Dr. Angela Barnett

First, I would like to clarify that when I speak of Cells, I'm also speaking of DNA. The atom, the quantum structure of the atom, the DNA, the neuronet system is all over seen by the DNA HEAD MASTER. I'm choosing to call it by this name. Others have called it Super Consciousness, Mind of God, the Innate.

There is actually a Cosmic Consciousness of All Knowingness who overseas all of the activity of the DNA. This Innate is your most Inner Self. It is the Eternal Programming of your Body. What very few know about DNA is that Right Now is the time of the reprogramming of DNA. Again DNA means the over all programming of everything within the body template. There are not just two DNA.

The DNA structure is created of billions of micro organisms which are etheric and invisible to science. This DNA structure in the body communicates with every one of the trillions of DNA in the body. The DNA in the Body is connected to all of the multi dimensional selves of the Soul who knows everything about all of you. All of you from all of your millions of past life times. How is the DNA reprogramming?

The DNA cellular memory is changing to an Eternal Life structure from the Mortal Structure. The old body needed to die because the knowledge that we needed to learn who we really were was not available on Earth. The only reason the body needed to die was because the Soul ran out of experiences in less than 100 years. Now, we must create a Love Affair with our Cells and our DNA. We must become so in tune with our Inner Selves and Cells.

We must communicate. We must tune our frequencies in to this Super Consciousness within ourselves. This is what the music is created to help you do. However, you must do this your self. You must start communicating out loud to your DNA within you. Your DNA is an actual Consciousness, an extremely Infinite Consciousness that connects with all that you are and all that you have ever been. Your DNA connects with your Spiritual Self on the other side of the Veil. The DNA creates the bridge between the Physical and the Spiritual. Now, there are infinite number of new experiences for the Soul to experience in one life time.

We actually have the divine right to Choose how long we desire to live. We can choose three hundred years or one thousand years. And when we are finished, we can just step out of the body into a new body. I have told you many times how the Eternal Life Album is programmed to hook you up to this new programming of the Eternal Life Structure. The DNA must be connected into all of the multi dimensional selves at all frequency levels or all dimensional levels. It is the Music of the Spheres frequencies within each of the Dimensions that I tune your Consciousness to in the Eternal Life Album. Remember, that this is a QUANTUM process.

Quantum means it is beyond Science, beyond the Senses, beyond the Hertzian Solfege Hearing process. This is why you have a hard time hearing your Eternal Life Album You aren't supposed to be able to hear most of it. You will be able to hear the lower frequencies in the Album, and over time you will grow to hear more and more of it. Even though you cannot hear the Quantum Frequencies, you can FEEL them or Sense them. This is the most important part of using this QUANTUM DNA MUSIC. It is tuning you into the QUANTUM. This is where your Consciousness must go in order to tune in to the Super Consciousness or the INNATE who programs your DNA to tell your cells to replicate a new body over and over every nano second.

I would like to give you a simple example of reprogramming DNA. Today, I told my Innate that I wanted to change my Cells to create a new body, an energetic body, a body that does not get tired. I said over and over again Cells Change, Cells Change Change me into a brand new body Change me into an energetic body I am energetic I am energetic After that programming, I started running. I ran for one hour and my feet started to hurt. I said Cells Change, Cells Change My feet are brand new My feet are brand new. My feet stopped hurting and I ran for another hour. Each hour I repeated the My feet are brand new to keep my feet from hurting.

Besides my feet, nothing in my body was getting tired at all. (Please note that I had not run any where ever at all in my entire life before today-- This is not something that I have been practicing. As a matter of fact. I have been sitting in front of this computer typing for the past five years. I got so weak last Christmas that I decided to see if I could start walking for about fifteen minutes a day. That is the most exercise that I had ever done. However, when I was 35-40 years old-- that was twenty years ago- I did walk about four hours a day.) To make a long story short. I continued running for five hours non stop and I'm still not tired. I stopped running three hours ago. I'm going to start running again when it gets cooler. I plan on finishing at least one or two more hours today.

So, I just wanted to show you that we really can reprogram our bodies now. I have been using the music to stay in the Higher Dimensions where it is easy to connect to my Super Consciousness. The music does this for me. I am also working on the reprogramming of I am twenty years younger, I am twenty pounds lighter, I am a genius, I am Christ Consciousness, and a long list of others. I know that the twenty years younger is what is also happening at this time. The fact that I have more energy today than I did twenty years ago indicates that is happening. What is different about DNA Super Consciousness? We do not need to wait years for things to change any more.

We do not have to wait for weeks or months for broken bones to heal. We can just tell the cells to create brand new bones Now. We can create a brand new body Now. This instant manifestation will become faster and easier as we come closer to 2017. The year 2017 will be absolutely amazing. Please read this again. I know that many of you OLD SOULS believe that you are living in a very old body. That perception of reality is going to change very soon. HOW SOON? As soon as you learn how to become the Master of your Body and communicate with your cells that you want them to CHANGE. Yes, you can tell the cells in your body to change your body from an old body to a young body. The reason that this is happening is because the Light Frequencies of the OLD SOULS must continue with the Ascension Earth for a few more hundred years.

The Ascension Consciousness Team of the Cosmic Soup of Creation NEEDS the Old Souls to stay here. Many of us signed up for this mission before we began the wind of our rebirth from the other side. The Ascension is the Re- Birth into a new body. The body is a body that has been created in the QUANTUM. That means it is invisible. It is the invisible part of us, but it is us. We have been recalibrated, recalculated, re cognized into Light. Our old program was a biological structure that was already set on automatic. It was a program where our Thinking Brain just re played old movies over and over and never told the cells to play a new movie. Now, we are becoming the Masters of our bodies. We tell our cells to create a new movie instead playing the same movie over and over again.

The cell has a function. It creates a duplicate of itself every nano second. Each time it creates a duplicate of itself, it asks the question Same or Different? Same of Different? If there is no new directive coming to it, the automatic process of creating a cell that is the same as the original is repeated over and over again every day of our life. However, NOW we can create a a new directive. Now we can tell the cell to create a Different image in the new cell. We can tell the cell: I am young. I am thirty years younger. I am immortal. I am the Eternal Life Template. I am perfect health. I am Eternal Supply manifested. I am Christ Consciousness revealed. I am Vital Energy.

There is a lot more to the body than 3D CHEMISTRY We have living records in our history of man living nine hundred years. We have records of people on Earth today living long over one hundred years. They continue to live because they have utilized a cellular structure that divides itself more efficiently through the process of the Master of the Body directing it to be what is desire to be. Tell the DNA to change its clock so it does not count as many days. Tell your cells that you have never aged because there is no time. Tell your cells that you are forever young,vital and in perfect health. Could consciousness change chemistry to the point where the body would not age and never get sick and live a thousand years? Yes, that is what is happening right now.

How do we program the body to stop counting years? We live in joy and bliss of every moment and in the knowing that we control the cells of the body and the out picturing of the body and that we are the Masters of our body. Each cell of the body is specific to its own chemical imprint, and it divides. That is how you rejuvinate The skin rejuvinates. Each time a cell decides to divide, it asks the question should I stay the same or is it time to change? The cells haven't been told to change for millions of life times. The cells have been left alone without any Awakened Consciousness directing them to CHANGE. If you had a slow motion camera of the cell dividing, you would be able to see that before the cell divides it asks the question should the cell stay the same. Next it creates a pre plasma field that is like a little womb to birth a new baby into.

If the cell receives the command, I AM A CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS IMMORTAL CELL, the cell will create a cell in the little womb that is immortal. However, the cell has not been receiving that command from most of those who are on Earth. I was raised in a metaphysical teaching that told me that I should continuously believe that I was an immortal, I was made in the image and likeness of God, there was no disease or death. So, I was always programming my cellular memory to know this as the only truth. Now, we have some more specific directions of how to make this process work. Instead of just knowing that I can not get sick because I am the image and likeness of God, I have actually learned how the biological process of the human body makes that happen.

That is fascinating. This is exciting because it shows that the body is an immortal vehicle, not just a mortal body that we use for awhile for the soul to live in and then discard. Our body is spiritual. The visible body will become more and more invisible, but we are immortal through and through. So you would see one cell setting up to rejuvinate each moment, and at that point in time there is an INQUIRY for a fraction of a second.

The cell says to the upcoming energy that will become its twin do you want to replicate the same or different? It asks the question the same or not the same? With out conscious intent of change the body lives by itself and does what biology does by itself. However, when the Intent of the human being becomes the MASTER OF THE PROCESS, the sequencing changes. The cell replicates itself through the Divine Template of the Perfect Health, Eternal Life, Vital Energy, Infinite Supply of Mind.


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"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcxM5KN9jVA"
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