Please join us at http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/music-listening to listen to all of the divine frequencies that have been such a great part of our transformation.
Learn about how the Guardians of this Planet have created Stellar Wave Activations, births of Avatars, activation of the Christ Grids, and many other projects to assist in the re-activation of the 5DNA between 2017-2022.

Spirit gives rise to this Holographic Music.  The template reality that emerges from the original matrix of all
that is totally invisible and seems like nothing but it is everything. And out of that arises the spiritual field
    from which is created the template  that also then gives rise to the physical experience, the manifestation.

This is like steam solidifying into liquid and then densifying into ice. Most of the music that we hear is the ice.
The music created by crystal magic orchestra is the steam, or the vapor- the spiritual essence of the water.

This steam or vapor is the underlying consciousness or the essence of the sound.

So you can have musical ice, musical liquid and musical vapor.
We can blend all of these forms of music together. We can make Musical Soup.

We actually live in this Musical Soup of the Music of the Spheres, which is in fact the Mind of God.
The song of the spheres. All of the layers or densities of original Vapor created from the Breath of Source breathing
ideas into form in different densities.

This is the Vibration of Unconditional Love.

The synthesized form of music adds another element to music that connects us to something else.

When we combine hertizan instruments such as the piano and flute - which contains one aspect of music together with the
synthesized form, which contains another aspect of music together with the Frequency Signatures of Consciousness
at the ESSENCE LEVEL or the VAPOR level ESSENCE of Sound, we have the complete Vibration at all levels or the
Full Spectrum of Light and Sound.

The synthesized form of music contains vibrations that can actually connect you to higher forms of vibrations
in a different way.

These types of music will change in our future. This future music is called holographic music.

What we call digital music will be created in a very different way that uses directly the element of light itself.

The DIGITILIZATION PROCESS is actually another FORM in a DIFFERENT DIMENSION of the Theme called
Unconditional Love.

The understanding of this form of music, this expression of music through the holographic sound or ESSENCE of
Liquid Light Sound will bring to bear the vibration ITSELF that underlies it all.

When you add the other elements of music on top of the underlying essence we can create the Musical Soup
of the Music of the Spheres.

This is what we have CREATED at Crystal Magic Orchestra. We have combined the very essence of the
Breath of Source creating the Music of the Spheres through the Divine Breath connecting through consciousness
into this Essence that is the Theme of all creation. We have used the Etheric Crystals- the Crystal Holograms of
Crystal Liquid Light Energy, Crystal StarDust, Crystal Gelaisic Radiation to create the Magic that is used by the Orchestra
of the Consciousness of all in the Music of the Spheres.

We then have the spectrum that exists in the hertzian reality along with the vibration spectrums that exists at all other dimensional
levels of realtiy.

This has allowed us to create a VIBRATIONAL TUNNEL to the underlying reality of EXISTENCE. What
pours forth through this Orchestra of Sound is PROFOUND. It is the TRANSFORMATIONAL Holographic
into a new field of reality. They shift into the Multi Dimensional Consciousness of these infinite Vibrations.

This music contains the sonic frequencies that bring balance and the chords that represent the phi ratio of 1-1.618 infinite
At One Ment or Attunement. All frequencies align as one harmonic Sound of Love.

The composer and the audience is using the vibration of this harmonic balance of 1-1.618 to tap into the Core of our Being
the Zero Point of the Mind of God.

It will inspire from that point forward in any modality, as you draw on that phi ratio you will draw upon all other modalities
It will operate in any modality that you use by using those phi ratios.

What ever modalities of music that are lain upon the Vapor Music will draw on the Essence of that original Template that corresponds to the Music of the Spheres Breath of Unconditional Love. All other modalities of music will always conform to that Essence that is lain behind it.
In other words, the Highest Frequency will always transmute the lower frequencies and raise them into perfect harmony.

This modality-- when breathed into the atmosphere can transform the essence of all nature that we live within.

We -The Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse-- are the ones who were appointed on Earth to record the frequencies of all Entities as they atune and align during this great Re-Birth Project. We work together with the Elohim of Hearing in Gaia and through the great GrandeYanis of the Pre Sound Field. They magically translate these frequencies coming in through our Consciousness and Breath to be recorded as a permanant record in the Omniverse as the records of Crystalai Council.
Once the D 5 flame holder holds the frequencies of Sun Alcyone and pulls the frequencies into her Flame Keepers fourth heart chakra an intense infusion of harmonic universe two frequencies spread through the Amenti morphogenetic field and through the Earths Grid. This will allow rapid acceleration of fifth and sixth DNA strand assembly to occur throughout the populations. The seventh strand will begin assembly in those who already hold fifth and sixth. This activation will create a huge multidimensional awareness to occur on Earth.
 Ultra Violet Blue Sun frequencies from Sun Alcyone weaving into the magical rainbowbridge of our multidimensional reality from the Blue Flame reactivating the Divine Blue Print within the Heart of Mother Earth allowing the fifth DNA strand to activate for all who are within Mother Earth's Merkaba. This is the first time the Holographic Beam of Tara will connect into the morphogenetic field of Earth and all who are in her field of consciousness. Sun Alcyone is the Sun who created the Star that was at one time long ago this Earth when it was a Star in the Andromeda 31 system. There was a grand explosion that we call the big bang. That explosion blew that star which was duplicated as Urtha, but known as Ajaho from the Andromeda 31 Galaxy into the Milky Way Galaxy. In reality, Sun Alcyone is our Creator. Sun Alcyone holds the divine blue prints of our original selves that we were when we were the Angelic Humans from Gaia.
The significance of this Music is the Frequencies contained within it were taken from Sun Alcyone and the Blue Sphere of Amenti which holds the 12 DNA Divine Blue Prints of the entire Human Angelic Raceline. When Sun Alcyone does her dance with our Sun on September 21, 2013, those original frequencies, that I have recorded in the music already, will be braiding and streaming back into the Divine Core of Mother Earth.

Please come EXPERIENCE the true adventure of the StarDust Alignment, Cosmic Plasma flowing to the Earth through the Light and Sound Frequencies captured in this Music. This Album was created by the Crystal  Magic Orchestra as the great alchemists collected through consciousness the future event of the GREAT EVENT that will occur on September 21, 2013 when the Parallel Universes realign for the first time in millions of years allowing SUN ALCYONE from our Parallel Spiritual Universe to realign with our Physical Universe in order to create the ATTUNEMENT of the new HARMONIC CONVERGENCE of all Spiritual and Physical into AT ONE MENT or ONENESS.  The frequencies have been collected directly from Sun Alcyone, the Breath of Source and the Elohim of Hearing leading a larger team of Angels who are designing this grand new Symphony of a new Harmonic Relationship of reality that can be HEARD and FELT through this MUSIC.
The Frequencies that will be heard allow this same alignment of Cosmic Consciousness to take place in the Listener's head as it is happening at the Universal Level and the Cosmic Level. The scientific explanation is an angular rotation and a pole shift that will take place as the alignment of Sun Alcyone and Earth becomes 90 degrees, atuning Earth back into the Reality of At One Ment with the 12 DNA Divine Template that we were created from within the Womb of Sun Alcyone millions of years ago.
That experience could be seen as an Omniversal Light Show by those in the higher realms. The Crystal Magic Orchestra is streaming the frequencies from that event through the Future reality that actually already happened five years ago in Cosmic Time.  This Grand Event was recorded through the Cosmic Technology of the GrandeYanis of the PreSound Field and the Elohim of Hearing. It is my mission, that I took an oath to complete before coming to Earth, to record all of the Frequency Alignments and Transmissions through Atunement with Earth's Consciousness Field, so that these events will be saved eternally in the Acoushic Records of the Crystalai Council. I was trained to bring the Highest Frequencies to Earth through the Music of the Spheres technology.

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything Health Related
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcxM5KN9jVA"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better. https://youtu.be/tcxM5KN9jVA?si=RqSJiwV2kgAsNCjO"
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"Dr. Simone Gold comes on to the X22 Report to talk about the lies of the Covid Scamdemic. She talks about how everything we were told about masks and social distancing was a lie. She will also talk about how she was threatened for treating her…"
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