I was actually counting the days left to reach 21/ 12/ 2012 and if the date has been postponed to mid 2015 it will make the hours seem like days...let us find out why it has been postponed according to this article


2012 Postponed

Submitted by VishwaAmara

Universe-17-300x225.jpgNo other year in recent history has caught the attention of people across the world as 2012 has. And no other date is the convergence point for so many important events as 21st of December 2012 is. While most of the population seems blissfully unaware of the importance of this date, those in the spiritual circles have been eagerly anticipating this day, where an old world gives way to a new one.

This date marks the end of the Mayan Long count calender. This calender which had correctly predicted many of the global events, doesn’t give any predictions after this date. Hence many consider this day as apocalyptic, where the world as we know it will come to an end and humanity will perish. But those in the New-Age circles dismiss this destruction-mindset and consider this day as a new beginning, where life will begin afresh. They propose that humanity will shift from the present condition to a higher spiritual state and individuals will begin to live in their light-bodies. However both agree that many major events of great importance would occur around this important date.


The Rishis, who are monitoring these changes from a higher level, had considered this day as a filter for all negativities on this earth. This date was supposed to mark an end to the intense churning (Pralaya) we’re going through now. The duration of the next 6 years between 2012 to 2018 was to be a period of growth, where humanity would gradually make a shift into the higher ways of the Light Age, which would begin fully from the year 2018.

Some of the major events that were expected to occur on this day have been postponed by the Rishis! This article throws light on these new revelations from the Rishis and the events that surround them. Before we understand why it has been postponed and when it has been rescheduled, let us have the basic understanding of the facts about 2012.

Major Factors influencing 2012

Our earth is a part of the Milky way galaxy, in which the stars revolve around one another, all the way upto the galactic center. That is, as our earth and other planets move around the Sun, the Sun also revolves around the central Sun, Alcyone, which in turn revolves around the Greater central Sun, Sirius and so on. As our Sun moves around the central Sun, it encounters various energy fields in its path. The most important among these is called as the Photon belt, which is a spiritual field– an aura of the greater central Sun, Sirius. Our Earth, along with the entire solar system will enter the Photon belt on 21st Dec 2012.

The Photon belt enhances the spiritual condition of Earth, either positive or negative, by many folds. If we are spiritually evolved at the time of entry, our spiritual evolution will be magnified in multiples and we can make very fast progress. And if we’re on a spiritual degeneration at that time, we encounter a very fast spiritual downfall and destruction!

Many more events coincide with our entry into the Photon belt. Some of them are:

  • The Galactic Centre, Greater Central Sun and Central Sun will form an equliateral triangle in Space on 21st Dec 2012. This huge galactic alignment will facilitate many new energies and Higher Souls to take birth. This also initiates the process of many changes to occur in the Solar system.
  • The pyramids get strengthened. All objects that are shaped in the form of pyramids will be able to absorb and radiate more of these new energies.
  • Our Sun completes its revolution of 26000 years around the Central Sun. When this occurs, the magnetic poles of the Sun flips over, resulting in the interchanging of the magnetic / geographic poles of our Earth.
  • Our Earth will change its direction of rotation periodically. The rotation slows down and stops for 3 days and then starts in the reverse direction. This may result in massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and extreme weather changes.
  • Our Sun and the entire solar system will come in alignment with the Galactic equator. This alignment is expected to bring us in direct focus of a lot of energies.
  • A huge amount of Solar activity is expected in 2012, where massive solar flares can disrupt the electromagnetic field surrounding our earth. This may result in the breakdown of our electrical and communication systems.

2012 – Shift from the dark age to Light Age

We have just emerged from a 5000 year dark age and are in the transitory period before moving into the Light Age. An intense churning and transformation was supposed to occur upto the year 2036 to remove all negativities on this earth. However, the Rishis observed that many major events were going to occur in our Milky way galaxy in the year 2012. They decided to use these events and prepone the end of pralaya to 2012, in order to reduce the difficulties and suffering of Humanity.

The Rishis chose 2012 to put an end to all the evil and negativity on this earth. They decided to make use of the expected earth changes to collapse the existing corrupt systems and replace them with new systems based on truth and love. The financial meltdown we witnessed in the middle of 2009 was the beginning of a series of collapses, which would culminate by the end of 2012.

Scientists and Astronomers are predicting an intense solar activity in the next couple of years, which is expected to rupture the Earth’s electromagnetic field, resulting in the collapse of the electrical and communication systems, thus throwing our modern life completely out of gear. Many other dependent systems like transportation, supplies, medical facilities, employment, governance etc will also be severely affected and eventually will collapse.

The other Earth changes like the reversal of the geographic poles and change in the direction of Earth’s rotation in 2012 will result in massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and extreme weather changes.

It’s obvious that we cannot withstand such chaos, anarchy and massive changes by any physical means. Only by having a strong spiritual connection with the divine can one sail through these turbulent times. Those who choose to transform and accept the values of the New Age will receive help and guidance from the Rishis and their workers.

As the existing systems breakdown, they will be replaced by more efficient and evolved systems, which are in tune with the higher values of the New Age.

But those who decide to hold on to the old values from the dark ages, refusing to transform, will perish in these massive changes. Seven Earths have already been created, with varying degrees of purity levels to accomodate these people. These individuals will be shifted to these earths, depending on their purity levels, for transformation and learning. The Rishis will provide them many opportunities to qualify for the Light Age on this Earth.

Why is 2012 Postponed?

The expected changes
The Rishis had estimated in 2007 that the evil and darkness on this earth would be reduced by nearly half by 21st Dec 2009. That was also the date on which our earth would enter the aura of the photon belt, an exact three years before the actual entry into the photon belt. Based on this, they planned to end the pralaya period on 21st december 2012, where all evil would be removed from the face of our earth.

But the darkness on our earth has strengthened instead of reducing by half by this time. The negative forces which ruled our earth for the past 5000 years haven’t stepped back as expected by the Rishis. They’ve become united, determined and grown in strength as this is their last battle for survival on our Earth. Also, some Spiritual masters and world leaders from whom a lot was expected and who had raised a lot of initial hopes failed in their work and did not rise to the occasion.

Hence many events and processes which had to start from 2010 could not be initiated because of the still existing stronghold of the dark forces. All these developments necessiated a change in the plans of the Rishis, as a result of which the pralaya period had to be extended by another two years.

So, the churning period of pralaya which had to end on 21st december 2012 has been postponed to the middle of 2015!

This also means that some of the drastic Earth changes that were expected to occur on that day have also been shifted to the middle of 2015!

Next what? How are things rescheduled?

Whenever the Rishis undertake any major work, they request more help from the Supreme intelligence. And God incarnates into His Creation to assist the Rishis. Our scriptures describe the activities and exploits of these incarnations, who are popularly known as Avatars. Two such incarnations of God are helping the Rishis in this phase of transition into the Light Age.

Lord Kalki and Lord Mahavatara
In every cycle of Yugas, when Humanity shifts from the dark ages to the Light Age, a divine personality descends down to Earth to oversee these transformational processes. This personality, the tenth incarnation of MahaVishnu is Lord Kalki! He was born in Shambala, the divine city of Light, from where he is currently working and monitoring the intense changes occuring on this earth. He destroys all evil on our earth from the previous dark age and helps in restoring the balance.

When Lork kalki finishes his work of destroying evil, one more divine personality will take over the work in order to heal and guide humanity into the Light age. He is Lord Mahavatara, who was described by Nostradamus as ‘Kiran’, a 10 year old boy, who will rule the world in the New Age! He has already taken birth and has began his work at the astral levels.

The New Phases of Transformation

The Rishis have changed their plans of taking humanity through pralaya and into the New age. These are the new phases for our Transformation, as of now. Since a lot depends on the progress humanity makes from here onwards, these are not the conculsive periods.

1. December 2010 to mid-2012
Humanity has time upto december of 2010 to choose Light and to reject darkness. Then Lord Mahavatara will begin to act. He will work mainly from the astral level. He will help people open up and will educate them about the Light age directly. He will contact every individual at a deeper level and help them choose Light and shun darkness. He will use all means at his disposal to contact people and make them understand the new spiritual realities. This work will continue upto the middle of 2012.

2. Mid-2012 to Mid-2015
From here, Lord Kalki will take over the work. He will take action against those who still refuse to choose Light and continue to cling to darkness. He will punish those who manifest negativities in their lives.Those who do not align with Light will be removed from this earth and shifted to the Seven earths. He will wipe out all darkness and evil from this earth. This destruction of evil will last for 3 years, upto the middle of 2015. This is the duration when systems that are not based on ethics and spiritual values will collapse.

The drastic earth-changes which were expected to occur on 21st December 2012 have been shifted to the middle of 2015. The reversal of Earth’s magnetic/geographic poles and the stopping and reversal of Earth’s rotation may occur at the end of this phase.

3. Mid-2015 to the beginning of 2018
The period from the middle of 2015 to the beginning of 2018 will be a phase of healing and education after the chaos and destruction. Those who are aligned with Light will be helped to shift to Light bodies and prepared to enter the Light age. The old systems will be replaced with evolved Divine systems, which are based on the values of the New age.

The Light Age will start from 2018!

Lord Mahavatara will then take over the responsibilities and he will guide the entire humanity during the Light Age.


The cross-over point of 21st december 2012 is still a very important date in the history of Mankind. Spiritually that will be very special because of the huge alignments at the cosmic level and also because of our entry into the photon belt. Many important energies will be released to our Earth on that day. All these will help us make a shift into the New age.

These transformational events and durations depend on the choices we make now–as individuals and as a whole. By choosing Light, by aligning with the values of Truth, Love and Surrender, we can further reduce the suffering & upheavals and make a smooth transition into the Light Age. If Humanity decides, the Light age can begin this moment onwards!

21st December 2012 is all about individual responsibility and personal growth. Each one of us can participate in this great moment in Human evolution and contribute to the flowering of Human Consciousness. We can firmly reject all negativity and choose Light, Love and Positivity in all our thoughts, words and actions— this moment onwards! When we do this, we strengthen the hands of the Light Forces and weaken the hold of darkness on our collective consciousness. Then that date becomes a doorway into the New Age of Light which is waiting at the horizons!

*       *       *

Related Article : 2012 - Other Events....please click on the link below


copyright © 2010 VishwaAmara.
Permission is given to copy and redistribute these articles, on condition that the content remains complete, all credit is given to the author and is distributed free.

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  • Lets forget all the future dates (because it shall disappoint) and just embrace the NOW moment. ;-)

    It comes when it comes.

  • I found this site on my domain. Its not mine.But I do have a site here and on the federationoflight.com..  I do agree with some but most I don't agree. I don't agree that the 2012 event has been postponed to 2015. In my blogs and book;2012-NEW-EARTH-SURVIVAL.com... I thought most  of the Earth Changes and the Ascension would happen in 2012 and a small amount in 2011. But now we find that the leaked info on planet-X was incorrect and now NASA has joined in,calling it a comet named ELEnin. And is monitoring it with daily uplinks and admits it will be here in the fall but calls it a wimp,6 times smaller than earth. The truth is its a Dwarf star 6 times larger than earth and is dragging many moons and one earth like planet,All of this is going to cause drastic earth Changes. 50% now in 2011 and 50% in 2012 caused by the Galatic Alignment on dec.21.

    All of this speeding up means that we don't have extra time like he's saying but just the opposite . We need to speed up our awakening process so that we can begin working on our Ascension plan to make the rescue plan of our choice. That means raising Christ-Consciousness level so that we can awaken the mass consciousness.

    And as for you Obi Wan I think you got your wires crossed and they are shorting out. You never embrace the Dark side because they will pull you in and suck the light energy from you. You only embrace the light, that is were we gain our strength from. If you were a light worker you would know these things.Be careful out there folks. What ever and who ever is giving out the info, take it to your heart center, see if it feels good, if not reject it. You are now in control of your own De-programing and Re-Programing,so make it a spiritual one.Be Safe,  Blessings

  • you are wise dear Tomzxzas, what happens is the light embraces the dark and fills it with love and heals it, we all are one and we all make it together untill  every light worker  figures this out we will still have some dark we  need to seek out the dark and help it not try to shun it or look upon it with dark eyes hip hip
  • the mind is the most powerful,it is the soul,the higher-self,the mind,you could put it into many catergoies,but all is one of the same language,and thought process of change is the highest achievement,thats what you call changing ones archaic ways of thinking,expression of soul-self,for the betterment of soul and humanity,and universal unity,love,light,blessings eve(solaena)
  • If Heaven has indeed helped Gaia ascend then it is already too late for any of the dark cabal to do anything but turn to the Light.  I do not believe in a punishing God.  I believe I feel the lengths made by the earth to ascend and the ones who refuse the light will be the first to shrivel and die.  No one will know if they died because of a clause in their soul contract or because they refused to accept the Light.  The "Vibration" is almost too high now for the dark cabal.  They will soon find themselves at the brink of death!
  • let me spell it out for everyone,

    maybe one day all will see the importance of remote viewing also built on these principal truths.

    What is the real source of power?

    the consciousness of power,because whatever we become conscious of is inveriably manifested in the objective world , is brought forth into tangibale expression.

    what is the source of this power?

    the universal mind from which all things proceed , and which is one and indivisible.

    how is this power being manifested?

    through the individual;each mind is a channel (how we channel higher self and other dimensional beings) whereby the energy is being differentiated in form.

    how mwy we connect with this omnipotence?

    our ability to think is our ability to act on this universal energy,andwhat we think is what is produced or created in the objective world.

    what is the result of this discovery?

    the result is nothing less than marvelous ;it opens unprccedented and limitless opportunity.

    how,then,may we eliminate imperfect conditions?

    by becoming conscious of our unity with the source of all power.

    what is one of the distinctive characteristics of the master mind?

    he thinks big thoughts,he holds ideas large enough to counteract and destroy all petty and annoying obstacals.

    how do experiences come to us?

    through the law of attraction.

    how is this law brought into operation?by our predominate attidude.

    what is the issue between the old regime and the new?

    a question of conviction as to the nature of the universe . the old regime is trying to cling to the fantastic doctrine of divine election.the new regime recognizes the divinity of the individual , the democracy of humanity


  • the game is already over-the forces of darkness (the dark cabal) evil what have you ,have been dealt with We have met this challenge from a frequency the forces of darkness could'n not even think of -LOVE- we are transforming the world and the forces of darkness will become forced from our dimension of light vibrational frequencies- there are many reasons for this- firstly when we open our hearts to love the heart chakra spins with great speed and power generating the frequency of are incarnate consciousness to the highest vibrational expression of life- PURE LOVE- as our soul is pure love we reconnect with the potent power of our multidimensional self- the fast short wavelength of love also activates our antenna in our D N A which reconnects us with the cosmos and an open heart chakra tunes into the cosmic -earth -sun -and galactic center and transmits the changing light vibrational frequency to our physical mind and every cell in the body dramatically transforming our minds emotion and physical form as they synchronize with the quickening light vibration frequency at this time of unbelievable change and evolution the subsequent leap in are own personal frequencies will lift us out of the vibrational pit of darkness and fear forever and onto a level of Pure light and love -the forces of darkness who will be caught in there own frequency of pure darkness and will need to face there own consequences the choice is yours -fear or love -prison or freedom -when the time comes fight all fear and hate with pure unconditional love -trust -and understanding -turn the other cheek and give them a hug -it will smote them.
  • the front lines are our own battle to free our self of our ego and generate a love vibration that can be felt by all every were throughout the verses trust we won the war already we are free only have still some doubters
  • The prophecies were made by a variety of people who are, for the most part, unknown or anonymous, so if I told you their names you would have no recognition. You see, time travel can be accomplished by the soul from an observational level -- that is to say, that certain individuals can move in the realm of what we call vertical time and see future events with great clarity, but they are powerless to change them.

    There are also those individuals who have, in our opinion, come into contact with the WingMakers and are provided messages about the future, which they had recorded in symbol pictures or extinct languages like Sumerian, Mayan, and Chakobsan.

    "The messages or prophecies that they made had several consistent strands or themes that were to occur in the early part of the twenty-first century, around the year 2011. Chief among these was the infiltration of the major governments of the world, including the United Nations, by an alien race. This alien race was a predator race with extremely sophisticated technologies that enabled them to integrate with the human species. That is to say, they could pose as humanoids, but they were truly a blend of human and android -- in other words, they were synthetics.
  • the dark cabal is done in already step in to the present

    St.Clair: (( I think this is very intersting for your remote viewing intelligence to take it to new
    levels............++++++ ))huminumiminum

    see old news we are still holding them down until we can put the cuffs on them
This reply was deleted.

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