Our work is carried out with loving intent, and with gratitude to be part of your grand Ascension. Your work is to carry on being ambassadors of the Light, and our allies upon Earth...Somewhere in the very near future the truth about your life and theimmortality of the soul will have to be considered. In a time shortly tocome before you, the One Truth which is immutable must be made known.Decisions that concern your own evolution can only be correctly made whenyou have the full facts. We know and sympathize with those Dear Ones, whoare just coming to realize the meaning of the changes that are inevitableand part of your ongoing experiences. The idea that the changes will affecteverything that you are used to and familiar with is something of a shock.In your minds you have rarely considered that things could be different,from what you imagine is your true and only reality. Life as you know it hasrambled on for thousands of years, seemingly without too much change, yet inthe space of a few years it will be moving into an area of expansion. Intoan expression of the higher vibrations of Light, leaving the old behind.The questions immediately arise as to what will happen to everyone, and whodecides where they go. As many will know the end times of this cycle are thebeginning of a new era, where Man returns to those levels that are moresuited to those who aspire to ascend. Simply put, those that chooseotherwise will continue their experience where conditions and opportunitiesare more like the present Earth. Re-incarnation is a fact that many willhave to face, and perhaps they will see in it a just and fair system thatallows for mistakes that can be addressed. God is All Love and does notpunish those who go out into the world and fall into the darkness. Dualityis for all to face the challenge of being able to hold onto your Light,regardless of how severe the tests are for you. Falling into the lowervibrations is not a sin, but finding your way back to the Light is amomentous victory.Let us also clear up another misconception that you are born as sinners orcarry the sins of your father, because that is totally untrue. Life is acontinuous series of incarnations that are prepared with your advancement inmind. They continue until you reach a level of consciousness that carriesyou into the higher dimensions, and that opportunity is for everyone – andcalled Ascension. Naturally it will not appeal to you if you are not ready,and the Law of Attraction ensures that every soul finds their correct level.The higher dimensions are progressively a greater and more perfectexpression of the Light, until every thing becomes pure Light. Speak toanyone who has had an out of the body experience and entered yourSummerland, Nirvana, or what some call Heaven. You will find that they havehad experiences of peace and beauty unparalleled upon Earth, and given achoice would rather remain in those dimensions. Yet these dimensions whereyour power of thought operates, are themselves only the first level aboveEarth.We find that the most difficult change that Earth people have problems inaccepting, is one that concerns their families and friends. In the absenceof a true understanding of your spirituality, there is an understandablereluctance to accept that all souls have freedom of choice. Families clingto one another and often there is a great love bond between them. That hasbeen necessary to ensure your survival, and is a very powerful energy.However, no one can own another soul, and it should be pointed out thatevery soul chooses which parents they have for the outworking of their ownlife plan. Parents should therefore feel privileged that they are chosen,even where the relationships are strained. Adverse situations are still veryimportant where karma is concerned, and you can be sure that everyoneinvolved takes lessons from them. Karma has a way of putting people togetherso that everyone gains from the experiences. As we have told you previously,you have played for both sides in duality, and none can or should judgeanother soul. If you are of the Light, consider that you are on Earth tohelp lift up other people, and do so with Unconditional Love. It cannot getbetter than that, and you will be truly showing your mastery.Dear Ones, there are such beings as young souls who come to Earth withlittle or no experience of the lower vibrations, and not every soulnecessarily desires such incarnations. However, you are otherwise extremelyold souls who have come down through the dimensions, to pit your wits andLight in the challenging situations that come from living in duality. It isnow that so many of you are awakening from your slumbers, and beginning torealize your true home is not in the lower vibrations. As your Light shinesout you are lifting up your consciousness levels, and in so doing helpingothers around you. That is the beauty and power of the Light, thattransmutes the darkness. Like attracts like, and you have been drawing moreLight to Earth that is now so powerful, that the changes are being speededup. Whatever cannot withstand the Light retreats from it, and loses itspower.More Lightworkers are on Earth than any other time during this cycle. Thathas always been part of the plan, and many young people are advanced soulswaiting to help the changes along. Certain events are soon to take placethat will cause revelations of such a nature, that the dark forces willrealize that their cause is lost. It will be the people that are thedeciding factor as to which direction you go in, and we know that you willchoose the Light. You have had sufficient experiences that have placed youin a position to finish with this cycle. There is therefore no necessity foryou to continue in it, and Ascension is your path to leave it. Major changeshappen at the end of a cycle as your ancient history reveals. This timehowever, it is not going to result in the destruction of Earth or the end ofyour civilization, and indeed quite the opposite as it is to be eventuallyrestored to a pristine condition. All shall be uplifted with the new Earth,if they are ready and that is their choice.I am SaLuSa from Sirius of the Galactic Federation and we speak with youfrom the perspective of already being ascended Beings. We are ones who havehelped other civilizations with their upliftment, and we have prepared forall that is necessary to ensure your success. Our work is carried out withloving intent, and with gratitude to be part of your grand Ascension. Yourwork is to carry on being ambassadors of the Light, and our allies uponEarth.Thank you SaLuSaMike Quinseyhttp://gfbymikequinsey.blogspot.com/TRANSLATIONS/TRADUÇÕES:• http://gfindutch.blogspot.com / - NEDERLANDS• http://glingerman.blogspot.com/ - DEUTSCH• http://fgfrance.blogspot.com/ - FRANÇAIS• http://gfsvenska.blogspot.com/ - SVENSKA• http://fgmikequinsey.blogspot.com - PORTUGUÊS• http://gfinitaliano.blogspot.com/ - ITALIANO• http://www.schodamidonieba.pl/ - POLISH• http://federaciongalaticaenespanol.blogspot.com- ESPAÑOL
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Malcolm commented on Malcolm's blog post Mundane (World) Astrology Predictions for 2025. The U.S.A., China, Russia, U.K., France, Germany, Israel, Iran, the Federal Reserve, and the New York Stock Exchange.
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