FRIENDS ,What I have decided to do is to condense my last book 2012-new earth to half the size. I will use only what is essential for survival in the first half of the Paradigm shift 2011-12.I will sell it on my site at half price $3.95 and at the same time I will give it away free! piece by piece on these blogs, with out the many photos. The Bad Vaccines chapter will be a part of the Anti-Christ chapter, Copy this book and get it out to others as time is very short. Enjoy


Chapter 1 #1

PARADIGM SHIFT (2007 - 2008)
There are a great number of names and explanations for what is supposed to happen by 2011-12. I have spoken already about this calling it the dispensation or end of an age which occurs about every 2,000 years or so. This cycle includes great earth changes, which are caused as a byproduct of the earth cycle changes which occur normally. There are different ones, a smaller 2.5 thousand year cycle and a larger 11.5 thousand year cycle at which time the poles shift.
During the larger shift, the poles’ magnetic energy will shift from their opposites like what is happening now with true north moving toward the southwest. Eventually true north will become true south. The magnetic forces will also increase up to 1,000 on the smaller cycle and 2,000 times on the larger cycle. That will play havoc on our minds and will cause much chaos and confusion. This could possibly only last for a short time. (1- 3 day’s)
Scientists think that is what happened a little less than 12,000 years ago. That’s why we find mammoths and saber tooth tigers in the North Pole area, many of them, not just a few as the history books lead us to believe. These animals were found standing up with tropical food in their stomachs which means it was an instant freeze caused by the poles shifting to their complete opposites. We have many signs that this happened in that way, studies, case samples and others, although the exact dates are uncertain. Scientists are not sure when or how much they changed, but that it was a major shift. No records were kept by the people of that time nor is anyone still around to tell us about it. So we have to go by the sings of the time.

The North Pole is no longer true north. It has moved or shifted more toward Siberia by 22 degrees. The military and civilian landing strips have changed the numbers on their runways for true north. We can also tell that something is up by the great weather changes, colder or warmer winters breaking all records, hotter or cooler summers again breaking all records. Then we have record breaking droughts and floods happening at the same time and soon we won’t know what cycle we are in. That is what is happening also here in Central America. The normal dry and wet cycles are gone. Farmers don’t know when to plant and when they do many crops are lost because the weather changes. Soon we will have to grow food in controlled green houses. That will be the only way. Also because of fallout of many kinds and Chem.-trails!
We will probably have earthquakes; and volcanoes erupting together at this time. Earthquakes are very frequent now in all the hot spots and in some places they’ve never hit before. As I wrote in my last booklet these changes indicate the last days before the shift. Earthquakes will be a weekly factor which is just about what they are now in this moment. Soon they will hit several times a week, then every other day until in the end it will be everyday. And that’s when we know that a big shift will occur. We don’t know which one yet. We hope it will just be switching from north to south. God help us if it is a major shift. And of course, all of man’s pollution has greatly enhanced and sped up the whole process, making it quicker and worse than it would have otherwise been. But it is not man alone that is causing it. And the SSG weather weapon which uses DMSO on us.
There are other factors to consider as well, such as some believe that the oil of the earth we have stolen is mother earth’s blood and this blood helps balance the continents and cushion the plates hitting one another. Maybe we have taken too much oil or she needs time to make new oil (which is not made from dinosaurs but from all plant and animal waste deposits). Again we are lied to by those in control. They want us to believe there is an oil shortage, so they call it a crisis which is not true. It is just another excuse to get high oil prices! What they’re really afraid of is technology. It’s moving very fast now. Soon we won’t need much of their oil, just enough for all the plastics and other oil based products we make from it.

Now back to the pole shifts. Another theory is that the sun’s solar flare cycles (usually every 11 years) are changing as well. We have much longer cycles of flares and much greater ones, again breaking all records. And they predict a massive major solar flare cycle again around 2011-12. Everything keeps pointing to this 2011 2012 cycle or end of the Mayan and Aztec calendars. All of these ancient peoples knew something that we don’t or haven’t been told.
There are a couple more theories out there that bear listening to and they are: The earth and sun are not alone in their cycle or changes, but the moon and many other planets in our solar system are now changing as well. We have discovered this thanks mostly to small telescopes with computers attached, not from “NASA who also has been lying to us” from day one. She has been keeping this information a secret as well as life on other planets. Much of our tax money has gone to NASA to find these things out and tell or warn the people, but she has done just the opposite. She even falsifies and changes information plus “touches up” the photos they allow us to see which are usually 30 to 40 years old anyway.
It’s all controlled lies. “Big Brother,” doesn’t want us to see or know. NASA is actually controlled by the U.S. Defense Department. Plus NWO . And I believe the reason why is that they don’t want us to be prepared or to have any warning about what is really going on in our universe, galaxy and solar system. The NWO wants to use the great earth changes as part of a means to overtake the world with their one world government, which would be fine if it was under normal spiritual conditions and not an evil empire of world Banksters who want to do this at the cost of helped us set up a new world most of our lives. More on this subject later, okay? We should note here that our space brothers are now working with certain spiritual people around the world ,to set up a benevolent world government called FON , Federation of Nations. This will happen after the 2012 shift and the fall of the Illuminati.
Anyway, I believe in the bigger picture, that the whole universe (not just our galaxy) is currently changing cycles, that it is breathing in and out the same as the Super universes (see the Grand Master Universe chapter). And this will cause cycles of movement and the placement of planets and systems into new paths that we do not even remember happening before. What the earth is going through all the planets are also going through. Or maybe they’re ahead of us and what they do will in some form greatly affect what happens to us down here. Regardless, something really big is happening right now. We’re in the final throws of it, I believe, from the time of this writing at 11-11-07 there’s only four or five years left, and some say much less. Nobody really knows for sure because there are no past records to go by, but we have been given much information from our space brothers, spirit brothers, prophesies and revelations. Some believe we will enter a new ice age caused by the greenhouse affect. We must watch for the signs of the times.
Many warnings are given, many revelations, even ones credited to Jesus, but it’s all very confusing, and again there are many different stories of what exactly is going to happen. I myself have been studying and following all the reports, both misinformation and now more true information. I do believe all the planets are changing into a new system or movement that will affect all the other planets. It’s a grand cycle of which the outcome we know little or nothing about. Its called the Photon belt and Galactic Alignment of 2012.

Here’s another theory that I picked up and wrote about in my last booklet back in the late 1980s. It’s called the “Photon Belt” (see drawing). According to articles I’ve read over the past 20 years, there’s a huge dough nut or wheel in our universe that all the solar systems pass through in our galaxy. It takes 10,000 years from the time we are finished passing through and out of it before we pass through it again on the opposite side. And we are inside the belt for about 2,000 years before passing out of it again. Twenty years ago we were about to enter it again, going clockwise around.
As we enter the Photon Belt we can expect great changes to happen as our space brothers say it is to be made up of particles and anti-particles which in turn cause the poles to shift, to adjust to this new life form. This radiant light will be seen all of the time. There will be no more darkness as we know it now, and the light will be like a hunter’s full (blue) moon at night. So there won’t be darkness any more for 2,000 years. Not only the nights will be lit but it is said that darkness won’t be able to hide. In other words the radiated light will penetrate into even closed rooms or buildings. It will seep through the cracks so that nowhere will it be truly dark. Everywhere inside and outside will have this luminous glow of light that may make it really very difficult to sleep. It will take some getting use to. I don’t know what it will do to plant life or animals, or for that matter, what it is going to do to us. There is a theory that this Photon Belt will also be partly responsible for the pole shift, the much larger part being the new Alignment of the planets and Planet-X.
Now there’s another theory that when the poles shift this time around with these two major events happening plus the solar flares, that it will cause all things both in or on the other planets and this one to shift into a new dimension. And I believe this has already started. That’s why time seems to be speeding up, and it actually is. When this shift happens we will move from a 3.5 density to the fourth (4.0) density. All living creatures will move up one notch on the evolutionary ladder as we have done in the past.
For example, those animals in second dimension will move up to the third dimension where we are now, and then in third will move to fourth and fourth to fifth, etc., if they are truly ready (if their DNA codes become activated). Those who have not prepared themselves mentally and spiritually will not make it. I think that this Photon Belt and planet Nibiru in combination with the universe shift of the Galactic Alignment and everything else that is involved will cause the great Dimensional Shift, or Paradigm Shift as it is better known. but this time it will be much larger and greater than all the other cycles or shifts that have occurred before because too many things are happening at the same time. I know a large cycle has ended causing a major shift at least one time before if not more, causing the ice age and the great flood.
Remember, the Darwin theory that we evolved from ape, which is true to a certain point of view. We are eight and a half million years old and a planned evolutionary species created by Lord Michael. If I understand correctly, Darwin followed it up to the point where we evolved from co-mongrel to Neanderthal ape, man. And then there was this big gap, a hole, a space and then all of a sudden we became human. But scientists don’t know what happened. So they just call it a mystery and named it the “missing link.”

In other words, they think there’s a species missing which they can’t find because they can’t explain the missing link. But The Urantia Book simply explains it this way: When man evolved from a Lemur type ape or monkey that had already evolved it’s DNA code to a certain point, a beam of energy light shot down out from the center of the universe onto the earth and all those animals who were ready moved up into the next evolutionary stage, thus we became man.
And recently, scientists report that some kind of beam shot out from the center of the known universe and hit the earth a couple of years ago. It didn’t stay long on the news but it was there. It can be looked up. I think this is the same beam that activated the Lemur monkey to become man and now it will assist us three dimensional humans in becoming fourth dimensional beings, a new type of human with a super consciousness, also called Christ Consciousness. In the past, those who had the correct DNA code received super consciousness. The rest remained as they were until now. There were many other earth changes also at that time.
And all those who weren’t ready stayed behind where they were until the next super shift and beam of light from our creator. For most people who are not ready this will be too much to handle and instead of moving up the ladder they will die the body. Many lives will be lost although there is a rescue plan in case it gets too heavy even for those of who have been prepared for this Ascension and “Paradigm Shift.”

So it’s also a dimensional shift as well as a super shift which means our bodies will have to change too. Our perception of life or reality will change. This is also the time the dark forces will be removed from the planet and the spiritual Brotherhood says that means the NWO will eventually go as well. I really hope so for I don’t think we can handle them and all of the cycle shifts at the same time, even if we are prepared. Maybe that’s why the NWO have so many underground cities and bases both on this planet and others. Who in their right mind would want to survive with them in their evil ways? But to see the really big picture is very difficult.
I think I have a very good idea of what is going to happen, but what I am afraid of or worried about are my brothers. How are they going to survive? Of course, I mean the chosen ones who are in denial. That’s why I am told to write this book, even though it’s kind of late in the game. If I had done it earlier, many people would just say, as they have before, that “these things haven’t happened yet so we’ll just wait and see what happens.”

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  • thanks brother in the light

    mother Anette Henning

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