Dear Reader, over the years, one question has arisen from people perhaps more than any other - that of the "vexed" question of "Love".
Many such questions arise from those who are married, are in relationships, would like to be in a relationship, and so on, but all so often arising from personal "difficulties" in relationships, or marriages or not yet having found "the right person".
A surprising number of people have also written to me over the years asking if I have an effective "love spell" or know of a "good website" that can offer such a "spell".
However, Dear Reader, perhaps we are simply "asking the wrong questions"?
But what then is this mysterious thing that people simply, generically call "love".
Well, Love has many levels and dimensions, all of which are mutually inclusive.
The very Highest Expression of Love in absolute terms is Divine Love - Source.
Divine Love has another name - "Christ".
But this, Dear Reader, is perhaps were some "misunderstanding" on Love arises.
The person, who came to be known as "Jesus", is very frequently used interchangeably with the word "Christ". Perhaps we should ask ourselves "why".
In truth, that great, original Spiritual Guide would more appropriately be known as "Jesus the Christ" as opposed to the more familiar endearment of "Jesus Christ".
Let us then take a look at the true meaning of Christ, which is there for All to See.
The historical person who became known as "Jesus" was probably the Highest Expression of Divine Love ever to have walked the Earth - in recent times anyway.
This mysterious person who became known as "Jesus" - for whatever reason - came here to illuminate the Path to Divine Love as a Living Example of Divine, Christ Love, while always emphasising that Everyone on Earth, without exception is, potentially, a Living Expression of Divine Love - simply waiting to be Realised.
I would just like to add, at this stage, lest some may misunderstand the context, that, as you know, nothing I say here, or elsewhere, should ever be viewed to be from a "religious" perspective - nothing could be further from the Truth.
So then, you may justifiably ask - why are we not all "like Jesus"? He was a "living example" of Divine Lover after all.
Well this, Dear Reader, is one of the most profound "secrets" - although there are most assuredly no "secrets" - to the "mystery" of Human Existence" on Earth It-Self.
You see - we can never search for, and therefore "find" Love, no matter where we look or how much we look, or however much we "try". Love Simply Is What It Is
We can therefore never find Divine Love by somehow "mistaking it" with a more fundamental, but nevertheless natural Human instinct that so many call "love".
The most basic of these human characteristics is rather crudely known as "lust" - arising mostly out of the natural instincts of procreation and sensual gratification.
We may then move on through the levels and stages of "romantic love" and then onwards and upwards to the love between two people, who truly do "honour and respect each other" for all the "days of their lives" without any sort of expectation.
This then is the purest form of love at an emotional level, and is Beautiful to Behold.
Since the days of the inexorable rise of the Internet, with its "dating services", "chat rooms" and other types of "social networking" this highest expression of "emotional love" is being stifled by motives that usually can never lead to true "emotional love".
Often the motive is "lust". In many cases people simply do not have the "self-confidence" to follow a path that can naturally lead to true "emotional love" and life-long commitment between two Souls, simply making use of the Internet as a proxy.
This, Dear Reader, is just one reason, if we are to be honest, why the "divorce rate" has never been higher, yet such "divorce rate" is often between younger people.
To understand the "reasons" for this apparent "situation" further, we may look to previous generations - and we do not need to go back too many decades to do so.
If we go back say 7 - a Divine Number - of decades, to the dark days of the "second world war", there was tremendous "hardship" in the world. Yet at the same time there were no "material temptations" and no "ulterior motives". There was simply a Community Spirit of Like-Minded Souls who came together to Serve Each Other.
Only out of such a genuine, motiveless, self-less and Pure Spirit of Community, One-ness, Together-Ness and Unconditional Sharing such as this - there are many others - may two Souls naturally "come together", as One, for "higher" and motiveless "reasons", One Soul, One "person", one life", to Serve "Each Other" Unconditionally.
This form of sincere love then transcends lust, romantic love and emotional love.
So must we return to the "war years" to discover such a high expression of love?
No - absolutely not.
These Expressions of sincere, self-less love have always been available to us.
Today however, Dear Reader, due to the characteristics of so called "modern society" there is so much more "background noise" that we must "filter out" first.
But therein is our great opportunity - Blessing - if only we may actually see it thus.
The "pressures of so called "modern society" as well as the consequent expectations of family, friends, peers and "convention", make this conceptually more "difficult".
Again though - this is a truly great opportunity, the "rewards" for which are greater. We should never however see these matters as a "reward system" - it really is not.
We must simply - although it is most assuredly never intended to be "simple" and neither should it be so - see through the "fog of Life" that we may truly find ourselves
Yet - even this highest expression of human love between two Souls is but the beginning and path to even Higher Expressions of Love, the Highest - Divine Love.
We are, each and every one of us, both alone on our Path yet Never Alone.
We can only go so far alone though - not very far. We Are One In All Things. Beyond this, Love must be All Inclusive, Self-Less and Unconditional - or is something else.
So then Dear Reader, let us turn our attention to this question of Divine Love.
"Divine Love" is more often, understandably, referred to as "Unconditional Love".
Yet Divine Love must always inherently Be "Unconditional" - it may be no other.
A most fundamental aspect of Divine Love is: "Service to Others Before Self".
Now Service to Others Before Self, has its very basis in Divine Love - The Love of The Spheres - and never something we can "try to do" or to strive to "achieve".
We can only ever Be Divine Love. Divine Love Is effort-less and motive-less.
Only when we, as members of the Human Race, "transcend" the mortal, transient, temporal cycle of "incarnation" to this Spiritual kindergarten we call "Earth", is when Divine Love and Service to All Divine Expression Of Life and Love is All that remains - nothing else. But then and only then Dear Reader, may the journey really begin.
Let us then remind ourselves of these most profound words from the Bible:
Love is The Truth
Love Is The Way
Love Is The Light
No One Progresses Towards Source, God, Except Through Love
I am fully aware of the fact that the words "I Am The Way", within the original, are herewith replaced with Love. Yet this was surely the original meaning of these profound words from the Spiritual Guide who became known as "Jesus" The Christ.
Jesus was the purest Expression of Divine Love, Christ. "I am" becomes "We Are". Yet the "We Are" is more than mere words - it is truly our Destiny here together.
In another Bible passage, Jesus was, I suggest, misquoted as saying:
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." -- Mark 12:31
Of course, this was no "commandment" - This Is Simply A Statement Of Truth.
What Jesus may then have taught, had he been here now is this:
"Love Others As You Would Love Yourself.
There Is No Truth Greater Than This."
Make no mistake. We may ever take a "leap" from the most "basic" forms of "love" to Divine Love - or know Divine Love - until we have first undertaken the journey.
I honestly do not know whether even a single Human on Earth today has truly attained Divine Love. It would be nice to think so, but I truly do not know. One thing I do know is this. There are many, many "stages of Love" that we must all inclusively Experience before we may arrive at Divine Love. I am myself on this journey, you are on this journey, and likely, most people on Earth are on this Blessed Journey.
I will say no more this week except to invite you to join many Wonderful Spirits at the Our Ultimate Reality Forums, where you may share your thoughts and to contribute:
And So It Is.
Brought To You In Love, Light And Service,