and acceptance, you will be asked to move to the next level. This is where you will experience the repressed feelings and sadness of the Planetary Collective Consciousness. Many Lightworkers and Crystal beings are today channelling the sadness of the collective through their bodies in order to assist the planet to release these emotions.And as each Lightworker enters into their own Heartspace and begins to act from authentic soul-motivated feelings, then humanity will once again REMEMBER how to love.You will cease to live your lives as you do now, in a mad scramble for money, recognition and possessions. You will once again learn the value of human life, of people and animals, and plants - of the planet itself.You will understand once again how valuable these things are because you will see once again how valuable you are.When you cease to measure your worth through your achievements and what you consume or aquire, then you will understand that you are a vehicle for the loving, creative and sharing energies of your Soul and Spirit. You will once again begin to love, to dance, to sing - to truly be ALIVE.Then you will fully enter into your inheritance as a Human Angel - Spirit in a Human Body. more…
O woman, Mother of LifeShe-Creator, Procreator,incarnating the Love that ISat the heart of dense matter,sacred is your essence, sacred is your form,quintessence of love, selflessness, light,object of the most sacred sharing,wearing an air of indisputable beautyeven as the form declines,marred and scarred with eons of plight.Mother of Life,in your radiance such delicacy revealed,in your glance, unfathomable fortitude concealed,fashioning countless generationsout of your own self, your blood, sinews, breath and heart,with infinite loving care,at times fraught with fear, yet still rooted in love, in unfettered trustthat all is as it must be,nursing the hungry infant with your living essence,cradling, cuddling, cherishing, holding,eternally enfolding in your embracethe saint and the sinnerthe scrooge and the giverthe murderer and those that deliverus from the limitations of this form.On this day of great love flowing,of remembrance, of higher knowing,accept yourself for who you are;open yourself to the Love you areand gift it to yourself…..and know thatyou are innocent,you are beautiful,you are holy.Let there be no more sorrow, judgment or blame,release all illusion of guilt and shamerelease all discomfort, all old pain.Time for that is over.As the sunshine dissipates the mist in the vale,as the light dissolves darkness without fail,let the divine love of your heart flow forthand wash away all your heartaches.Surrender them now to the beat of that sacred pulse.Surrender the burdens, sorrows and guilt you carried for us -all the suffering and pain,all the sadness, worry, fear and despair -and in the infinite space of your heartknow that they are healed,bleached by cosmic sunshine spotlessly clean,underlying perfection revealed……Mother of LifeShe-Creator, Procreator,greater than any one knows,take off the garlands of our collective tearstake off the old tattered rags of hurt and deepest fears,there is a new dress for you appearing,an exquisite sheer fluid garmentof cosmic radiance.Beloved, put on now this great, majestic, flowing robewoven of the living strands of shimmering truth,a garment created for you by the adoring Creationfor our homecoming,for our birthing celebration.
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By Kate A. SpreckleySome of the shifts happening within our planet, are releasing ancient knowledge from the time of Atlantis and Lumeria. This knowledge is available for access, learning, healing and releasing.Lightworkers have chosen to release and heal the old destructive patterns of Atlantis and the fears of destruction and persecution that were part of the God and Goddess energy of Atlantis and ancient times.During the time of Atlantis and later, the Gods and Goddesses were ultimately destroyed by people who chose not to follow their teachings and turned their backs on their ancient wisdom. Because of this we have lost many of the old ways and have forgotten the wisdom that was imparted to us from the Gods and Goddesses.Many Lightworkers are now accessing and releasing the disempowered masculine and feminine energies of these times in order for humanity to access the empowered energies of Lumeria. This releasing needs to occur for us to create an empowered society where all live as equals and are accepted and loved unconditionally.We are again questioning our relationships and again needing to release old patterns and thought forms about how relationships are created and experienced. We have talked about the soulmate relationship becoming a twinflame relationship and how this is managed from a soul level. Many are questioning and asking how and why this is occuring and because you are not seeing the effects of the soul connection in your physical reality you are questioning and loosing trust. This loss of faith is because your ego and your mind are trying to control and to work out and understand these relationships from these levels.We again remind you that these relationships are working from a Soul level. Your role is to be in the present moment and to accept and trust that all is working as it should. You cannot force or control these relationships and when you try you only create chaos and anguish for yourself. These relationships work on Soul time, not human time and the Soul understands that time is infinite and there is no rush to create or to make things happen. By resisting and fighting the process on a physical level will only lead to unhappiness, disconnection and loss of passion.We ask that you surrender to the process and that does not mean to surrender to a person, but to surrender to the God and the Goddess energy. Choose which energy you would like to channel, be it either Masculine or Feminine and work with this energy to create an independant, individual path for yourself. In doing this you begin to create you own adventure where you discover all the beautiful, wonderful aspects of yourself.Begin creating a relationship with yourself, seek intimacy through acceptance and release fo your true self and you will find your twinflame relationship manifesting faster.In order for these relationships to work, you need to understand yourself, accept and love yourself unconditionally. Until you have achieved this you will be unable to love and accept unconditionally your soulmate/twinflame. Once this has been accomplished you will begin experiencing life from a fully activated heart centre and will meet heart to heart. The purposes of these new relationships are a joining of two complete, whole and powerful people in Divine energy. This cannot be achieved unless you have accepted and owned your own power.Relationships are to be used for a Divine purpose and are part of your assignments and enlightenment. Within the relationship you will each be led to a greater awareness of yourself and your extended love. A place where your blocks to love are not suppressed or denied, but embraced and dissolved. This Divine joining of two Souls happens after you have truly looked within and found your own perfection and beauty. In accepting your own completion and wholeness then only are you able to extend by joining with another who is also whole and complete. By seeing your own beauty and inner light then you can begin to see the perfection of another.Many old ways of relating where about being rescued and were based on fear and guilt, rather than love. If a relationship is allowing you to avoid growing and denying your truth, then you are hiding from yourself within the relationship and this will not be supported by the Universe. Problems within these new relationships begin when you create expectations of another person or of the relationship. It isn't up to us to make the relationship into something we think it should be. We need to accept and surrender the relationship to our Higher Self in order for it to evolve to a place where it can manifest into a physical relationship.Within a Soulmate/Twinflame relationship we must love unconditionally and help each other to access the highest parts of ourselves. The majority of people are afraid of real intimacy because we believe that someone will leave us should they see who we truly are. What we need to understand is that this love is eternal and that this person already knows and understands us on a much higher level. The love is unconditional and therefore nothing we ever say or do, will change it.__._,_.___
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By Kate Ann Spreckley`Come out of the circle of time and into the circle of Love'RumiAs channels of creativity, our daily deeds express our reality and demonstrate our truth. We each hold within our being a portal of energy that is connected to the energetic grid held within our planet. We are therefore intimately attached to our beautiful Earth Mother and each time we touch the body of this Mother, our bodies are gifted with life and replenishment. It is our responsibility and our duty to cleanse and purify ourselves so we may channel pure and divine love, light and truth into our world, freeing ourselves from our energetic and emotional blockages thus enabling the true expression of love.The Spiritual and physical oneness that we share with our Earth explains the depth of the pain we carry within our hearts each time She is hurt. The time for healing of the wounds has come and in this moment we shall bridge the chasms that divide us, enabling ourselves as individual portals of energy to gift this world with change and transformation, allowing each and every living being to evolve.It is during this time of great change and transformation that tremendous potential is being revealed and we are required to enter into this new phase with our foundations deeply rooted in our faith, trust and connection with the Creator, the Great Spirit. Now is the time for us to accept the promise of hope, unity and abundance that is held within our hearts. We are the bridge uniting Heaven and Earth.This time of change and transformation is motivated by The Great Spirit's love for all beings and the longing for all to be free from the mistaken ideas and beliefs which cause suffering. We are encircled within the womb of the Great Mystery and as we take our last steps to freedom, we commit our lives to change, opening to the infinite beauty that lies within our Soul and awakening our Power. Gateways are revealed stretching beyond time and space, expanding our horizons and encouraging the development of empathy and compassion.Vortexes of energy are stirring within the centre of our Earth creating gateways in which old, stagnant and damaging energies may be purified and cleansed. The energy systems of our world will be cleared of any debris that may be causing blockages or imbalances and it is vitally important that we strengthen our connection to our Spiritual paths.During this time of purification we shall be cleared of old patterns that no longer serve us making room in our lives for greater Spiritual gifts to be granted. Our inner truth and desire for freedom, higher knowledge and wisdom is providing us with Divine guidance and essential higher energies which need to be integrated into our energy systems. We are being aided in rejecting self abuse in all its forms which in turn will activate our higher Power and help us to recognise that each day we have a choice as to whether we shall embody the principles of our Spirit or choose to live beyond the boundaries of balance and self respect.Our Power holds our strength and our courage and when it is activated within our hearts it becomes the most potent power of all of Creation – Love. All actions and creations must originate with the source of all love and as we allow the core of our deepest self to be penetrated by the essence of love we can begin our dance of respect and gratitude.When we are in conflict there is something within ourselves that has not been healed or integrated into the wholeness of who we are. When we experience the frequency of forgiveness we are able to release our conflict and to embrace the entirety of self and all beings. By freeing ourselves and others from the roles of abuse we release ourselves and others from perpetuating the energetic patterns that causes pain.We have been granted the greatest gift of all – the gift of self knowledge. Our life on Earth is an opportunity for us to explore and learn about ourselves. As our inner eyes open, allowing us to perceive our inner world, we are afforded the opportunity to create a reality that is conscious. This period of growth and enhanced understanding will reveal to us the aspects of ourselves that have previously been unknown.Our energetic field is becoming more receptive to Spiritual influences. We are being allowed to perceive the unseen more fully and to integrate into our consciousness the higher love of the Creator, initiating within us a resonance and remembrance of Source.If we follow the path dictated to us by our Hearts, we will be able to demonstrate our truth with wisdom and compassion, making in possible for us to forgive ourselves for our deeds of destruction and to do whatever it takes to turn it around.The light of peace is awakening within and as we begin harvesting our Power for good purposes we shall discover respect for the natural world and we will use our intuition and our knowledge to find sustainable solutions.We have all been called to Earth at this crucial time in our human evolution to be in service to humanity. Our mission is to undo the habitual patterning of the human collective consciousness, while dedicating our lives to the building of a new way of being.Our Soul force is being re-patterned, reconnecting us to our true origins and revealing within each one of us the unique Star qualities that we bring to this world. For those who haven't yet remembered their true identities or reasons for being here, this process will indeed bring you closer to understanding.All potential is held within this time and as we journey into the intuitive core of ourselves we begin to speak with authority and power, to walk in humility and service, sharing our gifts with this world. The old will be forever destroyed giving rise to the new, our emotions are being purified, our bodies are being purged of poisons from our past and our Soul is being cleansed. We are being offered a glimpse into the profound mysteries of life, death and rebirth. By embracing our earthly existence we can restore our hope, unleash our special virtues, direct, build, weave and sustain all the natural forces of life.Our paths will be revealed to us as we sleep, in meditation or during awakened moments in our lives. We are all offered the gift of immense love and hope during this transformative time. See yourself as The Creator sees you - an incarnation of Divinity. Re-imagine and recreate new life. Shed old skin and begin a new cycle, learn to respect your life, to nourish your self and to love yourself, thereby honouring The Creator who gives abundant love and life to us all.
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You are still experiencing the outfall of the financial breakdown. It is not as easy as some think to overcome the damage it has done worldwide. Attempts are being made to restore the old system that has no future, as major changes are required to bring back some semblance of order. There has not been a time quite like the present, when the influence of the people has been so powerful. You are playing a greater part than you realize, in moving on most areas of your life so that a path is opened up that is a stepping-stone to Ascension. There are many influences at play and some come from off Earth, and we of the Galactic Federation are part of it through the co-operation of our allies. They do not necessarily know it is taking place, but because they are intuitive and forward-looking, it is easy for us to guide them onto a path that opens up opportunities to manifest the new paradigm.As the changes are becoming apparent, and the way forward clearer so many more souls are becoming receptive to the new ideas being presented. Humans by nature do not like change, but see and understand the gravity of the times you in. It is realized that unless you take a quantum leap now, you will continue to muddle your way forward without resolving the problems. The answers are there, and far-sighted people wait their chance to put their ideas into action. They will come into prominence, but sometimes their personal safety is threatened by those who resist change. However, at any given time we know where our allies are and also if they are in any form of danger. We cannot go against their life plan, but many are to be amongst the leading lights as soon as they can reveal their place in helping lift up Humanity.We can see energetic movements that will herald the start of major changes, and you who are already aware will recognize them. For example we cannot come to you in the midst of the present chaos, but nevertheless our work with you never ceases. We sit above your Earth and peer into your lives, with we might add your prior permission, and wherever groups gather that discuss the future we are there with them. We use our influence to try and motivate them to make decisions that will truly benefit you in the days to come.Those of the Light continue to be tested by being drawn into the plans of the dark forces. Some of you are feeling trapped by convention and loyalty to your employers, but it will not last longer than it needs to once the lessons have been learnt. Almost everywhere you turn is tainted with the negative vibrations, and your challenge is to serve two masters until you can step out of the stranglehold you are in. Be assured that as always you are never fighting such battles alone, and it will be beneficial to the outcome if you call upon your helpers, if you feel that the pressure upon you is overpowering. We hear your calls for help, and can make those fortunate "coincidences" happen that come to your aid. In any event your Guides are always at your side, so be calm and do not panic if matters do not seem to be working out well for you. Everything in your life happens for a purpose, and you should consider what it actually means to you.There are times when you could be forgiven for believing that there is no rhyme or reason for your experiences, but they all add to your overall expansion and lead to your spiritual upliftment. What else would you drop into duality for, but to learn about its conflicts and the opposition between two vastly different energies? The beauty is that you choose the degree to which you get involved, and sometimes you venture into the dark to find out first hand what it is like to experience it. It may not immediately console you to be reminded that if you are of the Light, but no matter what happens you eventually come out of each life totally restored and unscathed. Those that do not are simply the victims of their own choice to deny their true selves as Beings of Light. Again, they are not left without help and their Guides will be working to lift them out of their dark periods. We stand back with awe at your amazing fortitude and spiritual strength, to allow experiences that dull your senses and awareness of your spark of Light.Regretfully, over many life times you have been led to believe, that you are in some way a lesser Being than you really are. Your dignity and self worth have been eroded to keep you down, and be subservient to those over you. Well, we have news for you all; you are Gods in the making and that has always been so and kept from your knowledge. However, your consciousness is growing and with it comes an awakening to the truth about yourself. You are sensing that not only are you more than your physical body, but also have a Higher Self that can lift you up to levels that are more in keeping with who you truly are. You are limited by your beliefs, but as soon as you take responsibility for yourself rather than rely on others, it is as though you have switched on the Light. Indeed, that is exactly what you will have done, and a many of you can vouch for such an experience. Finding your true self is a revelation and upliftment that makes you realize how powerful you really are.We say, take your power back because there has never been such an opportunity to do so where so much help is being given to you. It is what Ascension is about, and it does not matter who you are – everyone has the same opportunity to ascend. The effort and determination that is required may be greater from one to another depending on your present level of consciousness. However, there is provision for any soul to turn to the Light, and what a joyous experience it will be in recognizing your true potential and path to the higher dimensions. It does not stop at that as you are ever expanding your consciousness, until you achieve full consciousness. It is almost impossible to put that into words, but can you imagine what it is like be at One with everything That Is. To experience the Past, Present and Future as One and have an immutable link with all life forms. To be exactly where you wish by mere thought, and also create all that you desire.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and like you we are also continuing to evolve, and we are experiencing a multitude of worlds and the different Beings that inhabit them. Life is exciting and full of wonders beyond measure, and that shall be your experience too once you become Cosmic Beings.Thank you SaLuSa.Mile Quinsey.
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Rare Cosmic Alignment Opens Unique Window for Soulmate ReunionsFor those who been receiving the message of impending soulmate reunions, now is the time to bring your full focus to this intention. In coming times, ever greater numbers of soulmate reunions will help hasten the transition to the New Time on planet Earth. Certain planetary configurations are now clearing the way for ever greater numbers of soulmate reunions to take place.While it is always possible through aligned intention to unite with a soulmate in physical reality, "windows of probability" over the next two months offer unique opportunities. At this moment, cosmic planetary cycles are aligned to open energetic paths for soulmate reunions. Those of you who have been receiving the vision to join with a soulmate in physical reality are able to step inside the doorway of this cosmic alignment to magnify and accelerate its manifestation. This cosmic doorway is created by a rare and mystical union of Mars and Venus through mid-July. Jupiter strengthens and supports this doorway of opportunity in its sojourn through Aquarius, paving the way for visions to manifest.To make fullest use of this window of probability, go within to affirm your highest intentions for a soulmate reunion. See how uniting with a soulmate will serve the highest good for you, your soulmate, and all others. Bring your focus to how this reunion will allow both you and your soulmate to step more fully into the understanding of your spiritual purpose and its fulfillment.Another step is to strengthen the bridge between your conscious and subconscious minds. This communion between your physical and spiritual realities allows you to harmonize your inner soulmates. Your conscious and subconscious minds are your "inner soulmates." When these come into alignment, a soulmate is able to come into your life to mirror this inner alignment to you. This is in accordance with the Law of Attraction: like attracts like. You draw to you what you are.There are many good techniques to help you align your "inner soulmates." One of the best is working with your dreams. This includes writing down your dreams and interpreting their meaning each day. This begins a dialogue with your higher self that over time strengthens the bridge between your physical world and the world of your spirit. As you become telepathic to your higher self, the bridge to your spirit is naturally strengthened through everything you do.Working with the symbols that show up in your life is another way to strengthen this connection. You can take everything that happens in your waking world and interpret it as you would a dream symbol. This brings awareness to the "subtext" of your physical reality and points to deeper levels of meaning that pool beneath the outer trappings of your life like underground streams.When you have established clear intentions for a soulmate reunion and taken steps to strengthen the bridge to your higher self, you're ready to meet with a soulmate in consciousness. To undertake this journey, you will work closely with your magical helper -- your imagination. All that you seek to bring into your life to arrives through the doorway of your imagination. Ask your magical helper to take you on a journey to your inner temple where you will meet with a soulmate in consciousness. See this journey unfold on the screen of your imagination. Your first meeting with your soulmate is not unlike a first meeting in physical reality. After a first meeting in consciousness, your connection is able to strengthen through subsequent roundezvous in your inner temple. To prepare for these meetings, you can tune in the vision of your temple, enhancing and beautifying it. You are creator of this beautiful setting. You can create breathtaking vistas overlooking turquoise ocean waters and white sand beaches; you can create enchanting rain forests and cascading waterfalls. This is your world and your vision.Each time you meet with a soulmate in consciousness, you are able to merge your energies and strengthen your connection. In time, this growing connection is able to manifest into your physical reality.Each step you take during this doorway of soulmate connection will be magnified and enhanced by the cosmic energies of love and reunion through mid-July.Thanks to co-author, Peter Phalam, trancechannel and Campanus astrologer specializing in soulmate astrology.__._,_.___
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Greetings, I am Mira.I speak to you from the Pleiadian High Council. We watch over you. We guide you. We will stop at nothing to see that you and the Earth make it through your ascension process.We were with those who attended the Return of the Ancestors. We have a commitment to the indigenous people of the Earth. We are most like them in our way of thinking and behaving on a planet. Their (Native American) language is close to ours. We send an outpouring of love and congratulations to those who completed the ceremony to bring forth the specified prophecy at the specified time on Earth. There will be no turning back.It took a lot of energy to set the energies for this shift that occurred. It was almost like moving a mountain because the resistance and build up of the old energies had to be removed. The winds needed to be strong and pure. Our ships from various star systems were needed to oversee the clearing, to protect all who attended, and to be on the lookout for whatever might have happened. We were pleased to participate. You have no idea how much from the past was removed. What was set in the present and future are profound.As a result of this gathering a lot of extra Light was anchored into the Earth. If you will remember you came from the stars and the indigenous people know this. It is now permissible to move forward with the energies for the New Earth. What was transmuted is now where it should be and that is off the planet. Great changes will be forthcoming. The groundwork has been laid. The preparations for this time have been set in place for a long time. It is a celebration on a grand scale.At times we wondered if the Earth could be readied for what is next. There has been a lot of opposition. It took some strong brave souls to be present. They were all guided to be there with each carrying a part of the puzzle. They have connections from the past and were encoded with these programs to bring it all to fruition.What is important is the love of the Earth, her people, her animals, and all of life. This love was spread far and wide. The elementals did an excellent job. They worked hard doing what they are best at and that is their job. The ground crew held things in place. You are all a part of this energy. The commitment is strong. The results are honorable and everlasting.You will need strength in the changing times. You will need to consider the Earth and what is in your heart in making decisions for your own future. There is big machinery that would like to swallow you in fear but now this is impossible. The condor flies with ribbons of Light soaring to highest places in heaven right over your heads. You are with us and we are with you.What you did for the Earth is part of the prophecy. Whatever rumblings and movement occurs from now on will be tempered by this ceremony. Unity is the name of the day. Love is how it moves. Each gesture from the heart is the cornerstone of the higher dimensional energies that will uplift you to align with us again. We repeat—thank you and congratulations.Please know who you are, why you are on the Earth and where you are going. You have come a long way. You are unstoppable. Keep your eyes open, your hearts clear and enjoy the shift of all ages.I am Mira from the Pleaidian High Council. We love and honor you.__._,_.___
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SURF REPORT FOR MAY 2009For the past month, we have been standing at the Crossroads. This is a powerful transition zone which signifies that we have reached the end of the old road of duality. The Crossroads are our initiation into becoming a True One. The only way through the Crossroads is to greatly expand our being and SHIFT WORLDS. This represents a major Turning Point of NO DOWN - NO RETURN.After we SHIFT WORLDS to go through the Crossroads, we won't be able to go back into our duality-based smaller selves. We will move onto a totally new, and much more stable, level in which we won't be susceptible to the fluctuations of duality. We won't be influenced by any fears that are imbedded in our planetary collective consciousness. Getting through the Crossroads is a significant breakthrough that gives us more freedom and makes us a True One.The Crossroads is a critical junction that all of us must pass through by our own selves. We can encourage others to go through it, but we cannot force anyone to SHIFT WORLDS.It is at the Crossroads where numerous old issues reach their crisis point. All of these issues are specifically designed to help push us through, to bring us to the point of having a quantum breakthrough. Here at the center of the Crossroads, we are beset with challenge after challenge. If we're not Shifting Worlds, we feel trapped in a corner with no way out. And like a high stakes poker game, the stakes keep being raised until we either break down or release the struggles of the world of duality. The more we resist and fight, the longer we prolong the agony. All the while, more issues keep coming in to be dealt with.Some of the ones who are having the hardest time are the ancient warriors who trained for lifetimes to fight and persevere in the struggle, no matter what. If you are one of them, you need to realize that the battle you are currently waging cannot be won with the weapons you are using. We cannot win a duality-based battle by fighting it with duality-based emotions and responses. It's as futile as trying to untie a Gordian Knot. All it does is keep you small until you either break or yield. We are not supposed to break, but to yield and expand. To find the new solutions, we have to expand our beings so we are able to look in new directions.One of our biggest snags is financial insecurity. Money, or the lack of it, is a huge challenge for many people. Our limited perception that lack of money holds us back from doing what we truly want to do, keeps us on a very short leash. We can no longer allow ourselves to be limited by how much money we have in our hands. We need to resolve to do what we really need to do, no matter what and make the commitment to make it happen. This is what I've done for years. If I had waited for the money to appear first, I would never have published my books or bought houses and cars. Instead, I made my commitment to do this, because it was the right thing to do, and then the money appeared in an almost miraculous manner, to do what I needed to do.We spend a lot of time and energy either acquiring money or spending it. Now, it's time for us to break free of the leash so we can run wild and free like we are meant to be, while doing what we really came here to do.And please don't sit around passively waiting for "Spirit" to do it for you. This is just laziness, giving up without any effort to make things happen. It means that you aren't following what you know to be true. "Spirit" isn't going to jump in until we give our full effort and make our full commitment.Gratitude is a major key to help us SHIFT WORLDS. This is because it is the antidote to lack. If we constantly express our gratitude for what we do have, it will turn our focus away from what we don't have. Gratitude strengthens the energy of fulfillment and opens the door for more of it to come in.Once we align ourselves with Right Time - Right Place , we WILL be supported. Many people are still afraid to believe this. These doubts of what we know to be true are another factor that keep us small and ensnared.And for those who spend their time fervently yearning for New Lives and One True Loves, please know that they won't fully manifest before we SHIFT WORLDS.Until this happens, we will be exerting lots of effort with heaps of frustration and little results, like hamsters inside a wheel -- endlessly running, running, running -- and getting nowhere.SHIFTING WORLDSWe SHIFT WORLDS by expanding our perceptions, becoming so vast that our mundane, earthly problems appear trivial. Once this happens, the new, "out of the box", solutions appear. We align ourselves with the Ultra Greater Reality instead of duality.We also need to reconnect with our true authority as a King of Kings or Queen of Queens. Observe yourself as you respond or react to the situations that are in front of you. Are you meeting them as a True King or Queen would? Or have you abdicated your True Self and become small, ineffectual, angry, impatient, frustrated and helpless? Once we step fully into our true authority, this gives us the empowerment that we need, not only to Shift Worlds, but to do what we need to do in a clear, easy and successful manner. And please remember that the mantra of the real Kings and Queens is, "To rule truly is to serve." True Kings and Queens are the Master Servers.The next step is to strengthen the resonance of PURE HEART LOVE until we totally embody it. This is the resonance that dissolves all the obstructions of duality. Duality cannot survive when PURE HEART LOVE is strong. It is one of the major tools for developing new attitudes towards old problems and new approaches to longstanding challenges. As PURE HEART LOVE strengthens, it will bring numerous breakthroughs and draw to us everything that we really want and need.Once we Shift Worlds, our old landscapes are immediately reconfigured. It's like we are suddenly inhabiting a brand new world. The New is superimposed over the old. Outwardly, perhaps nothing has physically changed, yet everything is vastly different. We no longer have to wait for the new conditions to arrive; instead, we bring the new conditions into the present moment. We have to do what's in front of us right now with our true, authentic core selves, with what we have and where we are. During this time, it's important that we get as much completed as possible. Don't put things off to do later if you can possibly do them now. And it's time to start manifesting the things that we want to happen.Once we have Shifted Worlds, we will need to recalibrate everything into the new resonance. Much of this will happen naturally as old, expired elements effortlessly drop away. And if we allow ourselves to think "out of the box", many golden opportunities will come to us from unexpectedly "out of the blue".Sometimes, a huge purification takes place when we Shift Worlds. Some people are becoming sick so the old can leave their energetic fields. This is why there is so much flu going around right now.This is a very unique time that requires specialized and intricate navigation. We all are Master Navigators. We must find the Master Navigator within us and bring it forth. Then all we need to do is to continually hone in on the coordinates of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE and follow the Compass of our Hearts.A TIME OF TESTINGMany people have been in great fear because of the flu epidemic. To put the current crisis in perspective, malaria kills 3000 people each day and no-one is panicking over this. Things like epidemics and earth changes are natural occurrences in Times of Completion. It's just one of the many ways in which our true knowing (our pre-set coordinates) is being tested right now.Our duality buttons are constantly being hit, setting off painful reactions. This is extremely helpful because it shows us the places where we are still susceptible to duality. As soon as we SHIFT WORLDS, we won't even feel them because all our duality buttons have been deactivated. True Ones don't carry duality buttons within them..Whenever there is fear, what we are really most afraid of is the Unknown. Why? Simply because we don't know what will happen. We don't have any control over the situation. We don't like being out of control because it makes us feel powerless. But since, in truth, we are not powerless, all we need to do is step into our true authority and SHIFT WORLDS. Then the wave of collective fear that sweeps across the planet cannot affect us.It is exactly when others are panicking that we need to be ultra strong and totally clear. In the Chinese Book of Changes or I Ching there is the hexagram of Shock upon Repeated Shock. It says something like, "The lightning flashes and the thunder roars and the superior man does not drop the ceremonial spoon." And this is exactly how we must be. No matter what appears to be happening in the outside world, chaos - fear - panic - disasters, we must continue to stand in the Ultra Greater Reality and embody the resonance of PURE HEART LOVE.Currently, many people are experiencing an intense time of testing and severe crisis. Men and young adults are the ones being most challenged. Many people in their teens and twenties are giving up hope for a better world and are self destructing because they simply don't want to be here anymore. What they most need right now is a purpose. They need to get the focus off of themselves and put it on people who are in a worse outward situation than they are. If they can find a way to serve others, such as volunteering in an orphanage, a refugee camp or tutoring disadvantaged children, it will push them out of their self-centered doldrums and put everything into a new perspective.THE SHIFT OF SOLAR RULERSHIPIt's a bit more complicated with the men. We are presently in the beginning stages of a Shift in Solar Rulership, changing from Red Sun to White Star. This is a monumental changeover that is an exceedingly rare occurrence. The effects of this are being heightened right now because we are in the phase of Pre-MUA, the time immediately before the beginning of a monolithic new cycle.Many men are in the midst of a major death process that is aligned with the death of the Red Sun. The Red Sun symbolizes both the False Man, the one who forces his way with will, ego and bluster, and the Broken Man. The False Man and the Broken Man have to die in order for the True Man to be born. Because of this, many men are going through a time of choice. They need to live their mastery and stop being afraid of the true power of who they really are.When men emerge from this death process as True Men, as a real King of Kings, which many of them will, they will be magnificent! This will clear the path for the birth of the White Star which is the infinitely truer Sun Beyond the Sun. The True Men will be Reborn Suns.(There's an exquisite short story by D.H. Lawrence called "The Man Who Died". It's a love story between Jesus and Isis that's only two chapters long. It is the last thing that Lawrence wrote before he died. He understands well about men becoming Reborn Suns.)True Men have never been more needed then right now. This is all deeply connected with the work we will be doing at the 8th Gate - 2 Activation at Lake Titicaca on June 5th. For the White Dragon is born of the White Star.And this is just the beginning....It is all part of the sacred union of Sun and Moon into ONE which leads to the full Activation of the Beacons of AN. And it is deeply connected with our reunification with our One True Loves.THE NEW LIGHTNESSFor the past few weeks, there has been a New Lightness in the air, bringing in a fresh infusion of energy. At first, it appears as an insertion point of something totally new, just like we feel the first hint of spring inserted into a long, cold winter.This New Lightness comes from a great distance and is completely unplugged from the old matrix. It comes from the New Matrix and brings incredible freshness. This is the very beginning of the first infusion of light from the White Star. It is becoming stronger every day. The New Lightness has never been here before.A few years ago, I visited the island of Santorini in Greece . In the village of Oia on the northwestern tip of the island, the air was infused with a superb shimmering iridescence. This is how the New Lightness feels.PURE HEART LOVE also comes from the White Star. A certain level of PURE HEART LOVE has to be present before we can Shift Worlds. Once we Shift Worlds, the New Lightness can come in.When this happens, it absolutely changes our pre-existing map. We don't throw away the old map and pick up a new map. It is like shining a brilliant laser light on the old map that we've had for a long time which suddenly reveals all the hidden places that we couldn't previously see. This is similar to shining a light on invisible ink and being able to read the secret message.The New Lightness unlocks a secret world that always been here, which transforms our old map into a totally new map. We can still see the locations of the old places on our transformed map, but superimposed upon them are all these new wondrous places that we didn't know existed. This brings an instantaneous alchemical transformation of everything around us.At this moment, all the impossible things become possible, all the wrongs become right, the Gordian Knots dissolve and many things click into their new, rightful positions. Now, we can move forward to manifest our Wildest Dreams instead of living in our worst nightmare. We have entered the zone in which miracles are normal occurrences of everyday life.The new map revealed from the New Lightness gives us a whole new world to explore. It's like moving to an amazing, advanced new level when we play a video game. The New Lightness had to be here before we could have the second 8th Gate Activation.This is so exciting. We are finally here. The journey has taken us so long, but now we are here!MAY OVERVIEWMay is a month full of quantum breakthroughs in which we will take our first steps of discovery upon our newly transformed map. As we do, our new directions will become more obvious and clear. A totally new world is emerging right in the midst of the one that is dying away.EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT, no matter how it appears; no matter how it plays itself out. We don't need to waste our energy worrying over the details of how things are going to get done. As long as we put in our full efforts, they will get done. Often, this will happen in most surprising ways that are infinitely easier than we expected.Huge waves of XUA will wash over our old lives, sweeping away many expired elements and clearing us of old patterns, relationships, jobs, beliefs and attitudes that no longer serve us.The New Lightness will massively transform our perceptions and greatly alter the way we do things. I'm already experiencing this in my life. Although my outer life hasn't visibly changed -- still work day and night without a moment to myself, over 500 emails in my In Box, all alone without help, still trying to sell house, no personal life, waiting for my One True Love -- everything is totally different. Nothing overwhelms me. Very little upsets me. I just do whatever I can each day, even the tasks that I used to dislike. It really doesn't matter. My new mantra when faced with things I don't want to do or things that appear difficult is, "I can do this." And I can.... All the while, PURE HEART LOVE infuses every moment.At the end of the month, we will be on the runway ready to take off into our New Lives, like phoenixes rising from the bonfires of the past.WITH PURE HEART LOVE,SOLARA
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Some people are so full of positive energy on a 24 hours a day, 7 days aweek basis that the Swine Flu, and other sicknesses always run and hidefrom them.The positive energy of those people will immediately destroy thoseviruses if they dare get close or near those people.Some people never catch colds or the flu, and they never get headaches,and they never take any types of legal or illegal drugs, and they neverdrink alcohol, and they never smoke cigarettes, and they only put foodand other nutrients in their mouths, and they never wish for bad thingsto happen to others or themselves, and they never live in fear, and theynever deliberately think, say, or do things to hurt or harm others, andthey never live with great and constant fears about anything, and theyalways have a lot of faith that they will always be greatly protected bythe #1 creator god and his/her angels.However, I know that some, or all of us are not always perfect, and thatall or some of us will sometimes become weak and vulnerable againstnegative attacks of other life-forms (negative people, negative spirits,negative germs/viruses/bacteria, negative thoughts, and all othernegative life-forms and energies).Now, let us all build up a great permanent positive wall or energyshield around our body that will prevent any types of negativelife-forms and energies from doing any types of harms (mental andphysical) to us.kentstarchildThursday/4-30-09[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Natural Solutions FoundationUrgent Health Freedom Action eAlert - April 28, 2009Straight Talk - Weaponized Vaccines and Pandemic ProtectionThis eAlert posted at: - http://www.HealthFreedomUSA.orgIndex:Nano SilverEngineered PandemicWeaponized VaccinesNew World OrderSelf-Quarantine & 14 Point ChecklistAnti-Virals, Herbal and Other RemediesFirst, A Word For Our Sponsors: YOUWhen the Natural Solutions Foundation shared our analysis of the weaponization of the Avian Flu with you in 2008, we got thousands of emails asking us what to do to protect ourselves. What does Dr. Laibow use?.We said very clearly that while the weaponized Avian Flu Virus might not react the way other pathogens did, we predicted that it would be killed by contact with Nano Silver, a finely divided type of silver which kills all known disease-causing agents or pathogens and which is sold as a Dietary Supplement in the US. I was very clear that the Avian Flu organism might or might not respond the same way. As it happened, later information let us know that we were correct: Nano silver DOES, indeed, kill the weaponized Avian Flu virus as it kills all known micro-organisms except beneficial ones. The US government says that people marketing silver products are not allowed to tell you this truthful information.We told you, within our private, opt-in expressive association, of the truth as we see it. To receive information like this is exactly why you opted into our Health Freedom Action eAlert - Please be assured, so long as an open and free Internet exists, we will speak truth to power... for you and for all humans who are facing this "time of plague" together.Continue reading this section... to the Engineered PandemicThe predicted, or perhaps I should say, "promised" pandemic may very well be upon us. This is, as sure as God made little green apples, a totally man-made event, with a totally man-made pathogen (disease-causing agent). The WHO, US Government and MMD (media of mass deception) have been ramping up, ramping up, ramping up. But there is no honest virologist in the world who can look you in the eye and say that this virus had any chance whatsoever of having self-assembled genes...To continue reading this section... will it get you? Vaccinated with a Weaponized Vaccine.I have the reports of several Mexican doctors who tell us that their colleagues were vaccinated and died. Vaccinated with what, you may ask? Now that is a really good question....To continue reading this section... you Spell "New World Order"Natural Solutions Foundation always provides solutions when we raise problems and issues. Always. And, since we understand that Nano Silver is the most potent, yet safe, nutritional pathogen killer know, we have been recommending for some time now that you need to lay in a good store of Nano Silver for health threats, both natural and man-made. But there are other ways to regulate the immune system, too, and we want to tell you about some of them. We urgently recommend the Nano Silver route (here is the link again: does not live by Nano Silver alone... other steps you can take...To continue reading this section... what to do if you are forcibly vaccinated: Natural Solutions Foundation last year -How to Self-Quarantine; Advice from a Public Health Professional: above article was exclusively published by Natural Solutions Foundation and includes expert opinions -(1) Self-Quarantine Memo from a NBC Protection Expert(2) Fourteen Preparedness Points, and(3) Other Preparedness StepsThe following articles were provided by two readers. We pass it along without endorsement or commentary since the information is benign and might help support your immune system in reasonable ways.Please note, we do not think this information will replace Nano Silver or other profound strategies, but it might help protect you and your loved ones. Nano Silver MIGHT be a magic bullet. These other strategies are not, but can be very helpful used together with a good diet free from contaminants and taken in enough quantity to have a substantial impact. Don't be embarrassed about wearing a face mask... it may soon be the fashion rage!Yours in health and freedom,Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundationwww.GlobalHealthFreedom.orgwww.HealthFreedomUSA..orgwww.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.orgwww.Organics4U.orgwww.NaturalSolutionsMarketPlace.orgTo order Silver Solution (Nano Silver) go to: My special thanks to our readers for bringing the following articles to my attention. RELPS#2: Don't forget, even in dangerous times, we need to continue to educate decision makers about protecting Health Freedom. Please send your message to the President, Congress and state decision makers, in opposition to the pending (sic) "Food Safety" bills that would force the industrialization of agricultural, destroying family farm, natural and home food production -- just when our immune systems need wholesome nutrition the most: Medicines and Herbs to use and avoid with Bird Flu"Research suggests certain natural foods may be as effective against virus H5N1 as commercial antivirals.(PRWEB) May 10, 2006 -- A Biology teacher from Australia, named Stephen Jones, has done extensive research into the H5N1 virus and compiled a list of natural foods that are effective against it and listed others that are detrimental. The list may come as a surprise to many people since foods such as spirulina and echinacea are listed as detrimental... Other foods that create mucous in the respiratory tract, such as bananas, are also listed as detrimental due to the fact that the predominant breeding ground of the virus is the respiratory tract and another way in which a patient may suffer is due to the body's over production of mucous in this area...To continue this article: Herbal and Other RemediesTo read this article about ... garlic, green tea, resveratrol ... olive leaf and more... additional miscellaneous remedies... dehydration, mercury toxins, magnesium, etc and that old-stand-by, Iodine... help Natural Solutions Foundation continue to bring you this type of important information.Donate here: Index
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The Ascension Infinity Portal - Bosom Of GaiaEarth-Keeper ChroniclesApril 22, 2009Earth-Day EditionIssue # 30The Ascension Infinity Portal - Bosom Of GaiaLord Metatron via James TyberonnGreetings ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you all in love. And as this week you honor the planet in that you term Earth-Day, we take a moment to commend you for that recognition.Indeed your Earth is a sentient, fully conscious, and highly advanced spiritual Being. Know that every iota of honor you give her, is returned 10X-fold.It is the Earth we speak of today, for indeed your planet is the tonal crystal that provides your portal to Divinity.And so we speak of Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. This is truly a land of immense beauty and profound natural expression. It is a micro portrait of all the titanic forces that form your earth. That you term the Divine is abundantly present in this wondrous and sacred Cathedral of the Living Earth. It is a land that offers many unique expressions found only in this area. It is a plethora of life itself. It has always been so, indeed it is a holy land, fully sentient, immaculately conscious and aware of its creative force.It is a land that has played an enormous part in not only the physical formation of your crustal landscape, but also in the dimensional architecture above and below. And while it has been duly recognized for the former, it has been largely unaccredited for the latter. In its loin sleeps the noble and sacred fire-dragon that has fueled the kundalini of the leys of North America, and gently so. Yet in its heart roams the nurturing Buffalo and thru its crown soars the noble White-Eagle. It’s all seeing eye projects the symmetry of the Golden and Purple Rays that exude mastery from its mystic brow. Upon whose structure walk Saint Germaine and the Ascended Ones of the Council of Light!And from their unified voices comes the acknowledgement of its new role, as the day of the prophesies arrive. And it is NOW! This land becomes the clarion of the Ascension. The Etheric City becomes a Nation, and the Nation a World. The World of the Cosmic Council of Light! As such we tell you that this area is vaulted to new brilliance, indeed as has been long awaited and prophesized. It occurs on the Solstice of June 21, 2009, when the two vortexes of Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons merge into ONE. One unprecedented system by Divine design of direct result of that termed the Cosmic Trigger. An Infinity pattern Vesica-Pisces flow is forming in place, combining the once separate vortexes of the Grand Tetons with that of Yellowstone. New grid patterns within the complex are converging, new leylines are articulating into place, and old ones are strengthened. Axialtonal lines are pulsing with renewed vigor.The dimensional overlay within the Infinity pattern flow of the merged super Vortex-Portal of Yellowstone-Grand Teton has vastly increased since the March Equinox. The Divine Female energies of Yellowstone will blissfully merge into ONENESS with the Divine Masculine of the Grand Tetons on the summer solstice of June 21, 2009. This will be called the Infinity Ascension Portal, home of the Cosmic Council of Light, and it will become one of the five NEW Etheric Centres of North America.NEW SYNERGYThe occurrence of vortex-portal systems is not haphazard or random. There must first be an energetic template in place that emits a ’scientific’ basis of energetic structure. These base structures are formed by harmonic combinations crystalline mineralogy, tectonics, volcanics, geology, ecology and geometrics. Combinations of these create energetic matrixes which become self generating batteries, capable of self directing consciousness and geometric evolvement. They attract frequencial ‘light’, refract it and amplify its various energy expressions.Not all vortexes are portals, and they are not equally embellished. But all portals have vortexial energetic delivery systems, and these can and do dynamically evolve and emit their own living grids. The Earth is not static, and is in a constant state of evolution.The geologic wind beneath the wings of the evolution of the Ascension Infinity Portal is in fact the volcanics of Yellowstone. This energy is not only increasing, but also in a state of refinement. It is an energy that produces a myriad of frequencial sonic and photonic tones, and these have defined the recoding of yr planet. With the knowledge that the super volcano is one of the most powerful electromagnetic generators on the planet, it should not be surprising that it is also a key tool of the Ascension. Ascension is change! How could it be otherwise!Yellowstone is factually recognized by your geologist and academics as having the thinnest crust on the planet, the molten magma is only 3000 meters below its caldera surface. The energy below it is immeasurable. Because the spinning of your planet on its axis receives longitudinal scalar wave patterns , the spinning core of the earth also generates these. In essence these waves are what Nicolas Tesla (Omeronn) referenced in the zero energy field. They are the mechanism that produces electromagnetic fields. Yellowstone, then is playing a role in balancing the polar energy distribution of your Earth. The mainstream academics continue to embrace only what is termed scientific, and scrutinize and reject integral theories that could advance your understanding. But until mankind embraces the Divine aspects of science, there will not be the full picture or understanding.As long as positive and negative polarities are evenly expressed, balance prevails on your planet, which is one of the reasons that raising humanity’s consciousness is so critical for the Ascension. You see the Ascension is not just a spiritual event, it is a scientific one, and so it follows a pristine logic that this area takes on a greater role in the full quantum spectrum of both the physical and metaphysical.As such new portal becomes a crucible of purification and portal of transformation. The unique area of Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons are the classic reproduction of all the harmonics and frequencies of the Celeste that are available to you on the ascending Earthplane. It is a harmonic symphony carrying all the frequencial notes of the Ascension. Within this magnanimous complex every octave, every major and minor scale is played.There are energetic lines here that cross and spin rapture that reboots and expands you. It is an area capable of revealing that within you that does not harmonize. Listen closely and you will hear the notes within your present consciousness that require tuning and refinement, or indeed that require elimination and new creative composition in order to rise into higher octave.It is the harmonic cave of creation, crucible and transformation.And just as your conceptual mythical stone age Neanderthals ventured out of metaphorical dark caverns into the sparking sunlight of the green earth, so there is a place and a time for each soul to willfully venture and explore greater knowledge of his or her subjective reality and system of belief. Masters it is the time and the place to explore the higher dimensions of Divine Selfhood. You are offered the opportunity to courageously renew and go beyond the comparative chambers of human experience in which you have now mastered. You are the pilgrims of Divine growth, you are students of the University of man, and this becomes your graduate school of Mastery. Whether you visit in dream state or in physical consciousness, if you are on the Hallowed Path, you will visit these energies and receives its transformational code.The Land : Bosom of the Earth-MotherIn a very evident sense, the combined vortexial matrixes of Yellowstone-Grand Teton National Parks are a nurturing refuge of the Animal Spirit and Nature Spirits so revered by the Indigenous. The true spiritual core hearts of the revered Buffalo, Wolf, Bear, Elk, Hawk, Eagle, Coyote, Antelope, Cougar, Beaver, Moose, Deer, and Badger are nestled in totem within this energy. Yellowstone is the Serengeti of the West.Despite its intensity and occasional erratic pulsing, these very occurrences benefit the land and create the life force that nurtures all creation in this Bosom of Gaia.Here the hearts of the sacred four legged and winged family still soar, still exist in untethered earth, living earth, protected from the modernization, as much as is possible in your present time. Their unique energies are quite robust and merge symbiotically with the elements and directions within this sacred land. And while the elements are quite raw in this area, and cyclically quite harsh, it is this very ‘unbound’ primordial aspect that in fact weaves into place the creative healing and nurturing that enables this area to be the Bosom of Gaia. It is quite appropriate then that the exquisite spire peaks are called the Grand Tetons because these living cathedrals do exude the etheric nurturing essence of Gaia, the mother’s milk of life, Akash. But we will tell you, the primary fountain of Akash is the geysers. We will speak more on this later in this assay.The Elemental Kingdom and Obsidian FallsThe elemental devic presence in this area is particularly rich and tangible. These include that of the Fae, Elfin, Dragon-salamanders, Sprite, Rock Trolls, Gnomes, Undines, and Sylphs. The Sylphs are particularly present in the area of the obsidian cliffs and Beaver Lake.With the five elements so vividly present how could the elementals not be so as well? That you term as the dragon energy within this area, is most benevolent, and care giving, on par with that of Mt Shasta.We will mention quickly that the obsidian within Yellowstone is worthy of note. There are cliffs and flows of crystalline columns of volcanic glass, obsidian throughout Yellowstone. These are in 3 primary clusters. This obsidian here is very very special, extremely ‘positive’ in energy emanation, and in fact provides much of the neutralization and softening of the energy here. The areas of the obsidian, particularly Obsidian Falls is amazingly rich in faerie , elfin and sylphen devics. The empath can easily sense their lightness and crystal-chime laughter. The obsidian in this area has long been cherished by the indigenous and its outcroppings considered most hallowed.Crown Chakric ResonanceIn a relative metaphoric conception, Yellowstone promotes and exudes the fire energy of the first 3 chakras, and the Tetons-Jackson Hole exudes the upper three, both exude heart. But do not misunderstand, there are indeed energies and pockets throughout Yellowstone that have always been fully crown level energy.These then are merging in the Cosmic Trigger to form an enormous self generating grid of energies in balance. A mega mastiff of emerging inimitable equanimity and divine collaboration, in which the entire complex of the Infinity Portal now resonates the frequency above the crown.In not so many years past the energy of Yellowstone and Tetons-Jackson Hole were indeed separate, and while there was perimetry interface, there was not a merging, not a blending. As such the energies were succinct, quite different in frequencial aspect. This difference was quite tangible to the sensitive empaths and Earth-Keepers among you.The afore energy of Yellowstone flashed sequences of energy resonance that were quite forcefully raw and somewhat overpowering, as volcanic regions such as Kona and certain New Zealand locales project in cyclic pulse. This energy in extreme cyclic phases could be intense, erratic and somewhat imbalancing to many visitors to the area. Those new to the area could often feel quite exhausted and off-kilter after a few days within it. This was due to the frequency differential between the intense volcanic hi-frequency pulses, and the comparatively lower median frequency of the visiting humans’ aura. The result was a mechanically induced fissured human EMF leading to energy depletion or ‘auric-bleeding’.Yet this was minimized to an extinct by the healing harmonics of the geysers. (Within the new system, this effect is beneficial in that it amplifies the development of the MerKaBa, enabling the seeker to accelerate the fitting of the new light body.)However, within the relatively nearby energetic of the Grand Teton-Jackson Hole vortex, quite a different resonance prevailed. The Grand Tetons are actually one of the youngest mountain ranges in North America, yet nearby in the basin of Jackson Hole surfaces one of the oldest metamorphic rocks on the planet, that your geologist age at over 2.7 billion years old. The granitic spires of the Tetons energetically helix with the crystalline morphed gneiss to create an extremely benevolent harmonic, a harmonic of heart thru crown frequency. It is why the area has drawn artists and religious groups for years.Indeed it is why the Etheric Cities of Light exist in the area, and why the beloved Saint Germaine, Lord Lanto and the Ascended Masters gather there. It is an enclave of the Cosmic Council of Light, that which you have referred to as the Great White Brotherhood. As Archangel Michael has told you via the Mastersoul Ronna Herman, the ‘Brotherhood’ is up shifted in the new format to the higher level of the Cosmic Council of Light. This is a direct benefit of the Cosmic Trigger, and the resulting merger of the two vortexes into the infinity pattern of ONE.Helix Counter Spin FlowThat which has been in place is revamped, nothing is lost, quite the contrary. But the new super vortexial complex births new patterns, new flows and new energies. Energies not seen on the Earth in unfathomed millennia. The vortexial energies will not just spin, but counter-rotate and their energies will helix in 12-chord strand in a great complex weave, unlike any other complex of the planet as yet. It will fully aligned with the 144-Grid.And we will say to you that two decades ago, this complete balance was in potential embryonic status, but not in place. It took the Cosmic Trigger, the coded electromagnetic release to initiate and actualize this new flow. This will merge more fully in the coming summer solstice. Indeed this new flow will emerge into being one of the most powerful Earth-Mankind Chakras of the new planet earth. This has been foreseen by many of your ancient and modern-day seers. It is why so many religious orders have been drawn to the area. Its role as a place of healing, transformation and pilgrimage will expand. The Etheric City within the region will shine more brightly. Many of you will receive its call more clearly, and be drawn to visit the area in your own time. Not just etherically, but physically in conscious state.The process will initiate to in four stagings. The first on the summer solstice of 2009, and complete in increments in 2010, 2011, and in full flow and stage completion on June 21st, 2012, heralding the Ascension of December 21, 2012.It should not surprise you to know that the four elements of fire, earth, air and water also uniquely merge here with the fifth element of Ether or Akash (life force particulate).The Retreat of the Cosmic Council of LightNow, there has always been, in your terms, an Etheric City of Light anchored within the energy of the Grand Tetons. Indeed many humans on the path of Mastery have experienced the dimensional gate aspects of Shasta and the Grand Tetons, and have read of Guy Ballard’s (Founder of the IAM Movement) exploits with the Beloved Saint Germaine and the Ascended Masters in the Etheric Light Cities above and inside these mountains.Although in truth, these light cities are neither above nor below in a directional sense, rather separate programs occurring in the same spaceless space, and accessed by Dimensional-Portals anchored to the specific energy matrix of these locations. These areas, these etheric light cities are very key coding points on your planet. All of you will at some point spend time within them. Consider them graduate schools. Access involves the same mechanism as time gates. Well to visit these areas and exercise consciously what you already know how to do in subconscious dream states. Indeed you visit these areas quite often in dream states.And so we tell you that the transformation, merging and emerging of the ‘Infinity Ascension Portal’ makes the access more pertinent and the energy of this realm is indeed up shifted to greater frequency. In this new energy seekers of the path now have the beckon and beacon to enter this realm more consciously, in waking state.Question to Metatron: It has been said the ‘Royal Teton Retreat’ is a gathering of the Ascended Masters, and a retreat of Masters occurs here on the summer solstice, Can you speak on this?Metatron: Indeed! That termed the Royal Teton Retreat, congruent with the Grand Tetons near Jackson Hole, remains the fulcrum convent of the Great White Brotherhood on the North American continent. This etheric overlay is a timeless, ancient focus of great light where that termed the ‘Seven Rays of the Elohim’ are enshrined.It is indeed expanded, and may be appropriately called the ‘Sanctuary of Infinite Light’. And while we will confirm that this portal is a gateway-fulcrum of Ascended Masters and that you term Angelics, its matrix also in amplification contains the energy of that termed “White Eagle’ and ‘White Buffalo’.In terms of the retreats occurring on the summer solstice, this is verified, yet we will add that The Cosmic Council of Light, Saint Germaine, Lord Lanto and the energy of the Ascended Masters are ever present. It is perhaps more accurate to say their energies become imminently more prominent and accessible due to Cosmic and Terrestrial alignments and magnetics during the solstices. As such the effecting beacon code of transformation is the summer and winter solstice, albeit the June Solstice energies are somewhat more so.The Unique Healing of GeysersOver half of the planets living geothermal geysers are within this mega vortexial system and in many ways that you are not aware, these healing vents define the energy of this sacred place. For they not only fountains of pristine crystalline waters, but they flow forth great vitality units of Akash, the basis of what you term Chi and Orogonic life force itself. Over 10,000 geothermal features contribute exquisite life force in Yellowstone.The gurgling heat and hissing steam has been misconstrued by some to be a negative force. Quite the contrary, the bountiful and vital life force these fountain are incredibly rejuvenating. Truly the ‘Fountain of Youth’, with remarkable ability to charge life force and well being to all life within its field. Those with specific ailments, those greater in years, will indeed experience and increase in vitality, libido, lessening of chronic arthritis and rheumatism as well as a renewed ‘joyeaux de vivre in this energetic area.The land within this area, is so wondrously unique, and so spiritually invigorating, that this vortex can heal hearts and offer inspiration thru etheric light portals that can change and enrich one as if the culmination of a sacred pilgrimage. And that is exactly what it is to those of the Yellow and Violet Rays!The New Ascension Infinity Vortex-PortalThe merging of the Grand Teton massif with the volcanic waters and lands of Yellowstone is now occurring and expanding over the next 3 years to 2012. The two have been separate vortexial complexes for aeons, but are now combining, and intertwining with divine purpose. Spurred by that we term the Cosmic Trigger, a coded electromagnetic energy that has been dormant since the fall of the Firmament, has been released and is releasing immeasurable energy beyond your wildest imagination in this vortex. We have shared this information previously, and spoken of the of 14 sacred springs that would release this coded electromagnetic beginning its initial stage with the March Equinox of 2009. These areas are:1) Mull, Scotland2) Chan Chan, Peru3) Tumuc-Humac, Brazil4) Nagasaki, Japan5) Huesca, Spain6) Ekaterinburg, Russia (Ural Mtns)7) Bethlehem, IsraelYellowstone, Wyoming-USA9) Kilimanjaro, Tanzania10) Iceland11) Kona, Hawaii12) Mt Cook, New Zealand13) Great Artesian Basin, Australia14) Sri LankaAnd so if you observe the locations of these sacred source springs, note that only Yellowstone offers this flow in the lands of North America. Consider that for a moment.Can you then imagine the scope of this mission, and the energy occurring there? It is vast! For that vortexial system is very capable of generating sufficient torsion to amply serve the entire continent of North America. Indeed since the Cosmic Trigger it is doing just that.The Elixir of LifeOne very unique and extremely pertinent attribute of the Yellowstone-Teton energy matrix is found in the living earth itself. This area is indeed a spring of pristine life-force, quite similar in that aspect to the Grand Canyon and islands of Hawaii and the land of New Zealand. We have told you before that volcanoes are capable of holding greater dimensionality within their matrix and the super volcano of Yellowstone is exceptional in this regard. The presence of Akash within the Yellowstone-Teton energy matrix is enormous, and second only to the Grand Canyon, yet within the vast caldera of Yellowstone are colossal pockets of Akashic life force that offer great creative energies to the land and life itself within it. Yellowstone is a cornucopia of life. It is verdant and flowing, rich in all aspect. This etherium vital is real, and can quite truthfully be said to be the ‘Elixir of Life’ . And indeed, it beckons you, renews you!Accordingly the energies of Yellowstone and of the Grand Tetons offer many unique benefits to mankind in the now. And these are offered in trinity level, to body, mind and spirit. The merging of these two has been ongoing in preparatory flow-coding for the past decade and is now actualizing and accelerated by the initial phase of the Cosmic Trigger. This is precisely why so many Earth-Keepers and Lightworkers have been drawn to this area in recent years. That draw will now exponentially increase, as the importance of this major vortex-portal complex comes into full focus. Many more will be drawn to this area for self exploration, review, balance and renewal. Each will receive the renewal code in download. The energy itself provides parts of the 5 key codes of the MerKaBa and MerKiVa in much the same way that this was done in ancient times in the Pyramid of Giza, you see?Question to Metatron: Some a geologists have observed land rising and sinking and the buildup of magma in the Yellowstone lava-chambers and have concluded that an eruption is imminent. The geologists believe the Yellowstone volcano erupted 2.1 million, 1.3 million and 650,000 years ago, showing a release cycle of approximately every 650,000 years. Is the next explosion overdue?Metatron: First we will say that we are speaking of not only a super volcano, but a super-consciousness. Indeed it is a feminine energy, and an extremely aware ‘Being’ that has taken on a mission. Many of your religions especially among the Hindu, Buddhists and certain indigenous have long recognized that volcanoes carry tremendous sentient energy-fields, and appropriately recognized them as Earth expressions of Deities. We have spoken previously about the role of Mt Shasta as balancing the energies of Atlantis and LeMuria, as well as housing etheric cities of light, and underground civilizations within its multidimensionality. We will say that Yellowstone has taken on many similar roles of equal importance. The primary of which is to surge tremendous frequencial ‘kundalini’ life force energies into the EarthPlane and in so doing balance the polarities of North America and indeed the planet.Yellowstone is extremely active, brilliant engineered and embellished with unimaginable energy forces and these are being tuned and coded for release onto and into the earth for the purpose of upshifting frequencies to balance and raise both mankinds’ matrixial resonance and the planetary energy for the Ascension. It is one of several global vortexes in this role.Now in reference to your question, is an eruption imminent? That would depend on many factors and time references. In terms of geologic time we will say on your current path it will not occur for some time. But in geologic time, there will be an eruption. We will say it would not serve the mission of Yellowstone, nor the Ascension for a cataclysmic eruption of Yellowstone to occur in the next few millennia.But we will also say that the mass fear-attention of a cataclysmic eruption by mankind to the potential could in fact attract it to move it forward in time. Just as your news media initiates massive fearful attention and focus on hurricanes and their ‘expected’ landfall vector influences where they will land and flow, so would the fear of millions of mankind’s expectation of a cataclysmic eruption in Yellowstone actually attract the experience. Do you understand?We have told you that the super hurricanes that are occurring in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico are actually beneficial for increasing and equalizing the frequencial harmonics of the oceans, and are not meant to devastate the lands. And if left to their designed flow patterns, would not do so. It is in fact the fearful attention focused on where they will land that pulls them off pattern and draws them to land in the media forecasted pattern, viewed by millions. Now, ebbs and flows in the earth’s energetic grids and leys system cause surges or short circuits in these EM energies, which can result in a magnetic discharge or a magnetic low-pool, requiring the balancing of a tectonic shift, eruption or quake to equalize surges, and a tornado or hurricane in the case of a deficit. Yet these in themselves are generally of smaller scope, and are in truth reparations and prevent a greater cataclysmic event you see?Question to Metatron: Is this why there has been a recent increase in Earthquakes?Metatron: For Yellowstone, yes. However, this has not exceeding the normal occurrence in this area. The magma swelling and compression in Yellowstone shakes the earth in the area somewhat like the teetering lid of a boiling pot. Hundreds of smaller quakes often occur in the area every month, and this has been occurring for millennia.However the global lands of your Earth do indeed quake more and the reason is two-fold. Those in recent weeks are the natural reaction to the Cosmic Trigger, the global release of electromagnetic codes that are the initial phase of the new firmament. This we have spoken of, and it is primarily occurring in what would be termed the volcanic regions, and is the lesser quaking.The second scope represents the greater quaking, and that which will increase. It is due to the imbalance within the center of the planet, within the very core, as to how the core spins both clockwise and counterclockwise. So then there must be a balancing upon the earth as well.Accordingly with the earth moving into its higher octaves and preparing for the higher dimensions, without such balancing of the electromagnetics, there would be even more earth changes. They would be first an earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado to balance, you see? Then another earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado creating a pattern of its own which would not be of assistance. In this way, then, there is an anticipatory energy of how electromagnetics move about the planet, circulating about the grid system and then permeating the earth and then balancing within as well. It is not done necessarily to prevent earth changes, but to bring balance where balance is appropriate.A Place of HealingNow, the geysers and volcanic of Yellowstone create an interesting, potent and unrecognized healing matrix in the area of the new infinity vortex.The water that is spewed out of the geysers at Yellowstone is a unique cocktail of crystalline water, containing trace element content of both SiO2 ( silicate quartz) and sulfur.The geysers at Yellowstone in the concentrated valley and indeed at Old Faithful, offer unique benefits to the human energy field.Sulfur is an extremely healing non-metallic substance. Its yellow aspect vibrates to the resonance of hertzian theta, and works synergistically with the silica on the solar plexus chakra. It enables a significant shift in the soul’s understanding of itself, connecting to other souls, becoming aware of the higher aspects of consciousness that come into the physical that help redefine the soul. This aspect that brings through an awareness of one’s own personal power in this regard is of much benefit. It allows you an awareness of the personal power of humanity, it’s greatest gifts, what it can do in an awareness of entirely new potentials, and new ways of communication, new ways of interacting with itself.Certain compounds of the aerated sulfur and silica are capable of forming a healing sheath, insulating the auric field in a manner that assists its geometric expansion and healing. We have spoken previously about the fissure cracks occurring in the human EMF due to the requisite increasing of the earth’s background resonance. The enormous energy field that occurs in the actual releases of certain geysers in Yellowstone insulates the auric field and reformats the field into the MerKaBic format. This due to the silica and sulfur components mingled with the Akash.The traces of sulfur breathed in through the lungs and received on the skin is additionally very beneficial for the kidneys, lungs and liver. But we emphasize the trace quantity, not the excessive. But that which occurs in Yellowstone is indeed beneficial and not excessive, quite the contrary.Question to Metatron: Is this similar to the healing qualities you have spoken of in crystalline silica springs, such as Stewart Mineral Springs in the area of Mt Shasta?Metatron: Yes, very similar, although the delivery mechanism to the auric field is different, and the sulfur content is far greater in Yellowstone. As we have said it is in the perfect aeration balance, and is most beneficial on the physical level for lungs, skin and kidneys. Detoxifying on both the physical and indeed electromagnetic field.Question to Metatron: Is this effect throughout the area or is it specific to the geyser fields?Metatron: The sulfur effect is specific to the geyser fields and is most effective, exponentially more effective in the immediate vicinity of the geysers when the actual spray is actively being spewed, is energetically discharged. However, the effect of the Akash, the Orogonic or Chi energy is throughout the area of the double vortexial matrix of the Yellowstone-Grand Teton field. It is why flora and fauna are so abundant within the area.Here is truly a land where the geology defines the ecology. The rivers that flow in this area, especially the Yellowstone River and the Snake River, are sacred flows of healing energy. Hydrolines of plasmic anionic fields tumble within and without the charging blue green waters. These waters absolutely are healing to the human field in their own rite. Well to bath within them in the shallows.The Yellowstone River free flows almost 700 miles and creates an incredible canyon, 1000 feet deep betwixt two generating cascades. The energy of this area is palpable and extremely beneficial in energizing the human field and heart. It exudes a sense of well being and joy, in symbiotic balance to the steam vents and geysers.Now we will tell you that the ionic ratio of anions (negatively charged particulate) to cations (positively charged particulate) in the areas of the geysers is quite different from the normal ratio. This can create a sense of initial imbalance and temperament among the people in the area. However, it also offers a different magnetic effect to the human field that can and does open doors of dimensional perception. We will say that it facilitates what may be termed out of body experience and a sense of time distortion. Yet the same can be experienced in a more balanced format in the areas of the Grand Tetons.Closing:The Grand Tetons have long been recognized for the interdimensional energies present. It is in fact the proximity to Yellowstone and the volcanics that makes the Grand Tetons so powerful in that regard. That is also the case with Mt Shasta. The rock around the base rock of the Tetons and bedrock of Jackson Hole is ancient, vastly older than that of Yellowstone, and the very metamorphic crystallization of the ancient rock emits a pristine electromagnetic field that enables the balance of the area for the Etheric Cities to be anchored there. As we have told you, the rocks that make up the part of the Teton Range are Precambrian gneisses and granites as old as 2.7 billion years!It is far more than the National Parks of the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. It is the sacred Bosom of Gaia and a hologramic graduate school for the seeker. While it offers great beauty, energy and renewal, it is a frequency of both gentle and intense frequency. As this area contains the full electromagnetic spectrum, there is then by definition the requisite presence of negative and positive energy fields. It is an octadehedronal amplifier of what you are and what you think, and offers itself as a purification crucible of what does not serve you. When you visit this area, maintain positive thought. The ability to bath in the thermal springs and be amidst the thermal geysers offers great protection, and great healing.The super vortexial portal complex that will emerge on the (June 21) summer solstice of 2009 will vault this area into new and greater prominence. This area is one that many of you have visited in what we will term the dream state. It will now emerge as a new pilgrimage site and allow seekers the ability to experience the Etheric Light of the Cosmic Council consciously.The sentience and spirit of the Ascension Infinity Portal will interact with you according to your degree of Light Quotient, and according to what each seeker, who enters in pure and open heart, requires.You are Beloved! I am Metatron and I offer you these TRUTHS.And so it is.==========================This channel is copyrighted to . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or public print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested at Tyberonn@hotmail.comTags: ascension, bosom, earth, gaialord, infinity, james, metatron, portal, tyberonnShare
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Sunday, April 19, 2009The Countdown BeginsFor those of you who have been working diligently toward the integration of your full-human potential I am sure that by now you wholeheartedly agree that the path of ascension is not all rainbows and butterflies.The sobering reality of the choice to activate our divine blueprint and integrate it fully into our physical lives duly requires a sufficient amount of naivete, more energy than we have, deliberate sacrifice, a dash of sadism, relentless determination, a mammoth sense of humor, isolating solitude, freakish patience, and above all else, the super-human will to trust in something we can't see.Most times this boils down to feeling like your being dragged feet-first across a rocky terrain...face down.Now, I know that shortly after publishing such an austere post I will get a stack of those annoying emails from the cloud-jumpers out there who say that it is very unspiritual of me to talk about reality... and that I am not, of all things, "thinking with my heart"...but before you're tempted to wax all woo-woo on me, let's keep in perspective here that spirituality is just one stop on the way to grounding in REALity.And for those of you who get it, I am just as tired as you are of the UNreal and all those glazed over messages of how amazing and beautiful ascension is while so many are REALly feeling completely "emotionally and spiritually depleted" one brave woman so candidly put it.Certainly, and according to energetic law, there are and will be the magical rewards of all the hard work that we put forth, otherwise we could not sustain the level of intensity that is required to endure. But the REALity of the process borders on farcical for so many, that surely it warrants validation.So for those of you out there begging for a mega-dose of REALity, this one's for you.Where are we?Well, first of all, make no mistake about it, the past four weeks (since the vernal equinox) have been nothing short of grueling on so many levels. The letters and emails coming from each of you confirmed what I already knew to be an extraordinary universal ass-kicking, hand delivered by those potent equinotical energies. Yet, it took me at least 2 weeks to find enough clarity to make cognitive sense of all that was going on while simultaneously trying to keep my head bobbing above the rising sea levels of discord.We were basically being barraged with copious amounts of balancing energy put forth to help us strip away any remaining soul goo that was keeping us stuck to our shadows. That coupled with a long and challenging Venus retrograde in Aries made it nearly impossible to escape the fundamental and core truths animating our desires for physical pleasure...most notably, relationships and money.The Venus retrograde began on the 6th of March and just went direct on April 17th and could really be felt in the conflicting energies of wanting to move forward with our new beginnings (Aries) coupled with having to go back (again) over old situations (retrograde) to reclaim the parts of ourselves that we unconsciously gave away in power struggles related to money, sex, relationships and love. Aries is the sign of the Independent Self so we were really being urged to get centered in our power as we prepare to live our new lives from a place of complete self-acceptance & love.In other words, it's time for the REAL YOU to stand up, and be counted!When Venus was out of town, things really slowed down by way of manifesting since she rules over our values and the power of attraction. There was just no movement to be had in this money flow, no real contact or communication with family and friends, no business productivity, projects were put on hold, pleasure was hard to come by..AND... if you were lucky, you may have dodged the many heated arguments wanting to be had through the process of reclaiming so much of ourselves that we once gave away to others. I, for one, was not so lucky ; ))I know for many, this was a messy time and it seemed to go on forever and a day. But luckily now that Venus is direct we should feel some relief from the pressure on our personal relationships that will make it easier to move forward again in many areas of our lives.So what now?Good question. One that I have been reluctant to answer, but I am finally at the point of detachment where sharing it is possible.On April seventh I had an unplanned "meeting" with the Pleiadian elders, also known as the Pleiadian High Council. During what seemed like a personal intervention, I was surrounded by a powerful group of souls and given these words to share...The Countdown Has Begun.Now... after haplessly wading through four weeks or more of complete disconnect from the higher realms, cynicism won me over leaving me way too cranky to accept this message...I just was not in vibrational alignment with it, so I chose to ignore it.But as spirit would have it, these types of messages don't just "go away", so with the starbeings' patience and persistence (and after a few tantrums and some pointless raging at my future self), I conceded.Here's what they had to say:"We are overjoyed at the opportunity to share with you that the Countdown has officially commenced. The window of completion is so near to the end that you are literally able to count the days until you are free to be.From our perspective, the most exciting aspect of this relates to your new ability to alter your genetics, for it is now time to rejuvenate your human biology to match your angelic DNA and divine template to experience the splendor of all components coming together to create a completely new paradigm of experience and behaviors that will lift you permanently out of the mire.As this resurrection period draws nigh, the physical changes in your biology will have great implications for the future of planet earth. You will be capable to realize the many gifts of God's grace through such purified vessels of divine love. This is one prime example of what will come to be for the planet, for the many and for the masses who choose the way and the path of physical resurrection & freedom from dis-ease.We are especially thrilled for the achievements of so many who walked the path alone and in blind faith, and we are even more delighted to see the ripening fruits of your sacred labors. This completion awards you your divine fortune and each of you will be blessed beyond measure. When the tide fully turns in your direction, there will be no stopping the flow of heaven. Brace yourselves to receive thy bounty.A much anticipated time awaits those preparing to consciously launch into the new and true. We are on standby to share in your joys."CommentarySo apparently this countdown began on April 7th and as I understand it, will continue on until the June solstice, the time when we will be "exalted to higher ground"...a time when those who have been leading the brigade and the planet to her destiny will be fully and completely connected to the new realms of creation.On a physical level we are still reeling from so many downloads and according to the Pleiadians, we will be integrating this energy for the rest of April. This has been especially challenging this time around, personally I haven't felt such intense ascension symptoms...or as others call it, ascensionitis, or Global Acceleration Syndrome (G.A.S.).... for many years.These symptoms vary per person, but the most notable this time around seemed to be sinus related...congestion, sinus headaches/pressure/soreness, spinning/vertigo/dizziness, etc.During this bump-up, one of the things high on the to-do list was the re-calibration of our psychic centers to access new levels of inter-dimensional communication. If you have noticed that suddenly you are able to experience the subtle realms more definitively...i.e., seeing/hearing/feeling more energy or beings than ever before, this is a result of the pituitary activation and the ensuing discomfort.This, in addition to the usual symptoms of a fried nervous system... debilitating fatigue, apathy, joylessness, insomnia/deep-sleeps, anxiety, spaceyness/fogginess, sore muscles/joints, nausea, tingling sensations, muscle spasms, back pain, chest pain & heart palpitations (thymus/heart opening), irritability, anger, weight gain, bloating, intestinal discomfort, the need to eat all the time followed by a loss of appetite, etc.Another thing you may be experiencing are some far-out and downright strange dreams since we have been in this most recent void. If you are experiencing disturbing dreams or nightmares, try not to pay any attention to them, even if they linger with you all day. These energies are just passing through and if you can detach completely from them, you will have a much easier time moving on and letting go.Based on what is being shown to me, May will be a time of physically setting up new systems for the implementation of new streams of abundance by way of new connections, relationships, careers, ideas and opportunities that will create a higher level opening for the flow of all good things to come into our lives. Right now we are still largely without support (minus those cute little manifestations that keep popping up), and it hurts to be without, but our days are literally numbered here. Our ship is barely visible through the clearing smog, but slowly coming into the harbor and bringing with it all the joys we ever dreamed of.There is so much goodness on its way to us and very soon we will be able to look back at how far we've come... and we will release years of astonishing resilience as we weep in joy and rejoice in celebration of the birth of our well-deserved creations. But for just a moment longer... and exactly when we're ready to give-up... we must stay fiercely fastened to our focus as all the pieces continue to find their perfect place in our new lives.So if you are feeling like you are 150 years old and can barely muster up the energy to switch a load of laundry... or if you are tired of watching your life go by without being able to actively participate in it... know that perfect timing was protecting you, this cycle is finally drawing to a close, rejuvenation is at hand, and within mere moments we will rise like the proverbial phoenix to embrace life the way it was always meant to be the continual flow of all good things!Here's to never giving up...With deepest respect for your journey home,
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