nighteyes's Posts (5)

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"The Fifth of November:" Million Mask March

i often wonder how my one little voice can be heard amongst the din of all the political rhetoric. here in the united states, our elected officials seem to have taken leave of their senses and are more concerned about protecting their positions and p.a.c. money than the people who elected them. so, when i heard about the opportunity to peacefully join with thousands of other voices in order to issue a wake-up call to the national and international "powers that be," i saw a way to become more than just a single voice.

below, you will find a video of one of the latest "anonomyous" posts that you may find interesting. i have also included a transcript of the announcement if you prefer to read, rather than listen.





As of now, we declare independence from the United States government. From this date on we will be rebuilding the system, a system that will be created by the people not for the people.
We “The people” will no longer comply with your unjust laws, your spying, your violations of our Human Rights. Police Brutality,Central Banking, Taxation without representation.
The lying politicians who are bought through “donations” and controlled by private interests…and let’s not forget, the two party puppet systems that are stimulated by choice leading to the same thing.
We will no longer by slaves to the system. Henceforth, we, “The people”will not comply with any “gun bans”, manditory gun registrations, or government “buy back” plans.

This includes Executive Orders or any unconstitutional bills that may make it through congress. Violating the 4th and 2nd amendment. We no longer have faith in our illegally
elected officials or the people that they put into power without vote. As such, we are willing to comply with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution ONLY.

This includes Executive Orders or any unconstitutional bills that may make it through congress. These would be violations of our 4th Amendment right, as well as our 2nd.

To uncover any corruption, it will be required that all laws are written legibly and simply. This will prevent loopholes and hidden agendas that may be cleverly phrased.

The Central Banking system is as of now, rejected by “The People”. We will not comply with your interest rates that do not truly exist. No longer will you print money without backing, destroying our economy and driving us into the dust. This current system is devaluing the dollar and is unsustainable. As such, a new monetary system will be developed by “The People” and will consist of INTEREST-FREE MONEY. The bankers will be held accountable for bankrupting our nation’s economy and will face trial. It is not acceptable that they have been stealing our wealth for centuries. These individuals will be charged with crimes against humanity as well as fraud – and at the higher levels of command, treason.

Surveillance is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACT. The Patriot Act, HR-347, The National Defense Authorization Acts of 2012 and 2013, and Obama’s new Cybersecurity Executive Order are just a few examples of the current government attempting to strip away our Constitutionally guaranteed rights. We will not comply with these laws and henceforth will do everything in our power to stop unconstitutional surveillance and the policing of citizens.

This great nation was founded on the principalities of freedom. The first Revolution was fought over taxation. This time, the taxation was hidden within your Banking system and the Unconstitutional Corporation: The I.R.S. We are still taxed without representation, as our government does not truly represent “The People” anymore. Our politician’s main concerns are to line their pockets with taxpayer money and bribes cleverly called “donations”. No Longer! This administration has the nerve to call great men such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson terrorists! The idea that we all love so much was fought & died for by men such as those. These are things that have been bled for before, and if need be, will be bled for again. The individuals in power disrespect our forefathers’ memories and ruin our image. These people will be brought to justice and held accountable in a tribunal according to Constitutional law, and then in a world court for crimes against humanity.

From this day forward, we will strive to be a truly free nation as our forefathers wanted. This means no more political corruption. In this, we demand all politicians and power holders step down for a re-election process on November 5, 2013. During said election process, the media WILL NOT participate in any coverage. This will allow for an unbiased election based on people true beliefs & ideals instead of what they hear on TV.

The date that we march on Washington, you will try to arrest us and charge us with felonies via Executive Order: HR-347; maybe even treason. This is an Unconstitutional order and it violates our FIRST AMENDMENT! We will take this as an act of TREASON and WAR towards The People. This will violate our duty as Americans to remain true to our Constitution. This constant barrage of our rights is the cause for this declaration. If on before stated date, arrests are attempted in such a fashion, we will see it as an act of treason and war. If you harm one citizen, even with non-lethal force, it will be seen as an act of treason and war against “The People”. If you refuse to comply with our peaceful demands, then we will force them on you via the power of the People. You will be charged with treason for violating constitutional law and your oath.

We the people are the taxpayers; we the People are the ones who own this country. As such, when we the people are unhappy with the establishment, due to corruption, it is our duty to destroy said establishment and rebuild one that is fit for the people. Politicians are not going to get paid for what people who truly care, would do for free. Politics were never created to be a career.

This document is not meant to replace our Declaration of Independence, it is simply an addition by Anonymous. This was demanded by the People and should be taken as a declaration that we will be free. Give us Liberty, or give us Death!

We are Anonymous.
We are the People… we are the doctors, lawyers, soldiers, military veterans, students, teachers, police, the homeless, the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers of this country.

We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
On November 5, 2013,
Expect us.

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"The Fifth of November:" Million Mask March

i often wonder how my one little voice can be heard amongst the din of all the political rhetoric.  here in the united states, our elected officials seem to have taken leave of their senses and are more concerned about protecting their positions and p.a.c. money than the people who elected them.  so, when i heard about the opportunity to peacefully join with thousands of other voices in order to issue a wake-up call to the national and international "powers that be," i saw a way to become more than just a single voice.

below, you will find a link to one of the latest "anonomyous" posts that you may find interesting.  i have also included a transcript of the announcement if you prefer to read, rather than listen.


As of now, we declare independence from the United States government. From this date on we will be rebuilding the system, a system that will be created by the people not for the people.
We “The people” will no longer comply with your unjust laws, your spying, your violations of our Human Rights. Police Brutality,Central Banking, Taxation without representation.
The lying politicians who are bought through “donations” and controlled by private interests…and let’s not forget, the two party puppet systems that are stimulated by choice leading to the same thing.
We will no longer by slaves to the system. Henceforth, we, “The people”will not comply with any “gun bans”, manditory gun registrations, or government “buy back” plans.

This includes Executive Orders or any unconstitutional bills that may make it through congress. Violating the 4th and 2nd amendment. We no longer have faith in our illegally
elected officials or the people that they put into power without vote. As such, we are willing to comply with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution ONLY.

This includes Executive Orders or any unconstitutional bills that may make it through congress. These would be violations of our 4th Amendment right, as well as our 2nd.

To uncover any corruption, it will be required that all laws are written legibly and simply. This will prevent loopholes and hidden agendas that may be cleverly phrased.

The Central Banking system is as of now, rejected by “The People”. We will not comply with your interest rates that do not truly exist. No longer will you print money without backing, destroying our economy and driving us into the dust. This current system is devaluing the dollar and is unsustainable. As such, a new monetary system will be developed by “The People” and will consist of INTEREST-FREE MONEY. The bankers will be held accountable for bankrupting our nation’s economy and will face trial. It is not acceptable that they have been stealing our wealth for centuries. These individuals will be charged with crimes against humanity as well as fraud – and at the higher levels of command, treason.

Surveillance is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACT. The Patriot Act, HR-347, The National Defense Authorization Acts of 2012 and 2013, and Obama’s new Cybersecurity Executive Order are just a few examples of the current government attempting to strip away our Constitutionally guaranteed rights. We will not comply with these laws and henceforth will do everything in our power to stop unconstitutional surveillance and the policing of citizens.

This great nation was founded on the principalities of freedom. The first Revolution was fought over taxation. This time, the taxation was hidden within your Banking system and the Unconstitutional Corporation: The I.R.S. We are still taxed without representation, as our government does not truly represent “The People” anymore. Our politician’s main concerns are to line their pockets with taxpayer money and bribes cleverly called “donations”. No Longer! This administration has the nerve to call great men such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson terrorists! The idea that we all love so much was fought & died for by men such as those. These are things that have been bled for before, and if need be, will be bled for again. The individuals in power disrespect our forefathers’ memories and ruin our image. These people will be brought to justice and held accountable in a tribunal according to Constitutional law, and then in a world court for crimes against humanity.

From this day forward, we will strive to be a truly free nation as our forefathers wanted. This means no more political corruption. In this, we demand all politicians and power holders step down for a re-election process on November 5, 2013. During said election process, the media WILL NOT participate in any coverage. This will allow for an unbiased election based on people true beliefs & ideals instead of what they hear on TV.

The date that we march on Washington, you will try to arrest us and charge us with felonies via Executive Order: HR-347; maybe even treason. This is an Unconstitutional order and it violates our FIRST AMENDMENT! We will take this as an act of TREASON and WAR towards The People. This will violate our duty as Americans to remain true to our Constitution. This constant barrage of our rights is the cause for this declaration. If on before stated date, arrests are attempted in such a fashion, we will see it as an act of treason and war. If you harm one citizen, even with non-lethal force, it will be seen as an act of treason and war against “The People”. If you refuse to comply with our peaceful demands, then we will force them on you via the power of the People. You will be charged with treason for violating constitutional law and your oath.

We the people are the taxpayers; we the People are the ones who own this country. As such, when we the people are unhappy with the establishment, due to corruption, it is our duty to destroy said establishment and rebuild one that is fit for the people. Politicians are not going to get paid for what people who truly care, would do for free. Politics were never created to be a career.

This document is not meant to replace our Declaration of Independence, it is simply an addition by Anonymous. This was demanded by the People and should be taken as a declaration that we will be free. Give us Liberty, or give us Death!

We are Anonymous.
We are the People… we are the doctors, lawyers, soldiers, military veterans, students, teachers, police, the homeless, the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers of this country.

We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
On November 5, 2013,
Expect us.

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Let's Stop Whining & Get To Work

i'm not certain this should be considered a spiritual blog, but i suppose it has to do with living in a more "just" world.  i don't know about other folks, but i have been struggling just to get the two ends to see each other.  and, i have no plans in the near future for them to actually meet.  our political system has become nothing more than a thinly veiled sham to advance the agenda of "The One Percent."  i see places like the middle-east continue a war that began with throwing stones and has now progressed to being able to destroy the world.  i've read studies that confirm that both the democrats and the republicans server their masters well and leave the rest of the population as the raw material.

but at the same time, i don't think you can whine too long without consciously seeking a realistic solution.  complaints abound, but i've really heard very few ideas on how to fix it. as humans, we tend to get caught in the whiny stage but spend all our energy licking our wounds rather than searching for a solution.  i'm not saying this is THE solution, but i'm saying it might be a starting point for a productive discussion.  so, if y'all are still with me, read on.

virtually every part of our "system" is broken.  and what we have been doing for decades is trying to fix it from the bottom up.  obviously, we have learned a lot from this - mainly, that it doesn't work.  we seem to think that doing the same thing over and over will eventually lead to a different outcome.  isn't that one of the definitions of insanity?

so, my suggestion begins at the top. . . the president and congress.  when the next elections roll around, regardless of your party affiliation, vote for the guy campaigning with NO big money backing.  then, the first order of business is to enact laws that make it illegal for any "big money" donations.  ban ALL paid lobbyists from capital hill. and next, pass a law that ALL bills under consideration be presented INDIVIDUALLY.  no more adding pork to legitimate bills.  then, finally, demand that all elected officials have a government issued web page in which issues currently before congress be listed individually and in plain english.  at this site, constituents only will be allowed to weigh in on the issues before their representative.  

representatives work for us.  we don't elect them into office to represent themselves.  so, it would also list who was present for roll call when those bills were voted on and what their vote was.  if there was a clear preference on the part of their constituents and they voted otherwise, they should post an explanation.  then, when next voting season roles around, WE get to make a truly informed decision when we vote.

then, we rebuild the democracy our founding fathers intended from the top down.

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Confusion & Drama Abound in this Energy

Life has been crazy of late.  Seems that all I've been doing is holding on to the horse.  He's been taking me for some ride.  And I suspect I'm not the only one. . . which is why I am sharing my latest story.

I feel as though the shift in energies is bringing up all sorts of issues lately. Both personal & professional.  Last march the only remaining speech pathologist (other than myself) retired, leaving only me to cover both administrative duties and a caseload of approximately 200.  At the same time I was triaging my caseload, I was interviewing for the two vacant positions.  And I was just reminded by my boss that I was not a supervisor.  Which makes me wonder why I'm stuck doing all this administrative stuff. But I do love what I do.  The only problem is the 1:15 commute each way every day.  Not long after I started making it I began to notice more & more trouble meditating.  Then, not long ago I read somewhere that there is a correlation between long commutes and trouble maintaining focus.  Oops.  

Then, my 16 year old son dropped out of school and closed himself off from the entire world except to myself and his best friend.  He has disowned his father and has discarded a relationship with his older brother.  The only thing that keeps him connected to us is that we don't criticize him.  I offer guidance in less confrontational ways and Al-Malik has just been able to let oh so much roll off his back.  But lately my little indigo has been incredibly angry and is testing our limits.  When I try to talk to him, he gets furious. He has slammed my laptop to the ground, his smartphone into the wall and punched several new holes in the walls.  

I have the most amazing man in my life.  We were friends for 3 years before we became romantically involved, and that was almost 4 years ago.  He really respects my feelings and my need for space. . . space for working with my son and space for myself.  But the only problem is that my son hasn't given me time to turn around and spit.  So I'm "soulfully" in need of a spiritual jump start.

It's raining right now, and that is always an energy boost. That's when I feel most connected to the Earth Mother, at least when I'm here in the flatlands.  The other time I feel intimate with the Earth Mother is when I'm in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I was there the last two weekends for my oldest son's graduation from college.  He graduated with a Bachelor's in Building Sciences with a concentration in green buiding design. He's headed for an internship in San Francisco with an architecture firm.  After that he wants to find a job & graduate school in architecture.  I hope to join him for a week before he comes home. I think I see a camping trip to Yosemite in my near future   lol.  Both my natural sons seem to have a lot of me in them, but one got a concentration of the good (gentleness, introspection, peace and a love of nature) and the other got a concentration of the less helpful (anger, ADHD, an anti-establishmentary outlook and bipolar.characteristics).  So, I will get to recharge my batteries.  

But now for my question to you. . . .

Is anyone else feeling like they are on a run-a-way horse besides me?  And if so, how are you coping?  

How are you finding time to keep yourself centered? 

And finally, how do you step away from life drama with your 16 year old son when you're only one of two people that he will even pause to listen to?

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The Energy of the Storm

Have you ever noticed a change in the energy when a storm is rolling in?  I used to think that each storm had the same kind of energy, but recently i have begun to wonder.  I seem to be sensitive to the energy of storms. Some storms have a very soothing effect on me and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with their size.  One of the worst storms to hit my area was one of the most comforting to me.  It was Hurricane Fran.  I had a 6 year old son and one about 4 months along, still in the oven.  Our neighborhood was very wooded and our lot (about 1/2 acre) was no different.  When she started to reach our area I became very relaxed.  I stood on the front porch and soaked in this very powerful, but calming energy.  As the night went on, I went to sleep.  I woke up to my husband jumping out of bed.  It was the middle of the night, the wind was howling, the house was being pummeled with rain and branches.  He reported that a neighbor's enormous oak had landed across our drive-way.  I went back out to the front porch and looked up in the night sky.  It was surprisingly light in the sky, so much so, that even in the middle of the night, in a neighborhood with no street lights, the dark trees were silhouetted very distinctly against the light sky.  They were bending and swaying in the strong winds.  The rain was coming down sideways and it was amazing!  I could hear trees in our neighbors' yards snapping, but i was still very comforted.  She was showing us that, as powerful as we thought we were, she was more powerful.  She held our fate that night in her hands and I felt safer there than in that of our so-called "humanity."  I knew then that she wouldn't hurt me.  I turned away and went back to bed.  I slept like a baby the rest of the night.  People around us sustained quite a bit of damage and we lost 21 oaks and maples in our yard alone.  But our house was untouched.

Then there are storms that send a kind of electric energy before they even reach me.  It's like the very air is getting ready to burst. It's a fun kinda energy that makes me want to run and dance.

Then there are storms like Sandy.  She's off the coast of Georgia right now and isn't even projected to head inland until after it passes North Carolina.  But I'm already picking up her energy - and it is different still.

I also seem to be sensitive to old trees and the mountains.  So, my question would be. . . . are there others out there who have had similar experiences?  Perhaps with other elements?  



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