Please join us at http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/music-listening to listen to all of the divine frequencies that have been such a great part of our transformation.
Learn about how the Guardians of this Planet have created Stellar Wave Activations, births of Avatars, activation of the Christ Grids, and many other projects to assist in the re-activation of the 5DNA between 2017-2022.

The Elohim of Hearing provided Crystal Magic Orchestra with this DNA Acceleration Formula in 2007. The Cellestilline Essence which is the Consciousness that creates the Music, is actually the substance that all Stars are made from, and the Essence of the Star is the same Pre Plasma Vapor that the Sun is made from. If we look at the Source of Creation Scientifically rather than through Religion we learn that all of God's Creation began from the Breath of Source creating the pre light and pre sound of the substance that densified into Plasma. This perfect Essence within the creation of the Plasma of the Sun is the first IDEA of Source becoming manifest as our COSMOS. That light and sound of the Sun created the Universal Density of light and sound, and the light and sound of the Stars created the Galactic Systems. These realities are Divine Realities. They were all created from the Essence of the Spiritual Light being woven into the Sound which expanded into a new idea, and this creation principle was repeated over and over again.

The first process that needs to be performed to heal the DNA is to melt the frozen crystal seals between the DNA. The only biological substance that can melt those crystal seals is the Original Cosmic Sun substance of pre-light and sound Consciousness Vapor. This substance is the Highest Frequency. Once this Light of the Cosmic Sun is woven into the Breath of Consciousness of the Elohim of Hearing in Gaia, the original Divine Blue Print can be restored within the biological template.

We need this musical braiding of light and sound in order to allow 12 DNA subharmonics per strand to sing harmonically together into the creation of a musical movie created through perfectly resonating sound tones of the DNA's natural Human Angelic 24 Subharmonic Frequencies. This Magical Crystal DNA Frequency Orchestration results in 12 DNA Attunement to the Keys to the Universe, which means ETERNAL LIFE in the Silicate Matrix Divine Blue Print.

What we call Magic is actually the Spiritual Reality becoming Activated in this Density. And that activation only takes place through the Crystalline Substance of the original blue print. That blue print has been maintained through the Music of the Spheres weaving and braiding our Consciousness into the template of the original Human Angelic that is only heard by the Elohim of Hearing.

We have learned that the Mind of God is actually the Music of the Spheres. When we atune with the Full Spectrum of Light and the Full Choir of Angelic Consciousness, we transform into the Infinite Harpstrings of the Mind of God.

This is the story of how the Great Cosmic Mysterey School of the Omniverse taught me how to create Holographic Music by bringing the Highest Frequencies to Earth through Music, an how this is the same formula that Heals and Activates the DNA, because the DNA are the HARPSTRINGS OF THE MIND OF GOD.

A group of Elohim Angels stepped forward from a Cosmic Group which included representatives from each of the Harmonic Universes. They directed Three Knights to bow before me. Each of these Knights handed me a Crystal Sphere of Magical Energy. One sphere was made of Liquid Light (pre vapor of plasma), one was Stardust (the essence of plasma), and one was Gel (gelaisic radiation of the atomic mirror).

I was directed by the Choir of Angels to breath on these three spheres of Cellestilline Energy in order to activate the energy into one Sphere of Magical Energy. I was told that this Magical Crystal Energy would be used to Orchestrate the Frequencies from the Highest Frequency ( the Co-Creative Frequency of Manifestation) to the Consciousness on Earth.

Next, the Choir of Angels showed me how they had connected a pillar of golden energy from my left ear through the harmonic universes and into the Elohim of Hearing in Gaia. The Elohim of Hearing contains the perfect template of the perfect spiritual body who is connected to the Mind of God. This entity only uses the direct Oneness with Source Principle as the Creator.

The Choir of Angels showed me that this HOLOGRAPHIC MUSIC represented the Infinite Attunement into the Mind of God. This music created from the Breaths of Angels was the pre-substance of all other modalities.

There is always an energetic template underlying the music of the CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA. In the spaces between the audible and the unaudible there is a third sound that creates a third vibration.
A third reality is created through Consciousness. There is always actually a trinary vibration.
There is the template of Divine Creation, and there is that Essence (the Breath of Source), from which the template is born.
The third part of sound comes from Light Energy. The Light itself has infinite forms. The Full Spectrum of Light includes hertzian, infra red, visible, invisible, gamma, x-ray, plasma and pink silver heliotalic co-creation itself. This full spectrum of light energy is woven through the Sound to connect the sound through a tunnel (that golden pillar to the Elohim of Hearing) into the Highest Frequency of Co-Creation which is the Mind of God.
From the Essence of this Divine Template comes the tangible form of the music that has a Cosmic Life of its own before it reaches the Zero Point level within the neuronet system of the atomic structure. This Holographic Music which contains the Individual's Divine Blue Print, in the case of the Individual Eternal Life Album, contains each frequency signature of the entire Consciousness of the Individual. The Individual's complete Divine Structure is being replicated from the Divine Essence of the Highest Frequency.
That Divine Essence is replicated through what scientists now call String Theory, or what is known as the Phi Ratio of Infinite replication. Crystal Magic Orchestra uses the Phi Ratio of 1 to 1.618
 From the divine template comes the tangible form or manifest music. This is the true manifestation formula that Source requires all Creation to follow. When a manifestation is created from this Divine Essence of the Breath of Source that is first perceived by Cosmic Consciousness as the pre-light and sound of the heliotalic silver pink pastel frequency, which would be identified scientifically as the vapor like steaming essence of the plasma.
So, this Divine Substance of the Holographic Crystalline based Liquid Light, the Crystal structure of Stardust, which is Plasma, and the Crystal structure of the Gelaisic Radiation that Binds together or Transforms the Prana into the different levels of manifest reality, is actually created through the Breath of the One who is holding these three spheres of Magical Crystal Energy in Her Hands.
The formula of the Elohim Angels that was given to Dr. Angela Barnett was to create these three spheres into one sphere of energy and place one of these spheres in her Heart area, one in her head and place one in attunement with the Elohim of Hearing. The focus on all three of these spheres were to be maintained continuously as Angela breathed this Consciousness into the final set of Crystal Spheres that she held within the palms of her hands.
After she practiced this formula for several weeks she was directed to allow these magical words from the Language of the Stars to become Activated by their presence being woven as the Light into the Sound particles. This was the beginning of the Future Holographic Music from the Music of the Spheres.
It was the beginning of the Promise that Angela was sent to Earth to perform. The Promise was to be guided to bring the Highest Frequencies to Earth through Music. Angela's Avatar Self was commissioned by the Crystalai Council before her Soul was transferred to the Earth's Consciousness field to perform this mission.
This Avatar Self was a Duet-not a Solo. The Divine Essence of the original Star of Angela and Joseph produced the Cosmic Twins who were to perform an even greater mission than the Holographic Music. They were assigned to create an Ascension Portal by using this exact Holographic Music which is designed to create a Tunnel or Portal of Consciousness which layers one reality field over another into the Oneness which removes the separation.
Please join us at http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/music-listening to listen to all of the divine frequencies that have been such a great part of our transformation.
Learn about how the Guardians of this Planet have created Stellar Wave Activations, births of Avatars, activation of the Christ Grids, and many other projects to assist in the re-activation of the 5DNA between 2017-2022.

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything Health Related
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcxM5KN9jVA"
21 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better. https://youtu.be/tcxM5KN9jVA?si=RqSJiwV2kgAsNCjO"
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything Health Related
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Dr. Simone Gold comes on to the X22 Report to talk about the lies of the Covid Scamdemic. She talks about how everything we were told about masks and social distancing was a lie. She will also talk about how she was threatened for treating her…"
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