432 Hz Tuning

The A=432Hz Chakra Tones Explained

Jamie Buturff explains the correlation between 432 Hz and the Chakra system. (He is not affiliated with this website)

432 Hz Weaved into the cosmos

  • Pythagoras

Pythagoras (570 - 495 BC) was a greek philisopher, mathematician, astronomer and scientist. Credited for originating the "music of the spheres" theory which states there are musical intervals (mathematical ratios) found in the distances and sizes of the planets and how they moved around one another. Gave name to the the Pythagorean Tuning scale which turns out to produce the A=432 Hz!

"But how did they tune instruments in a precise way when they didn't have tuning forks or even sound measuring?". They still had math. They could take a certain material for a string, or for a tube and give is a precise tuning by cutting it very precisely and then making it sound. Also, keep in mind that the Pythagorean Tuning scale is mathematical. Even if it would be hard to tune instruments exactly down to what is 432 Hz today, 432 Hz was still mathematically the tuning scale they went for and which we can use today.

  • Space

The diameter of the moon is precisely 2160 miles which is exactly 432 x 5The diameter of the sun is 864.000 miles which is 432.000 x 2. 432 is also found in the patterns of planet orbits etc. Just informing about all of that is a project of it's own.

432 seems encoded into the very workings of the cosmos.

Jamie Buturff found that Tibetan monks used 432 Hz tuning in their hand-made tuning bowls for chakra tuning

100% Pure 432 Hz Tones generated and layered digitally.


  • Ancient Egypt

According to Ananda Bosman who is a international researcher and musician, archaic Egyptian instruments that have been unearthed are largely tuned to A=432Hz.

  • Tibetan monks

Jamie Buturff (sound & Rodin coil researcher), found that Tibetan monks used 432 Hz tuning in their hand-made tuning bowls for chakra tuning. Jamie measured the Tibetan singing bowls using a Korg tuner and discovered that the bowls were harmonic to the 432 harmonic scale.

  • The original stradivarius violin

Was designed to be tuned to 432 Hz.

  • Overtones

Jamie Buturff says "432 Hz tuning touches the full 12 scale octave overtones of all music in creation. 440 Hz only touches 8 octave overtones, leaving out a complete section of resonances of the universe".

  • Golf balls

Several decades ago when Nike wanted to come up with the optimal golf ball they input all the various parameters of golf ball design into a computer. The result was that 432 dimples gave the least air resistance and most distance. They understand this gives the optimal harmonic performance. The ball used by Tiger Woods today.

  • et.c

These are just extremely few examples of what you find when you look into the 432.

Study shows amazing effects

As mentioned before, Jamie Buturff found that Tibetan monks used 432 Hz tuning in their hand-made tuning bowls for chakra tuning. Jamie measured the Tibetan singing bowls using a Korg tuner and discovered that the bowls were harmonic to the 432 music scale. But even before this, Jamie already had come up with these same frequencies. This confimred his own conclusion. The ears are connected to all of the meridian points and all of the chakras simultaneously. This is why it works playing these frequencies as sound through headphones or speakers.

In 2011 the Centre for Biofield Sciences in Pune India concucted a study based on research and the 432 Hz based chakra sounds by Jamie Buturff. You can read the study here. Their study concluded that from playing these tones to the participants in the study, their mental and physical health improved drastically during a period of only 7 days from only listening to each frequency a couple of minutes.

The Tibetan chakra bowls were found to resonate completely with the 432 Hz 

Source: http://blisscodedsound.com/432-hz-tuning/

Article by Marcus Knudsen

(I'm the creator of the source article, so no copyright infringement)


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