2012 The Allowing

No Human Being on Earth is an "accident of birth" and neither is being born on Earth akin to a "lottery" where some are born in to "fortunate circumstances" and others in to "less fortunate circumstances".
Every Life has a true purpose, meaning and potential to learn those lessons and gain that Experience needed in order for the Higher Self to become more Complete.

No Human is ever, ever placed on Earth in to circumstances over which they cannot prevail, learn and Spiritually Grow from - no matter how challenging it may seem.
Challenging circumstances mean, quite simply, that we have it within us to Prevail.

When the Individuality of our Higher Self incarnates a new Personality - our Present Focus - into the physical world, it is always in full knowledge of who our parents will be, what challenges may be faced with, what, if any special missions and objectives we must accomplish, and the inherent means through which to fully realise these.
Again, because this is crucial - no personality ever arrives in to this physical vibration of Earth into an environment over which we cannot fully prevail over all challenges, and/or with a particular mission, reason or objective over which they cannot fulfil.

Our Present Experience is Perfectly Suited to our purpose in this Life.
When a feeling of "hopelessness" descends, it is because we have "sabotaged" our own Divine Connectivity, Powers of Expression and Being through the seemingly relentless demands of the Conscious, Ego Mind - which we are here to subjugate.

We are all Expressions of Source, Supreme Intelligence , God if you prefer, Always Expressed Perfectly in all Spheres of Experience and "Reality" with Unconditional, Divine Love and the Natural, Instinctive, Intuitive desire to Evolve Within, Spiritually, ultimately completing the Path back to Source as a Perfected Expression of Source.
This is indeed the absolute Ultimate Meaning Of All Life - "Sentient" or otherwise.

We Are All Eternal, Immortal, Spiritual, Divine Beings Joyfully Travelling The Glorious Path to Unite With Source Who first "gave" us our Gift of Life.
Over the years, as so often happens towards the conclusion of each Human cycle, humanity has steadily, and increasingly turned its back on Our Divine Source, our Creator, God, towards an alternative, darker existence, often involving materialism, dogma and indoctrination, through contrived anthropomorphic deities, becoming the "slave of mammon", at the mercy of those who seek power and control.

People are influenced by such erroneous factors such as what is expected by those around them, the pressure to conform to socio-economic demands in accordance
with contrived sets of human created rules and expectations, and the overwhelming desire to satisfy the demands of vanity and the Ego before family, friends and peers.

It is only when an individual realises these truths and has the courage, strength and fortitude, all of which will be fully supported by Source Energy, and to confront them, can that individual may freely embark on the Path of True Freedom with True Joy, Meaning and Purpose through Experience.
In order to achieve this state of awareness it is necessary to consciously become an "Open Channel" through which the Universe, The Source, God may Fully Express.

This includes Always Being Totally Open to the Universe and acting accordingly in the same direction free of the demands of the Conscious, Thinking Ego Mind.
Many people today unfortunately do exactly the opposite, always endeavouring to conform to society and live up to the expectations of others, the pursuit of material gain, and forcing themselves in such a perceived direction through physical means.

Instead of Being an Open Channel, an Expression of Source and of Higher-Self, they simply "think" about everything with a desire to physically “do” things in an attempt to force things the way they "want" or think they need them to go, which very often is totally contrary to the Knowledge of Higher Self and Flow of Source Energy.
Quite simply such people have failed to “Let Go and Let God”, the only outcome of which is anxiety, suffering, and failure to achieve Full Joyous Potential and Evolution.

In the 21st century, "society" is still operating a system of power, control and oppression that has been in operation for many centuries, trapping people from a very young age in to an insidious cycle that precludes Joy, Freedom and Evolution.

A child is taught from birth to focus on the five physical senses, learn "skills", and provided with the tactile "toys" to facilitate these - and to behave in a certain way that precludes maintaining their still strong connections with Higher Self and Source.

Later children are taught to treasure material things, again through older toys and more recently video games that symbolise this, representing what their parents hope they will materially become, often hoping their children may achieve that which they never could or did, but while still indoctrinating them as they were once indoctrinated.
There is also a gender differentiation whereby boys are given "macho" toys and video games that represent war - GI Joe in the US, "Action Man" in the UK, whereas girls receive the symbols of domestication - dolls, dolls houses, toy kitchens etc.

This is all part of the programming which can only lead away from Source Oneness.
Later children are told by parents, relatives and teachers that they must "go to school" in order to get the "qualifications" required in order to get a “job” so that they may "work" for food and shelter for the next 50 years, with a couple of days off per week to recover, before "retiring" on a "pension". However, the physical body, Mind and Spirit has often been traumatised to such a degree, that the best they can hope

for is to live out the remainder of their lives, simply surviving in a non-caring world, often with just enough to eat and stay warm - sometimes even this is not the case.
From the moment of birth the highly malleable Mind of most children is shaped by parents based upon their own perception of what life “should be all about”, religion of the parents that goes back many family generations, usually based upon their own circumstances such as type of "job", type of neighbourhood to live in and many other factors based only upon the aspirations of parents, relatives, peers and others.

Many children are taught that it is wrong to aspire to a situation that is outside of their “station in life” and that they should instead focus on the lifestyle and religion that their parents have always accepted as "true" - based upon their own experiences.

The Mind of a young child at both Conscious and Subconscious levels is highly impressionable. It does not take many years of having the ideals of parents and society imprinted upon the subconscious, for the child to accept it as true. From that point onwards it will become the reality of the child just as it was for the parents.
Sooner or later, "old-age" and failing health finally takes its toll and the welcome release back to the non-physical worlds once again seamlessly takes place.

Once the transition to the Astral worlds has taken place during the process known erroneously as “death”, the Soul Personality will have every opportunity to reflect on what might have been for that most recent Earth Experience, realising what was not accomplished and why, but at least learning those valuable lessons to contribute to Higher Self that they may not be repeated by another Higher Self Personality.

However - all new parents have the glorious opportunity to show their children the True Path and Source of Inner guidance and Freedom to find and realise that Path.
Everyone has the Power to change their own Experience - In A Moment.
There is only the Eternal, Present Moment of Now - nothing else matters.

Whatever our current circumstances, we can commence Change - Now.
The beauty of this process is that it should be so Divinely, Joyfully simple - Effortless.
If we endeavour to realise the object that which we desire by "effort", in other words by "thinking" then "doing" some-thing, or by attaching expectations or pre-conditions, then we are much more likely to block the desired outcome.
It Is Only Possible To Realise Genuine Desires Through Simply "Being".
Again - we are Human Beings - not Human Doings.

This applies at every level of Human Experience - even "Enlightenment".
Those who strive to achieve Enlightenment can never attain Enlightenment.
Enlightenment is an effort-less State of Being, not a state of "striving" to "achieve" it.

This is perfectly encapsulated in Zen.

Zen - the "practice" of Zazen - of Simply Being - whereas Buddhism is often a culture built on rules, philosophy and practice based on "doing" and "adherence" to rules.
Around 2500 years ago, Prince Siddhārtha achieved Enlightenment, not through the philosophical practice that became "Buddhism", but through dedicated Zazen.

Prince Siddhārtha shunned the trappings of his royal birth in the realisation that only by Sitting and Purely Being can anything True and Worthwhile be Fully Realised - including Enlightenment - again Which is a Path, not a definable objective.
So again, it is crucial to note that Prince Siddhārtha, in the practice of Zazen, was not "trying" to become Enlightened - that is impossible - he was simply practicing Zazen which is, in and of itself, a Path of Enlightenment - not "to" Enlightenment.

During Zazen the Buddha State of Being is Experienced. Buddha is simply a Symbol for the Experience of Being. Enlightenment is that Journey - not Enlightenment itself.
"To" implies a start and finish, a beginning and an end - these are dualistic ideas.
In Being, All Is One and Now. There are no "paths", only the Moment Of Now.
Zazen is not a really "practice". To "practice" is to "do" rather than to Be.

Now I mention Zazen only because it is pure, and a phrase that anyone me research for themselves. Ultimately even "Zazen" itself is simply a name, a label, arising out of a need to identify with something that can never be identified with.
Just as we All inherently Encompass and Express our Source, Divine, "God-like Nature", we also Encompass and Express "Buddha Nature" - indeed they are one and the same. We also inherently Encompass and Express "Christ Nature".

So how then may we proceed within the context of this seeming paradox?
To answer this question we must once again review the Ultimate Divine Truth.
Every Human Being Is An Aspect And Divine Infinite Expression of Source.
We Are Already Whole. Lack No-Thing - We Already Encompass All That Is.
We must simply become Aware, in order to Experience.

Our Experience therefore - that which people call "Life" - is simply that Aspect of the Whole that we have already Allowed to Express to our Consciousness - Experience.
The More We Allow Source to Express Through Us, The More We Experience and The More Perfect And Complete Is That Experience, Because Source is Inherently Perfect Divine Love.
Now, the main barrier to this process is the Conscious, Ego Mind which always thinks it "knows better" and will make our life a misery unless we obey its demands.

The Truth though is this.
Tigher Self - Aspect of Source - Already Knows Everything Each Of Us Needs to Experience Absolute Joy, Fulfilment And To Gain The Necessary Experience Towards Further Evolution On The Divine Path Shared By All Life.
Source Expresses Through Us, As Us, That We May Experience Divine Love.

I can of mine own self do nothing -- John 5:30

Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works -- John 14:10

All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him -- Luke 10:22

In other words - Source Reveals Source, Through Us, As Us.
The "Father" can however only "Doeth the Works" if we First Allow.
The Conscious, Ego Mind can and will block Source due to the fact Source has blessed us with Freewill, the tool of the Conscious Mind, which over-rides all else.

So if we choose to exert our Will at a physical level to consciously "do" or "get" something, then Source cannot Express Perfection a through us - unless we Allow.
So what then does this mean?

By sidelining the Conscious, Ego Mind, we Realise and Experience Our Desires, our Needs, and Well-Being, but Allow Expression of these, to the extent of our Faith.
It is all about Allowing Source and dis-allowing the control of the Ego Mind.
We Are Expressions Of Perfection. When We Allow Source To Freely Express Through Us, Our Experience Can Only be Perfect - nothing else is possible.

Remember again then the words of the Master:
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? -- Matthew 6:27

How True this Is. "Thought" is only of the Conscious, Ego Sphere Of Mind.
When we cease "thinking" and start Allowing - Allowing Source to Bring to Us the Realisations of our True Needs, and then Allow Source to Express those True Needs Through us supported by True Faith, our Life must be Perfect - it can be no other.

I realise for most, this is not an over-night process, but the sooner we transcend our Conscious Mind thought processes, to simply Feel, Know and Allow using our Emotional Guidance supported by Faith, the sooner our Experience must be Perfect.


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