
Something is happening around Antarctica these days that is shrouded in secrecy but is also attracting a lot of heavy hitters. The visit to Antarctica by Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, in February was the first sign of something unusual happening. Now this week US Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama will be visiting the Nazi South American headquarters in Bariloche, in Southern Argentina.
Just before the Obama visit, it was revealed that China has built a giant space exploration base in Southern Argentina. Following this revelation, the Argentine government reported they sank a “Chinese fishing boat,” near a restricted area off the coast of Southern Argentina. Pentagon sources say the boat was probably a Chinese spy vessel since a normal fishing vessel would have responded to Argentine warnings.

Furthermore, the heavy handed attempt Khazarian mafia attempt to overthrow the government of Brazil has now failed, depriving the Khazarian mafia of Brazil as a place to flee now that the American people are waking up to the crimes that have been committed against them, CIA sources in South America say.

Now CIA sources in Asia are saying their connections “who are above the government,” are all “flying South,” this week and hinted strongly that “South” referred to Antarctica. This is all very interesting because years ago Paul Laine, a source in Pentagon military intelligence, told this writer the then state of the art UK guided missile destroyer HMS Sheffield had been captured by Nazis operating out of an undersea base in the region. The Sheffield was supposedly sunk in 1982 during the Falklands war between Argentina and the UK by an Exocet missile.

This increase in highly secret activity in the Southern Hemisphere near Antarctica is somehow connected to ongoing negotiations over a gold mine in Papua, New Guinea, that Laine also indicated was the location of a Nazi secret base.

America’s top spy, James Clapper, flew to Australia last week in what Australian media reports described as a “secret visit.”


One topic of discussion is the revelation a Chinese company has acquired a 99 year lease on the Australian harbour at Darwin that includes Australian Navy facilities.


However, there is also a very different agenda being discussed connected to gold and secret bases. CIA sources in Asia say that also present at the meeting were top Indonesian and Australian military officials. At one level, the discussions are about allowing the US military to station a fleet around Badua Island, close to the South China Sea. At another level, the negotiations are also about giant new gold and platinum reserves found in the same general area as the giant Freeport McMoRan mine (and secret base) is located, Indonesian sources say.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo is also expected to visit this week the Indonesian equator monument that is supposed to be the location of a giant gold stash, the sources say. The US military is keen to build a giant new harbour there, in part as a cover for a gold recovery operation, CIA sources say...

Meanwhile the Asian side has revealed more details about a gold transaction being negotiated in order to provide funding for the creation of a future planning agency. At present, 8000 metric tons of gold (worth about $320 billion at current market prices) are on offer by the Asians at a 13% discount from the market price. Of this, 4000 tons would come from Thailand and 4000 tons from China, Chinese government sources say. Of the 13% discount, 10% would go towards setting up the planning agency and remaining 3% would be for commissions, the government officials say. The gold on offer is what is known as “black gold” or off-ledger gold. This gold, mostly held by Asian royal families, has been kept out of the Western financial system because allowing the Asians to cash their gold would give them overwhelming financial and thus global, power.
...to be continued later this week.

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