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Welcome to The Other Side ...May all fear be erased, starting tonight with the lunar eclipse, which will be visible here in Europe but even more in the Americas!...In deep GRATITUDE for our Divine Soul Connexion which allows us to act as ONE even…
"Keep charging onward."
"Steve Jablonsky makes some powerful music scores that's for sure."
"Thanks guys-"
Many Blessings
Your frequency seems to be dissociated.
Why don't you go outside, close to nature? Forget about everything else, feel the air, deep, letting go of every negative thought.
That's what I usually do to ease my "demons"
So many mirrors.
I would like to know how there could be so many disembodied spirits -how many people have lived and died in any large metro area in the last 200 years and how many have been able to hide in the nether regions or 'shells' and feed off us and if they are able to create neg thought form stickers etc. -it is endless
Hi Saweeta
Jesus is the master healer and negative entities or energies are very responsive when I call upon Jesus to cleanse me of attachments. They run like mad when faced with love and forgiveness and the power of truth. I imagine Jesus and I are chasing them with a bible, saying I Can Help You! Sometimes I just let Jesus go through my body and the pain or discomfort leaves, usually instantly.
Also Gratitude is the antidote to Fear. Thank them and thank the experience and be grateful in general :)
Archangel Michael is also great for Truth with Love and will protect you further if you ask. Severing attachments is important.
Also with healing others, we are not the Source of love, only channels. Ask Creator God and Creator Goddess to help you by beaming love and light, joy and laughter into your body, and also for all dispossessed spirits. :)
Love and light! I hope this helps xxx
Smudge yourself a bit more,
I do it a lot more lately, feels better
Learn to roll with the punches or just avoid it all together. REALITY IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT, AND NOT WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO BE. I get attacked with negative energy a lot since I have to deal with patients (AND SOME TENANTS IN MY APARTMENT COMPLEX) who have made incredibly stupid choices in their life, and they elect me (the caregiver) to be their punching bag for their poor health state as a result of their nonsense. As long as you stand up for the real truth, negativity cannot affect your spiritual being and whatever mission you may have that influences positive change around you.
At the moment it is the same what's going around me and my friends.We are much aware now,that is why they furiously attack us.We use the protection sphere surrounding us, of violet and pink color.When the attack are stronger we use light swords.And of course the piramids.