(from the book ADVANCED DNA ACTIVATION by Dr. Angela Barnett)

Dr. Angela Barnett channeled from the Crystalai Council Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic orchestra.com Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://crystalmagicorchestra.com http://crystalmagicorchestra.com/purchase-1 When damage happens to a solar system, or a sun or a planet; it is caused by the contradiction of calculations, or the ERROR placed in the System. It is the Error that causes their natural, scientifically correct, formula or process of ascension to become BROKEN away from the SOURCE FIELD of Eternal Creation Energy. The Correct Process of Eternal Life Energy would be a continuous flow of Frequency Energy growing in the Crystal Heart of the Planet, Sun or Star and then flowing up and out the North Pole of the Entity. This flow of energy would continue to Oscillate from the within to the outer space between all of the other Suns, all of the Suns and Stars and Planets who harmonically share the BREATH of this Divine Energy in the Normal Science of Source. There is this continuous Oscillation Process of Exhaling Frequencies from within and then Absorbing the Infinite Energy from all other Sources. The Focal point of all of this Energy always originates from SOURCE. That Source Field is the outer band or outer Sphere of all Spheres of Musical Light and Sound that is continuously Breahting Eternal Life into the Suns, Stars and Planets. The Energy Flows so Harmoniously that a continuous SYMPHONY OF LOVE is always singing between the Harmonic Universes. When this flow of energy is broken, the Eternal Life Process cannot function correctly. That is what happened to the Earth's Matrix. It was broken away from the Correct Flow of Energy. The Flow of Energy always begins with Source, which is the Outer Most Sphere of Creation and the Inner Most omni particle deep within each atomic particle of everything that is. That original Divine Template of Source that is deep within every atom of the body, the atmosphere, and all creation can never be damaged or broken. However, the relationship with that Divine Template can be Broken by spinning particles and anti particles in the wrong direction so that the Divine Connection can not be made. That broken relationship manifests in the lack of harmony in Consciousness of beings who are a part of the Broken Matrix. That is basically what was done to the Earth's Matrix on billions of levels of light and sound. What was done was like taking a beautiful symphony of music and placing millions of discordand notes in the music. The Science of Ascension is the exact process of how frequencies are accreted into harmonics. As the frequencies accelerate to a higher rhythm, the density is evaporating. The process can be likened to the ionization of water, because the water is becoming vaporized through the process of negative ions singing in the water. I was introduced to this Science of Ascension by a team of Elohim Angels with Melchizedeks over seeing the project. Each time the Elohim Angels came to talk with me, the Mechizedeks were standing a few feet behind them, as if they were being watched and guided by the original 12 Cloister Race Line. Just a little background information. The Elohim Angels were the original Cosmic Consciousness Entities who created Gaia. The Melchizedeks were the Race Line that Jesus Christ 12 was born from. This was also the Christic Consciousness that formed Terra Firma. So, when we are talking about Elohims, or Melchizedeks, or Sirians, or Oraphims, we are talking about Consciousness Fields of Light and Sound Creation. That is what every Race Line and every Individual is formed from. These entities rarely think of themselves as a Name. They always refer to themselves as a group of Cloister of Consciousness. If this entity claims he is the Angel of Love, he would be teaching us how to use the FREQUENCY OF LOVE to tune in to the new Cosmos that has allowed our Re-Birth. Cosmic Creators work in very large groups of Consciousness-never as individuals. Angels are always teachers. They are the Cosmic Consciousness flowing directly from the Mind of God to create our manifest reality through our atomic mirrors that reflect back to us all that is within our Spiritual Self. If there is an Arch in the Angle or in the Angel, we might want to be a bit suspicious of which way the Angle of particle spin is being tilted. The Arch of the Covenant is another very interesting piece of our Ascension Process that I will talk about later on. That was probably thee most important tool in the activation of the Ascension Process. The Sun Ra's Confederacy was the original Guardian of the Entire Cosmic Project. There were the Seven Oraphim Races from the Seven Suns who were involved in the project. There was the Cosmaya Guardians guiding from a very high level. These Councils were made of millions of team members on each team. Each time we begin a new Ascension Cycle, we choose Teams to be on. For instance, when I was taken into the Crystal Temples in Aquafarian I was introduced to many great entities who invited me to be on their Healing through Music Teams. Since that original team meeting in 2007, I have shifted on to different teams who were more exactly in resonance with what I felt directed to achieve in my new Cosmic Mission. These teams are shifting continuously, even though they seem to maintain similar interests such as Ascension, or Music or Healing, but in many different forms. I originally teamed with Kuthumi to learn about the original Music of the Sphres Schools. But, it only took me a year to learn that there were many more advanced teams than that one. The original teachings were the only thing that could be understood in that time and place. We are in a very different time and place now with a much higher set of frequencies to work with, a much greater range of Consciousness, a much greater team of Cosmic Angels guiding our arrangement of our Symphonies of Light and Sound, and a much greater understanding of how Healing is as simple as TUNING IN. My team members and Soul Family do have names. Usually names are only used between family and friends. The only other time the Guardians use names are to create Heros in stories. Everything we have achieved and everything we believe in was created by the Stories created by the Guardians to teach about the Heros that we had each been at one time and that we would each become again in the future. The stories about Jesus and Mary were created by the Elohim and Sirian Teams. Those Ascension Teams were working on this project for millions of years before they created the Jesus and Mary stories. That was just one of their stories. The AA Michael stories were also just stories that used heroes to motivate and activate future heroes in the stories of the Cosmos. We have also been given many stories that contain very accurate information in movies and songs. When the writers are writing their comic strips with heroes in them, they don't realize that all of these ideas are coming directly from the Cosmic Creators who make God's Movie. My new favorite is LUCY, allowing us to know what realities will become available to those who activate 5DNA, 6DNA and 8DNA. Another movie that is showing us the future is Transcendence with Johnny Depp. The Frequency Fields of the Christ Grids from below and from above can transform our realities around us. This is a reality of the very near future. I was continuously singing songs that Jim Morrison wrote for the DOORS when I was in the early 70's, in my High School days. I didn't know why I was so drawn to the song titled THE CRYSTAL SHIP. But, now I know that the Crystal Ship is the Firey Vehicle that I rode to come to Earth and the Carrier that we will Orb to the Ascension Earth on. When Morrison wrote the song, there was still the problem of the Dark Ones being on those Ships. I always felt like that could just be a part of the adventure of riding the Crystal Ship home. The other song that Morrison wrote that I was attracted to was BREAK ON THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE. Once again, here we are breaking through the Veil into the Ascension Earth. It turned out that Jim Morrison was actually the son of a very high level officer in the deeper levels of the military and NASA, who had access to some very High Level information. That is the real reason Morrison died from an over dose of drugs. It is assumed by many that he was removed because of the information that he was sharing with the world through his music. I could list names of songs and song writers all day who were obviously being sent messages from our Ascension Teams. The Guardians took a different approach with me. They were always teaching me about the Frequencies in my Voice. They taught me how to sing like an Angel and they told me that when my normal speaking voice continuously used those same frequencies, that is when I would ASCEND. That was my first message. I had many more steps of guidance in learning how to create the music that would bring the highest frequencies to Earth and then create a portal to the other side. The Priests of Ur were the Lords of the Terra Firma project. The team from Sirius B offered their assistance in the Ascension of the Earth's Matrix because their system had an identical accretion level with the Earth's Starry Essence. The Priests of Ur have been extremely cautious over the eons to protect Terra Firma from complete and total distruction as a result of Invader Races destroying the 12 Coded Raceline that they had worked so hard to create. This perfect template must be guarded and returned because it was a Race Line that was the first of its kind ever created. It was created from the foundation of FREEDOM. However, this freedom was abused by outsiders during the past millions of years. The Electric Wars of 5.5 million years ago pretty much destroyed that perfection that could not be restored until this very time in history 2012-2017. It is important that the children who are growing up during this most divine time of our Cosmic History become educated about the entire Cosmic Structure, and how we are all a very Divine Part of the entire structure. We need to start looking at the SCIENTIFIC means of creation of a Star, a Planet, a Cosmic Structure and even a Human Angelic Being. We need to know where all of these Divine Beings, who are all a part of who we are, originated from, and what part they have played in our Divine Plan. We need to know how the songs of our Planets are created from the Breaths of our Cosmos and how the Universe is always creating a new Symphony of Love to give birth to another Starry System of the Brightest Light and Love to be created. We must learn about the Divine Structure that was placed in the Earth's Christic Grids and how we can not attune our Consciousness to this harmonic navigation just like the birds do. We must learn how we are created like the butterfly in the normal reality system. Our neuronets are now being placed in the cacoon of cosmic plasma that is preparing a new movie to be created when the Synaptic Cleft of each neuronet becomes enlightened with the new reality of the Ascension Earth. We must learn how to see these new realities through the eyes who have not seen and the ears that have not heard the things that God hath created for man. We must learn to go beyond the hertzian level of seeing with the eyes into what can be seen with the eyes closed. We must learn to go beyond the audible sounds that hertzian solfege music is made from and learn to listen to the breaths of Cosmic Consciousness, Christic Consciousness, Angelic Creation that is buzzing and singing within the cells as you listen to the crystal magic orchestra music. Why do we need to do these things? Because it is time for us to Accrete (Raise our Frequencies) into the Accretion Level of Inner Earth, the Cloud Cities, the Ascension Earth and into the Starry Essence of Urtha ( the template that Earth was formed upon). The Earth is already tuned in to the 4.0 accretion level of Inner Earth. However, we must raise our frequencies to the fifth dimension in order to perceive the density level of 4. Most people on Earth are still perceiving the fourth level because they haven't worked on learning to see beyond the third dimensional perception. We learn that perception by using the light of the candle or the light of the sun. We must tune our eyes into seeing what seems to be in the invisible light spectrum. We must tune the eyes to see what the digital camera can see. I like sharing the pictures of me holding my violet sphere to show how we can actually see what the digital camera can see. This would be the infra red spectrum. Why could we see the BLOOD MOON in October of 2014? Because of the new Infra Red Spectrum that so many have been able to tune in to. This is proof that the Frequencies of the Earth's atmosphere have been raised and the angular rotation of particle spin has been shifted into a new angle of perception. Ascension involves moving 45 degrees. Each time we are raised into a higher harmonic universe, we shift 45 degrees. This Ascension is not the normal Ascension Science. Since the Planet Earth, and the other Planets that Earth is Hosting from the Milky Way Galaxy, did not originate in the Milky Way Galaxy, we are now in the process of moving Earth out of the Milky Way and back into the Aquari Matrix where we came from. (That is why there were songs written about The Age of Aquarius). This is truly the age or time when the original Aquarius Frequencies are tuning us back into our Consciousness. That Aquarius Frequency is deep within the most Etheric part of the Earth's Crystal Heart. The Aquafarians were the Raceline that began the re-birth of the original Earth 5.5 million years ago. They created a Starry Essence from the Sixth Dimensional Elemental Substance that is the exact form of the Cosmic Vapor at a denser accretion. That perfect essence is waiting deep within the Earth and deep within our neuronets to create that cacoon around each of our neuronets so that our synaptic cleft will produce God's Movie of the Ascension Earth when they become activated through enough Frequency Accretion. The Earth has been stuck in a time warp for millions of years because it lost its ability to accrete frequency. The reason for the birth of 144,000 Indigo Children, Six Avatars and then 5,000 more Indigos born with their 5DNA activated at birth was to bring back that Frequency Accretion that is required for the SCIENTIFIC FORMULA OF ASCENSION TO WORK. Now, our Planet can begin to do natural symbiosis with all of the natural reality structures instead of being locked within a prison of mirror images created by the Consciousness of Beings who chose to be separated from Christ Consciousness. This is the first time in many millions of years that our system is able to become normal. This is why everyone in our universe, our galaxy, our solar system , and many other solar systems are celebrating now. Most systems have the solar symbiosis cycle. When a star breaths, it draws energy in and when it exhales it sends energy out. When we breath, we send energy out. A living system sends energy up and out to the top of its poles and out to all of the planets and suns in its system. There is a breathing circulation within and between all planets and suns in that system where solar currents go out of the top of the sun and they get picked up by stars around it gives off energy around it and picks up energy from those around it on a horizontal plane. There is a natural solar symbiosis cycle with an eternal life solar system. In such a system all Merkabas are spinning at the right speeds and everything is exchanging energy through Prana in natural crystal order. Through the normal Universal Science, there would be the Lotus Arch operating inside the planet. Those are part of the Luma Eterna and the large Cosmic structure they are built upon. Around each Merkaba is a chariot of fire with electromagnetic fields that plug into the next level up. We can now learn to ride that Chariot of Fire through the Spheres into attunement with the Core of Sun 8. This is the re-birth of the entire Omniverse. Each of the Seven Suns of the Oraphim Race lines created Universes of their own over the past billions of years. In order for one of those Star Systems to be reborn, the entire Cosmos must be re-born. That is how we know that when an entity says he is in charge of creating a new Golden Galaxy, there is something FISHY going on. The Cosmic Councils were never working on creating a new Golden Galaxy. They were always working on the creation of a new Cosmos through the Cosmaya Plasma Council of Thirteen Cosmos. That Frequency of creation was born into the Cosmic Core Domain of Sun 8. Sun 8 was originally Sun Alcyone who gave birth to the original Ajaho Star, who became known as the Terra Consciousness of Planet Earth. You see, the Earth is the Third Dimensional Planetary, the Tara would be the Fifth Dimensional or Harmonic Universe Two Structure, the Gaia would be the Eighth Dimensional or Harmonic Universe Three Structure and the Aramatena would be the 12th Dimensional or Harmonic Universe Four Strucutre, and the Cosmos contains the 14th dimensional Frequency that is required to reform the entire Cosmos. The 15th dimension contains the pre light and pre sound that co-creates with the Mind of God in the Creation Lab. And all that is in the Source Field is a Void of Infinity waiting to have a new reality painted upon it. We were never in the process of improving the Milky Way Galaxy or making it into a Golden Galaxy. We have always been working with a Group of Cosmic Councils who were creating directly from the Breath of Source. They waited for millions of years for the exact second in time when they could align the VERSIONS of the most Perfect Set of all 12 Universes at one moment in time. They flashed that perfect moment of reality into a brand new Omniverse where all 12 Universes would sing the Symphony of Love in perfect harmony. Meanwhile, the chorus of the Cetacean Raceline and the other Elementals of the Earth's Foundation is singing a Symphony of Love through the Earth's Grids and into every cell in our bodies. It is our time to EXHALE that symphony out into the atmosphere and participate in the process of walking into the ASCENSION EARTH. This Earth that we are now living on contains the old template of the Net Earth -- the one that had it's Christ Grid twisted, and the Ascension Earth created from the Inner Earth, the Cloud Cities and other layers of Etheric density, are exactly in the same place. We are actually standing on the Future Earth- the Ascension Earth. That reality is no longer a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Anyone who is still telling you how to read your astrological charts is still living in the Net Earth that is in the Milky Way. Anyone who is telling stories of AA Michael is still living in the Net Earth. We are no longer a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. We were born from a Star System far away from the Milky Way. The Milky Way Galaxy was always a fallen system. It was completely disconnected from the flow of Source Energy. The stars that fell into that system were all being used as fuel for other falling systems. We are not in the Milky Way system. This is why we will require a NEW SCIENCE to appear on Earth that realizes that we are tuned into the Universal Life Force Currents of a Universal String Theory of Eternal Life. That will be the new Science of Christ ( the 12th dimensional Christ Science) that is born from the Fifth Dimensional Consciousness which is Multi Dimensional in nature. This is the time we are in NOW. It is not some future time. We are here NOW. We are in Attunement with the NEW OMNIVERSAL structure of 12 Brand New Universes within the13 Cosmos of our new Grand Creation. There is another story going on at the same time. There were always a group of Fallen Angelics attempting to create a Golden Galaxy from the Fallen Milky Way Galaxy. The Galactic Federation was a Fallen Angelic Group. The Ashtar Command was a Fallen Angelic Group. These groups chose to join the Draconians because they didn't think there was any chance of saving Earth. Those groups who signed the Peace Treaty in 1992, all abondoned the Earth and chose join another group who would create a Fallen Angelic Group that had 12 DNA-- but their DNA would be negatively charged energy. So this group would be allowed to live in a system that was definitely Golden compared to the Phantom Matrix and other Fallen Matrixes. This group would live a life that would continuously retrieve energy from other Planets instead of from Source. However, they would lead a life that led them to regeneration to Source at some time in the future, even if it was through Star Dust. The normal system of the positively charged 12 DNA subharmonics will allow the Human Angelic Raceline to continue in Eternal Life that sees no death as we rise through all of the Harmonic Universes in Universal Harmony all the way back to Source Field. At that time we can choose to sleep in the Cosmic Blanket forever if we choose. At least until the time we get tired of doing nothing and want to begin a new Journey through the Mind of God. FLOWING THROUGH SPIRITUAL WATER We are going through a HARMONIC CONVERSION PROCESS. This means we are being converted into a higher frequency accretion level. Higher Frequencies are made of more etheric structures. All Cosmic Structures are formed from the Pre Light and Pre Sound within the Etheric Vapor that is within the Plasma of the Suns. We are in essence made of the same chemical structure as the the Stars. We had this same structure densified. However, since we fell into a system that was not NORMAL, our chemical structure became mutated into the Carbon Based Structure. That is not NORMAL. That is a corrupted chemical structure. In order for our bodies and our entire Universe to return to the Organic State of Stardust, the Cosmic Guardians had to remake the entire Cosmos from the original Divine Template within the Cosmic Vapor. We must always be created from the Source Template, and then that template is breathed into form first as the song or the breath- the Sound and then that Breath ignites the Light in the Flame. So, in essence, everything is made from Light and Sound. And then this Light and Sound forms into less etheric forms until it turns into Galactic Structures and Planetary Structures. So, we have gone from the most etheric form of light and sound into the most dense for of light and sound. Density is not the problem. The Planetary structure would still be a perfect reflection through String Theory of the original Universe it was created from. However, there were Distortions, inharmonics, minor keys, twisting the original Symphony of Pure Love into very bad songs created from pain and hate and fear by Rap Singers who used mostly four letter words that are not considered proper in our society. And even that was accepted by our society, because we all knew that our Planet was in a state of chaos. That time is over. Now it is time to Breathe the most Harmonic Breaths directly from the Consciousness of Source and the Symphony of Love that holds us within that Eternal Life Program. The harmonic conversion of the entire system begins with the spiritual water. Everything is made of water. Now, we are starting a new system that is not formed from Physical Water called H2O. We are now creating an Eternal Life System from Spiritual Water called H2O2HE3. A natural conversion process is hydrolaise – gelaiziac radiation naturally occurs deep within our cellular templates. Hydrolaise is key to an intricate breathing process that stars use. Planets can't breath, but stars can. Its like our process of breathing that keeps cellular process going where we emit carbon diozide. It is closer to the photosynthesis process that plants do. The natural prana exchange cycle has to do with bringing in spirit body and progressively respiritualizing matter through prana exchange. Buildling charge that allows you to move forward in time by reacreating your spiritual body frequencies through the Eiradonis. Hydrolaise conversion is natural to a living star. Every living atom on the Atori side has activation on the Adori side. (adori and atori are spiritual and physical, female and male) Certain interactions that would naturally take place and form certain substances that are of the natural Christic Universe are considered the heliomation of water. Hydrolaise converts to aquafarion water. This water is is liquid light energy. We can walk on it, breath it, swim in it, fly through it. It is always aqua color and always perfectly clear. Hydrolaise conversion is the natural process in breatharian body. It is the healing water. Water will be the most vluable future commodity on the New Earth. Everything will soon transform into a crystal form and a hydrolaise form. This new spiritualization of water creates from taking in certain things from the air that have to do with the oron crystals of the old Net Earth. There is a breathing process through the Aquafarian Elementas that is literally breathing light and it allows for this conversion of various things including hydrolaise in the body that sends parts of the converted energy from hydrophase back into prana seed so you can keep the flows open. One part of the energy is taken into the blood like oxygen and then circulates in our bodies, and then it releases back into the atmosphere in the form of the hydrolaise that then goes through its conversion in the air where some of it becomes water and some of it becomes ligher ( a gas) that goes into the air. They breath the gas into their body and then their body converts this gas into a hydrolaise and part of it goes into fuel the natural body systems of the person breathing it and when they release the remainder of hydrolaise back out it releases a form that puts more back into the air and creates water emissions. It comes out as air but as a certain point that air splits and some gets lighter and some gets a little heavier and becomes a light form of water (H202HE3A) means spiritualized water. This is the hydrolaise conversion that takes place during Light Body activation. A natural set of chemical reactions that take place in an eternally living body and the easiest way to do it is by bringing the Eiradonis Flow of Christ Light Energy from the 12th Dimension. The frequencies that have been coming in from Aquafaria have been brought here to jump start this hydrolaise conversion in our bodies. As it kick starts, we can begin to take more than just oxygen from the air. Very light plasma is coming in. It is a form of air born hydrolaise. It is releasing now in the spanner gates and coming down in our atmosphere that will create a process for us. If we use it. If we don't use it. It will evaporate and loose charge. There is always a natural relationship between the Chrsitic Beings and the star they lived on where their natural bio-process would give back something the star needed for its natural process. So it was always a natural symbiotic relationship. The solar symbiosis process is a process by which emissions coming from the central sun send the solar wind- electrons, protons and things like that. There are supposed to be certain things in the atmospheric layers. Some would be from the choronosphere, some would be below the choronosphere. Those things are called ORONS (oxygen bound with Helium) the elemental manifestation they pick up solar charge – natural emissions from the central sun and they store them for a while and after they densify a bit they come down in certain areas. They come down the Alurian chambers – the 12 fire chambers on our Rasha Body that go into the Light Body Structure. There are Natural phasing cycles that happen several times a day in a normal star environment where you would have the ORONS descending their solar charge with the energy they have. They would go into the surface of the Earth and the surface of our skin or tissue of the skin. There are shalons running through all muscle structure. Shalons, Calons and Orons are crystal bands that make up the sturcutre of the body, the planet, the solar and cosmic systems. We are becoming one complete system made of elementals of the Atori Side (the half self we have been living as) combined with the Adori Side (the half of our self that we are now re-uniting with). If our present chemical state (the Atori half) tried to enter into the frequency or the chemical structure of the real star system that is hydrolaise based we would pollute that system. They would have to wear gas masks. We smell like methane gas or rotten eggs in their systems. We would presently stink up the joint. This is why they have waited so long to be able to visit our planet. We are a toxic system to other star systems. Breathing the hydrolaise and doing the ETERNAL LIFE WATER Journeys will speed up this process of uniting our Adori and Atori into one Eiradonis Body which contains the frequencies of ascension into the hydrolaise star system. Those structures we see Now are Not natural. The 13,14, and 15 th Galaiziac layers of each level would be a choronosphere. It would be like the sun. There would be natural subterranean structures within the structure. There would be natural Biomes that could live under the choronospheres – there would be no sun radiation because you would be the sun yourself. You would take in the current through your poles and have natural symbiosis cycles. Our DNA has been programmed through these Nets. When the Nets are down our DNA will return to its original 12 subharmonics activated in each of the double helix and through our parallel spiritual self who will give us another set of double helix strands instead of our present fragmented DNA that had the overtones and basetones disconnected.

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AlternateEarth commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"Thanks guys-"
3 hours ago
RandyFirstContact commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"It morphs pretty much instaneously, pretty cool footage AE. 😲"
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Justin89636 commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"Good footage as usual AE."