2012 Explained (Channeling)

2012 Explained (Channeling)

Greetings! We speak to you today as the combined energies of Sananda, Mahavtar Babaji, Archangel Lord Metatron, Plaeidians and the Sirians. Greetings!

You may wonder why the energies of Mahavtar Babaji join us today on a channelling of this nature. The reason: in 2012 the Earth is turned over unto the Lordship of Mahavtar Babaji. He takes over as the Lord of the Earth, and the physical changes and structural shifts of the Earth will now, if not solely, predominantly be guided by him and his energies. St. Germain remains the Earth Teacher but the Overlordship of the Earth now moves into the hands of the Mahavtar, and thus the Mahavtar energies preside over this meeting as well.

2012: a lot has been spoken of it; a lot of it true, some of it partially true, and a little bit of it complete hocus-pocus. And that little bit that is hocus-pocus relates to the destruction of the Earth. We have reiterated before, and we state clearly again; the Earth is not to be destroyed. She will go through cataclysmic shifts, certainly, but she will not be destroyed. Some parts of her will change very radically, some parts of her, as you know it today, you may not be able to recognize, but the Earth will not be destroyed.

Each time you speak of 2012, you instantly also think of the Mayan calendar and the ending of the Mayan calendar. But, beloveds, you have not questioned even once, what this Mayan calendar is. It never was a calendar of dates, events and schedules, as you know your calendar. The Mayan prophesies, though they roughly stated linear time, were never essentially about time-based events. The calendar is an energy and it brings forth to you energy-based events that have a potential to be or not to be. Thus lay your mind at rest that the Mayan calendar has come to an end.

The Mayans had, at that time, what was considered and still is considered, reached the highest levels of Consciousness. There are over 14 levels of Consciousness that a human, embodied spirit can reach. The Mayans had reached the 9th level of Consciousness. Rarely has this been reached and never has it gone beyond. If you look at their sacred structures, you might see 9 distinct layers of construction. These 9 were their awareness of their 9 levels of Consciousness. And each layer of construction was constructed in a manner to reveal the denseness or refinement of that layer of Consciousness.

But that is besides the point. We introduced the Mayans to you only so that you would now stop speaking of the Mayan calendar as though it were a tangible object. It is an energy that they were able to reach into, access and interpret. And though they were aware that they, too, lived in linear time, their so-called predictions were no predictions, at all, but just interpretations of potentials that could come to light, given a certain set of circumstances. Given a certain set of circumstances. And that is why of these so-called predictions, some have been experienced and others not.

Every energy-based event can only be, if you should want to use this word, ‘predicted’ as a probability that exists in the non-energy zone of potential. And that energy-based event can come true, can come into the critical mass of existential reality, only if other energies on which it is based, come together in a certain manner, if you wish to call it, in a certain formula or equation. In fact, beloveds, the blueprints that you have drawn up, so many of you, (which you are now aware of, through that which you have called ‘soul charts’) are, in a small way, what you could call an energy-based calendar. It gives you the potentials, the possibilities and probabilities that you have placed within your blueprint plan, and if such and such energy should mix with such and such energy, only then will this energy-based event come into reality, or else it will remain potential, and you will wonder why it did not fructify into reality.

So even your very blueprints are no pre-destined paths that you must and will follow. Every blueprint places into it several, several, several possibilities, and you experience only about 1/5th, and that 1/5th that you do experience, you believe is pre-destined. But there is no pre-destined blueprint, for by your free will choice of energy emission, and by your free will choice of energy focus, if you choose to emit and focus upon A strand of energy rather than B strand of energy, then that possibility that requires the B strand of energy in order to become real, will remain only as potential. It is vital for you to understand this so that you do not give up your power to those who claim to make predictions. What one can see as a prediction is only what the current energy will lead the predictor to see; what the current energy will lead you to see. And if that current energy should change, it will naturally not reach that so-called predicted event but another event entirely, which was also a possibility, probability, and potential in your blueprint plan.

And this brings us to the vital change that will take place in 2012: the change in time, for all energy-based events in your universe take place in time. But the concept of time will go through a radical shift post December 2012. We take your minds back to an earlier discourse in which we had discussed the hologram, the holographic grid in which each strand crosses the other at right angles, creating an orb of time. Do you recall?

Group Members: Yes!

Each orb of time holds within it, a certain era, a certain eon, a certain age, a certain civilization. Do you recall that? Which means, as the Oversoul, as the Monadic Soul, would you not, therefore, be aware of all the orbs simultaneously? As the Oversoul, as the Monad soul, which has not yet separated so stridently, would you not, at that level, therefore be aware of all the orbs in the grid? Would you then not be aware of all the eons, eras, civilizations, existences simultaneously?

The shift in time is this: all orbs must now come to a close. They have all run their cycle. All orbs will now come to a close. Will it happen overnight? Of course not! But starting in December 2012, under the guidance and under the Overlordship of the Mahavtar, every orb will begin to round off its time cycle. And thus all eras, eons, civilizations will come to an end, now. The Ice Age still exists, as does the feudal age, as does the Renaissance period, but all orbs will start coming to a close.

We reiterate: this will happen extremely gradually. Extremely gradually! In fact, beloveds, if you are hoping that suddenly in 2012, and suddenly in 2013, you will see dramatic changes within you and all around you, you will be disappointed. The changes, initially, will be imperceptible.

Do you recall what we said to you just a few days ago? You are carrying, with you, the debris. Do you recall?


2012, and the years after that, will see all energies that you have carried across the Rainbow Bridge, accelerated, intensified. So if there is greed within you, all around you, you will perceive tremendous greed. If there is violence, within you, all around you, you will experience violence, which may be even in the form of violent deaths. But if there is wisdom, what you will experience around you will be enlightenment, open minds, spiritual awareness. If there is love, you will experience all who will embrace you, giving you the opportunity to embrace all. So, for some, 2012 will truly appear to be the beginning of the end of the world, and for some, it will appear to be the beginning of the world.

Each one will not carry with them the same energy across the Rainbow Bridge. Some will come light, and others will come burdened. But there is a critical level of burden beyond which you are not permitted. Like your airlines have a rule; you cannot carry extra baggage. But here you are not allowed to pay for the extra baggage; you just have to deplane. So some will deplane. And so be it! And so be it! Energy returns to energy. But some will go across with heavy bags, and others will come light as feathers. The lighter you travel across the Rainbow Bridge, the greater will be your experience of the joy and the love that you have desired to experience in 2012 and beyond.

2012 in the Mayan calendar energy came to an end because it was not seen as what could be created, as each one will create 2012 differently. And like-minded individuals will come together to create a like-minded 2012 and beyond, and your experience of that could be different from her experience of that.

And that is why the Mahavtar has chosen that from henceforth the new energies that spearhead the universe will be emanated into the Earth through small groups, much like this one. It has been found that where large groups congregate, each one comes for a different reason and certainly not all are interested in an ascension process. Some come merely to make a statement, some come to pass away time, and some come because they feel bad not to be part of a process that everyone says is sacred. These conflicting energies are not what we will now use. Those groups can continue their channelings and discourses and meetings and the energies that come through will come through meant only for that group.

We need to emit energy into the physical realm through physical structures, of which the human structure is one. But we have to use physical structures with care, and we have to choose them with care. And so it is not about how ‘many’ but how ‘like-minded’. Look around you at any of the groups you may regularly be a part of. Look around you, closely, to see the Higher Consciousness awareness of members of that group. Does it align with your own, for you have been gathered with care. You have reached a Higher Mind Consciousness awareness. So you, particularly, should choose with care.

Why waste your time now on events that will not take you into a like-minded process of ascension? Choose like-minded consciousness now. We do not state this only for the purpose of spiritual meetings. Even in social contact, choose like-minded consciousness. And like-minded consciousness can very easily be identified by thought, word, feeling and expression. Do not permit consciousness that is different from your own to pull you down. You have to make rapid strides upon the Rainbow Bridge, and thus it is vital that groups, like yours, now begin to become aware of the debris that they must leave behind.

Awareness, Consciousness: these are your 2 key words: awareness of yourself and Consciousness of the energy that surrounds you. Do not be in places where the energies of Consciousness are not your own. Become aware and break those habits, break those chains.

Group Member: If time-lines are coming to a close, what happens to the souls who pass on?

Energy merges with energy. Beloved, when you pass on, there is no physicality that passes on. You have never been ‘you’, you will never be ‘you’. Energy merges with energy. There are layers and layers and layers of energy of different denseness and different refinement, and energies will find their like-minded place. There is no punishment. There is no taking away the prize, for there is no prize. It is only shifting into another vibratory frequency, which brings us back to those orbs.
Every orb has a vibratory frequency, and that vibratory frequency, when translated into physical terms, is seen as Light. So you say, ‘speed of light’. Speed of light is nothing else except that, which you call in spiritual terms, vibratory frequency. Now the orbs are closing their time cycles. All! All holograms of time are winding down.

How will they wind down? By the orbs emitting even higher vibratory frequencies than they are emitting now. As the speed of light increases, beloveds, time comes to an end. As the speed of light increases, time accelerates, as well and continues to accelerate so fast that, at some point, all space, here and there, become simultaneous. No time! You are here, you are there! In the Now!

In this current speed of light, you are here and, and an hour later, you will be there. But when the speed of light, vibratory frequency, begin to accelerate, time accelerates and space begins to constrict, for space is what time makes it. Space is a creation of time, and that is why it is always off spoken together – time and space. Space is created by time – here and there. For to be here and then to be there, there has to be time. But when time goes so fast, space becomes narrower and narrower and narrower and then is ONE. Here, there, everywhere, nowhere; take your pick. There is no time.
But what will make this speed of light go fast? Nay! Wrong question, for the speed of light has already started going fast, but your scientists are unable to measure it yet. The vibratory frequencies that create the realities of speed of time, have to gather a critical mass of their own manifested energy before it can be calculated by human machines. At present, the vibratory frequencies have already accelerated but have not gathered the mass required by which the scientists can become aware of the physicality of the speed of light increasing. But, we tell you, the speed of light has already increased and will continue to increase, and, in fact, will increase at an even faster pace from December 2012. Why? We must explain to you how the holograms will close. There is a small aperture, an opening, that lies dormant in every hologram. Now this opening has been gently activated. Like you have dormant chakras that have been activated from time to time to let in higher energies, similarly the time holograms, the orbs, have apertures. This aperture is opening; is still in the process of opening. Through this aperture flows in the Consciousness of the Potential, which has manifested itself into energy that cannot be identified and recognized by you, for it is in such vibratory frequency. As this uniquely high vibratory frequency of energy enters the aperture, it begins to have a catalyst effect, and the catalyst effect is that the vibratory frequency of that hologram begins to accelerate to keep up with the pace of the entering energy. The vibratory frequency begins to match the speed of the higher vibratory frequency of energy that is pouring in through that aperture. And as the vibratory frequencies of these orbs increase, the aperture increases, and as the aperture increases, it takes in greater vibratory frequencies of energy, and so on, till the cycle continues, faster and faster and faster, till……NO TIME.
But that is a very distant reality. By then the Earth will have changed her physical structure completely. The Earth is a part of the hologram, and as the earth changes her physical structure completely, human structure will change completely. We are just telling you of the distant Now.

But we wish to come back to your ‘burden’, for that is of vital consequence just now. Those burdens that you are carrying will not be able to survive as the vibratory frequencies of your orb begin to get finer. As that gets finer, your orb will start combusting, burning up. Not the earth, but the energies that cannot survive. So greed and hate and prejudice will literally burn. An energy can burn only through a physical medium, so when you ask if there will be typhoons and volcanoes and hurricanes, we cannot state ‘no’, for each energy, for example, greed, might choose a certain event through which it can burn up. We tell you that greed will burn up by a complete collapse of the system which exists. And it will not only be the macro systems that exist, beloveds; micro systems will burn up as well.

Release the burden. But you will say, how? You are trying, and we give you full credit for that, beloveds. The only way ‘how’ is to begin to work on your light bodies. You have to move from one light body to another light body. What is a light body? It is a vehicle which can carry and transmit a certain range of frequencies. The more you work on higher light bodies, the greater is the frequency range you can occupy yourself into.

There are 2 ways to work on light bodies. Some of you have already been shown by this instrument a process of working on your light bodies. But that process will remain incomplete, unless and until there are 2 simultaneous inner processes. One, of course, is self-awareness, acute self-awareness, without judgment, and the other is an accelerated development of intuitive abilities. For what are your intuitive abilities if not your light senses? These are the 2 aspects that you must simultaneously work upon: one within and the other outside, in the energy matrix, which envelopes the light bodies. Working upon light bodies is not a process that takes 2 months, 6 months, 10 years. You have to work on and on and on and on.
How will you be able to identify that you are growing in your light body? The most obvious will be the lessening of judgment, opinion, the expansion of understanding, empathy, compassion, tolerance, the lessening of separation, and the growth of unity, the quickness to look beyond the illusion of an event. At present, you get caught in the event, you stay caught in the event, then from that place of pause, you try to understand the event, and then begin to take baby steps out of the event. An expansion of light bodies helps you to go through the event, without any pause.

2012 and beyond will not stop the ‘events’, the ‘drama of life’. You may wonder why. How can events stop when you are in constant contact with all kinds of differing energies? As soon as you are in contact with a differing energy, there will be an ‘event’. And therefore, once again, we state: choose people with care, choose your groups with care, both spiritual and social groups. If they are not like-minded in Consciousness, break the habit of the group. You have ears and you have eyes. Listen and look at the members of the group without judgment. But if that group is not at your like-minded Consciousness, gently walk away, in love, not in judgment. The more you are in contact with greatly differing energies of Consciousness, the more numerous will be the ‘events’ that you will face.

Group Member: How does one work on intuitive abilities?

There are so many different ways. It can be through meditation. It can be through conscious recognition of energy. There are ways upon ways, beloved. You find a way that will best suit you. Some may need guidance, and others may do it all on their own. There is no one fixed answer. But if that is what you wish to experience and if that is the intent, in the non-energy zone, it will BE. Most certainly. And then the person helping you, and the means used, will become only an outside tool, which you can leave whenever you desire.

How do you work with energy to expand our light bodies?

Beloved, that is an extremely intense process. That is a process that requires deep knowledge of the energy grid, deep knowledge of the crystalline grid of the Earth, for in order to develop the light bodies, your energy body must be in greater and greater alignment to the crystalline grid of the Earth.
We ask you, right now, do not venture on your own, in that process. But if you should desire to do this, seek the help of those, like this instrument, who will guide you. There are those, like her, who are proficient, who have been made proficient, in this endeavour.

You said ‘move away from those who are not like-minded’. What if they are members of your family?

That is the most difficult group to move away from. A social group can be moved away from, a spiritual group can be moved away from, but you cannot move away from your family. Beloved, all you can do is to consciously not internalize their energy, and after you have been in their energy space, clean your own.

How do we clean it?

Again, beloved, whatever method is appropriate for you, whatever method feels right to you. There are those who use incense, others essences, still others crystals, still others colour, others light, others chants. The tools are many. You choose.

How will we know if we have reduced our baggage?

There is no fixed way or one clue. The only way you will know is by your inner experience. There will be parts of the day when you will feel dense, and there will be parts of the day when you will feel refined. As you clear away greater and greater volumes of debris, the parts of the day, when you feel refined, will be predominant.

We have been told that we are going through certain processes. What exactly is happening to us at this time?

Every individual is going through a process. We ask you to remember the aperture opening in the orb. As an aperture opens in the orb, certain apertures, in your grids, also simultaneously open. You have all attended several such gatherings (held by this instrument) where, in fact, you have been aided, by Higher Consciousness, into opening certain apertures.
What will you draw through those apertures? That will be different for each one. The constant is that you will draw an energy higher than your own current vibration. But it will not be the same energy. For example, if you are at level 1, you will draw level 2, but the one who is at level 20 could draw level 25.

Depending upon the vibratory frequency that enters through your open apertures, that energy will then enter and be directed by your physical system. By your physical system. The higher vibratory frequencies will be directed, either to the physical body, emotional body, mental body or spiritual body. The same frequency of energy may enter in her physical body as directed by her physical structure, into her emotional body as directed by her physical structure, and into her spiritual body as directed by her physical structure. And thus, though the frequency that each has drawn remains constant, it will manifest in completely different ways.

When the energy enters the physical structure, the physical structure is being physically changed. But for it to be physically changed, it has to be, first, physically swept clean. The emotional body will be changed of its energy. But for it to be changed of its energy, the old energy holds must be released. And if it enters the spiritual body, you will experience greater expanse of intuition, telepathic abilities, channelling, healing, just becoming aware of energy as you are sitting in quietude.

Does the physical have to be readied in some way?

Absolutely! The physical has to be a strong vehicle, a very strong vehicle.

Could you suggest some ways of doing this?

Beloved, we are done with suggestions. For groups like you, the awareness of such basic truths should not be spoken of. How many of you are not aware of the harmful effects of alcohol, of nicotine, of tobacco, of sugar? How many times have we asked you not to have chocolate, not to fill your bodies with high amounts of spices, not to flood your energy system and drown it with milk? Do you listen? You are still ruled by taste. You are still ruled by emotional need. But we tell you here, and we tell you now, if you enter 2012, and beyond, with the burden of an addiction, the physical body will collapse under the very same addiction. It will completely collapse. We do not say this in order to make you fearful, for we do not wish you to have any fear, at all, of 2012. We say this in order to make you aware.

Could you suggest an approriate diet?

No diets will be suggested. Ask your body, listen to your body. The vibratory frequencies that you are at now, each one of you, helps easy and clear dialogue with your body. You do not even need to try. It is as easy as dialoguing with us. If you choose not to, then that is your burden to carry.

Refinement must be from the densest structure to the finest structure, for how can you have a highly refined spiritual body if your physical structure is constantly caught in the denseness of the food that you consume or what you put inside. We tell you here and we tell you now, and you may desire to reject this completely and find your own illusory truth in what we say, but if those foods are consumed, if nicotine, tobacco, alcohol, drugs are consumed, your spiritual body cannot be the vehicle of Higher Light Frequencies. That is FINAL!

What if its not an addiction? Just for pleasure?

Child, it may not be an addiction at all. But every glassful of alcohol, and every cigarette, and every excessive amount of white flour, sugar, milk, chocolate, gets your inner environment acidic. An acidic environment cannot hold higher vibratory frequencies. It can hold only that which is dense. You may accept this truth or continue to dwell in your illusions.


Fear is even more addictive than alcohol and drugs, and fear is an addiction that everyone suffers from. We use our words with care; we have said it is an addiction. Truly, ask yourselves. Sometimes you are in a state of fear only because you are addicted to fear, because the fear gives you a reaction, either from within or from outside, that you desire. E.g. if you should act fear-full, you will get care and protection. Ask yourself, in what is my fear based? If the fear did not give you a certain emotional payoff, you would let it go. So what is the emotional payoff that you receive through your fear? Once you have identified your payoff, ask yourself, are you willing to let go of the emotional payoff? Once you let that go, the fear will disappear.

The emotional payoff might be the attention and emotional nurturing that you get, which you seek, which you otherwise do not get. If it is emotional nurturing that you seek, is there a healthier way to receive that? Even if you cannot give it to yourself, is there another healthier way to receive emotional nurturing from the outside? Once you know that, you let go of the fear.

We state this only because of the group that is present. There are those in which fear is genuine. But, in you, fear has become a habit, an addiction. There is really no genuine fear left, in anyone seated in this group. But you will still talk of your fear because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have a topic of conversation.

Sometimes it may be insecurity?

Insecurity, beloved, is distinctly different from fear. Insecurity is a temporary emotional state. Fear is an energy that can close every aperture opened by Higher Consciousness, if it is a genuine fear. Most fears have a root in emotional payoff.

Where does psychological stress come from? How do you relieve it?

You relieve it in so many ways. Some use music, others exercise; some use yoga, some reading. Find your own distinct way. But the problem lies that though you know your own distinct way, you do not use that way every day. You use it only once the psychological stress has escalated. Do not allow it to escalate. Just relieve yourself every day. Do you not urinate every day? Do you understand how much stress the body could be in, if you held back the urination process? But because stress cannot be felt and seen, you assume you do not need to relieve yourself each day. So find your method, but use it consistently.

I’ve already found it in crossword puzzles.

Then use it consistently.

I can’t do puzzles 24 hours a day.

If you need to do it 24 hours, beloved, then that is not the right method for you, in the first place. The right method is one where you may sit for a maximum of an hour and the remaining 23 hours are relatively calm.

Greetings! Live in Light! Choose Light! Be Light!

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  • Olga,this is disinformation.

    I can´t understand why so many "lightworkers" can´t see the truth

    Do you have a comment Olga?

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