The 5D Overtones have been offered as a gift from the ancient ones who serve as gatekeepers between the dimensions. They are needed to stabilize the endless worlds and to protect those who might slip into other dimensions without the tools to return to their reality of current manifestation.
Sacred words have always been used (and strictly guarded), as a means to move into other states of being or into other realities. This activity is not to be taken lightly for there have been many beings who have slipped into other worlds that have not been able to return or who exist ineffectively in two worlds.
In our case, we do not wish to shift into a new reality, but to attune ourselves to the frequency of the Fifth Dimension and to embed it into this reality as an overtone, as an addition to the current four dimensions.
Divine Mother is unfolding the blanket of Her consciousness as we enter into the final stages of the fourth world. In the past, great cataclysms would herald this shift from one reality to another. At this time, there are enough conscious beings on the planet to bring the shift through their physical, etheric and dreaming bodies. All the same, we are witnessing big earth changes and we attempt to shift our consciousness to include the Fifth Dimension, which adds spirituality to point, plane, depth and time, our current dimensions.
Conscious Evolution or DREJ DAH becomes a driving frequency in this shift in consciousness. Each moment must be acknowledged as a gateway into the new reality, which is always unfolding more goodness, more knowledge and a deeper connection to the Oneness.
The Avatars are clear about this: that you must entrain your self to these overtones by engaging with them one or more times a day. I activate all twelve before my feet touch the floor in the morning. To learn how to activate the 5D overtones, see this video here.You may watch and follow along. You may activate them with the mantras only or include the foot movements, which greatly empower this activation.
Each overtone is a tremendous gift that is afforded to you at this time because of the work that you have accomplished in releasing the human configuration of ego, personality, shadow, id and circular mind. Each lesson, each letting go then becomes a small gateway into the new reality. Each moment that you engage with the 5D, is a moment that you are aligned with DREJ DAH.
Now, DREJ DAH or Conscious Evolution, is best experienced through the eyes and ears of AH ZHA or streaming love. Watch your world unfold magically when you engage with AH ZHA. While it is lovely to stream this divine love to others, the Avatars say that this energy is particularly meant for you! They want you to be attracted to the Divine through the feeling of streaming love. As it flows through, there is an ensuing softness that creates a magical glow to the events that unfold before you. You also become entrained into loving yourself.
To stream love or AH ZHA, we must practice SARANJAH or calm detachment. During this shift, we will be drawn into the manifestations of MAYA by the remnants of our human configuration. In order to stay in the moment, we must manifest KENJA, absolute presence. This allows us to observe others and ourselves without JUDGMENT. Remember that judgment and suspicion emanate from the Contoller’s Mind which keeps this reality from conscious evolution.
Be present with yourself and those that have not resolved their resonances on the Wheel of Karma! KENJA, KENJA SA! activates the reminder to have awake ears and compassionate eyes. Whenever you find that you are restimulated by another’s actions, then remember SARNANJA, calm detachment. It will remind you to go to the Door of the Corridor, activate the Christos and resolve still one more resonance on the Wheel of Karma.
Dr. Valerie Girard