Take Action May 7th ~ 15th: The Greatest Freedom of Speech Issue of Our Time
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is on the verge of enforcing new rules that drastically change how the Internet works. At behest of the world’s largest telecom companies, the FCC is planning to overturn Net Neutrality and destroy freedom on the Internet by creating a “pay to play” environment; similar to the way that television works. Under the proposal, Internet Service Providers will have the power to block or interfere with online traffic. Sites that can afford to pay large fees will be easier to access. Sites thatcannot afford to pay large fees will be slowed down, sectioned off and pushed to the back.
Net neutrality has been a pivotal rule in evening the playing field and creating fairer competition on the Internet. It is the backbone of the Internet’s free and open architecture. In killing net neutrality, the FCC will allow censorship and discrimination to rule the Internet. The same large corporate gatekeepers that have bought control of our political process and cable television will now have dominant control of our online experience. In a very quiet backroom deal, the FCC is on the verge of igniting the greatest Freedom of Speech issue of our time, by handing over control of our internet to Comcast, Time-Warner and Verizon.
The Internet has empowered citizens with access to uncensored information and given us a voice with the ability to communicate freely on a global scale, which has led to a global awakening unprecedented in human history. The Internet has become a powerful tool in the fight for knowledge, democracy and freedom. We cannot allow the world’s most powerful corporations to seize control of it!
On May 15th, FCC Commissioners will meet to propose these new rules. To save the Internet, a diverse coalition of groups are launching a Wave of Action for media freedom and building a People’s Firewall to block them. Beginning Wednesday, May 7th, actions will be held every weekday at noon and 5pm outside FCC buildings.
The main FCC office is located at 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554. Please tell everyone you know in the Washington, DC area about these actions. We need people to turn out on May 7th to make a big first splash. An escalating Wave of Action is planned through May 15th.
If you can’t make it to DC, please take action locally. Here’s a list of local FCC offices:
Regional Offices
Chicago, IL,
Kansas City, MO,
San Francisco, CA.
District Offices
Atlanta, GA:
Boston, MA;
Chicago, IL;
Columbia, MD;
Dallas, TX;
Denver, CO;
Detroit, MI;
Kansas City, MO;
Los Angeles, CA;
New Orleans, LA;
New York, NY;
Philadelphia, PA;
San Diego, CA;
San Francisco, CA;
Seattle, WA; and
Tampa, FL.
Resident Agent Offices
Anchorage, AK;
Buffalo, NY;
Honolulu, HI;
Houston, TX;
Miami, FL;
Norfolk, VA;
Portland, OR;
San Juan, PR.
Also call your congressional reps and the FCC to tell them to stand up for Internet freedom by supporting Net Neutrality.
Please use these social media hashtags: #FCCvsNetFreedom and #WaveOfAction
We’ve created a People’s Firewall page on the WaveOfAction.org organizing network to help plan and co-ordinate actions. To get involved, please join us here.
