A few years ago...

A photo of me from a few years ago

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  • That's eiry that you mention the twins thing Einstein

    Where I used to live, many people would stop me in the road and they would swaer I was someone they knew, claimed I was identical apart from the accent, lol maybe I have clones (O_O).

  • Thanx for the explanation Ishma. You remind me a lot of a lad I was in school with, if I didn't know any different I'd say you're twins.
  • Heya Einstein 
    That is an overlayed watermark that was modified from a crop circle, I appreciate the bi-radum physics portrayed in positive negative and neutral points, it denotes an understanding of amplifying a force factually outward that neutralizes itself to the next nearest greatest force and therefore amplifying its own 'will'. 
    Its a circuit diagram for an amplifier :D
  • Interesting pic, what is that on your forehead?
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