50% Of The World's Wildlife GONE In Just 2 Human Generations
Anyone accustomed to Openhand knows that our approach is to fearlessly embrace the truth, even if that makes us unpopular. Why? Because only the truth can truly set you free. There's so much deception and distortion abound on the planet. We must intuit and feel for ourselves the true landscape and where this is all really heading. For only then, may we become apart of this Great Realignment that's taking place. With that in mind, were you aware that in the last two human generations alone, we have lost over 50% of the planet's wildlife? Staggering isn't it. We are in the sixth mass extinction in no uncertain terms. And when the eco-systems completely go, then we completely go too...
A shift into the Higher Density
In the Openhand View, this is now practically impossible to turn back. No amount of wishful thinking, intentional manifesting or heartfelt healing is going to turn it all around. An unstoppable sequence of events has been set in motion which will ultimately cleanse the 3D earth as life ascends into the higher 5D paradigm. As esoteric as that may sound to some, it's constantly happening in a cosmos teaming with life and continual evolution.
It is nothing to fear, but rather to fully embrace.But you can only truly do that of course, you can only dive into the deepend of your own soul's salvation, when you surrender to the bigger movement of life; the natural underlying flow of the universe.
You're constantly hearing in spiritual circles how 'we are the one' and 'that we are eternal' and that we 'exist in multiple dimensions'. Yet there's still great attachment to society and to the world of physicality. Not many people are yet truly testing their beliefs in the crucible of daily living and turning them into pure knowing.But what I hear that irks we most of all, is the frequently quoted view that human activity is not having a detrimental effect on the planet. Really? When you add this staggering wildlife information to the fact that since the industrial revolution over half the planet's tees have also gone, you have to question the sanity of such views. It's time to really wake up!
So today, I invite you to take just 10 or 15 minutes to go into a quiet space, and simply contemplate what it means to know that half the planet's wildlife has died off in just the last two human generations - the last 40 years. How do you really feel about that? How sustainable do you think this current situation on Planet Earth really is?
Most importantly, how might that inspire your commitment to spiritual evolution?Here as an overview of the "Living Planet Report 2014", the world's leading, science-based analysis on the health of our planet and the impact of human activity...50% of wildlife gone in last 2 human generations
Randy, all I can say is you are absolutely correct. We were brought here to love and protect not destroy.... I'm sorry I'm a tree hugger lol. We are destroying this amazing place and soon we shall meet those same consequences.
Here is the link:
Thanks for posting this. That is an appalling statistic. Mother Earth's ecosystems are in a state of rapid decline. It honestly really disgusts me. We humans were actually invited to this planet many hundreds of thousands years ago to act as guardians and stewards for this beautiful water world Gaia, a sacred jewel in our galaxy.
I truly would not be surprised if we start seeing the type of earth movements, that we witnessed in 2009 and 2010. People wonder why we need to do away with the idea of resource scarcity, which is a byproduct of a reliance on a primitive antiquated technology and financial system. Debt and poverty are leading contributors to species extinction.
It is said that in the new golden age of 5th dimension, the all negative aspects of wild life (carnivores, poisonous snakes, insects and other creatures), will disappear. So, some wild life should in a natural way to disappear. But trees, and many other plants and animals will thrive, and will contribute to the regeneration of Terra.