I now invite Mother Mary, I invite the Golden Brotherhood of Light, and I invite all those light beings, who would like to take part in this conversation. A conversation about what happened and what did not happen, and what can be said to us, or what we want to say.


They are glad that after a long pause we are starting to work again and that we are restarting our communication.


We are now putting this work into the Ray of the Father and into the hands of the Father, so that everything will take place only inside the Plan, and only in service.


Mother Mary is saying:


- Dear friends, those light processes that are happening with you, they are happening with all of us, and you, the new light people, and we, beings working with you, are one plan, we are one phenomenon.


You are our continuation, you are our hands, legs, and organs, with which we can act and twirl; therefore, act, do not freeze in any condition, all the time be internally active, internally in the Ray, internally in the Father, because what has to happen with you, happens to the degree to which you trust that which is happening, to the degree to which you are opening to the light, and the light then starts to work through you.


- So, what is it now, this New Earth?


- It is the new Christ, born in your heart. The New Earth is what was born in your heart, on your new and pure relationship, it is your new spiritual community, which now unites beings of different kinds, but you are all unified in one thing - the creation of the New Earth, the creation of the new spiritual laws and the creation of the new system of the world, in which one will not live at the expense of another, but life will go in acceptance of the will of the Father and in exchange of pure valuables. Therefore, express this new Christ inside yourselves constantly, in all your relationships, in all your actions, in everything that you think and feel.

- What can be said about the New Earth?

What can we say about her. Only that she exists, that there is nothing created on it yet, no forms, no relationships, it just exists, and you are still naked, unprotected, standing on her, and there is nothing here yet, no buildings, spiritual that is. Vegetation, I see, is very gentle and is only starting to grow, water, also still newborn, untouched, it is like an infant, this Earth, and you are on it - like these big infants.


Through intention and thorough spiritual effort, strengthen this New Earth, by love and acceptance of one another.


There will be own professions - new spiritual ones, own spiritual doctors, spiritual teachers and spiritual engineers, and these will be the new spiritual jobs. For now, this is only a projection, not fully alive, it is only being offered as a plan for development for this New Earth, and also the new schools.


And some of your valuables, which you considered valuable, they are shifting to the spiritual - some music, some poetry, some art, because its reason was unearthly, the reason for it's occurrence was spiritual, it got on Earth just like a grain, and now it has grown to the New Earth and blossoms there with new colors.


Therefore, it is good that you took with you something from the Old Earth, something which is really valuable, even if a little hing, but really valuable for you.


Here we said "took". Do you realize, that this is already in the past, that this has already happened?


But there will be the next wave, and there will be the next people, who will expand their consciousness to such a level that they will come to the New Earth with the new wave.


And then there will be another wave, and in this way the consciousness, the light consciousness, an expansion of the light consciousness will be relocated.


Realize, that you are all brothers in Spirit, that there are no better or worst ones, new children and adults, there is only brothers and sisters in Spirit, see this with your real spiritual sight, pray for everyone who is present on the New Earth, for the whole New Earth, for those processes, which are happening with each one of us, and for those processes, which are happening in the newborn Earth, with this new infant.


Now, the Children want to say something about the spiritual schools.


It was already said, that the spiritual schools will be present on the ray of the Father, and the beings working there will be partners and co-creators of the Source - both children of the Source and at the same time co-creators.


And the ray will be given for a consideration, and a human beiing will decide inside himself if he wants to accept it, if he vibrates with it or not.


And much will be given... Constantly many of such rays are given, and they were also given on the old Earth, but unfortunately we did not recognize them, but now they are given openly on the New Earth. Those who are spiritually on the New Earth see these rays, they easily come into communication with them, into a conversation with them and into contact.


These rays are thoughts of the Father, which awaken in us the energy of this ray, and we come in contact with it, and we can comprehend through this ray what the Source wants to tell us.


In fact, we are, when we are receiving this ray...


- Can it be said, I (Anna) ask, that we are with our higher Self?


- Yes, it can be said that we are together, combined with our higher Self, receive this ray with our higher Self.


- What else is there on the New Earth?


- On the New Earth is all your life, everything that is happening with you is already the New Earth, new light Earth. Matter, physical matter, became transparent, and at present it has no power, physical matter now does not have any real power; light and your alliance with it has real power.


Be active, be on the ray, do not deviate from the instructions and guidance of the Spirit.


- What do the Golden Brothers of Light want to say?


They are saying that they are near us, constantly in our daily life, because already there is no everyday life, because all of life is in the light and the ray, and all are events, everything is events for you; therefore, be glad to that which is happening, be glad to that light, in which you are present, because this is the golden light of the Brotherhood, rejoice that in each cell of your being there is this golden light of the Brotherhood.


- What do they want to say by that?


- Work is happening on a cell level, work is happening inside your DNA helix, because the light enters there; there the new light codes are entered, the new light information, which allows new layers of DNA to open from inside..


This is, what is happening to you on a cell level.


Accept it, feel it, realize it, and do not leave it. And finally see that your world of yesterday is an illusion of your underdeveloped consciousness .


And when you see this, you will be in pure light, you will be on the New Earth, there will be a collage, and you will be in a light space on the light Earth.


And you will see that the heavy shell has already fallen off of you, it has mostly fallen, and some pieces maybe are still hanging, and they are also falling off


And you will see, that you are present in pure light - naked, unprotected, but there is no threat for you, because you are not in a state of duality, but in a state of wholeness, and there will not be these distortions, when reality is constantly signaling to you about one thing, and then about another. You are present in a pure light, and you can exchange light impulses.


- And what do we have to do?


- You do not need to do anything, light itself will direct and do everything through you. Be free, be spiritual, be unique and be yourselves.



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