The Ashtar Command have predicted that those who ascend in the first wave will be given the opportunity to return to the Earth in the ascended state, to awaken the rest of humanity to the ascension opportunity. The Keys of Enoch support this prediction by speaking of the sudden appearance of 144,000 Ascended Masters on the Earth, who will transform the world and push back the clouds of darkness and despair. The appearance of 144,000 masters is also predicted in the Native American prophecies. In April 1983, the Medicine Teacher, Harley Swiftdeer declared that, "144,000 Sun Dance enlightened teachers will totally awaken in their dream mindbodies. They will begin to meet in their own feathered serpent or winged serpent wheels(Merkabah) and become a major force of light to help the rest of humanity to dance their dream awake." This would also provide an explanation for the 144,000, spoken of in the Book of Revelation.Chapter 7, of Revelations, refers to an uncountable number from everynation clad in what John perceived to be white robes. This could have been his perception of the light bodies adorning the multitude, who follow in the wake of the 144,000, to rise in the second and third waves of ascension. John also said that these were the ones who had been cleansed by the time of great distress, a seven year period of great tribulation. This would correspond to the natural disasters that have been predicted as necessary in order for the Earth to cleanse herself of industrial civilisation and pollution prior to her own ascension.
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fibonacci number from mustafa yildiz on Vimeo.
Everything is geometry and light
Love and Light
I don't have time to express my thoughts in detail on this matter, or to even present my thoughts clearly, but at the very least I can throw some seeds on the ground and see if something pops up...
I have had several dreams or visions that, to me, seem as if someone is teaching me. These instances seem to be diagrams and illustrations for complex mathematical / geometric / spiritual concepts. Honesty, I really only get a vague gist of the real meaning behind these messages. I am a mere musician, not a mathematician or physicist or whatever. So I don't know what they mean completely, but they usually have to do with fractals, energetic grids, patterns etc.
one in particular seemed to do with how the "Body of Christ" is "assembled".
okay. so.
12. 12 hours. 12 star signs. 12 disciples. 12 tribes of judah. etc
12 x 12 - 144.
obviously 144 x 1000 = 144,000.
get where I am going?
does this mean anything to any one?
I find it interesting the 144000 pops up so many places.
Saints. Ascended Masters. Christed beings. you name it.
so, Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, yeah?
and there are 12 tribes... are there 11 other Lions?
I see so many connections an interesting concepts...
I am honestly not smart enough to make real sense out of this.
but I bet you people can.
do you get my gist?
the christians say that 144,000 will make it into heaven, makes since that it is the other way around...
I can see it 144,000 glowing with light ascended masters what a beautiful sight it will be....
u made me cry...
I know that emotion... u speak from your heart...
That's your Truth! Don't stop please...
Love and Light
Thanks guys for the translation!!! ;)
Doesnt matter if u are one of 144,000. If u speak from your heart, if u act from your heart then u'll be the best and wonderful soul on this planet.
Calm your mind and little by little u'll connect to your heart... and then u'll remember who u really are... That's all!
Can u trust this? Yes?
We are human beings but just in our beliefs...
Yes, it's true, there are more than 144,000 souls now. However 144 is a special number and in my opinion 144 is the minimum number to start new creation, new realities... It's sacred geometry. Look to Fibonacci numbers.
Love and Light
What does "kerching" mean? ...sorry Kelly my english is very basic ;))
"Sue was the whole day in a state of detached exaltation, hovering in her consciousness in the multidimensional realities of her Higher Self. In this ability, she is unique. Then she wrote to me the following email a couple of hours later. I am quoting it in full length, as it describes very poetically the last dramatic days of Atlantis, which Sue and I experienced together in that incarnation. This dramatic scene will be paradigmatic for what many human beings will experience at the Stargate 11.11.11.:
"After the Arcturian message I had a high consciousness for quite a while. Also, I began to remember you on Atlantis. You were one of the few Priests, who stayed with the land to keep your contract to help Gaia, so she would not leave Her orbit. I also stayed. In fact, most of the 144,000 stayed to assist Gaia. We knew, there was a real danger that the planet would be lost. We had little attachment to our earth form, so that death of that costume was of no consequence. However, I think that many of us forgot that we volunteered to stay for the duration, which means until now.
The ones, who stayed, were on our Island, which was one of the biggest and the holder of the Divine Crystal - all gathered in front of the Temple. We were the remaining Priestesses, the old ones, a few adults and the many orphan children. As we gathered in our circle to await the end, we sang, toned, meditated and told our stories."
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