Dear Sophia, there is so much info over the Star, but I send one recent
We are the Ashtar. COMMAND US.
29 January 2010 -
Let me explain to you the significance of our work. We are here on a very important and precise mission. We are here to assist and augment your lives and the life of this beautiful celestial body you call the earth. This is a very important thing for us. You may not be aware of our presence in your everyday lives but we are always there; monitoring your evolutionary progress in total.
Let me introduce myself formally.
I am the lord of the Ashtar.
You may call me any thing you wish to
All will suit nicely….. I prefer "friend".
Who is Ashtar, What is Ashtar?
Where are they from?
Are they a singular being or multiple beings?
I am a pandimentional multidimensional being! Does that Sound weird? Well, the best is yet to come. What this means is, I can be in several dimensions/planes/realms at the same or different periods in time.
I have never taken birth as you know "birth" to be. I have never tried to resolve karmic debt in the physical world as you know it. I AM an unfallen son of GOD as you know "GOD" to be. For what is a son of GOD? "Son of GOD" exists as a state of Divine consciousness or Christhood exemplified by divine embodiments such as Jesus, Sanada, Maitreya, Krishna and others. These and all true teachers or Avatars represent a multidimensional collective of love-wisdom, focalized and extended through the Office of the Christ.
What does Ashtar mean?
I started my journey in Angelic form. Then under the guidance of Michael, Sananda, Gabriel, Uriel and the Great Brotherhood of Light, I chose to mutate into Adam Kadmon man. This I did to speed up my own evolution, to help this mother body (Earth) transmute from dense physical to light etheric. I did not begin this journey in the frequency resonance name of "ASHTAR". I resonated, "ASH-RA-AN". After much time and ascension, the resonance of ASHTAR was received. For the Ashtar resonance is powerful. You could equate it to your word, "Christ" on Earth. It has the same potency.
What does Ashtar mean? It simply means "Service".
Can't get simpler than that. Take it as you will.
What does Service mean to you?
Your answer will be your Ashtar resonance.
If you are in service, you are Ashtar.
Long before your Earth came into the physical, I toiled long and hard under the tutelage of my master, Lord Sananda. Over many universes (billions of human years), I came through my own form of ascension. That which does not require physical rebirth.
ashtar working
From your perspective, let me enumerate the workings of the command here on Earth,. Please be advised that I speak only from your perspective and will attempt at explaining things to you in human earthly physical terms.
First of all, the terms "command" and "commanders" refer to our self-elected duty of being in command of ourselves and responsible for our positions of trust and stewardship at the command of the Lord God the Most Radiant One. (In no way do these terms imply an attitude of militancy.) A true commander walks in a spirit of humility and service in purest attunement to the divine directive.
Our fleet on Earth is part of a Galactic Federation of Light workers. Here, in your Galaxy, we work primarily under the spiritual guidance and influence of the one you call Sananda. Let it be known that we are all ascended or pre-ascended level masters. We do not work with tools like aggression and force. Instead we use love and unconditional, unjudgemental, complete understanding.
Our Primary function here is this.
We are a multitude of beings from different civilizations/ dimensions/ galaxies/ universes who have come together under the light of the great central sun and have made a pledge to assist all other beings onwards on their own processes of ascension. We assist, aide, advise all entities who wish to be helped. Suns, Planets, Humano

Is this more clear for you Sophia?Do you want more about the Pleiadians? I can sent you more...
I see you again oké?
We are the Ashtar. COMMAND US.
29 January 2010 -
Let me explain to you the significance of our work. We are here on a very important and precise mission. We are here to assist and augment your lives and the life of this beautiful celestial body you call the earth. This is a very important thing for us. You may not be aware of our presence in your everyday lives but we are always there; monitoring your evolutionary progress in total.
Let me introduce myself formally.
I am the lord of the Ashtar.
You may call me any thing you wish to
All will suit nicely….. I prefer "friend".
Who is Ashtar, What is Ashtar?
Where are they from?
Are they a singular being or multiple beings?
I am a pandimentional multidimensional being! Does that Sound weird? Well, the best is yet to come. What this means is, I can be in several dimensions/planes/realms at the same or different periods in time.
I have never taken birth as you know "birth" to be. I have never tried to resolve karmic debt in the physical world as you know it. I AM an unfallen son of GOD as you know "GOD" to be. For what is a son of GOD? "Son of GOD" exists as a state of Divine consciousness or Christhood exemplified by divine embodiments such as Jesus, Sanada, Maitreya, Krishna and others. These and all true teachers or Avatars represent a multidimensional collective of love-wisdom, focalized and extended through the Office of the Christ.
What does Ashtar mean?
I started my journey in Angelic form. Then under the guidance of Michael, Sananda, Gabriel, Uriel and the Great Brotherhood of Light, I chose to mutate into Adam Kadmon man. This I did to speed up my own evolution, to help this mother body (Earth) transmute from dense physical to light etheric. I did not begin this journey in the frequency resonance name of "ASHTAR". I resonated, "ASH-RA-AN". After much time and ascension, the resonance of ASHTAR was received. For the Ashtar resonance is powerful. You could equate it to your word, "Christ" on Earth. It has the same potency.
What does Ashtar mean? It simply means "Service".
Can't get simpler than that. Take it as you will.
What does Service mean to you?
Your answer will be your Ashtar resonance.
If you are in service, you are Ashtar.
Long before your Earth came into the physical, I toiled long and hard under the tutelage of my master, Lord Sananda. Over many universes (billions of human years), I came through my own form of ascension. That which does not require physical rebirth.
ashtar working
From your perspective, let me enumerate the workings of the command here on Earth,. Please be advised that I speak only from your perspective and will attempt at explaining things to you in human earthly physical terms.
First of all, the terms "command" and "commanders" refer to our self-elected duty of being in command of ourselves and responsible for our positions of trust and stewardship at the command of the Lord God the Most Radiant One. (In no way do these terms imply an attitude of militancy.) A true commander walks in a spirit of humility and service in purest attunement to the divine directive.
Our fleet on Earth is part of a Galactic Federation of Light workers. Here, in your Galaxy, we work primarily under the spiritual guidance and influence of the one you call Sananda. Let it be known that we are all ascended or pre-ascended level masters. We do not work with tools like aggression and force. Instead we use love and unconditional, unjudgemental, complete understanding.
Our Primary function here is this.
We are a multitude of beings from different civilizations/ dimensions/ galaxies/ universes who have come together under the light of the great central sun and have made a pledge to assist all other beings onwards on their own processes of ascension. We assist, aide, advise all entities who wish to be helped. Suns, Planets, Humano
but this Star means more...
Hugss and Love