Face of Sirian Feline Being/Paschat forming in clouds, July 27th 2019.
Dear All,
We’re fast approaching the peak alignment of the 2019 Lion’s Gate, calculated from the heliacal rise of Sirius from an Earthly perspective, and vibrating at its highest through the 8~8 Gateway (8th day of the 8th month) each year. Because there have been so many interplanetary liberations and rebirths through the first half of 2019, leading into this Gate, it is especially strong for activation and reception of the Freedom in Love light codes and high vibrational frequencies streaming with the Leonine&Feline Beings of Sirius, Lyra and Eremor, with all beings of pure Love, and there is a huge inflow of the ‘Light of Lucida’ this year, winging in through the building 8~8 energetic doorway, which we’ll share about below.
With the advent of fully activated Galactic Central Sun to Solaris/Solar System light wave receptivity since June 2019 in Earth time, the planetary energy field is being steadily imbued with increased simultaneous layerings of light into light (beyond the higher vibrational inflows appearing and being experienced as sequential as they translate into this linear-perceived time-space frame). The cosmic organizing principle mentioned in previous posts, that expresses in this universe through the mirror numbers 27-72, is super amplified and pulsing into this Lion’s Gate through a Love Trinity held by three formations within the Little Fox constellation (Vulpecula, which sits between Lyra, Cygnus and Aquila) in the centre of the Summer Triangle. This divine triangle within a triangle vibrates subtle connections existing between the star Lucida Anseris (Anser), the ‘Goose’ star, Messier 27 (Dumbbell Nebula, pictured below right from the Spitzer space telescope), and the beautiful angel-wing nebula below known as Hen 2-437.
Hen 2-437 vibrates as a Twin Flame soul consciousness, focusing the Twin Flame creation dynamic, and symbolized through the numeric designation it has been ‘arbitrarily’ given. 2-437 can be seen as 2-77, Twin Flame flowing through the twinned 7 (the vibrational attribute of Grace radiating through/from the 7th Dimension), and as 277 ~ 27 and 72 (9-9) wrapped around the 7D Grace, emanating through the heart of the Hen star and expanded through its ‘gossamer wings’ in this exquisite 3D reflection of its higher dimensional light.
With the opening of the Lion’s Gate on July 26th, already by the next day, Lyran and Sirian lion/feline and Lucidan angelic energies were vibrating strongly within the Earth’s energy field, with many loving beings projecting their soul lights to Gaia and humanity…and appearing in clouds here from July 27th onward with increasing clarity and depth of presence, such as in the photo at the top of this post, and the photo below, also from July 27th, of a beautiful leonine face (looking straight forward from partially behind the foreground cloud, among a subtle layering of faces/energies).
Face of Al’tara, lion being who captains the Shem’Arua with her Twin Flame, Arudia, photo taken July 27th 2019.
By the beginning of August, the ‘layering’ of star family energies and missions of aligning high light through the Lion’s Gate into and around the Earth’s nodes, meridians and light-grids, went ‘through the roof’ so to speak. Many actions are underway to flush and transform holding points (and holding entities) of the now redundant Saturn-Plutoprogramme; even while flux between release and resistance is very apparent in the collective field, heightened capacities for self-awareness and inner liberation are also newly available and ever increasing, with some in the Earth plane already creating from the energy of a ‘clean slate’ (see previous post). The flux can appear as division (fragmentation/dividing timelines/realities), but it can also be viewed as energies shaking loose and ultimately, converging into the waves of higher light, melting into the unifying effect as the vibrational wavelengths of Ascended Earth align closer.
‘Timelines’ within 3-4D expression can be perceived as gradually magnetizing and folding into the Highest Ascension Trajectory. This can appear as a splitting, but in essence, it’s the denser potentials transforming where they meet more coherent, unified Light. This is the natural dynamic of organic convergence, the more the light of unconditional universal love is aligned and anchored into our beings, our life expressions, and the planetary field, the more ‘lower/heavily polarized pathway potentials’ fold inward and melt into the light, until the overall frequency pathway is unified, personally and collectively. Coherence brings cohesion. The more coherent the vibration, the greater its effect on dense, fragmented or artificially ordered energies. Planetary and collective coherence (disappearance of the illusion of separation) comes first with a vibrational tipping point, where enough of the Unity in Love wavelengths are stabilized within the planetary energy field to receive and catalyze the ‘Standing Wave Event‘ that flashes en-lightenment through the whole field and all living beings, all particles and subtle energies, within it.
So in this sublime moment of the Lion’s Gate peak alignment, star family and assisting light beings simply ask everyone feeling the call in your heart to hold a clear focus and intention for Unity in Love, Unity as Love, the highest planetary ascension pathway opening as peacefully as possible, in your meditation during the 8~8 (or singing, dancing, communing with nature, anything that fills your heart and being with Joy), knowingbeyond doubt that as Love anchors within the Earth plane, together with countless beings of Love assisting Gaia’s Ascension, we are clear, open receivers for ~ and purrfect co-creators of ~ the most beautiful coherence of love-light, the vibrations of joy, peace, trust and loving unity flowing through the Lion’s Gate.
In the spirit of unity in Love, the photos below radiate the Light presence of many beings; leonines and felines, angels, high dragons of light, carians/bird beings and many more working together to clear the way, open bridges of light, stabilize energies with and for us and Earth, streaming pure loving bliss around the planet. There’s so much Love flowing with us all, and with this beautiful Earth birth! These photos were taken on August 2nd 2019 from Mandurah and Perth in Western Australia, following the completion of a number of light activations/alignments on August 1st. We hope they bring joy, encouragement and reassurance of the Infinite Love and Grace supporting the Earth and all living beings journeying with her through this transition!
Feline being, angelic forms and eagles/birds of light form in clouds over Mandurah, Aug.2, 2019.
An Angel guides and guards the light-streams layering into the Earth’s vibrational field.
A soul expression of Ashura (my TwinFlame) hovers overhead while we ground the light frequencies.
A dragon Ascending, wings outstretched.
Ashura in angelic form in discussion with a being risen from a pyramid visible in the lower part of the frame.
Dragon energies in transformation, with merged bird being and feline soul energies.
An Arcturian Bowship is outlined in clouds low down over treetops, with a merged feline/rabbit-like face to the right of it.
Arcturian Bowship enlargement (contrast enhanced).
Beautiful, soft owl & feline faces.
Merged feline being clearing swathes of dense energies.
With Love, Joy and Peace to you All, through this Lion’s Gate of Shining Light and beyond,
*There’s a Lion’s Gate meditation posted at the LoveLight Circle for the 8~8, for anyone who would like to join in, all are very welcome.