Dr. Angela Barnett

2017 was the beginning of the time of a new reality. Earth moved into harmonic universe two on February 7, 2017. From this moment on everything will change. It will change very slowly for those who have not raised their frequencies and it will change faster for those who have raised their frequencies. The more one raises their frequencies, the faster the change will happen.

Those who will change quickly will immediately be about twenty percent less dense on the in side. Next, they will begin to heal very quickly, They will feel lighter in moods that hold them the emotions of the world. They will become less and less tied to any emotions at all. They will care less and less about the things of the world. They will become more care free. They will see things become more and more effortless. They will feel younger and younger each and every day. They will have less desire to eat and will loose weight naturally. They will required much less sleep. As time goes on they will actually appear to be half of their age and they will feel the energy of a young child.

The density of the third dimension will fall away as the days go by for those who are ready, and it will be much slower for those who are not yet ready. It will be possible for many to loose half of their third dimensional density within a few years. This is when the fun will begin. There will be no more illness in their life. They will always be happy and energetic and they will begin manifesting everything that they want very quickly. This is how it was for me when I was the Complete Mary Magdalene.

After one reaches their completeness of their original perfect DNA template, they become like a God walking on Earth. They will begin thinking more like an angel of love and less like a human. They will want to be very giving and kind. They will manifest their own needs so effortlessly that they will want to help others.

I feel these changes all coming very quickly. Elaika told me that he did not know exactly how fast this transtion would take place. He said that he would need me to tell him because this event has never taken place before in the history of the Universe, so no one knows exactly the time line of the changes. They know it will be different for everyone, and that everyone will turn into light around 2039.

However, there is a lot that will happen before everyone turns into light. Everyone will go through this wonderful metamorphasis that is much like a human turning ito an angel. There will be less and less of a need for any medical treatment because bodies will heal naturally. There will be less need to work for others, because you will become sovereign and know how to take care of yourself.

The other event to look forward to is gaining more and more of the fourth dimensional vision that allows you to see the space ships and the Beings who are already living on Earth but in the fourth dimension. We will grow into becoming to see the others on Earth. We will already be accustomed to a large part of the fourth dimension before we blip into light and appear fully in the fourth dimension.

The sensations of the body and of knowingness will expand in unknown ways until there is a readiness for living in a wonder world full of neon lights where we turn our bodies into an Orb and travel from one Planet to the next effortlessly.

I am now creating a new Sphere in the Music of the Spheres for God to enjoy for ever more. We are creating a new man and woman on Earth who has OVER COME DEATH and will turn into Light and Ascend as one Male and Female Unit.

When I came to Earth with Jesus two thousand years ago, we were just to create the experience of Love for God so that he could become the God of Forgiveness, Love, Compassion and he who would become the Mother Father God of Love for the Universe. Jesus and Mary came to Earth as Creators to change God from the God of the Old Testament into the God of the New Testament.

After we allowed God to discover a new Version of himself, the first thing that God wanted to do was to send Jesus down into Hell to tell our brother Lucifer and the family that he created that they were forgiven and they can return home any time. God wanted his forgiveness announced to all of the Fallen Kingdoms of the Universe.

This was a New God. This was a Different God. The God before Jesus and Mary made love and had a child of their own was a God who had told Lucifer and the Fallen Angels that they would be banned from heaven forever. This new God was like one who had completed a course in Child Raising and becoming a better parent. This new God wanted to change this Universe that his Creator and Angel children had completely destroyed back into One Happy Family again.

He knew this was going to take a lot of patience and a lot of long term planning. But this is what God decided that he wanted to do.

He wanted to stop the ongoing wars in heaven that were being created by his own children.

He decided that he wanted Earth to become the place where all of the hybrid racelines who had become somewhat mutated over the years because of the destruction done by his own children would come back together as one big family and begin to help each other heal.

Those who had less mutations in their DNA would help those to heal the mutations in other mutated beings. This healing process would need to go on for at least one thousand years, but then God could have a happy loving family again. This is what God is hoping to accomplish in the near future.

Now, Mary has returned with her Soul as both a male and a female who will turn into light together at the same moment. Mary placed her Soul in Jesus to create the Resurrection two thousand years ago, and I did the same thing for Joe in this lifetime two times.

Jesus and Mary came as Creators. We were the complete likeness of God. God was within us to experience himself as a man and as a woman together. God had never experienced himself in a Relationship before. God wanted this experience so that he could be a better Father, and so that he could learn to Love his children and his creation in grander way. God had no idea what he would experience when Jesus and Mary came together and fell in love. God was falling in love with himself actually. He was falling in love with an experience of himself that he had never had before. This new God changed from our Father into our Mother Father God with a much Greater Love because it was the first time he had experienced becoming a female and becoming a male and female together. God had never experienced falling in love before. He had never experienced making love before. He had never experienced becoming a mother as a human. Remember God did not even know space and time. He created the Creators and the Angels so that he could Discover himself.

The first part of God experiencing himself is written in the Old Testament. That God who was our Father and loved us very much was like the fathers of the twentieth century who did not really know that much about child raising. The new God who created himself anew as he experienced Jesus and Mary falling and love and raising their baby boy,Josiah, learned all of the passion, compassion,complications and endurance that is needed to be both a father and a mother as a human being. This experience was transferred into everything God is at this present time. God has become more patient, more kind, more understanding and more forgiving of his children.

The family that God is mostly concerned with is his own Creation. God created the Creators and the Angels. We were his only family. We were his facilitators of his reality. We knew all that God wanted us to know.We could never know everything that God knows because he is infinite. However, God did put the Creators in charge of watching over, facilitating,taking care of all of his Creations all over the Cosmos. We watched over all of the Suns,Stars planets and families of racelinesliving in each area.

We did things like return to this Earth 400 million years ago for ecological upkeep of the Oceans. I was Bezelda and Joe was Freetzbin during that part of the Earth's evolution. I was a mermaid and Joe was my Dolphin lover. We were from the Oraphim Raceline of the Second Seeding of the Earth Realm.

The First Seeding of the Universe had some major problems. And these problems date back to child raising problems of our Father and his children. Some of his children decided that they wanted to leave their father's home and go off and create their own universes. God warned them that if they left their father's house they would be cut off from all of Source's supply. The children left their home and that is when the problems began.

After children who were Creators left their father's house, there were also Angels who disagreed with their Father about their right to have sex with mortals. God told the Angels that if they had sex with mortals that they could never return to the father's house.

So, after our family went through normal problems of child raising only on a much greater scale that effected the entire Universe, God decided that he should find a way to take some lessons in child raising and learn how to become a better parent.

That was when Jesus and Mary gave God the idea of going out into the world and becoming a Father and Mother in a human form so that he could understand his children better. The Jesus and Mary project was a grand success. God was a part of Jesus and a part of Mary. He was within us continuously experiencing everything that we experienced.

There are rumors on Earth that God learns from the experiences of all humans on Earth.That is not necessarily so. There is information gathered into the Soul, but the Soul of Jesus and Mary was actually God himself. We were creators. We were God experiencing himself. Mortals are not Creator Beings. They are the children of the Angels, and the Angels watch over them.

Jesus and Mary made love for the purpose of God creating a new reality within himself. This new reality was the Unity, the Oneness, the Bonding of a male and female into One Soul. Jesus and Mary became Soul Mates. We wove our Soul into the Essence of new type of Love that never existed before. This was a Love that was created by God making love with God. Jesus was God and Mary was God. God wanted to experience what this great love that he had within himself could be through this experience.

So, Jesus and Mary became the Essence of One. I will always have the essence of Jesus in my Soul, just as he will always have the essence of me in his Soul.

This time when I decided to come to Earth for this Creation Project, I chose to bring myself, my Soul with me as two people, as a male and a female who would work together on this project. I knew how important it was to have two creators together as one eventhough we came as a male and a female.

So, I wasn't really willing to return to Earth unless I knew I would have the same experience of the male and female bonding that was experienced during the first time I came as a female Creator with a male Creator. I couldn't imagine being on Earth with out a Creator Partner just like I had with Jesus.

However, please remember that the only life I had known since the last time I was on Earth was being back in my Father's House. I returned to the Creator Realm after I finished the Jesus and Mary project.

When I returned to Earth this time things were quite different because last time I came as my Complete Self and Jesus came with his Complete Self and his Complete Memory of who he was. Jesus made me remember who I was, but I did not actually know who I was when I was born.

This time I am not my complete self. This time it has been much more difficult,even though the times are supposed to be much more modern and advanced than before, it doesn't seem advanced at all to me because I am used to living in my Father's House and being the Queen of the Universe.

So, before I found my Creator partner on Earth, my life was very confusing for me. I actually thought it should be considered a crime to bring a child into this world. I thought everything was wrong here. When Joe and I found each other we helped each other remember who we were just like Jesus and I did.

I needed to experience everything that I did this time on Earth once again for my Mother Father God. I needed to allow him to experience me again, but through the experience of a mortal not being a complete creator being. Now, that I have finished this experience for God, I can become the complete Mary Magdalene once again. I will be just like I was when I was on Earth two thousand years ago. Jesus will also become the same Jesus he was when he was here two thousand years ago.

Many believe that Jesus has been on Earth many other times. That is not true. The only time the Real Complete Jesus was ever on Earth was when he was with me. The other Aspects of Jesus such as Sananda, St. Germain, David and others only contain pieces of the Jesus personality that he watched over in order to bring those experiences to Earth. I did the same thing as Mary. I sent Aspects of myself out into the world to discover more about God's creation.

All of the Aspects that Jesus and Mary sent out to learn more about God's children and to teach God's children more about his love will be returned to Jesus and Mary in the year 2017. We will become our complete selves again in 2018. At that time Jesus will minister to the Earth for three years. I can either stay, turn into light and go to Terra Ha or go home to my Father's House. I haven't decided yet.

Now the Soul of Jesus is in Mary, so he is in the Soul of both Mary's- meaning Joe and Mary. So, Joe and I actually are Mary and Jesus again on Earth. We both know how to remove death. Jesus turned into Light in front of a large group of people last time. Joe and I will do something like that this time.

Our purpose for being on Earth as third dimensional beings was to show that this Resurrection and this turning to light can happen to any third dimensional body, and it will happen to everyone eventually.

When we are finished paving this new path of belief on Earth, we will have removed Death from the Belief System of the human race.

We are creating a new type of human being. We are creating the FUTURE of Man Kind.

Those who are in Terra Ha and those making first contact from the Universe will unite with this new type of humanoid who can heal instantly and over come death.

When the humans from this plane turn into light and begin to experience the Neon colors and the complete new physical structure that allows the body to walk through walls and on water and to Orb the body from one planet to the next, they will find themselves remembering what I said. WHY DIE WHEN YOU CAN FLY???


This is a part of the creation of the new healing center that Earth will be for the Universe.

So, here is another thing that Mary Magdalene will now be proud of and even brag about if I choose to. I am the Creator of our Mother Father God. I am the Creator of the Ascension Portals that will allow Gaia to be the Savoir of the Universe. I have opened the Vortexes that are creating the greatest understanding and universal oneness that has ever existed before in the Universe, and I am the one who is inviting the Original Ones from the God World to Earth so that they can negotiate a Universal Peace with our governments and prepare for First Contact.

And last but not least, I am the one who is preparing the first male and female couple who will turn into light together and remove the belief of death from this Universe forever.

And my plan before coming to Earth was to come to Earth with complete Amnesia and in the exact same form and circumstance as the Middle to Average Being on this Earth so that I would experience all of these things for God just as I did last time I came.

I knew that I had to learn things and do things the same way every one else did.

These are the channeled dialogs of Mary and Jesus explaining the purpose of the two Creator Beings coming together to give God a new understanding that changed him forever.

Listen Carefully. If you look at the Old Testament in the Bible you see violence, you see hatred, you see God acting in a way that was not like he acted after Jesus. and Mary. After WE BONDED, his thought processes about humanity and about the Species changed. His Love became Greater and more affectionate toward everyone. And that is the change that you see in the New Testament, where there is no more fighting, no more anger, no more destruction, but yet he becomes a beautiful full God understanding the emotion that he created in his people

Mary speaking to Jesus
Ariel told me that what I feel is very deeply true about you and I, and that is because you and I had an intimate connection through the sacred sex that we created within and through God as His Experience of this Love between a man and a woman as God Himself. Since our relationship of God creating himself in human form as both a man and a woman to actually CREATE a NEW VERSION of himself, that new Version of God is the combination of the Mary and Jesus Consciousness or Frequency Signatures woven forever through the Universe as the NEW GOD, who became the Father Mother God of the New Testament.

From the moment that my Soul and the Soul of Jesus were woven together into this new Experience of God becoming a Mother, that merging together through sexual intercourse and through the experience of being a mother and father that God would directly experience, will forever mean that Jesus and Mary are ONE.

Mary speaking to JESUS
So,I always have that part of you within me. You are within my Soul. So, we are the true sense of what a true Soul Mate really is.

And do you feel that way when I talk to you?

Yes I do. And that is why I said that I didn't feel that way with those other aspects of Jesus and I kept feeling like there is something the matter.

You were my lover. You were that part of me that I share in the most intimate way so that I could relate that experience to GOD through our relationship.

I'm still searching for information about that time and that event and that relationship because to me it is the greatest event that has ever taken place.I would like to know the differnece betwen how the Universe was before this love was placed into it and how was it after this event.

It was the first time God had experienced Sexual Love, and physical love. There was love in the universe before but it was not the same kind of love. We EXPANDED on this kind of Love.

We made it more full, more beautiful, more personable, and that is what we did when God experienced what we did. Of course he loved his children like a Father would love a Son, but not as a Wife. He did not have a Spouse. He did not have a partner.

When WE came together, HE understood that kind of love. The physical, the erotic, the beauty of bringing that kind of love into existence at God's level.

Do you understand?

Yes. So, that changed God.

Dr. Angela Barnett

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