2 Suns, Nibiru, Elenin or Tyche?

Currently circulating on the Internet a video of a Chinese television broadcast which can be seen two suns. On the conscious movie you can clearly see. "Experts" say it's a visual illusion, but there are many people who have seen and do not believe that it is an illusion.

This movie has also been seen on another Chinese channel:

Apparently in China is censored at this point less than us. There is another cutscene from Bangkok where two suns can be seen. That second "sun " is much smaller and is much further away from the first Sun:

Elenin / Tyche

Of course these two cases are difficult to reconcile. Another question that arises is how it is with these newly discovered planets, such as Tyche or Elenin? A description of Tyche example is very close to Nibiru, five times bigger than Jupiter and much more. And that name, how come NASA on the name Tyche? The following video explains this, and throws a strange light on the case .... NASA knows more than she is, and this name Tyche just proof that they know everything? And why all governments are building underground shelters. Astral Walker talks about a planet or the first of the twelve rays going to hit us in 2012. Is it perhaps the planet?

Here are the main items of this message:

As most of you already know there will be a comet Elenin through our solar system at this time. What you do not know what this comet is likely to have caused, and worse, what is still to come this year. This "comet" is actually not a comet, but a brown dwarf star and pretty big, and has a big influence on our solar system, and consequently also on our planet. Below is a list of important dates:

February 27, 2010 is exactly between the Earth and the Sun Elenin Elenin is still far from Earth, at 6.5 au. (1 au is the Earth-Sun distance). This indicates a large tensile force on the earth. On this day we had the strong 8.8 earthquake in Chile, which it is said that even the earth's axis has moved.

September 4, 2011 State Elenin, the sun and the earth in exactly one line. Elenin between the Sun and the Earth, Venus and Mercury and also reasonably close to the sun on the side of the earth. Elenin was still far away, about 6.2 au from the Earth. This was the first day of the earthquake in Christchurch New Zealand

March 15, 2011 is exactly between the earth and the Elenin Sun Elenin is 2.1 au from us. This gives a great stress on earth and look what happened a few days earlier in Japan.

September 26, 2011 Elenin stands between the Sun and the Earth exactly one line. Now Elenin very close to the earth at 0.4 au and the forces it exerts on the earth certainly great. We can certainly expect something around that date.

17 October 2011, the planet on the earth's orbit and has the earth as it were overtaken. The distance between Elenin and the earth is now at its lowest, 0.2 au. During this period Elenin may overtake the earth "grab" and "upset". This could very well be a pole shift or tilt of the earth can cause. Ie disaster of gigantic proportions.

November 5, 2011 in this neighborhood, the Earth's tail Elenin and depending on how much space dust and debris it contains tail will also be equally difficult for the earth.

November 23, 2011, the outgoing Elenin back in line with the Earth and Sun, February 27, 2010 as the earthquakes in Chile. The only difference being that when Elenin 6.5 au from the earth was removed, and still very close to 0.5 au. What a goodbye that will be!

This movie was created with software made available by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. You can try it yourself online at:

What do you think of this, well, that you decide. It is clear that NASA are not to advertise. If this is true, then this is it. And all the VIPs will soon disappear into their underground burrows. We'll see!

Incidentally, you can find a critical article which makes a comparison with Halley's Comet and concludes that the influence of Elenin never large. In other words, we must continue to think yourself!
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  • I like the idea of a deep space planet starship, populated by members of diff races, some of which are unadapted to live on any solar revolving planet... ( got unadapted to those)
  • Ofcourse it will not hit Earth. It is a controlled Comet by Starshipplanet Niburu! :D

    Niburu are friends, atleast my friends.


  • It doesn't say it will hit the Earth... The gravitational forces in alignment do...and yes we have to visualize the best course for Earth. Allways
  • Ive seen the 2 suns with my own eyes, very interesting.
  • Avoid to think Elenin will hit earth, our thoughts are energywaves like everything is, and energywaves have the property to synchronize, thus making it reality. :)

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