What is the difference between a 5 Dimensional parent and 3 Dimensional parents? Let me explain...5 Dimensional parents will know about their children long befor they become parents. They comunicate with them trough telepathy and in that way they start the parent and child bond long befor the children get born. In this way the bond between parents and the child will bee alredy amazingly a strong bond...like you have known them for 1-5 years or more, alredy, depending when they show upp and when the parents start to comunicate with them alredy. You will no bee able to see your children since it is the spirits of your unborn children that is waiting for their bodies and to get born...Because of telepathicly comunicating with you childrens spirits you will also learn about their different personalities..The spirits of your children will allways see you, but you can not see them, only if you do a so called soul jurney or as some call it astral jurney...Only then you will bee able to see what your children looks like. You can also see them in visions if you are psychic...Like I mentioned before...When 5th Dimensional parents conects with the spirit of their unborn children trough telepathy their bond to the child will bee alredy unbreakable and strong when the child finaly is born and the parents knows their child like they have nown the child for years alredy...
3 Dimensional parents can not conect with their unborn children since they are not spiritually advanced enough and do not know how to use telepathy.Therefor their will start to know the baby when it gets born...But a mothers love to the baby will start alredy in the womans early pregnancy. Even if the fetus is just few weeks old the mother has tremendous love for the baby! BUT, she will not know the personality of the child,befor it gets born and start to grow . A 3 Dimentional mother or father for that mather will never know how the child will bee befor and after the baby is born and starts to grow upp..But a 5 Dimentional parents will know this...how they child will become and what their childs personality is...They will not even know what sexes their children will bee..5 Dimensional parents will know what their babies will become by talking to the spirits of their children by hearing their voices...Because of this 5 Dimentional parents will also know how meny children they are going to have and ment to have...
latinoindigo2012: Sorry for a late responce. I agree that you can not and should not tale all channelers lightly and with a pinch of salt. I do read blog entries, but do not answer to them all..but to a few sometime..Sometimes I see false claims and even wrong claims of things...most of the chennelers are doing a great job...but still it is allways good to take some info with a pinch of salt! Sheldan is one of the beter channelers I know off..and his teaching, most of it at least are reliable.
light diva my bigest doubt as spiritual person has been with speculations about ascencion from different lightworkers about the % of people that will ascend to 5D. sheldan nidle said in different webinars and past radio shows that 99% of the people will ascend just by wanting to do it and by using the light chambers!! but others say that only 30% of the population will ascend others say like 50% of the population i dont know who to believe!!
I trust more sheldan nidle than others i believe the pourpuse of these light chambers are to make it easy for everyone.
what do you think light diva?? and how far do you think we are from the ascencion . many people say by the end of the year what do you think??
Ogdoo: My pleasure! :)
Thanks Diva for the answers, you have really been helpful in answering my questions and I appreciate that! *hug*
Ivy Ivy: Yes, I know that our signs fits perfectly! Actually I am not a specialist in astronomy and zodiac signs.. :D I know a little but I am not a pro in that subject *LOL*
marianiania: I did not say that a 3D dimensionall moms loves their children less than a 5 Dimensional. I did not say that: I only said that the 5 Dimensional parents know their children inside outside alredy when they get born since they have been bonding with their spirits long befor they even are born! I did not say that a mothers love to the child is not as strong as a 5 Dimensional mother or parent! I just said that they know their child in and aout alredy when they are born...not that they would love the baby more than a 3 Dimensional mom...
Sorry for my bad spelling today! Have a bit tired eyes and a little headace...
Ogdoo: Usually if your heart tells you that your twin is not from earth and that she in stead is a pleiadean that feeling can very well bee your twinflame sending thous vibrations to you to let you know that she is infact not from earth. There are sertainly not only pleiadean men upp there in the fleats..*Giggles* There infact women too upp there so if you have a strong feeling that she is upp there and your heart says that as well, then she is deffenitely upp there. Do not worry, she will find you. They are highly spiritual developed and pics upp the vibrations easilly of their twinflames when the day comes when they start to land.
And for the question about the age difference...Yes there can bee age difference between twinflames. Cause mors than often twinflames do not choose to reincarnate exact year or even date than their flame...Some wait meny years till they are reincarnation...The age different between Xzai-On and me is 285 years. Xzai-On was born 21st November 1692. So when pleiadean are concerned and other humanoids upp there the age difference can bee pretty uge...But the good thing is that they have the technology to stop their aging so that they look like a fresh adult pretty much the same age as you are. Xzai-On looks like a fresh man in his best year between 32-36 years even thought that he infact will turn 320 years of age this year... :) So yes even twinflames here on earth can have age difference...
Wonderful :) I have some more questions that came popping up, sorry if you have allready answered them before.
If my twin-flame is a human on earth right now, did we necessarily incarnate at the same time, or can the age differ a lot? I have read somewhere that age won't matter when we become crystalline.. But it must be harder to find a twin-flame here on earth if both are not capabel of knowing eachother from visions etc. Do we automatically know who our twin-flames are when we ascend or get a higher conciousness?
And I cannot denie I have this strong urge inside of me that my twin-flame is not from this earth. It may be fantasy and desire, but I feel like I want my twin-flame to be Pleiadean or something like that. It's hard to tell when you don't know about your past lives or have had any special visions that point toward a twin-flame vision.
Ogdoo: That my friend would bee a true heavenly fairytale and that my friend you truly deserve. We have all suffered so much the reincarnations we have had here that now it is deffenitely time for everyone to finaly bee happy and reunited with their twinflames...We all deffenitely have something to look forward to... :)