Halogen and LED lights will be the future way. Halogen is bright but we can’t touch it, and it uses more power than LEDs. The problem with LED lights is that they are not very bright. But today they are grouping them together and have salved that problem They also have portable lanterns that run on flashlight battery's but last a short time. Better to have them on battery's 12v. It will be much cheaper, I think this is the way of the future. They are also finding out now that we can grow plants with them like in the space shuttle, and NASA has a website that shows they are experimenting with them for healing as well for the astronauts in the space stations. So I think we should go in this direction ASAP.


As for cooking, that will be a small problem unless some new methods found by science are released down to us common folks. In Belize the price of propane just went up in one day by $1 BZ. So like everything else Big Brother has control, and I think we should go back to the old ways or at least a combination of them. A small potbelly stove for heat and cooking with wood or scraps would be good, backed up by methane from our toilets and animal dung. (photo is a100$ underground house)


But I don’t think we can supply all of our needs so I have been experimenting with a solar oven. It works but needs improvements. Basically it’s a well insulated box on legs with several layers of glass on top. The midday sun shines on it probably for four hours or so and cooks my tea and acts as an oven to slow cook other things, sort of like those slow cook crock pots. I am sure we will find more ways to do our oven cooking, plus we’ll be doing less cooking. But I still will have to have my teas that I use for many different kinds of healing as well as for taste. Teas and herbal healing teas are important, and can be stored in mason jars, like man other herbs. So keep lots of them stored up.


Underground or dome houses will radiate and hold heat and are easy to heat because of reflection in the winter and they hold the coolness of the night in the summer. I also use 12 volt fans both to vent air (hot) outside and to blow around air inside. My stereo is converted to 12 volt and I had a VCR and nine inch color television that worked on 12 volt (but it uses too much power). I have several generators, one Suzuki 900 watt that runs 12 hours on one gallon, two cycles, and a 2,000 watt Honda that I have converted to run on anything nearly. It’s a four stoke. I start it on gasoline, with the magic additive in it (“acetone”.1/4 ounce per gallon. I used a ¼ oz syringe (6ml) for mixing.


Which boosts my running time from 6 hours to 10 hours. (1/8 for diesel or kerosene). Note; “Do not use for two stroke unless it mixes itself or if you use it immediately”. Then I can switch it to run on kerosene . Or I can start it and switch it to a propane tank, but I only use it on the weekends when I charge my deep cycle batteries, and use my DVD player and television. I only have 4x 100 amp battery's now. I believe we will need much more later. We should note here that the generators are getting smaller with the same power out put.


I also have a 100 watt solar panel that provides about half of my power,when the sun shines, but I need more. We need to put them all over the roof tops. There are new ones out now that can contour to the roof and can catch inferred rays as well. Besides solar we need to use wind power. The Danish are really leading the field in this. My neighbor built a wind mill from a alternator but it couldn't power his 110v.,so he sold it to me. And I am now building a portable stand for it so I can hook it to my 12v.system. Problem is we don't have much wind here,7mph. But I plan to move to higher grounds some where safe. Denmark has whole villages running on wind generators. Next we need to have a stream of water, which is very important, that can be used for water turbines and the Canadians are the leaders in this field. The stream can also be used for irrigation and back up water supply.

I forgot to mention that this stream could also fill or feed a small pond which we could grow fish, both for eating and selling at the markets or road side, especially since all of our streams are polluted and fish are poisoned and expensive, even here in Belize. I know because I got mercury poisoning from the fish I bought from a street vender one year ago.

Belize has two hydro plants and soon a third one from China that already pours eight times the legal amount of mercury into the river here and soon it will be 12 times. It’s killed the river, and all they had to do to prevent this was to clear the land before they flooded it. The Canadians have hydro that doesn’t pollute or kill the life in the waters and lets the fish flow through. But it was the Canadians who over saw the building of the first hydroelectric and released the first mercury poison. Note here that the first plant has already broken twice and when it goes all three will brake as they are in line and will wipe out every thing in there path. Many lives will be lost. What a great waste of IMF money.


Lastly,US, Japan ,India and others have invented generators that are self powered and that runs on magnets. It only takes a small motorcycle battery to start it. Then it runs by itself. We can power a house or commune with it and it uses no fuel. If only Big Brother would let it come out on the market. They don’t want us to use any of these energy efficient machines. The French have made a car now that runs on compressed air to start it and then also supplies most of its own air needs. So we can fill it up at the gas station for the price of air.


There are many electric cars out there that are much better than the new gas hybrid electric ones on the market that only get 60 miles per gallon. These can get 200 miles on the battery before they need to be recharged which equals 200 mpg, with generator running. There is also a small pickup truck coming out soon by a small private firm. It would be great if only Big Brother would allow them on the market as well so that the price of 50,000$ US would come down to less than half that price. Science and technology are moving very fast now from all of the stolen technology we got from our space brothers. If the SSG won’t let us have them, then we will have to create it ourselves or do like they did during the Great Depression and WWII converting the vehicles to run on charcoal, partly burnt wood or coal. Henry ford made a hemp mobile that was ten time s stronger and six times lighter. Tesler made a car that ran on free ether energy. And the first autos were electric and the first model-T ran on alcohol. But were are they now?


Where there’s a will, there’s a way We just have to put our heads together and figure it all out. That’s why we need people in our communes and communities who have these skills so we can provide all of our own energy sources. Big Brother is now clamping down and fuel is getting very, very expensive. Belize has its own sweet crude oil (mostly pure gasoline ,that only needs filtering), half of which is given away (IMF) and Guatemala gets the rest.


Belize also has one of the world’s largest supplies of propane in the ocean, but so far they haven’t touched it. I think they (Big Brother) are waiting for the price to go higher, and we the people will never see it because the World Bank will get it. We are paying $3 US a gallon for propane and $5 US a gallon for gasoline in 2007 and 2008, even though we have our own. Something is really wrong here, as well as in the rest of the world. Natural resources should not be owned by companies but by the people or by honest governments, if they exist.


Breaking away from the corrupt governments or society is, in my belief, the only reliable solution. If we wait for the corrupt companies to change or the corrupt governments then we won’t make it through. We have to find the solutions ourselves and become as totally free from them as possible. To become self sufficient is our only way out now. We can’t depend on them for our survival now. It won’t happen. The NWO plan to destroy most of us and the rest will be completely controlled by them to support them (to do their dirty work), “the 666” that Christians talk about.


We won’t be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. But we can still trade and provide for ourselves. If we are quiet and not seen, being in a remote location, hopefully they will leave us alone, especially if we don’t pose a problem to them. It’s our only hope. We can’t fight or change the system anymore. It’s too large, evil and corrupt. We can only change ourselves and provide for ourselves by becoming self sufficient. This way we can take our power back that we gave to them. Let them destroy themselves, as we wait out the storm safely. But we must begin now, today.


The last part of the communes and communities has to deal with how the houses are set apart or located. I received or channeled this information one year after revising my last book. Here is a picture of how it is set up, because a picture is worth a thousand words. The simplest one looks like the picture in the I Ching book, of the old Chinese fiefdom system. With four lots of one acre each, four lots for growing food, and a one acre shared area in the center that all of them border, totaling nine acres in all. It would be even better if there were also12 acres surrounding the living and farming area for commonly grown grains, fish pond, and woods.


In the center acre was the well. Each lot had a house on it, and each shared the water both for crops and for themselves. In the center where the well was there could also be a store and storage house where grains and common things would be kept as well as a group meeting house. This idea can be multiplied by eight, twelve, sixteen, etc. The same system can be employed into a much larger commune or community who has a total of 32 housing units on 162 acres or 64 on 324 acres, not including the outside bordering acreage.


It would be best to have 32 to 64 housing units on 200 to 500 acres (one hectare or three acres per family), if there were funds available for this size commune. For those starting small and planning to expand, it is essential to have first option on the surrounding property. That’s what I might plan to do here in Belize (or some other country in central America)since we have so much bush land with few people (only 250,000 and 95 percent of them live in the cities or towns) in a country the size of the state of Maryland. There’s no roads once we get off the main road and what little there is will tear a vehicle apart, such as it has to my Ford F150 so finally bought a 4x4 dodge 2500. Toyota is a strong truck too.


Co-ops can be in one large house, say with 10 to 12 people or two or three houses (not more than four which would be like the first fiefdom I talked about). The co-op could also be a community if it was 20 acres or more. We only need one acre per family to become self sufficient. Communities have done this first in Europe where land is scarce and expensive, then spreading to North America in suburbia and country areas. But to survive in the end times we need more or larger common grounds for growing grains together, the bigger the better, and the land needs to be as far away from civilization as possible.

If we are going to go remote or even a little bit off the main road, in countries where there are no good roads (in Central America for example) good 4 x 4s or 2 x4s of the same model will be needed for parts. It’s best to have the older models (with carburetors to run multi fuels) of Toyota, Isuzu, Jeep or Land Rover .Diesel is also popular and for the bigger type trucks,, Dodge,3/4 ton. And can run on alternative fuels as well.

Last night after I was correcting this part on military half round buildings, I had a visionary dream, and it was very intense about how to use them to cover our dome houses. Each one covered an acre, one each over every dome house. So there was eight of them, plus a center one to cover the area where all the people met or gathered together. There were three persons to a house with 24 persons to a cluster. Then as the commune grew, there could be a total of nine clusters with a maximum of 200 of people. Again, the center cluster would be a meeting place for all eight of the other clusters. That would be easier than trying to make one very large dome to cover them all. Although in my second vision I did see a large dome that opened and closed to cover them all, sort of like the ones they use in some football stadiums. But that would cost lots of money and time and there may not be enough time for this.


Speaking of time, this idea could also work for those late comers who wait until the last days when they see all the predictions coming true. They could take their groups of people, each family bringing in a school bus or, better yet, an Air Stream type trailer like the one I live in and set them up on a hill or very large mound and then cover them with these military type buildings and presto we have an instant community. We don’t have to build houses, just the half round structures to protect ourselves against high winds and fallout. But we still need the same belief system and to have our food, water, energy sources and supplies for five years plus.


Now being somewhat remote is easier said than done, as good roads are just as important as the land almost. Make sure to have free access that doesn’t cross a neighbor’s land. Of course, it is better if we don’t have to cross streams or rivers that may wash out because the weather conditions are going to get really heavy. This will cause the roads to be difficult to maintain and getting a road made is not easy here in Central America where all roads are made poorly. That’s why the commune is designed especially so we don’t have to make so many roads with easy access to houses. And again, everyone should have the same type or brand of 4 x 4, or posit-traction (both back wheels grab) which is almost as good as 4x4 and a lot cheaper to drive, this is what I had up until now. I now have a Dodge ¾ ton 4x4 diesel. Toyota is number one in small trucks and easier in getting parts.


Also each community should have their own mechanic and other repair skills as it is extremely difficult, almost impossible to find good and honest mechanics and other skilled persons. I have never found one yet in nearly seven years .My truck has broke down a lot with all the really bad roads, Plus my generators and many other things. And it’s been a total night mare to get auto's and motors fixed in Belize, and that applies to anything that you want to get fixed. And most of there warranties are no good on any thing that you buy including new items that you buy for your house. So be extremely careful down here! Belize is #5 in the world for crime per population! For nothing is as it seems to be, there’s great dishonesty here! Unfortunately the first thing you learn when you come to Belize is Trust No One and it still holds true. So bring everything you will need but don't leave new items in box's as they will charge you a high import tax. Auto's and motorbikes should be older than ten years for lower tax.


Motorcycles are a good form of cheap transportation but not in the rain. It is important to be really careful on the bad roads, especially at night. There are no center line markers here so people drive in the middle. The bigger the vehicle the more right-of-way is given and the hospitals are extremely poor, so you don’t want to get hurt as I did. I fell on wet maul road and fractured my hip which hasn't healed in two years. Three or four wheel motorbikes are safer down here but costly. Getting supplies can be a problem as well here and everywhere else when the financial market or SSG money changers collapse the dollar completely, which they plan to do soon.


So buying together, wholesale, and storing things is the best option. It’s best to have our own general store co-op that is run by a chosen group to take care of most of our needs, especially in the beginning when we are first setting up. There are so many things we will need, so many trips to town. It will be best to have a community bus that runs on alternative fuels, leaving once or twice a day to the nearest town, also best if its not more than one hour away in case of breakdowns or forgotten passengers. This community bus can be converted to storage of large loads, and it is much cheaper than individuals driving into town. In the beginning individuals driving will still be going on but in the end times there will be very little fuel and it will be very expensive. A converted bus for fuel and for passenger/storage combination will be the answer.


By 2011 in the 12th month each community should have everything finished, roads, housing, supplies, etc. Growing food should have been well underway from the start, for we have a lot to learn. It should be a rule that each new member have at least two skills the community needs, such as agriculturist, mechanic, carpenter, plumber, roofer or general building constructor, health provider, teacher, 12 volt alternative energy system specialist, etc.


This is most important because we can’t do all these things without them. Remember we need each other to survive. Belief system is number one and skills are number two. Otherwise we will be taking a chance it will fail. There is no going back. We can’t afford to fail. That’s why I wrote this book. Plus there are many more books out there.  

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