10 Easy Things to make a difference in your life

Hi all. What started out as a New Year's Resolution, and upon reflection over the last few days, I thought I would note the things which have made a difference in my life. While I do not know if this is indeed a step of ascension, I do know it has made a difference for me and others around me. I am in NO way preaching or demanding - simply sharing what has worked for me. They are simple in execution, but large in impact.

10 Easy steps to make a difference

1. Tactical things: 
A. Change accounts to local banks or CU. 
B. VOTE. Make an honest effort. No excuses. 
C. Pay attention and be open to all information sources. Mainstream media is myopic. 
D. Support local business as often as prudent for your situation. Again an HONEST effort. Your neighbors and friends. 
2. Do one voluntary act of kindness daily/weekly. Size does not matter. Within your means and devices and your choice. 
3. Glass "half full not half empty" attitude. Look for goodness in all things. 
4. Talk to God often and freely. It is your God who loves you and like all loving parents wishes only the best for you and will always help when asked. 
5. Think beyond the moment. Consequences are the driving wind of your future. 
6. Be loving to all. Kindness and honesty are appreciated by all. Smile and be cheerful. 
7. Respect proper law and order. Guidelines and principals are important for current civilized societies and to ensure basic services and safety. There is NO issue with honest caretakers and protectors via our existing government and formal institutions. Disruption is not necessary. 
8. Do the right thing. You always know what that is. Remember the consequences of your choices are within the control of the decisions you make. 
9. Live the laws of your religious beliefs. For myself this is the 10 Commandments. 
10.  Help others. If there is a need and you can help please do so.
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