4-25-09 to 6-25-09 "Life as a Commercial"

Greetings to all of you ones. I shall now begin. As most of the world’s peoples have finally begun to notice, “time” is moving at such an accelerated rate that it is not too easy to keep up with the correct days or months. Even my Celestial daughter has a problem with this; her issue is keeping the correct year straight. Now, I wish to tell you that “2009 is the year of Personal Decisions.” Please do not take this title lightly! It is far more important to each of you than you ones may yet realize. Think of it as, “the make-or-break year” of the decade. Everything that each of you AS INDIVIDUALS has valued so greatly is presently among the churning and turning of a new reality; NESARA-The Golden Age of God-The Golden NOW. I want to ask you a question however; when a new-to-you concept is introduced into your lives, how do you react to it? You see, although I have been preparing you ones since 1991 for the then “upcoming times and changes” which are in fact taking form here now, it was one thing for you readers of my words to listen, read, think and then assimilate the information, but it is quite another matter when you are faced with the actual REALITY of all that I have previously warned you about. Those “upcoming times” have now arrived “en masse,” shall we say. During those previous times, my task was to inform as many as I could and sow the seeds of preparation. Now that all has come to pass as I have said it would and you are all up to your necks in the breaking waves of change, I must tell you each MOST seriously that you must now handle your personal and business lives by the right use of exigent action!Now, this means that all that was and for many still is, superficial and trivial in your lives must be disposed of and replaced with positive-positive energy and thought, in particular the “thought” part, and a rebuilding of a new way of living MUST supplant the former idolism and complacency which has so governed your loves and your lives because you have allowed it. Time after time, after time, the peoples of this planet have been given MANY reality checks by ourselves and by those who are in Spirit, as well as by the mentors who walk among you ones, but to no avail. Humankind reacts so strangely sometimes. I do understand the situation however. For far too many centuries peoples have been led to believe that they have no control over themselves; they have been conditioned to believe that they must follow in the footsteps of their families, friends and peers. They have not been allowed the freedoms of choices to decide what they really want to do when they grow up. At whatever chronological age that may be. As a result they have not followed through with their dreams. Although it is highly illogical behavior from a species of life which prides itself on its intellectual knowledge ad nauseam, the fact is quite evident that humans being led astray is in great measure because it is the easy way out. Looking into situations and using PERSONAL discernment DOES require WORK! It requires great dedication and a selflessness-which is being “yourself” regardless of what others think. NO ONE NEEDS anyone’s approval for what they do, or do not do!Herein lies the problem. Many peoples live their lives vicariously by living their lives through others. Many parents, mothers in particular, live their lives through their children. Children, unless they have been brought up to be free-thinkers, end up living personal lives, as well as their choices of professions, based upon what their families want for them, rather than what they want for themselves. Many other peoples prefer to live life as a giant “boob tube.” At times it is most difficult to separate the individual persona from the programs they watch. They “integrate” in a most disgusting fashion. Now, we well know the how and why this repulsive conditioning began. That is not the point any longer. NOW the point is removing the tentacles of illusionary lifestyles and being true to yourself by BEING yourselves. 2009 is the “great divider;” think of this drama as a serial. First, you watched all the political and religious machinations removing peoples’ personal identities and cloning them, figuratively, into replicas of the master puppeteers. Then, many generations later as the little clones continued to give birth to more and more of the generations of peoples who simply HAD to follow suit and pickup where their progenitors had left off, the ideas of personal-individual revolution-i.e. living your lives in the way YOU deem best was irrevocably stifled, then lost in the unchanging times and the unchanging people.The birthing of television, radio and cinematic epics, once meant to be simple entertainment OCCASIONALLY, was perceived to be the perfect venue for subliminal programming. The proclivity of peoples needing to be someone else, anyone else rather than their own true selves, was quickly seen and seized upon by those who pulled the strings of this world. The worst sexual plots were written in the guise of entertainment, each becoming more depraved than the previous ones. It was quickly DISCERNED that the more inferior individuals felt about themselves the more quickly they could be pulled into “the great meting pot.” Attire was deliberately designed to promote the body attributes rather than comfort, and makeup was created to be worn in exaggerated fashion. In scarcely no time at all, we had observed individuals walking in provocative, erotic fashion while subtly shaking their derrieres in the direction of another person. Of course, women have been doing this too. Puny advertisements have taken control of your lives and you do not even know it. Many do not WANT to know it. Before anyone starts preening themselves thinking that they have never engaged in this type of behavior: STOP, LOOK and LISTEN! Why do you purchase the brands of food that you do? Why use the toothpaste you use? Why have purebred animals? Why become excited if something is ALLEGEDLY organic, YET costs 3 times as much as something that is not?Now, like it or not you have succumbed to one degree or another to “brand buying;” yet many are so foolish as to believe that only their way is the right way. This is in great part what 2009 is representative of. It is the casting away, the shearing and the culling of any and all impediments that separate you from yourself. You see, humans had long ago integrated with the fallacy that who and what they are is dependent upon another. This is not right. When you encounter others who disagree with your PERSONAL way of life then perhaps they should not know so much about you, now should they? Perhaps they should focus on their own personal lives and business ventures. When families and friends impinge upon your beliefs and your business desires, what do you do in response? If you kowtow to them then you are NOT living your truth; if you must defend your beliefs or your lifestyles then you do not really have them! If they think of you as a dreamer, well, so be it then. It is the dreamers who CREATE the dreams which can become a reality! You can test yourselves in these matters you know. When you purchase shoes, coats, sheets and so forth, is it the quality of the product, the price, or the brand name you really want to buy? Do your media ads influence you? I say, YES they do! I do have a problem understanding why so many men and women want to look like Ken and Barbie dolls. This has always vexed me greatly. Please to understand although I use those dolls names as examples, it is the same as trying to look like, speak like and/or dress like an IDOLIZED entertainer or MUST HAVE designer attire.Yes, infertile minds are most easily caught in the grasp of these brainwashing techniques. However, this technique is affecting the collective mind. Brainwashing has not been ONLY used in the realm of torture. All peoples whose minds and emotions are malleable are targets, make no mistake about this. Those who are the elitists simply MUST HAVE the best of the best; this will continue for only a while longer. So, it leaves the average everyday people who simply must resort quite often to purchasing what are commonly known as “knockoffs.” It is the fear of being different. Of not being good enough, of not having enough that separates you from yourselves. The commercials and other advertisements feed these fears.Now, I realize that my next statement may be considered controversial BUT I stand by my truth without NEEDING to explain my beliefs to anyone. The concept I am issuing is…….BE YOURSELF! Choose what to wear and how to eat and how to integrate with others who also share your beliefs, simply because YOU CAN do the right thing for the right reason. Do not become…or remain…infatuated with “style.” You want style? Create your own. Display your Spirit in the way you dress, be it bold, flowing color, or subtle Earth tones. But do so with YOU in mind. This year of 2009 in particular, so many, many good-hearted peoples all over the world will be seeking to be of aid to others who have less than they themselves do. They will be extending themselves as one heart to another heart; one beautiful shining Light to another beautiful shining Light. All these peoples will be the ones whose style and grace is in harmony with Terra and the continuous shifting of the planet. We observe ALL those Souls who are helping others, we watch the incredible Light magnify as each iota of this energetic matter coalesces with yet another. THIS is a dream come true!As governments continue to fall and economic fallout heightens the thoughts of needed changes, rest assured that not only had all this been foreseen, but that all will end up the way it should. For the good of the people and for the planet herself. Continue to help those you can and then forget that you have done so. Also, I request that you pay special attention to all animal life please. As Celestial and David of Arcturus can attest to, all migratory paths have altered. They have been observing this for almost 3 years now in the area they are currently living in. And it has not ceased, rather it has accelerated. Well over 2 years ago for example, they were used to seeing 150+ majestic Elk and then the large numbers of deer walking around in their yard. They were used to seeing and knowing of the existence of hundreds of rabbits and prairie dogs and chipmunks playing and running in the yard and through the mountains. The packs of coyotes were there as well. Today….nothing remains. They no longer see the pair of huge Great Horned Owls or the Eagles or other large flocks of birds. Understand please, this is not the result of legal hunting, poaching, or disease. Everyone and everything MUST follow the basic instinct for survival. With animals it is much simpler; they simply leave and follow the NEW magnetic course which has been charted for them. It is the PEOPLE that are the problem! They simply want to stay where they are rather than accept the challenge of a new and better life and location. I tell you ones most seriously: Many of those peoples all over this world who adamantly refuse to move shall leave the planet. Next year however will see the “white flight” in full swing. Although it is beginning now, between now and March 12th. of 2010 the relocating shall be of massive proportions! The term “white flight” means those peoples of ALL races who choose to live.Back to the migration for a moment. The migratory paths that have altered so drastically has even impacted upon the hundreds of wild horses that live in Celestial and David’s area. You see, the frequencies that are new here to this planet do indeed change the type of sensory projection impulses that wild animals would follow by instinct alone. So it has come to pass that all these animals and wildlife around the world are also “moving in different directions.“ It is part of NESARA- the flowing movement of the newly balancing electromagnetic fields. Also, the teleformation process will be particularly heightened this year as many species of life choose to evolve to another plane and become another altered version of “themselves.” This is the momentum that evolution carries. Now, animals of any type while living on the Earth Star planet not only live in the “now,” but they accept themselves as they are without any pretense of secretly wanting to be another type of animal. This is true of the flora and fauna as well. Terra herself has chosen to not merely survive her enslaved conditions here which has been brought about by the very peoples living here, but she has chosen to “upload” her Being and ascend to a more evolved form of herself, with or without the peoples. She does not need your approval or permission to do this. You however, need her permission to rise with her. She is NOT a commercial you see; SHE is the “real thing.”This year will be a beginning time for ecologists to rise to a better place of prominence. Their significantly important contributions will aid in bringing a healthier and more balanced way of life to this planet. They will have many trials this year in order to come into recognition for the services they can and will provide, BUT it is a beginning they have long awaited. And the beginning itself will attract many, many more of their profession to “jump on board” whenever possible. Of course it will take some time but the “door” has been opened for them. Your entertainment industry however is already suffering severe cutbacks, although the media has been well-paid to keep quiet about this for as long as possible. Children of today need other venues, other resources to keep their minds fertile rather than the stagnant imitation of life they have learned from television, movies and comic books. So do you! Look, please, into your life. Look into your closet, your food cupboards, and your medicine cabinets. What do you see that you bought for yourself simply because it was a reflection of you as a true human being, or because you innately knew it was the right product to buy sans commercial “uploading on your mental disc.” Are you truly understanding what I am telling you about this perilous mind-bending situation you have been caught up in? If you are not, then perhaps I need to buy a better deodorant or maybe my teeth need a special tooth whitener to enhance my beguiling smile!Now, learning the more simple ways of living is a true “must-have” this year. All the decisions you make this year will impact tremendously upon you as well as those you love for the next 31/2 to 4 years in particular. When you accept the fact that those you may have been close to are not moving forward in thought, deed or action, then walk-away, however do not do so in anger or regret. But walk-away and leave them to their own devices nonetheless. Do not prostitute yourself for the sake of others! 2009 CAN exemplify all the good works you have already accomplished; it CAN also magnify all those things you have done but you considered “insignificant.” You also need to understand this as well, all that you have considered doing, but for one reason or another you could not, will begin, for many in small fashion, to materialize and become increasingly expanded this year. It is not a year for living in a vacuum or in a dazed state of mind, merely wishing, or hoping for personal issues to change. It is THE year for making it so! This year will in time be seen as the year when so many long lasting marriages, relationships and companion-type affiliations will cease to be. Many, many adult children and those soon-to-be, will choose to walk-away from their familial relationships, seeking more balanced less “inquisitive” peoples to congregate with. Economic woes will force peoples around the world to move back home and live with family or be part of communal life. The “Walton Family” it most certainly will not be! For a few this will be a good arrangement, but mostly it will be rather difficult and mentally-trying types of living. However, more and more peoples who have always yearned to live away from the exhausting, debilitating city life will pack what they can and head for greener pastures, as far away from the maddening crowds as they can get.It will require great determination in actually succeeding in living life in a better way. It will also require the ability to be adaptable to change. I did not say it will be easy, for it will not. So much depends on the person’s motivation; those people with hidden agendas will be turned away posthaste when their real reasons for wanting to be around new people is discovered. Relearning trust is also a necessity. Unlike your favorite commercial, you can not simply turn trust off and expect to see it on a replay. Yes, even jocks will need to learn a new trade, no pun intended. Peoples…listen to me please! All events must take place that will stop the further exacerbation of the dark contagion of the unilluminated and eliminate the degradation and the undermining of the still wholesome qualities of the human races on this planet! To once and for all-time bring peace and joy to all races, all cultures and harm to no one, THAT is an aspect of the GOLDEN NOW! One of the greatest threats to personal peace and the freeing of your minds is NOT accepting change. When a mind is frozen, held captive if you will, in the illusionary worlds which were created to continuously promote different “yous” for each person to assume as an “improved look, an improved you,” do alarm bells not go off in your minds? You see, all great changes MUST be first made (Created) within a person’s mind, heart and Soul. These changes should never be the impudent ones that cause an individual to replicate themselves as another person. AFTER the changes have been implemented within the Spirit of the individual, then and only then should that person or persons choose to alter their outer self, BUT only if the “just clause” is now in motion within the mind and heart and of course Spirit, of the individual.Now, “just clause” is an energy which denotes the need for change which sweeps over every person who ever had been and those who are today. This occurs periodically throughout an individual’s lifespan. In its most basic form it simply means, ” to alter that which needs to be cleansed, purified or reformatted for the enhancement of that Soul. To move (ascend) upwards in a slow but steady fashion while evolving oneself on all levels in all Higher realities.” Simple, is it not? One would think so, UNTIL the bugaboo of change rears its head. There will be times when you will have to move mountains, or climb them, to get to the other side of your mind. This means looking into your mind and heart and removing the blockages, whether self-created or their existence being part of the conditioning you had succumbed to. The greatest fear peoples experience is being themselves. It means to many that they will feel ridiculed, or humiliated, or “not fit in” with others. Please take a good hard look at the others and figure out why you ever had to fit in with them anyway. You see, you ones are always bombarded with billboards, advertisements in newspapers and periodicals, as well as the commercials on radio and television. Then you enter a store, any store, and BAM, there it is again. It is little wonder that your children have forgotten who they are. You however, as adults….what excuse do you really have?The many, many, years of cultural conditioning is over now. It is ending with a loud bang rather than with a whimper. Granted the demise of many companies is and will continue to be part of this hard fall, however, in time all peoples will recognize that this is NOT a bad thing to have happen. There are so many challenges present now today and one of the greatest ones for all peoples is to live without a safety net. In the days long since past, your ancestors did so simply because they did not know of any other way to live. If you are thinking that, “it may be true but look at what a harsh existence they had,” then I say, look at the existence you now have and tell me which is the harsher of the two? There is nothing wrong with living a more simple life. Just as their technologies over time increased to Create better living conditions, so shall your own. The main difference is THOSE PEOPLES were not spoiled and you peoples have been. Long before things have settled down and life as you have known it to be is acknowledged as “long gone,” ALL of your current generations and those chelas being born into a truly new life situation will never forget the great disparity that existed between how you will now begin living your lives and “how it used to be for you.” Before spring finally arrives this year, already have in place tentative plans on how best to survive the economic downswing. Use the internet to form coalitions dedicated to exchanging ideas on cultivating foodstuffs and exchanging clothes etc. Carefully review naturopathic methods of taking care of your own heath and those health issues of your families. Shop wisely, prudently, purchasing off-brand shoes and only necessary clothing while you are participating in the coalition team effort to help keep each other fed and clothed. Forget the commercials, you are in grave danger of becoming one. Saying “no” to commercials does not make you a wimp; rather, it makes you “wimp-proof.”Now, during the course of humankinds “puberty stage,” I refer here now to the mental phases of accepting VERBATIM what the intelligentsia, the ELITISTS, have dictated as the must-do ways of schooling and overindulgence in the cultural professions and styles of living, it has been the true human force that has suffered so grievously. As you may have noticed, I do NOT in any way endorse any ELITISTS! NOT ON MY WATCH! Everyday Earthizens, those who are the true human beings have forgotten what it is that really enhances their lives, their levels of contentment, their wills and desires to live life as part of an evolutionary process and still have fun while doing so. This too is not right. The others who must still conform because they choose to, to the stilted way of living and “marrying well” among other things, will suffer the hardest as their preconditioned ideals of wealth and societal life crashes unyieldingly to the ground. They have not been raised to live life as an ordinary human being. They will either learn or they will leave the planet. There is no middle road here. Pomp and circumstance has no place here. There are no amounts of gold, diamonds or blueblood heritage that will be able to withstand this ongoing changing process. Of course throughout the past times here on the Earth Star planet there have always been the “hangers-on.” This time is no different. You will see, hear or learn of, in other fashions about men and women who adamantly refuse to believe that what is happening here to all peoples in ALL countries, could possibly happen to them as well. After all, they do not see themselves as ordinary people. For that matter, I must say, neither do I. They are far below “ordinary.”On a practical but disgusting note, please to understand that it is the willingness of the peoples of this world that has and is contributing to the vast fortunes of many, MANY billions of dollars residing in coffers of those who have for so long controlled this planet through the subliminal influencing and implanting of suggestions by your commercials. Each year the cost of making and promoting advertisements had become even more costly. This was accomplished insidiously and diabolically by the Illuminati owned and politically and religiously owned companies AND also the 98% owned and controlled media, into forcing consumers, YOU, to pay higher prices for inferior products. Surely even the most cynical among you ones does not believe that God condones sweatshops! Now, tell me please how does any right-thinking person expect to overturn the corruption and moral turpitude which has been destroying this planet’s peoples and Terra herself, WITHOUT overturning all systems, all establishments, all institutions, period? When you are confronted by a malefic viper, you must destroy the viper before it destroys you. You cannot merely cut the body in half, or sever the tail. They do regenerate their bodies you know. The only way is to cut off the head of the viper. THEN it is over! This is what is occurring here on the Earth Star planet. I could give you ones a long list of all the “ifs,” that could have changed things here long before now. But I will not. It is a moot point now. The Universe has now been forced to realign the planet and rectify all the things that humanity has allowed to spin out of control. I can tell you ones though that “IF” you believe that the God of this Universe, the Creator, or we ourselves, will simply leave you ones in the path of the marauding viper bent on its survival rather than its predestined death, then you are WRONG!Long, long ago, back during those times when we were all apprised of the THEN FUTURE upcoming situation which is NOW prevailing on Earth, many, many Soul Contracts contained certain amendments that COULD be put into motion by Souls who are in incarnate state HERE AND NOW. Many plans were implemented for the purpose of guarding and assisting our Guardian Children during these tumultuous years. We are not leaving anyone here “dancing in the wind.” Although it has required much Soul Searching on the parts of our Sacred Charges, much movement on their parts to relocate repeatedly in order to anchor Light for future generations and to bring peace to the mountains, valleys and plains, and to endure harsh living conditions when necessary while being a part of the population and remaining apart from the madness, all they have accomplished this way has not only made our tasks much easier here, they are rewarding themselves and most do not even realize this. You ones who are benefiting from all they have done will NEVER while in incarnate state, KNOW how much they have done for all of humanity. They have not done so with any prejudice, rancor, remorse or sense of “loss” for themselves. They have lifted our own Spirits greatly when we are engaged in mortal combat while defending and protecting ALL life on this planet. IF we had not been willing and able to all work in tandem with the ones incarnate who are aiding humanity NOW and for the remainder of this grand turnover, none here would survive. NONE!Now, I do indeed understand and empathize with all of you ones whose jobs have been lost or soon will be. I tell you that other jobs will become available, not at the wages you were paid before, but at least it will be a job. Many among you ones will soon decide what else you can do; there are jobs that others do not want. Yes, it may require much thinking and dealing with fears of the unknown on the parts of many people. But believe it or not, the end results, although they may seem to be too far in the future for many peoples, will prove to be well worth the wait. The economy will boomerang up and down across the globe many times as the peoples begin to realize that they themselves do have the power AND the Creative ability to build a better world. The tide will turn, slowly at first, and then with remarkable speed. Many among you ones will suddenly have “unusual inspirations” about what you can do to better your life situations. I tell you again, nothing will ever be the way it was before. This is a good thing. There will be people however who will simply give in to fear. IF they do NOT bring themselves out of that incapacitating state, it will ultimately cost them their lives. You see, this is part of what I alluded to about “change.” Commercials push you into the veils of illusions about yourself and about your life. Think of Fear as a poorly made commercial; one that is geared to convincing people to “give up.” Anxiety in your current situations is not unnatural; how long you allow it to last will define your present life situation-your future too. Now, taking this into another direction, think of how differently you will feel about yourselves if you simply accept that you being “you” is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. If others do not like you the way that you are, is this saying more about you or more about them? Perhaps they need to change the channel.As time marches inexorably forward, many dictators will fall; many good people shall replace them. All religions are already beginning to feel the financial crush and they do not like it! Especially the Vatican. As peoples around the world are beginning to think for themselves, all they formerly believed in is being placed under their individual microscopes. Step by step, one by one, these ones are building a massive, an absolutely colossal sized billboard. It is a conglomeration which is representative of ALL peoples. I can describe in detail what I am watching and how it will unfold. There are men, women and children of each race, each culture, standing on a knoll facing the brilliance of the rising Sun, unlike any Sunrise they have ever seen before. They see the sky turning an unusual Golden hue, bathing them with an incredible Light that is not of this world. Some are poor, others are truly poverty stricken; their attire is simple, but old and their faces are tired, BUT IT IS THEIR EYES THAT HAVE CHANGED THE MOST! I see so much reflected in the eyes; so much that embodies the human race. There is some remnant of incredible sadness that so much had to come to pass before humanity as a whole understood what had happened to them and WHY. I see the greatest wisdom I have ever seen in so many peoples at one time, deeply imbedded within their eyes. The eyes SHINE with PRIDE because they have overcome the beast. Their faces are beginning to beam with grand integrity born of inner and outer peace. And they are beginning to smile and their smile lights up their faces, for they have forgotten their tiredness.So many, many of you ones reading my words are among these people. You see, regardless of all you are enduring now and will continue to endure, it is simply because you are living the experience; one you never believed you would, that you are too close to the event to see what comes after this is over. You do not realize there is another action/reaction simultaneously taking place. You fail to also realize that with each and every brick in each and every one of the foundations being overturned, you are each UNCONSCIOUSLY for most of you ones, slowly but determinedly building the billboard. Just because you cannot see it yet does not mean it does not exist. It not only does exist, with each passing day more definition of color, of Light and of the human Spirit is evident. Maybe some of you ones CAN already see this, if so focus some energy into the display. Claim your right to do so. Even without your conscious assistance it is being built anyway. It is a condemnation, a tribute and an overwhelming PRESENCE. The condemnation is for all those lower evolved entities and their willing human factions who have caused the necessity of the overturning of the world as you know, it to take place. The condemnation is not one of hatred or is it one seeking retribution. It is rather an acknowledgment that evil has no place here, This is God’s HOUSE! The billboard is a Tribute, not one overdue, it had to be first earned, of the indomitable Human Spirit.It is most unfortunate that before the cream could rise to the top it first had to be “stirred into consciousness.” However, humanity is bringing its Humanness back into itself, and that dear Souls is what you are each doing. To be a true HUMAN is to be Divine, let NO ONE tell you differently! If you ones do not understand this then mull it over for awhile and you shall. The PRESENCE of which I spoke is the further emergence and the continuation of both the tangible and the intangible NESARA. NO man, woman or child can withstand, withhold or stop this Divine Blessing! It is present in the Omnipresent, Omni-directional Winds of Change. It is revealed within the eyes of each individual IN the billboard; for this is a LIVING DRAMA, LIVING FIGURES, NOT statues. All that you are today, here in this nanosecond, will change as the world continues to turn and revitalize. Every succeeding moment will bring you closer to yourself, the real you, the Divine Soul you truly are. In time you will all say, “it was worth it.” Now, many among you ones need to and shall learn to live in peace and harmony with your neighbors, with other races, other cultures. Millions and millions of people are now in great need of so much in order to preserve their health, in order to be able to have foodstuffs to eat and CLEAN water to drink. Invest in yourselves by following through with forming those collations I spoke of earlier. Offer friendship and aid to others and allow them to offer it to you. Together you can form unbreakable bonds. Rely NOT on government leaders, stop being sheep! Governments are not the catalysts they presume themselves to be. Look to yourself for the answers, for the solutions. Speak with close friends and advisors you can trust. Use the trial and error method when you must but please, remember the more peoples you can bring into your discussions or discussion groups, the more solutions you ones shall find. Be open and receptive to those ideas that are viable and that can harm no one.Over the next several years there are none among you ones that cannot “make it so.” Start now if you have not yet. Now, one of the greatest deterrents to peace and harmony you have each faced has been the “behind closed doors” manipulations promoting prejudice, bigotry and hatred for other races and nationalities. It has been the old “divide and conquer” routine flagrantly seeded into your consciousness by ill-conceived generations of hatred passed down through the process of conditioned inheritance to other generations. Then there is the media and the commercial aspects which always mange to segregate one race from another. Bias toward homosexuals, heterosexuals, and bisexuals had been an open door which had further eliminated any chance for people to feel comfortable among those who are considered to be different. All religious wars were and still are orchestrated by politics. Money changes hands so quickly, blink your eyes and another country is paid for its war services rendered. It is the same with wars that are not predicated upon religious differences. All nationalities have been taught to hate, murder, and despoil other peoples of other nationalities.Much of this is done by handing out books, booklets, obscene comic materials and untruthful bibles which are read by many people across the world. Then the false information is assimilated by the readers, which depict other races and nationalities as less than human. There is NO one culture, one race, one nationality that is “the chosen one!” Each race here is a race that has ancient origins in different Star Constellations, different planetary ties. The genesis of all races living together here was to perfect a “perfect” world; one that would be a prototype in a sense. Although there are worlds that still have lower dimensional frequencies, those you had long referred to as third-dimensional, each time a world has gone astray it can always find its way back to the original concept of “Eden.” It does indeed show other worlds that this is not only possible but most desirable. So, as you learn to speak “Edenese,” which is the language of Light, the symbolization of God, you are unknowingly not only showing other dense worlds what is possible, you are CHANGING your future Self as well. Do you see? Again, this is but another reason why the Earth Star planet is called “the schoolhouse planet.” The timely impaction of NESARA is part of the Creation’s ability to bring into fruition the everlasting love of God. Jesus The Christ knew full well of the then “coming times” when His Consciousness would spread over, around and through this world like the Mantle of Light it truly is.Now, for eons many Earthizens have been confused about NESARA, rightly so, I might add. Because the unilluminated is the opposite of the Illuminated, the same forces we are in opposition with, those of the dark, were frantically seeking a method to eliminate the true meaning of NESARA and sway the peoples into believing it was but a monetary venture. Those diabolical creatures knew full well that financial stability here on the Earth Star was always a primary concern for those who had little. Of course they would know, they created it. So it came to pass that those unholy forces began pecking away at humanity’s Achilles’ Heel. MONEY. Their manipulations have worked so well that it has required an enormous amount of energy on our receivers’ parts to put out the true information of NESARA and defuse and debunk the false prophets’ changing of something that is Sacred and instead turning it into “false gold.” If nothing else, this should show you ones the depth of the desperation the dark ones are experiencing, because no matter how much they lie, deceive and manipulate the truth, GOD’S WILL SHALL BE DONE! Now, with the inception of commercials, perhaps I should just call it “the commercial age,” the dark energies had grasped humanity by the short hairs. Although even they dare not advertise their poisonous version of NESARA on television, they primed humankind to buy into the devious propaganda which promotes everything for sale, but nothing to be given to the masses as the Gifts of God.It was only in the last 15 years or so when those forces quietly working against mankind began to realize that many outspoken peoples on this planet were exposing the false prophets and the false NESARA, that fear set in. These nefarious creatures received quite a shock you see. Never before in the history of this planet had so many peoples begun to work together for the good of all, with NO hidden agendas. This may not mean much to you ones now, but in time you will each better understand that it is the resistance forces who have formed a collective coalition that can withstand not only the ridicule and suspicion heaped upon them by their unbelieving brothers and sisters here on the Earth Star, BUT these dedicated, stouthearted peoples shall NOT be silenced! Now, the irony here is that although these resistance fighters are growing in vast numbers every day, although they live in every country on this planet, most will never meet while incarnate and many will never be in contact at all. YET what they are doing is incredible! Now THIS is a commercial you can take pride in!! And guess what? It costs nothing! AND it is NOT subliminal, it is “in your face.”Now, one of the most frequent questions I have seen circulating within the minds of so many peoples is, “When will NESARA begin?” The answer is…it already has. As I have stated before, all infrastructures must be reduced to rubble and be rebuilt BY and FOR the peoples of this world. This is but part of what NESARA does. It will not permit anything or anyone who is tainted to participate in the Dance of God, the Dance of the Creation, the evolution of truth and the evolution of humanity. NESARA restructures, reformats and geometrically realigns all things on this planet. The energetic swaying, fluid motion of this Jesus The Christ Consciousness will not tolerate or allow anything to exist here that is of low based density/low dimensional beings, or anything else that goes bump in the night. It will be as the peoples rebuild with great assistance from us all, that NESARA’S sweeping, enveloping motion of unconditional love and ecstatic bliss will assist in bringing equal parts of prosperity to all humans. The magnetic current of this unstoppable force will ensure that the peoples rebuilding this world will do so in “just cause.” The babes of today will be the content and fearless adults of your tomorrows. I will tell you ones that the second most frequently seen question on the minds of peoples is, “How will anyone know when NESARA is a completed event?” I will answer this query as well: When white peoples can get along with the black races and the black races can get along with the white races, when the Irish can get along with the English, when the Italians can get along with the Greeks and when the Jews can get along with anyone, anywhere, THEN you will know that it is a completed work of art. The Masterpiece is finished.In other words dear friends, when peoples accept all other races as the true individuals they are and do so with pride and the acceptance of the fact that ALL That IS lives within each person regardless of their perceived status in life, then and only then will humanity as a collective consciousness within itself, be evolved while incarnate. So, I have a suggestion of what else you can do while you are rolling with the punches and working diligently to continue to plan a better, more simple way of living. Please to remember the commercial I showed to you ones; the mammoth billboard depicting the NOW times and the future times simultaneously. If you have already forgotten then please go back and reread what I so carefully described to you. When you have that image firmly ensconced in your minds, then begin to image it every day, at the very least once a day. As you do so you will be readily surprised at how the billboard alters itself. Your depth of perception will increase as you call the image to you, the colors will change, the size of the billboard will change and so forth. You will be CONSCIOUSLY participating in the further emergence of NESARA! You will be CONSCIOUSLY gaining momentum in your own personal evolution and aligning with the new frequencies and vibrations of the planet. You will see the beauty within the commercial which will touch you deeply in mind, heart and Spirit…if you allow it to. You will be effectively and effortlessly leading yourself into a better life. Many miracles in individual lives shall take place.Much of what you think you have lost shall be replaced by something different and better. Is it not worth your time to be a NESARIAN? Does it mean that you feel inadequate to do this? Or is it just laziness? For all your sakes, I hope NEITHER is the correct answer! Now, I shall take my leave as I see my Celestial daughter trying to keep the circulation flowing through her tired fingers. As I always do, I shall leave you ones with yet another thought to ponder;You may move forward with your heads held high and be assured that all is happening that really is in your best interests OR….you may return to your regularly scheduled program-ing.I am signing off now…..Salude….Blue Star the Pleiadian"There is a valley where that which is Spiritual stands on one sideand that which is religious stands on the other side.In the middle walks the Creator and the Creation.In time, all shall be as one...I shall meet you there."....Blue Star......www.bluestarspeaks.com©Copyright 1997, 2009 - BlueStarSpeaks.com
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Spirit left a comment on Comment Wall
"I have a question for anyone that reads this, that might have an answer. I stopped smoking a few years ago and never smoked in my house Now for the past couple of weeks every now and then I will get a strong smell of a cigarette smell in my house.…"
1 hour ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Zuckerberg caves-Facebook is listed as a Public Utility and in the US that means his company cannot discriminate against anyone for race, color, creed, Political Affiliation...he could go to jail!…"
2 hours ago
AlternateEarth commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
"Thanks Drexk-you can't hear engine sounds from that drone-all drones make at least propeller noise, and it probably is-they did capture that strobe light effect that I have seen so many times emitting from orbs.
I've got almost 66,000 views on that…"
2 hours ago
Infinity replied to Love & Joy's discussion How To Talk To God? Secrets from Mahavatar Babaji's Teachings
"Hi! This blog post should be called how to talk to yourself instead."
10 hours ago
Drekx Omega commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
"Thanks AE...Well, as much as I detest Vlada's general aura of jaded cynicism, he's right on this one...It's a balloon, shaped like a cat, with flashing fairy lights....And also, filmed in a way, which had a lot to be desired...Something to ignore,…"
11 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in the Outer Banks, North Carolina, area during the summer of 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-1jvvtQsTc"
13 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sighting in the Outer Banks, North Carolina, area during the summer of 2024. https://youtu.be/Z-1jvvtQsTc?si=3S-kQSzF4kDHYECr"
13 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in France in the summer of 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYzhOC2hxVs"
13 hours ago