First of all we must continue to expose them. Become familiar with their doctrine, symbols, secret signs, and disinformation. Jesus said “and the truth shall set you free”. In other words to be able to discern if what a leader or person tells you is the truth, take it inside ask your higher self or Holy Spirit or Jesus or whomever you believe in to confirm it. If it doesn’t feel right in your heart center or hasn’t a spiritual nature to it then most likely it’s false. Ask yourself what is there point, or they are just double talking or are they trying to unite with a brother. True communication is the result from uniting for our better good. I don’t ever hear the free masons espousing the teachings of Jesus or even the word love and the word God can be distorted, because they believe in a dark demised anti-god..So it’s going to be a very difficult trial for most of us. The God or higher self within you will lead you back to our Creator, no matter what name you call him. We are all one and part of his family. We are not separate from him or each other. We must learn to unite.



We do have a common enemy known to some of us now called the Anti-Christ or Illuminati, so let’s work on exposing them and stop pointing the finger on each other. If you find out someone is part of this Free Masons or black lodges it’s better to stay away from them unless you sure they’re asking for your help from the bottom of their heart. If it feels good then go for it, if not then go away. And for sure you don’t want to get caught up in their movement, not only because it is evil, but because in the end you may lose your souls, so don’t play with fire and they will entice you with money, sex, drugs and power you will be very tempted by them, that’s the way they lure you in. Jesus says most all people get in trouble by the misuse of money, sex and I think thirdly power (Over others).


So no matter how strong you think you are, don’t play those deadly games. And if you’ve awakened now and you’re in it, get out as soon as possible, before it’s too late. Many have already done this, that’s how a lot of information is released out about the N.W.O. Dark Cabal.So everyone has a role to play, in these last days. We all must do our part, it is most important to find out what yours is!



I understand that I am treading on very dangerous grounds here and I am not trying to persuade people into my belief. I am just trying to present the bigger picture to make the invisible visible to expose them and their evil plans for a new world order and religion play a big part in it. But remember we are not alone in this movement. The spiritual hierarchy is very much involved in this, that’s why they are bringing back saints and other past spiritual leaders, from all the major religions to be a part in bringing down new information and “truths”, mostly spiritual in nature. Maybe it’s the only way we can get out of this mess we are in. As you know all of the Holy Books of the world have been channeled down to man by it’s’ leaders of religion. But today with all that is going on much has been lost in the old holy books of the world, things were added and taken out,so they misunderstand this point.




And so maybe the only way out is up or forward not backwards since the free masons have already destroyed much spiritual information. So we need to take what’s good from the old and move on. Even the word religion and Holy books of the past turn a lot of people off because it doesn’t apply to us today. We need new information of a highly spiritual nature that they have not or cannot, distort, change or regulate. As I said before Jesus is back, not the God Jesus, but the man Jesus and he’s heading this whole movement. This information is not mine but I am just an instrument,a means of getting out this new spiritual information, call it “Truth” if you may. No one owns “truth” it comes from God, we are just passing it on. Take what you want from it and pass it on. Someday it may become your truths, we are all one.



Now as for a one world religion, the spiritual hierarchy does say that it will work, but it has to be a spiritual one, not an evil one like what they are trying to install! It will be very difficult to bring about, especially with all that is going on now. People do not yet fully understand what the Free Masons and all the black lodges have done! But when we expose them and get through all of that ,then we will be able to move on to a better understanding of what true religion should be, as a means to find our personal God and the peace , joy, love and happiness he brings to all his creations; all his children. It’s all ours for the asking, when we learn to forgive the world and ourselves past and present. ( Reconcile the past so as to be able to move into a positive future.)


As for a one world government they agree on that as well, that we need a one world government, but a spiritual “based one”, not an evil one, like N.W.O. So these will be trying time. And this is only the beginning of the end of the old ways. We must bring about honesty and morality into our lives. Take back our own power to rule our own lives. All the revelations and the prophecies have warned us of these end times. Now we must heed the warning of the signs of the times”. Unite before its too late; we the people are the only ones who can change the future. And speaking of the future;


It seems the more I dig, the deeper the hole gets, it’s a never ending saga of the Illuminati. Monday 3/6/09 2c2 radio interviewed another book writer, Rayelan Allan. She wrote the Obregon Chronicles. She was in the military for 20 years and claims to be a insider on a lot of the things the Illuminati has been doing especially in connection to the military “mind control” and the catholic church aspect of it. Basically she says there is now another faction of good guys inside the church, besides the Jesuit priests. Who has long ago broke away from the main group. They call themselves the original Templar’s and they are the good guys and the Knights Templar are the bad guys and that there are Jesuit priest who are part of this faction spying on the other SSG(sinister secret government) Jesuits. Also it seems there may be a faction breakaway in the free masons and other lodges of the Illuminati!? So we have a secret society within a secret society and both have a faction group within them, plus more factions in the black lodges. Maybe someone opened the door and let the light in on the darkness. If this is so then it is good news! Boy this is getting complicated.


She says also that the Pope has repented?. And that he doesn’t want to be the Anti-Christ or leader of the new world religion anymore. Maybe he also threatened to spill the beans on what’s really going on. Because in the last month Rome has been hit with hundreds of earth quakes .Which many believe is the weather weapon H.A.R.R.P. Some 20,000 buildings have fallen all around the Vatican. Hundreds of people have been injured and some have died. She believes this is a warning to the Pope to play ball and keep quiet. Or else he and the Vatican (treasures) and those renegade factions will be next. She also talks about the Templar (good guys) are working with yet another faction of Aliens.


And that they have been working together taking the gold out of the Vatican, fort Knox and elsewhere around the world. The Templar's claim they have attained most of the gold from around the world. Some 250,000 tons of it! They claim they had most of it stored in the Philippines’ for a very long time. Now the gold has been moved to selected European banks of the G-20 countries. And that this week the G-20 nations are meeting to decide on a new world currency backed by these 250,000 tons of gold. Rayelan believes that it is the “Templar” who are behind the collapse of the financial system and banks in the US and elsewhere around the world (instead of the SSG).


Which are owned by the federal reserve (lodge) and the Illuminati And this will cause them to produce more worthless fiat paper money Which in turn will devaluation the value of the dollar as a world currency, which also will cause a worldwide recession and then a Depression, and a complete collapse of the US dollar. Note here that this is also the plan of the N.W.O. and then they plan to bring in the 666 (RFID cards) and the mark of the Beast in a cashless society, as is in the Revelations.” The Templar's plan will bypass this by a new currency backed by gold. So no mark of the beast?


As I have reported already (2012)that the inner circle of ten families plan to split up the world into ten regions or unions as they call them. Each one controlled by one of the ten. This is the ten horns of the beast or ten unnamed kings of the revelations. Starting with the European Union and the Euro-dollar backed by some silver. Next will be the North American union and the Ameruro also to be backed by silver. The Illuminati is using silver because the Templar’s claim to have all the gold of the world. And as we know gold is worth much more than silver. And this is where the story gets interesting. She says The Templar’s (good guys?) plan to use their gold to bring in a new world currency at the same time the N.W.O. plans to bring out the new Euro dollar.


Personally I think there is something to this story that is true. Both Alex Jones and David Icke's claim to have seen large amounts of gold in European bank vaults several years ago. In Holland, Germany, Belgium, France. Which all are parts of the G- group But the real question is, whose gold is it? I myself don’t trust any Illuminati lodge members including faction groups. Of course like anyone else I would like to believe these Templar's are the good guys who want to help us by creating this new currency backed by their gold. And at the same time save us from the N.W.O. and the mark of the beast the 666. It’s also good news to hear the Pope doesn’t want to be the Anti-Christ any more. But being from the show me state, I will believe it when I see it.


It seems that ET's are involved in both the good and bad guy factions as well as in the main groups of the anti-Christ government. I don’t know if the Galactic Federation is involved in this infiltration or not. But I do know they are here in very large numbers and have at least 300,000 ships or more at the last count some years ago. And they are the real good guys; here to help us out of this mess were in with the SSG takeover and to help save planet earth both from us and the bad guys. Recently I ran across my 12 Keys of Enoch book again. And in it I found a article about another faction of aliens from Orion sent here to help us and other dark planets lost in the Lucifer rebellion. They are teamed up with angels, lead by Arc Angel Ariel. And this was in early 1970’s .So I hope they get here soon. We could use all the extra help we can get. Things are getting very heavy down here and now that 2011-12 is just around the corner.



These Orion being’s are primary concerned with stopping the military takeover of lost worlds. There job is to stop any military takeover such as the Illuminati new world order government! And because the Federation is in charge here, this new faction will be under them. I believe the SSG will soon use their own military after were finished pitting “ours” against each other. Once we have destroyed each other in W.W.111 which they will start, with Israel and the Middle East nations in 2010 to 2012, then they will rise up to take over with their ten million men cloned army and black ops military(Halliburton) It is known that Acting President Obama is distant cousins to both bush and Chaney. But few know that he is possibly royal blood and a member of the Prior of Sion. This also makes him a member of the Illuminati. They are using the USA as the police force of the world. And Obama is there puppet speaker whom they have programmed to put a (good guy) face on their evil empire and make it and USA look good in the public profile .Europe is the court and law system of the world (UN). And London is the money controllers head- quarters, by the Rothschild’s and the bank of England. And the story goes on and on.


Many people are confused right now because of too much information or disinformation. I myself have over fifty hours of videos, dozens of books and magazines on this subject. And many thousands of listening hours of C2C am. And yet still more information on this subject is still coming through each day. But before the above Revelations can happen we first we have to deal with the drama of the Genocide plague the N.W.O. is spraying on us now with the Chemtrails. They have gone back and changed time so the sequence of events has also changed. We must now deal with it,so that we can move into a more benevolent future because that's a major part of what Ascension is. We learn from the past and take with us all the good things that we learned from it to create a positive future in this holy instant now moment. We are all one.

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