
The long anticipated day of 11/11/11 may have come and gone without much anticipated fireworks, however....much was truly accomplished away from the blinkered vision of the 3rd dimensional eye....The first domino has been triggered. Now that this portal door is opened, it will remain open as we have remained here on Earth as guardians of this sacred threshold....WE ARE THE GATE KEEPERS.



November 12, 2011


 by Greg Giles


The long anticipated day of 11/11/11 may have come and gone without much anticipated fireworks, however, a closer look behind the scenes would certainly be called for if you wished to see just how significant this day was and how much was truly accomplished away from the blinkered vision of the 3rd dimensional eye. On this most magnificent of days, a great portal was opened according to the decree of the Creator, and the necessary procedures were carried out to the letter by the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Realms and their trusted partners, the ascended beings of the Galactic Federation. That’s some team working together, would you not agree? But there was another essential part of this team whose effort was most called for on this historic day, and without their assistance this far reaching and vital project could not have been accomplished no matter how many Angels joined forces with the mighty fleets of the Galactic Federation. Who are these essential team members? Well, it is you, and it is I. We.
We are the key that unlocked this long sealed door. If it were not for the many carefully placed legions of light all across the globe, these powerful energies could not have been sufficiently anchored, and would not have ever been sent through the portal in the first place. The portal would have remained closed, and the changes we all wished to see would have been postponed, yet again. The dark would have staved off their demise for many more days. This timeline was just as likely to be brought into our experience as the successful opening of the portal, but because of our hard work and dedication to spread our love and light and restore our world to the utopia it once was, we have succeeded. Our anticipation and wish for this day set the table, and our connection throughout as one ‘sealed the deal’ for our new world. The powerful energies that bathed our world throughout the 11/11/11 period are our sign that we have done it, and are all the proof in the world that we will ever need that we have succeeded in our tremendous team effort. The Legions of Light will now grow quickly into the many millions and billions now that these new energies have been successfully anchored in our world. The first domino has been triggered. Now that this portal door is opened, it will remain open as we have remained here on Earth as guardians of this sacred threshold.
We are the Gatekeepers.
So what is this portal all about anyway?
This great portal opened to allow the highest and most powerful transmutational frequencies to have reached our planet since the days of the higher dimensional Atlantis. You see, true change cannot happen without the matching accompanying energies to facilitate the transformation. Think of the energies as Michelangelo’s color palate. We are the artists, and we now have all the creational tools and a planet sized canvas to create any world we wish to experience. We have demonstrated for all the higher realms to see that we are a new people, united as one, in service to others and to light, and we have earned our glorious inheritance that we will now receive. There is no denying this now.
 We have now entered into and crossed through this energetic portal, and have reached the point of no return. So many for so long have waited patiently, and even sometimes impatiently, for the much promised and direly needed changes of our civilization to begin unfolding. There was one important stop that had to be made first on the way to this day, and we have successfully made this stop on 11/11/11. We as one are now solidly positioned on a timeline that will soon deliver us all the changes that we have collectively dreamed of. The 11/11/11 marked the most significant moment to date since the Master teacher Jeshua incarnated to begin His mission in service over 2,000 years ago. Do not be disappointed that fireworks did not erupt overhead, as beneath the surface and unseen to the naked eye humanity crossed a glorious threshold, announcing to the universe that we have arrived and we have earned our right to be welcomed into the great galactic community.
 Well done, all my sisters and brothers of light, well done.  
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  • Now let's have stew, some carrots, potatoes, celery and now let's see.... when the prep work is done then the stew becomes a meal and right know it's like mom creating the meal and we can smell it, oh it's so good but just WAIT she says it's not ready yet!!

    Think were kinda at that spot you know. JUST WAIT, supper is a brewing and so is the new world.

  • I also agree 110% with Skywalker's post. Years, decades of waiting keeping the flame of faith and pulling in the light. How many delays and platitudes must we endure. Surely even the masters and angels must realise they cannot keep us hanging on endlessly. I have no more faith in these messages - I will only believe it when I see or feel it.

  • Popicock! What evidence do you have to support any of this, no to speak of all the rave made about what was supposed to have taken place on the 11.11.11. And then we get the usual excuses for why things didn’t happen.

    STOP building the hopes of trusting and frustrated good hearted people; meaning you and other so-called channellers. If you persist to address an audience in this forum, respect the fact that, without evidence, your proclamations will be questioned for their validity.

    So cough up or shut up…

  • Of things you never believed you would experience in this lifetime.....did you ever "expect" to bear witness to the COMPLETE collapse of the Middle East and ALL of it's dictators?.......Did you ever believe to watch LIVE on t.v. a Sunami wipe out 35k+ individual, ONLY to have CNN comment ( Larry Kudlow ) "live", "Oh, that shouldn't hurt the bottom line of any US coporations?......Did you ever expect to see OCCUPY movements in EVERY MAJOR CITY in the world?.......Did you ever expect to see the fall of the worlds largest News Paper Empire ( Murdoch )?.......Did you ever expect to see a Earthquake in WASHINTON, DC?, and now in several in Oklahoma?........the list goes on and on......

    Trust me when i say........" ALL IS on track"......'tiss why I AM.







  •  KH tis the collective wish of our unified Self you are following as we are all flitting

     in and out of Multi Dimensionality and Multi Event Places/Horizons. So as I say stay

     focused, centered and balanced. I met an old lady friend in her late 80's who said that I was

     in a dream sequence with her discussing shops that had changed on the local street. I know that's

     parallel as if it was future it would be more advanced or 5D. I had a beautiful dream once where I hopped

     of a Street Tram on Rails and entered this place which was filled with beautiful exotic dancing girls.Guess what if they stood face on and raised their arms up above their heads to clap their hands they had the most gorgeous concertina laced butterfly webbed Brilliant Blue Wings. They were so beautiful as there was a troup like the Follies of Ziegfield. It was on a different level to Hugh. It was twenty years ago and it was all in BLUE as was requested. I would love to have a re-run. I need you to understand what you received as it has good implacations. Blessings may the Sacred Holy Flame of Pentecost now join the Rainbow Heart Bubbles already flowing from your heart and as has been released by Sanat Kumara through Rebecca Messenger 11.11.11 which was seeded in all Hearts at the time of the Crucifixion now manifest and expand growing over your body and also anchoring through your feet through your Earth Star Chakra one foot down and then to Mother Gaia blending and fusing with your Rainbow Heart Bubbles. Love your work. Feel the joy bubbling from your Heart Kingjeff

  • ok KH.. well.. in that case.. I'll take number 3.. :) .. sorry, I've just been feeling a moment of low energy or whatever.. I'll be fine.. I AM fine.. just need some rest I suppose.. but brother, weren't you supposed to be Ascended in James Bond style

    anyway, I guess it was the 11.11.11 ... all is well.. I can SEE that all is changing.. I'm just a little tierd.. and I suppose, if I've learned anything else .. it maybe to stay quiet with my thoughts here on ACC.. for there will always be a reply to anything in here, I guess..  but thats not a reflection on your response at all.. in fact, you've helped me to nudge myself in the right direction again..  :) .. and for that, I am gratefull  .. and I appreaciate it KH... ( we ALL fall off the horse from time to time) ..

    much Love to you :)

    by the way, the photo of the eye is super.. thank you .. also, Delilah sent me an uplifting message.. so thank you Delilah aswell.. I am gratefull to you forever.. thank you both :)


  • Luke,

    I feel good energies and good changes just like I have been for a long time, I don't think you should get your hopes up for something epic to happen, just live in the moment, and try to deal with who you are on the inside, not what this world may or may not become.

    I do believe we are becoming something amazing, so if you do choose to "give up" or lose faith, things will continue to happen regardless, atleast from what my life has shown me, and continues to show me.

    You really are the creator of your destiny, and every choice you make means a lot...

    For the record, I hope you don't give up, and as far as death goes, I'm sure you just continue to have to learn your lessons on some level in the afterlife too, so may as well get it down now, so you can move on to bigger and better things within your destiny and happiness :)



  • Luuuuuuke...( had to do it....)....

    The way I AM, or, the way i "see it" is like this....and to be honest , it works.....i wouldn't BE here if it did not.  You can go ONE of 3 routes in life in general terms......1)  Sad, depressed and just "bumed out" in general ( perfectly ok...."choice", remember, or cause and effect )....2) Blind, and obsessed ( which is in my opinion 75% of the Westernized Nations, and again, perfectly ok "choice" which in this case is brought, taught and branded until one reaches choice # 3, which is......3)  "Completely outside "the box"......which requires one to blaze their own trail, no matter what, or what "not" is found?  When you "take that leap".....or, belief in something "other".....YOU BECOME THE's your "trail'.....or, choice, remember? expect, is to be placing energy towards the forever changing BE, is to accept what IS........sounds deep, but not really.....think about it.......YOU are here......still......only now BEing honest with your internal're


    Baby after another......and try not "expecting" really won't work anyway......just "accept"....and behold.......all IS changing........SEE.






  • I feel a tinge of sadness .. still.. after all these years.. I feel like crying.. not because there was no fireworks.. but because I'm at the end of my rope waiting.. its been long and hard.. and its freezing cold where I am living.. and the only thing I can see when I look at the sky.. is faint stars... just like any other night...

    so.... if someone has any knowledge that I should take in.. then feel free to share it.. but please dont ask me to look within... I am living proof of looking within.. but no matter how deep you look within.. we are still here in this reletivally cold and hard 3d world.. and for all those who claim to be expierencing huge changes.. well thats wonderfull for them.. but it means nothing if there are still many suffering.. because if one suffers.. ALL suffer..

    so I apologise if I am comming accross a little down in the dumps here.. but I think I am on the verge of giving up.. I have been holding on and holding out for too long.. I wouldn't care if it was my time to die.. I still have a faint spark of hope somewhere in me.. I just cant deal with stuff like ''oh.. its all ok.. we are on course for great things.. there is much happening beneath the surface and blah blah.. (sorry Karms Helper, that is nothing personal to you my friend) .. but I am losing faith.. sorry.. I wish it wasn't so.

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