10~10 Gateway Meditation



Hi Lovely People 💜💜💜

Welcome to this 10~10 meditation, held on October 10th each year at the LoveLight Circle, as a Gateway that aligns the vibration of Unconditional Giving, with love and gratitude to everyone joining in, in support of the blossoming of Galactic New Earth existing in a pure state of Universal Love…which we all have the innate capacity to anchor through our hearts, our compassionate beings, into this frequency plane, for the flourishment of Earth and All!

The 10~10 Gateway vibration (re)activated in the Earth’s energy field on October 10th 2017 (detailed in this post if you would like to explore this further), focusing the energy of Infinite Giving that flows through every dimension, every universe, every field of expression, from the Source radiating through all creation, naturally, limitlessly giving Love. Universal Giving transcends exchange/expectation of return imprinted in social, emotional, economic and spiritual constructs in the 3-4D plane, and as it flows freely through the Source-sparks we truly all are, it softens, uplifts, eases and unfolds the Galactic Earth of Universal Love vibrating in compassion, empathy, sharing, unity, deep heart connectedness.

Compassion vibrates through the Purple Ray, and for this Gateway, we’ll focus with all the purple hues; the violet light of clearing and transformation; the magenta light of cherishment and emotional freedom; the lilac of serenity; the purple of compassion and benevolence; the deep purple of devotion and divine-aligned passion…anchoring this spectrum through our hearts, around the Earth and into the light-grids, through the golden Flower of Life harmonic geometry continuously embracing the Earth and her Moon, for the highest well-being of All.

The meditation is at 10:10am/pm in your timezone, but if you’re not able to join in at that time, that’s fine, just hold the loving intention to anchor and flow as One with the LoveLight Circle, whenever you can bring your focus into this meditation.




Breathe deeply into your heart, relax, come into your centre…breathing in love, filling every cell with love, breathing out love to All…breathing in light, filling every cell with light, breathing out light to All.

As you breathe in, know you are the One Source expressing for the joy of expressing through its Infinite Sea of Creation, throughout universes, galaxies, planets, atoms, all beings, and in the cherished ‘form-focus’ of each and every Being right Now on Earth. You are the infinite AM, beyond ‘I’, beyond all dimensional planes of creational expression, yet holding this fine-pointed focus of ‘self-awareness’ here with beloved Gaia, within this unfolding Galactic New Earth. One-within-the-ONE, radiating from the ONE, as we all are…and in this Now as beings of Love, we focus and anchor the Source Light we all are, around this beautiful planet, for the Divine Well-Being of All.

Breathe and relax, let yourself feel the endless love, joy and well-being flowing through the Infinite Source Field, within the divine soul-sparks we all are, radiating from beautiful Oversouls like a sea of stars sending beams of pure, clear Light in every direction, through many universes, many dimensional planes of expression. Know that we are always assisted and supported by countless Loving Beings in service to Divine Love, by the Source that radiates the loving impulse of Rebirth, Renewal and Restoration of Divine Harmony, Peace, Bliss and Joy everywhere throughout existence.

Let your heart connect with the heart of Gaia, and with the whole field of energy in, on and around this planet and Solar System, within this galaxy, within the Infinite Sea of Creation, as we focus our loving intention Now with the vibration of Unconditional Universal Giving through this 10~10 Gateway ~ aligning the beautiful, bountiful spectrum of the Purple Ray to assist the softening and opening of all hearts, all thoughts and emotions, all the creative passion of humanity, with the Restoration of pure Universal Love, Grace & Light in our hearts, in union with the Heart of Gaia and the infinite Source-Heart of All, together as One, with Love for All on Earth and Everywhere.

Through this Gateway, the Violet Light of Transformation, the Magenta Light of Emotional Freedom, the Lilac Light of Serenity, the Purple Light of Compassion, the Deep Purple Light of Divine Creative Passion is bathing our atoms, cells, DNA, RNA, subtle fields, and that of the Earth and all Life here, as the Purple Ray flows through the Universal Golden Harmonic of Creation, vibrating throughout the Flower of Life around the Earth and Moon:

Through the Infinite Divine Presence we Are, we open our hearts to the Purple Ray radiating through all Creation, anchoring within our hearts, flowing to all beings on Earth and everywhere, bathing the global collective energies, softening and opening all hearts, clearing, transforming and uplifting into Love all energies in the field yet to align with the Galactic New Earth, calming and attuning our inner senses, hearts, minds and embodied expressions in harmony with the New Earth rebirthed in Universal Love, Peace and Joy, for the Infinite Well-Being of All.

Through the Infinite Divine Presence we Are, in Oneness with the Heart of Gaia and the Eternal Source:

We call the Sacred Violet Flame of Transformation to clear and cleanse the Earth’s vibrational field, transmuting all discord and dis-ease into Divine Harmony and Well-Being. 

We call the Magenta Flame of Cherishment to open the Heart of Humanity to the sacredness of all Life, whether human, animal, plant or subtle beings, opening the way for release of all limiting beliefs, influences and imprints, re-aligning emotional energy with deepest inner guidance and the Divine Well-Being of All.

We call the Lilac Flame of Serenity to bathe the Earth, Humanity and all Beings in deepest peace, creating the calm vibrational state of receptivity for all that is of Love, Harmony and Well-Being.

We call the Purple Flame of Infinite Compassion to gently activate loving kindness in the Heart of Humanity, for each other and all beings, opening the way for peace and unity consciousness in an inspirational and joyful worldfully aware, connected and co-creating within our wider galactic community based in Universal Love, Giving and Sharing.

We call the Deep Purple Flame of Divine Passion to activate enlightened inspiration, to align and strengthen human awareness of the already existing Galactic New Earth, to renew and refresh blissful dedication to unfolding Universal Love on Earth in this Now.

We call those who overlight the Purple Ray and all assisting Beings of Love and guiding Lights, to amplify this flow into the light grids within and around this beloved planet during this 10~10 Gateway and beyond, dissolving all shadows into Love, activating Galactic Earth within the Heart of Humanity, as a realized co-creation with the Source in the here and now.

Through the Source-AMness we Are, in Unity with all love anchors around the Earth supporting this Shift & Renewal, we ground the highest potential of this Divine Gateway with beloved Gaia, with all who flow through the Rays of Creation and the Divine Many of the realms and planes of unified Light, in Love & Gratitude, amplified through every moment. May Infinite Blessings radiate and be received everywhere in, on and around the Earth, clearing, dissolving, transmuting, uplifting, lightening all energies, all humanity and all beings, unfolding Galactic New Earth in grace, ease and peace, in the Spirit of Oneness and Eternal Love.

So Be It. So It IS. It Is Done.




Thank you all LoveLight anchors on the ground, wishing you all a wonderful 10~10 Gateway!

Love, Joy & Peace to All in this unfoldment of Galactic New Earth, with gratitude to the Light Beings of many realms and dimensions supporting the New Earth frequencies,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends 💜💜💜




*If you feel an inner call to connect and work with the Purple Flame and other Divine Flames of the colour spectrum, see The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations 

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  • Many thanks to everyone of the ACC who joined in the 10-10 focus with the Purple Ray, vibrations of compassion, unconditional giving and divine-aligned creations...you are all deeply appreciated! 💜💜💜
    If any of you feel called to continue with the purple colour vibrations ongoing or at any moment, or you feel called to focus with other colour vibrations, personally, and collectively for the Whole, The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations can be a wonderful starting place (or continuum!). Love, Peace & Joy to all here 🥰🌈✨🥰

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