12DNA Activation requires PARTICIPATING in the Music of the Spheres Cosmic Technology

Crystalai Dr. Angela Barnett Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystalmagicorchestra.com The first step in the 12 subharmonic restoration in the DNA requires the removal of the Seals. What are the Seals and where did they come from? Basically, when the Music of the Spheres is creating new harmonic symphonies through the alignment of the original consciousness of the 12 Stargates, the Seals between each DNA strand can begin to repair. The Stellar Wave Infusions that were sent to Earth to melt these Seals and Activate the DNA were sent to Earth between 2000-2014. The rule given by the Guardians was this: those who participate in at least 2 of the Stellar Wave Activations will restore 5DNA. Did you PARTICIPATE? The Frequencies of these Stellar Wave Infusions were recorded and are availalbe to those who did not Participate. The Seals were actually created by the Guardian Races to keep our Race Line from being completely obliterated during each of the attempted take overs. The Guardians could not allow the removal of these Seals until our Race Line was placed in a Zone of Consciousness where there could be no more Invader Race Take Over attempts placed on the planet. The Guardians had a deadline for securing our alignment. If they did not have the Seals removed before December 2012, the Zeta Rigelians would had been able to complete their original plan, and the Draconians would had been able to complete their One World Take Over Plan that was backed by the portions of the Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation and many other groups who have pretended to be Friends of Planet Earth over the Centuries. The first part the plan required to remove these Seals was completed in 2012. There were Six Avatar Children Born through the Earth's Portals without those Seals in their DNA. There were another 5000 Indigos born with the 6th DNA activated at birth and the potential of 8DNA by 2017. In addition to those requirements, the Guardians needed to bring in the Consciousness of the 12 Stargates. This was achieved by Six Stellar Wave Infusions and Six Activations from the Solar Spiral, Pleiadian Alcyone Spiral, Sirian, Andromeda, Orion, Lyra, as well as Inner Earth and Rainbow Spirals. Each of these Stellar Wave Infusions was also responsible for Infusing the Light and Sound of the Consciousness of each of these Star Gates into the DNA sub harmonic strands. There were 12 sub harmonics in each DNA that needed to be Infused and Activated. I am explaining these details because these are the same waves of consciousness that I breathe into each and every one of the Individual Eternal Life Albums. There are various Albums that have one aspect of the Consciousness needed for the Ascension Process. The Six Avatar Children's Consciousness Frequencies are in the Complete Perfect DNA Activation. The Stellar Wave Infusions are completed in the FOLLOWING ALBUMS. ULTIMATE DNA ARCHETYPE, Parallel Universe Set, Universal Life Force Set, Mother Ship, Dolphin Therapy, Violet Flame, and Symphony of Love. http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/buy-music-mp3s There are many other pieces of the formula included in each of these other Sets. For instance, the Violet Flame focus is on the moment of Pleiadian Infusion and Sirian Activation. The Symphony of Love was the moment that the Music of the Spheres sang the new Song of alignment of all 12 Stargates. The Heavenly Dolphin Therapy was the moment the Fifth Dimensional Dolphins became the Sixth Dimensional Dolphins. The Mother Ship contains the frequencies of the Cosmic Blanket that was wrapped around Earth by our original Cosmic Ancestors who have waited for this moment of awakening for 5 million years. The Cosmic Blanket is holding Earth in balance until she morphs into the Ascension Earth. http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/buy-music-cds Each one of these moments in the history of the Music of the Spheres alignment into the the original Symphony of Love which held all of our sub harmonic harp strings within this Cosmic Orchestra that sings together through the alignment of the Harmonic Universes is an essential part of our Ascension. WHAT IS ASCENSION? It is basically removing all of the Fences that blocked our DNA sub harmonic strands from braiding together. It is raising our Frequencies of Consciousness into a new reality. Frequencies are raised by Lifting Consciousness up into the Five Harmonic Universes through the guidance of the Elohim of Hearing, the Cosmic Councils, the keepers of the Akashic Records and the Eka Records. Ascension means becoming totally At One with your original Spiritual Body through the activation of your Spiritual Template within you. What is a Spiritual Template? It is scientifically created from pre light and pre sound which is the pre stardust, pre plasma essence of spiritual water called hydrolaise. In the Normal Planet, an entity would be born and then spend the first 33 years of their life absorbing more and more of this spiritual substance that was called prana and manna and many other names. Now we call it Hydrolaise, because it is the scientific formula of changing our entire biological and chemical structure of the Earth and out bodies. The album Eternal Life Waters holds the frequencies and the journeys for this part of the Ascension Journey. There were many other steps to the Ascension Journey before we got to the Eternal Life Waters. The Stellar Waves exist partially in the Eternal Life Waters albums, as do the Dolphin Frequencies, the Mother Ship frequencies, the Avatar Children. BUT only PARTIALLY. The focus on one aspect of the Cosmic Consciousness at a time is the same as an artist who is painting the new Universes, the new Galaxies and having to align every single light particles within each of the 12 Stargates and each of the 15 Spheres of the Music of the Spheres together. This process began earlier in 2007 with the creation of entire albums of just the Cosmic Consciousness, and just the Ascension Portals, Vortals, Vortex, and the basic God Language. We began with these basics of Ascension back in 2007. They were contained in the Ascension Workshops given at that time. There were many steps and stages of the process into 2012. Those who were on active duty of holding these frequencies in alignment with the portals of the Earth were the Cosmic Dolphins. All of the albums created have been created with these Cosmic Dolphins called the Oraphim Braharama Cetacean Family. http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/buy-music-cds The albums that contained dialogs between the dolphins and the Inner Earth Aquafarians were recorded on Magic Dolphin and Cosmic Consciousness. The conversations with the Sun as the first Frequency Fence was coming down is in the Ultra Violet Blue Sun and in the Cosmic Butterfly. If you look through the purchase CD section you will find the complete history of Frequency Activations that happened on Earth between 1992-2014. Most of the activations between 2012-2014 are on mp3 only. Those will be updated to CD's in the near future. Each section focuses on one part of the complete alignment into SOURCE. The focus is always Source. We must align every cell through the micro omnions of Source and weave every particle into the Source Frequencies in all fifteen spheres of the Matrix. The Sun, is in a way, the creator of the Universe, because the Sun holds the IDEA of Source in the form of he Plasma that holds the crystal liquid light of Source. Each form of creation - Cosmic, Universe, Galaxy, Solar, Planet or Person is always made from the original divine blue print template of Source. When I send your Eternal Life Album, there will be 12 -16 sections, plus about ten minutes of pure AURORA FLAME energy - Cosmic Crystal Liquid Light- The Flame of Source Creation Energy. Each section focuses on one part of the complete alignment into SOURCE. The focus is always Source. We must align every cell through the micro omnions of Source and weave every particle into the Source Frequencies in all fifteen spheres of the Matrix. The Sun, is in a way, the creator of the Universe, because the Sun holds the IDEA of Source in the form of he Plasma that holds the crystal liquid light of Source. Each form of creation - Cosmic, Universe, Galaxy, Solar, Planet or Person is always made from the original divine blue print template of Source. That template is manifest simultaneously in millions of density levels. The Sun holds the template in the form of Plasma and creates Light Bodies. However, the reality that all forms of density allow all to become One, allows us in Reality - to live within the Sun. This is why we think of the Sun as our Creator. The Sun holds our individual templates that were made by Source. However, our frequency signatures and divine templates must always flow into our planetary matrix through the suns matrix. So, this is why the Sun is thought of as the Creator. We haven't experienced this reality of living inside of the Sun yet, because our Matrix was destroyed. Now, it is being re-created in its divine template once again. One of the objectives of the frequencies, which they naturally do themselves, when the breaths are from Source, is to realign the base tone rhythms within the entire time matrix. This process of rhythmic alignment of the Earth into the New Earth greatly affects the rhythm of body, which must always stay in rhythm and in tune with the Planetary Matrix that it moves within. Please always keep in mind this rhythmic pattern that you will learn to hear with practice. The rhythm is within the breaths themselves. When I breathe from Source and record layers of those breaths and then breathe from Cosmic Consciousness and record layers of those breaths, there is a rhythmic pattern appearing within the breaths. When I breathe the Universal and Galactic frequencies there is another rhythmic pattern. Each time I record more frequencies, I always resaturate them with Source Frequencies to repattern the rhythms and the frequencies into absolute ATUNEMENT with the Crystal Light Frequencies of Source Consciousness. 1. Feel the plasma flame surrounding the body and penetrating every cell in the body. Listen to the rhythm of the pulsation and waves from the plasma flames. Feel the dancing waves swirling around the body and swimming into the atoms. Feel the plasma swimming deeper and deeper into the etheric funnels within the cells. Feel the funnel of energy pulling the wave deeper and deeper until it disappears. Listen for rhythms and work on moving your body to this beat. 2. Listen to the frequencies and feel the overall pull into the attunement with the highest frequency of Source. The base tones are created by layering all 15 spheres of the Music of the Spheres. Each of these spheres is filtered through the Breath of Source to create a brand new time matrix--Cosmic Time Matrix. Each breath, each frequency contains the light and the sound - the radial atomic light that oscillates at the highest spin rate and the sound that vibrates at the highest frequency. The sound is the idea and breath of Source and the Sound is the resonating field activating the idea into manifestation. The saturation of the Source Frequencies causes the entire rainbow of the 15 spheres of light and sound to burst into a flame and create a new set of spheres within a new cosmic matrix. This is the same process that the body goes through when it turns into light and reappears a nano second later as a brand new form. This rebirth process happens every nano second. The body will just keep reappearing to look the same as it did before, until the new frequencies of transformation are realigned into the body. The process of the Individual Eternal Life album is to alter the entire cellular structure from the inside out as well as the Light Body and Crystal Body and Etheric Bodies which contain the Radial Body, which is the sphere of energy that is like an atomic mirror surrounding the body. That atomic mirror is also being transformed into the original 12 coded divine blue print that allows the new body imprint to be seen as the new reality around the body. That reality is projected from the mid brain projector creating reality through the pineal gland. So, much of the work I do on the Eternal Life Album is the restructuring of the mid brain through activation of the God Seed Atom within the Thymus that will burst into a cloud of crystal plasma dust and activate the streaming of crystal liquid light directing from Source Consciousness. This allows the MIND OF GOD to be reconnected into the mid brain for the beginning of co-creating through frequencies of light and sound. MULTIDIMENSIONAL REALITIES and PARALLEL SELVES Crystalai Dr. Angela Barnett Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystalmagicorchestra.com CRYSTALMAGICORCHESTRA.COM We are now Fifth Dimensional. That means we have the potential of becoming the Collective Consciousness. That means we can tune in to and become any of the infinite parallel versions of our selves. These versions come from the infinite possibilities that all of our Souls, Over Souls and Families in the Galactic, Universal and Cosmic realms have already experienced. We can walk into the Parallel Reality of anything that we can imagine. We just have to learn how to do that. The Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse is the place that is now available to find those teachings. Those who become members of the MASTER's GROUP will learn the skills that are only taught in Mystery Schools. TESTIMONIES OF DNA ACTIVATION I really need help in my life right now. It feels like negative forces doesn't want me to get free. You remember you told me that during recording of my Eternal Life Album I will begin healing? Let me tell you, this four days was the most nerve-wracking, stressful time for me........so many negative stuff were happening in my life, so many negative people. It feels like they want to destroy me or something........ Thank you so much again, I know about the negative stuff. I have tried to warn my audience in my countless newsletters. The EXACT DEFINITION of DNA ACTIVATION is this: The negative stuff comes to the surface to be transmutted by the sun into anti particles to create a new reality from. The two techniques that I give to help get through this stage of transformation are the candle technique and the sun transmutation technique. They are really both the same thing. This process of DNA activation and Ascension requires the 8th dimensional frequency (anti particles) to combine with the Fifth dimensional (particles) to create the Photon.

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