Chapter 4




Luckily I haven’t had to deal too much with the demonic forces and I prefer not to. They are quite evil in their ways and can cause a lot of fear in people and that’s what they feed off of is our fear. They really don’t have any power over us. They just try to make us think that they do. These tricksters cause fear in us and then they feed off the “fear” energy sort of like a vampire feeds off people’s energies.


First I’ll explain who “they” were before the fall and how they became to be what they are now in these last days. I like “The Urantia Book” explanation the best. We might say that Lucifer’s rebellion against God, Michael, our creator, was mankind’s downfall as well. Evil existed before Lucifer, but Lucifer embraced it by turning against his creator. Lucifer was the third highest angelic order. He was the sovereign system chief morning star, as he was called the bright morning star. He was so beautiful that he fell in love with himself, declared himself a deity god and started a rebellion against our God, Michael (who created him), that affected 29 systems. One eighth of all the angels followed him.

He rebelled against Michael because he wanted to meet the Eternal son the God who created our God Creator son and couldn't wait the appointed time for this to happen.


He took up earth as his headquarters when the planetary Prince Caligastia joined Lucifer in the rebellion. Lucifer’s first lieutenant was called Satan. Together they took our earth. Caligastia’s first lieutenant was named Abaddon. After they joined the Lucifer rebellion Abaddon announced Caligastia as the god of earth who then became the devil of earth or the dark Anti-God of earth. We could say he was our first real Anti-Christ, but Lucifer was the universe’s fourth Anti-Christ. There had been three attempts in the very long distant past but all failed to find followers.


So these rebels set up their base on earth. That is why today the earth has suffered more than any other of the lost planets whose planetary princes sold out to follow the Lucifer rebellion (and were quarantined from the rest of the universe) and that is also why Christ Michael chose earth to complete his bestowal incarnations and restore his sovereignty as ruler of his created universe Nebadon right in the heart of the rebel’s headquarters. But that is also why all the evolutionary spiritual plans were not completed and evil has run a muck wildly on this planet.


The potential for evil has always been there, but Lucifer personified it. The fallen angels didn’t worship Lucifer as God but they did rebel against the Creator. Only when they proclaimed themselves as gods to mortals did the real effect of the rebellion start. And the 200,000 year quarantine should be lifted by Jesus (Sananda) at an end of an age (2012). That’s when souls were lost as many mortals began to worship them instead of the true God, Lord Michael and his Creator Father the Eternal Son.


Many cults and occults sprung up which today we call also the black arts. Much evil has been proclaimed to be done by them when it was actually just the ego or the Anti-Christ in each of us. Jesus mentioned this when he said the demons are inside of us, meaning we own our egos. And because of free will to choose we have this ego Anti-Christ and the Christ inside of us. Many of these dark occult groups did worship Lucifer or Satan and the Devil Caligastia as god and do so even up to this day. This is also where we get black magic from and the dark cults or Dark Cabal. Even black magic churches have sprung up that worship them, like the free masons, Lucifarians, Rosicrucian’s, etc. And they in turn have started an NWO, Illuminati (followers of Satan or Lucifer), that is evil to take over the earth and kill most of the population off. More on this in a later chapter…


Now there were many other lesser angels who fell, all over the universe and here on earth as well. Many of the staff, or most I should say, of Caligastia and his assistant Daligastia (who both became devils) followed him in the rebellion. These lower fallen angels (midway creatures, who where half human and half lesser angels) then became what we now call demons. But after Michael bestowal incarnation as the man Jesus, his kingdom was restored and Lucifer and Satan were arrested and taken to the prison planets, some call Hell, to wait for judgment at the end of the dispensation which is coming soon or is here now. Caligastia, Daligastia and his staff were replaced but not removed from earth yet, but will be by 2011-12. They were allowed to ride out their Karma of misdeeds. They are still doing mischievous things but they have no real power over people. Since Jesus, they cannot possess anyone without their willing it so.


All possessions today are because people will it intently or unconsciously through evil people or the black churches or dark occults. Many pretending to worship the real God but in truth in the end they worship Satan as the devil (fallen angel) and Lucifer as their God. Even video games or some TV and movies, satanic music, books, etc. can cause this to happen.


And with our newly stolen technology, virtual reality can do much more damage faster. But they have no real power over us. They just try to make us think that they do. They are tricksters just like the alter ego. They fool us into believing that they do and when this happens we give our power away to them. And that’s why they are called the Anti Christ’s ! - Actually we have more power than they do because we are not fallen from God. We still get our light and our energy from God which is the only real truth and source there is.


The evil ones also steal our energy by causing fear in us. If we change our fear of them, they go away from us and look for another mortal they can feed on. Yes, that’s right. They feed on our energy basically because they have lost contact with the true source of life or the light energy of “God” so they could not exist if they couldn’t feed upon us. They feed the whole society on huge doses of “fear” (through the media). Everyone is becoming afraid of each other, instead of realizing we are all brothers and sisters and are not separated from God like they are. Mass media is their primary source of food, as fear, and it’s the worst in the USA where the media is the strongest. But now the whole world is being attacked with fear through the American television broadcasting system using satellites to broadcast the fear “food” into the whole world. Other countries are following through imitation by making their own fear television programs, movies and Controlled news like in the USA, all made to keep us in “Fear”.


The good news is the “war” in heaven is over. Lucifer’s rebellion is over. They lost. And Michael the Archangel, with a sword of blue light and a large league of angels, came to earth on November 11, 2007, that’s 11-11, and are rounding up all the rebel demons and the devil himself, Caligastia, which will all be completed by 2011-12. By that time or before there should be no more original dark forces here on earth and this is happening at the same time of the end of an age or the last dispensation.


But there are still much mischief and evil doings by those dark spirits that many mistakenly refer to as devils or demons. On August 8, 2008, that’s 08-08-08, the beginning of a new spiritual dispensation will start called a harmonic convergence. This time around we will have 1,000 years of peace, what Christians call the Golden Age. There should be no more demons or devils to cause havoc and evil doing, mischief on earth, by that time; 2011-12.But great damage has been done already.


We have a huge job in cleaning up the mess, including getting rid of the NWO. It’s sort of like when there has been a catastrophe, a storm, hurricane, etc. that has done great destruction to a people and country. Afterward everyone has to jump in to help clean up the damage and mess the storm’s left behind. Other countries even offer to help. Well, we too will, and we are getting much help, both by the spiritual hierarchy and Jesus (Sananda) himself as the man has returned to help us clean up the mess that Lucifer’s rebellion has left. It’s time to jump in and lend a hand. We are not alone nor forgotten.


Oh yes, and we should remember that these same Dark Cabal are the ones behind the killer diseases and the plagues and viruses, which they created and release upon us (chemtrails and H1N1). Also they have weather/mind control weapons called HAARP, and these same weapons can invade our minds. They plan to kill off six billion people. And the oil conspiracy (crisis) was planned to create worldwide depression! Plus they start and control wars, and they are going to be doing all of these things at the same time soon! They are building up towards that great fear, not to mention their own UFOs (reverse engineered) that they have created to plan a fake attack on earth. We have to be strong. I will discuss these also in the Illuminati chapter.


Many of us have had the ``old hag`` attack us in our sleep. Upon awakening and trying to get up we can’t move. She’s also known as the witch. She usually will leave when people cry out in Jesus’ or God’s name. She doesn’t like that. I’ve had to deal with her many times over the years. She feeds off our fear that we can’t move. And I have gotten other Dark Forces, sometimes looking like a man, a dark figure, also sinister, and they too disappear when we call out for help. But that is difficult sometimes, so we only have to do it in our mind. That works, too, because it’s the intent. Remember they have no real power over us. They are just trying to cause “fear” in us to feed off it. If we notice, this always happens when we’re sleeping, then trying to awake. They don’t try to do it in our awaken state where they would not have the advantage over us. In other words, they don’t play fair.


Once though, I did have a run in with the Devil himself. I was doing my once a month seminar in Bryan Bay NSW in Australia in 1991. In the room I rented there were some new people I hadn’t seen before. They were dressed strangely as well, mostly in black. They didn’t say much that made any sense in response to my teaching and were acting very strange. During the break some of the people said they knew them and they were Devil worshipers.


So I waited to see what they would do after I started again and my friends were right. They were making all kinds of strange devil signs with their hands, at me. So I asked them to leave. This was a donation seminar so they weren’t out any money. I finished up the night with comments from my teacher “Mafu.” Some others left later before I was through. I guess the devil worshipers messed up the “vibes” in the classroom. So I packed and drove back to Nimbin where I was staying on an old farm at the famous Nimbin Rock..


Before I went to sleep, as usual, I thought about what “MAFU” had said. When we do spiritual work for the Lord sometimes the dark forces will attack us and try to stop what we’re doing. They don’t bother with the churches or established religion so much because they have already influenced and infiltrated them and their holy books so that much of what they teach is “fear” oriented all ready, like being born in sin, being a sinner and going to hell, “fear of God,” “wrath of God,” etc. These are all designed to keep us in “fear” so they can feed off us, but it is all disinformation and lies.


At least half of what they teach is misconception or disinformation planted in their holy books a long time ago by demonic Popes in the Catholic Church. The proof is in the Catholic Church hidden records. This caused a division in people who wanted to believe in God and the spiritual family within the universe. But were taught the belief that they were separate from God and family because they were sinners, even if they asked for forgiveness. They were still sinners because they were born in sin. This is all lies by the dark side.


Anyway, shortly after I was asleep I was hit with an energy bolt of some kind that went through my entire body and it really hurt. I found myself raised up about two or three feet above my bed. I was in shock. At first I thought it was some kind of terrible nightmare but the pain was too great. It had to be real so I managed to move, opening only my eyes. The rest of me I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed and there at the end of the bed was the devil himself just like people often described him, dark, ugly, big redish orange evil eyes and horns coming out of his head. Boy was I scared! Even though I still believed in Jesus and God, I called out for my teacher “MAFU” within my mind, because I couldn’t speak, for him to please help me. And he answered me, saying, “Okay, remember what I taught you.''


You have more power than they do because you are not fallen from Gods grace! Tell him out loud that from the Lord God of your being you command him to be gone!” I managed a feeble attempt and some of the pain subsided. Then he said, “Now say it again only louder and stronger.” So I did. Then he dropped me back on the bed and stood back but was still there. Now MAFU said once again, “ Even Stronger and louder.” This time I was able to say it loud and strong. “From the Lord God of my being, I command you to be gone!” And then MAFU said, “And now say, and never return!” So I said loudly, “And never return!” Then the devil himself disappeared, never again to bother me. I taught this lesson to my students later on because the demons also bothered them as well and they all had success in this form of rebuttal because God is inside of us (higher self) and all we have to do is call on him. Although he never bothered me again it was not the last time I would run into the devil or see him.


Several years later I was back in the USA in the upper Midwest state of Indiana. It was Halloween time and again I was working at the yearly festival selling my crafts. I met this woman, about 25 years old, who was dressed all in black with black lipstick. I had seen others like her before but being Halloween I thought she was just dressed up to celebrate. She invited me to her place for a Halloween party. So I went that night, even though I had to work the last day of the festival, and parked my RV on the street.


She lived in an apartment in a basement. It was dark, damp,dirty, smelly and very eerie, with lots of candles. The people that came to the party were also dressed like her. The music was very strange, too, and the same large male friend that picked her up at my booth was there. I didn’t like him because he had bad vibes. I didn’t stay too long at the party but she asked me to come back for dinner the next day. I said she would have to clean the place up because it stunk and get rid of the strange posters and music. She agreed so I came back the next day after the festival was over, which was not very good either. I parked my RV and had pizza and beer with her from the pizza place she worked at.


This girl seemed to really need a friend. She told me that she needed help. She had gotten involved with this occult group whom she found out later was in to worshiping the devil. I said, “Okay.” So we got rid of all the strange or evil music, posters antics, etc., then that evening that same strange large young man stopped in to visit her. 

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