by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

In spiritual and metaphysical conversations, many people are talking about 5d Earth and whether people will get left behind or not.  This speculation has caused great controversy among many people within these fields and this article will most likely continue the speculation.

Past life regression hypnotherapist, Dolores Cannon, has received messages from entities, through her clients, about what we can expect as we near the mysterious Mayan calendar end date of December 21, 2012.

Below is an excerpt from her book, Convoluted Universe series, volume II:

what we can expect as we near the mysterious Mayan calendar end date of December 21, 2012

According to Cannon, some people will get left behind if they are “still into the negativity”, yet Cannon added that you only need to be at least 51% positive make the shift.  Cannon additionally stated those who get left behind will “be left with what they created.  They’ll stay there.  They’ll work out their karma there.  They won’t move into the new Earth.”

Cannon’s message resonates with information from the Law of One, which also states that one needs to be at least 51% “orientation towards service to others” to be part of the ‘harvest’.

According to Ra, you do not need to understand the Law of One or have an esoteric or metaphysical knowledge in order to ascend.

According to Ra, you do not need to understand the Law of One or have an esoteric or metaphysical knowledge in order to ascend

In short, no one will get left behind, even nefarious people such as Hitler, Mussolini and every other world leader who has worked against the best interests of humanity.  It will just take them a lot longer  (and many, many more lifetimes) to reach their next level of spirituality. 

Your spiritual journey is exactly that: a journey of spiritual growth.  Each time we incarnate, we come to learn specific lessons or to pay back karma from a previous lifetime.  Whether we are part of a shift into a different dimension or not is irrelative, because in this writer’s opinion, we will all get there eventually.  It’s only a matter of time, and time is just the blink of an eye in the scope of eternity. 

When you are a “service to others” person, you are helping to make this world a better place for all of us!  Being a “service to others” person doesn’t necessarily mean you have to own a website and a 170-plus videos on YouTube that help other people.  It could be as simple as being an introverted em-path who absorbs other people’s energies.  Or it might be a quiet person who brings an amazingly positive energy and simply “exists” without much fanfare or notice.  You could be a healer, a tarot card reader or just someone who thinks positive thoughts for other people which could be as simple as mentally telling oncoming traffic, “I love you”.  All thoughts are energy and are recorded into your Akashic record!

The date of December 21 2012 is irrelevant. It is possible that this shift might happen before December 21st, 2012 or after that date...or not at all. Right NOW is the only time that matters.  Everything else will fall into place.  In the meanwhile, pay attention to what is going on around you and how it’s inevitably tied into the cycles of time, but most importantly, enjoy the ride!

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  • Everyone will be placed where they/we belong.

    The 51% is all about karma.

    Those that have cleared 51% or more karma have earned to continue here on Earth after stasis , also depending on each ones soulcontract.




  • I know what u mean, Tyler....i have also caught myself thinking..."how o the Pleiadians and other high dimensional civilizations teach their kids about dark side, if they have no negativity on their planet?"...but i think that is not so simple as it seems...even negativity can be learned in higher dimensions without practicing I still hope for a bright future ...and that i dont have to sacrifice/leave behind for that something that i really love, love is never negative

  • Ultimately no one will be left behind
    In short, no one will get left behind, even nefarious people such as Hitler, Mussolini and every other world leader who has worked against the best interests of humanity.  It will just take them a lot longer  (and many, many more lifetimes) to reach their next level of sprituality.
    So it is a question of time...but do you want to go first or last and last may mean a lot more lives on Planet Earth....make a choice now as Adama Head Priest of Telos stated that time is running out...
  • "letting behind" has already such a negative flair...i think there is rather sth more positive than that what is gonna happen :)

  • aye flashstorm

  • no one gets left behind

  • Well it definitely wasn't a 'fear-based' dream, but just kind of matter of fact. When he said 'left behind', it was as if they stil had further learning. They were left behind until they learnt to overcome and to love people.

    Also I read further notes I made on the dream, which said 'greens were used in order to raise vibrations'.


    I think it's a bit like the celestine prohecy. I know I feel invisible to people now. They see right through you. This morning I waved at a car up the road, and they looked straight on ahead as if they didn't see me! Weird. I'm gonna have a quick glance at the Youtube movie on Celestine prophecy. Thanks for the reminder.


    I recommend D L Zeta's book 'Steps into 5th Dimensional'.  It's very good. Just reading snippets now, and she talks about keeping a pure body in order to download information.



  • maybe it will be like in the celestine prophecy where the awakened people became invisible to other people

  • Interesting Yes but:

    51 % service to self , and lesser than 50 % service to other.. This concept is strange.I will explain what i see:

    If you make 95 % service to self and 5 % to others, then you will not ascend...

    Ok, how can you ascend if you are a slave of society and the ulluminati, and work hard for others, and do nothing for your own soul??.. First step to ascend is to work things out in your life, find your way, etc.

    Service to self is not necessary no sevice to others!.. It can be quite oposite. One example; If you collect information, galactic stuff, you do it for your self, but when sharing what you have learned with other then it become service to other.. and it is many ways to share it.

    1. You can speak what you have learned.

    2. Write what you have learned,

    3. Be what you have learned.

    4. Think what you have learned.


    3 and 4: When be and think this you create a thought-form that blends with the collective consciousness. This benifitts everyone, since we all have a common counciousness, collective awareness..


    Ok, my points was that we should not have problem with service to self, but be aware that you can use the knowledge to help other. A LIGHT SHALL STAND ON A TABLE, NOT UNDER A CHAIR !!



  • Very Interesting Butterfly

    Jesus said ....those who looked into the eyes of other's but had no love towards them, will be left behind'.  And 'those who do not overcome addictions, will be left behind'.

    I better have more love and light in my eyes for others....especially beautiful ladies...oh this is supposed to be a secret

    addictions ...i am addicted to Ashtar Command Crew.....what to do..i hope i am beamed up soon by an Ashtar Command Spaceship

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