The churning of the ocean of milk for the elixir of immortality- Amrita.
The demons and the demigods agreed to cooperate so that together they could attain the amrita-- the elixir of immortality.
The Supreme maintainer Vishnu assumed the form of a gigantic tortise and acted as the pivot post for the churning rod Mondaka mountain.
A serpent called Vasuki acted as the rope and together they cooperated to attin the amrita.
Many wonderful things were produced from that churning including a terrible poison
which was consumed by Shiva the destroyer. A few drops of poison spilled and the poisonous creatures - snakes spiders and other insects
consumed those drops.
Tatva is truth.
The grand cosmic scale for the universe enacting the churning of the ocean of milk, takes place within our microcosm of our very bodies.
This is the raising of the Kundalini Shakti from its lowest position in the root chakra (muladhara) to its highest level of super consciousness in the sahasrara chakra (crown). In this process many wonderful things become revealed witin our very self: the blossoming of our chakras to the highest level of cosmic consciousness.