LOVEuncomplicated as you want it beas pure as you want it to benothing to reasoneverything to ryhmephilosophy can't touch itscience can't disect ittruth... it ishate it's nota choice, it isconsequences, there arereligion tries to devour itIT CANNOTmindless, soul-less, heartless sexmisses it altogetherand it doesn't matter the genderlove is gender-lessand doesn't differentiatebetween race, color, or creedyou can try to put it into wordsbut words can never fully describe ityou can call it God, Goddesssource, universewhateverdoesn't changewhat it isyou can try to cage itand box it init's energy, my friendsyou can't kill ityou can't harm ityou can't eat it, drink it or devour it ...... out of existenceyou can hate itit still persists perfectlyand with humilityyet firmnessand gentlenessquietnessand strengthyou can kill every living beingin every galaxyyet the energy remainsit's lucidityit's waterit's earthit's airit's fireit's desireit's hunger fulfilledit's thirst quenchedit's the morningafternoonand eveningit's the sunthe moonthe starsthe wordthe fleshthe imaginationintuitioninstinctit's unconditionalhate itit'll love youloathe itit'll love yourun away from itit will let yourun back to it... well duh... it's allways theredisguise itit takes off it's maskat willlook in the mirrorit's always tryingto reflect it backto youthe simple truthof anythingworth and you... some say what doesn't kill you only makes you strongerand that's trueyetI sayeven what kills youmakes you strongercause you realizelife and lovenever endso what is there to fearbesides fear itself?It's not what you've gotit's what you givelike it, love it, or hate...!!! LOVE IS !!!
Sincerely, Joni LynnPhotobucketIt is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat!Theodore Roosevelt (Paris/April 23/1910)Photobucket
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Heart goes out to those involved in the destructive 7.7 earth quake in Thailand .
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This blog is aimed at those familiar with Uranian Astrology. Note that certain weapons platform guns (i.e. particle beam accelerators) can cause earthquakes if such are fired at and hit critical areas of certain fault lines. As far as selecting…
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 Events that were supposed to take place in 2012 –ie the start of a new golden age– look like they are finally about to begin. This opportunity comes because the Dragon family is offering virtually unlimited funding to US President Donald Trump.As…
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rev.joshua skirvin commented on rev.joshua skirvin's blog post Sananda- (Jesus); Holding the Higher Vibrations ( Solar Flash ) Channel: James McConnell | Source 1 2.
"Suz Walsh, yes and that's correct if '' Ty ''means '' Try'-' love and light. Its part of my daily prayers and many other affirmation and can be used as a mantra or prayer, for Ascension as the Solar Flash is now upon us.This is what we all have been…"
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