Hey everybody, I usually don't post articles on Ashtar Command (or I haven't in a long time) but I just need somebody to talk to who may understand me.
There have been some weird things that have happened to me in my life and I would like to make note of them here:
When I was 7 years old or so, a LIGHT BEAM came through my window at night. I thought that it was a MOON BEAM. On this "moon beam" came an alien (I thought he was the Man in the Moon because I didn't know anything about aliens back then and that's why I wasn't scared). He went right THROUGH the window like it wasn't even solid. I wanted him to go to school with me so I could show him my drawings (I was quite into art throughout my school years). We walked to my school, and I remember it was fall, because I could hear the leaves rustling, but THERE WAS NO OTHER NOISE AND NOTHING WAS MOVING. No cars were moving. I had a feeling that we shouldn't be seen, but this "guy" didn't seem too concerned about it. They put my mother in suspended animation or something. ( She was standing but looked really "zoned out".) They said something like "She's coming out of it". (I do not remember if this happened before or after we left).
When I was 17 years old I had a 23-year-old boyfriend (naughty me!), There was an "incident" that happened at this time. This is all that I can remember: We were parked at the side of the road at night and to my right was a circular UFO with multi-colored lights. (I was SCARED SHITLESS!) I told my boyfriend to drive as fast as he could without getting us killed, and we drove 90 miles an hour through country roads. I was two hours late in getting home. (Somehow, these two hours just 'disappeared"). We thought that we may have fell asleep, but neither one of us remembers sleeping. When I told my mother why I was late in getting home, SHE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME. (And why should she? What an EXCUSE!)
I have seen at least 10 UFO's since then.
Here's the rub: I DON'T FEEL LIKE I BELONG HERE. I HAVE NEVER FELT LIKE I BELONGED HERE. I feel like I am just here to OBSERVE people. I feel so ALONE and I don't know who to talk to (but I feel that the members at Ashtar Command may be able to help me).
All comments welcome - but BE NICE!