2021 10 01 Connecting Consciousness
Simon Parkes did a lengthy new update to discuss current events and his take on it all. The financial scene is the first topic. He expects that today, October 2, the United States Inc. could be officially and publicly bankrupt, according to rumours. He says it’s possible that the military intervention could be in the offing very soon based on the current situation. However, he says the “Go” was so close to being given many times and at the last second was delayed again. He says many sources are saying this coming week will see the action we’ve been awaiting. Following his update he does the usual Q&A. 1 hr. 26 min.
The “influencers” are trying to create a problem where there isn’t one. The cabal created the “consumer addiction” as a way to extract more money from us and distract from what is most important. It’s their problem, not ours.