"Resounded kettledrums and shouts erupted in the crowd. But the Tetrarch dominated all the noise with his voice:


Aha! Aha! Yours will be Capernaum! And the plain of Tiberias! Half of my kingdom!


Then she suddenly dropped to the ground and swung her heels in the air and several meters ahead on hands, like a large beetle.


Then she jumped to his feet and looked intently now to Herod. She had painted carmine lips and black eyebrows, and her eyes flashed with dangerous glare, gushing on her forehead glistening droplets.


Intently they watched Herod and Salome each other, until from the gallery Herodias fingers snapping.


Salome then smiled showing her white and firm teeth and whispered like a modest and shy maiden.


"I want ... in a source the head of... (She had forgotten the name); and smiled again, clearly said, The head of John! "


She found herself perhaps somewhat angry with the beloved, and did beheaded; more when he contemplated the beloved head on the plate, she cried and went mad and died of erotic delirium ".


Horrifying intimate battle in the psyche of Salome; the Ego of despite in its abominable decadence dragging others Selves.


Nauseating triumph of the homicidal devil ... horror ... horror.


Herod feared the crowd because they regarded John as a prophet. In Chapter XI of Matthew's Gospel he speaks of John the Baptist as a true Jina, a Celestial Man, a Demigod, superior to the prophets, as Jesus himself says of him:


"Verily I say he is much more than a prophet, because that is who it is written: Behold I send my angel before thy face, that goes before you go clearing and rigging the way.


Among men born of women, there not rose a greater than him, although he is less than lower in the kingdom of Heaven and  you would want to  receive him, know that he is Elijah who tells us must come ... He who has ears to hear, let him hear. "


These words of the great Kabir Jesus link the two great Hebrew characters into one.


John the Baptist beheaded by the lustful Salome, was indeed the vivid reincarnation of Elijah, the prophet of the Most High.


At that time the Nazarenes were known as Baptists, Sabeans and Christians of Saint John; the error of such people was in the absurd belief that the Kabir Jesus was not the Son of God, but simply a prophet who wanted to follow John.


Origins (Vol. II, page 150) observes that "there are some who say that John the Baptist that he was the Anointed One (Christus)".


"When the conceptions of the Gnostics, who saw in Jesus the Logos and the anointed, began to gain ground, the primitive Christians separated from the Nazarenes, who accused unjustly to the Hierophant Jesus of perverting the doctrines of John and change to another Baptism in the Jordan." (Codex Nazarenus, II p. 109).


Salome naked, intoxicated with wine and passion, with the innocent head of John the Baptist in his erotic arms, dancing before the King Herodias, made her shiver the lands of Tiberias, Jerusalem, Galilee and Capernaum ...

But we, we should not be scandalized much, Salome lies very hidden in the background of many women ... you know ... And that no man presume to perfect because in each is hiding a Herod.


Killing is obviously the most destructive and most corrupt act known on planet Earth.


It is written in the book of all mysteries that not only kill with knives, firearms, hanging or poison, there are many that kill with a contemptuous look, with an ironic smile or with a shout of laugher; with a letter or with ingratitude and calumny.


Truly I say the world is full of uxoricides, matricides, parricide, fratricide, etc., etc., etc.


You need to love much and wisely copulate with the beloved if we really want to reduce to cosmic dust the murderous devil, by the omnipotent spear of Eros.




Among the incessant crackle of the Omnipresent, Omnipenetrating, and Omnimerciful Cosmic Fohat, also arise naturally frightening fleshly temptations and unspeakable in the manner of the great Gnostic Patriarch St. Augustine, who had visions on the cross of a delicious naked woman.


It is written in the book of splendors with burning fire characters: "Real knowledge and wise identification with all the infinite possibilities of sex, is not to mean for the wise a fall in the world of instincts and illusions, but precisely such familiarization and profound knowledge must lead to the intimate self-realization."


The initiate, that in sexuality intelligently seeks the extraordinary potency of the eternal principle and creator, and passes from the domination of passivity to the domination of the activity, a well understood action that dominates the sexual energies...


This knowledgeable, obviously it is in a position to awake consciousness through the death of the animal Ego.


In the field of practical life we ​​could verify to satiety that those who depart from the sexual question to live the superior life of the heart qualifying as taboo anything that might have erotic flavor, sooner or later come to experience suddenly and so unexpected boredom and despair.


Then it is manifestly clear the result in of the lowest Selves submerged that previously seemed dormant and as dead suddenly become active and all such spiritual bliss so hard-won becomes infernal scruple.


That sublime hope of rest in the divine then thrown suddenly looks like and what shone as eternal harmony turns into the abyss of a vain chimera.


For this reason, the man who wants to achieve genuine liberation must never be lulled into a false sense of security. It is urgent to learn to live dangerously from instant to instant, from moment to moment.


The true direct, mystical, transcendental knowledge will certainly be impossible as long as inner conflicts are taken.


We need to grab the devil by the horns; it is essential to steal the torch of fire to Typhon Baphomet, the goat of Mendez.

"The Viparithakarani esoteric teaches how the yogi slowly rises the semen, by concentration, so that men and women can achieve Vajroli".


"Explicit manner is designated as" holy "the woman in the sexual act; she must be in a position to equally transform the fire of her sexual power and allow its lead to higher centers of the body. "


Pushing up the semen in the body, ie, making it flow back inwards and upwards instead of spilling, reversing drops profane and profaners intended to the woman's uterus, becomes active the ethereal flame of semen, the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers through which we can and must reduce to dust the animal Ego.


In the ANANGARANGA of KAYANAMALLA we have found the following Tantric asana type.



The man plant knees and leans over the woman lying on his back. There are ten varieties of this position, which is generally preferred.


a) The man places on his shoulders legs of woman lying on her back, and cohabits while leaning toward her.


b) The woman lies on her back, the man stands between his legs and raises these so they touch your chest, and cohabit with women.


c) A woman leg remains extended on the carpet or bed, and the other is in the act on the man's head; is a particularly stimulating position of erotic sensation.


d) The Kama-Rad position: located between the legs of the woman, the man widens his hands as much as possible her arms.


e) During the sexual act, the woman both legs upward until the man's chest, who is placed between her thighs. It is one of the preferred positions by connoisseurs of the art of loving.


f) The man kneels before the woman lying on her back, then shoves his hands down her back, and raises it to him, so that women can in turn attract him with his arms bound to his neck.


g) The man is between the hips and pillow woman's head, so that the body of this stands in an arc. He knelt on a cushion, performs the act, whose highly appreciated way experience the greatest enjoyment both participants.


h) While the woman lies on her back, cross her legs and feet slightly raised; stance strongly stokes the fire of love

i) The woman lying on the bed or carpet placed one leg over the shoulder of partner taking the other extended.


j) The man rises after the introduction of the member, the legs of the woman lying on her back, and pressed her hips tightly.


In the VIPARITAKARANI it is said: "This practice is the most excellent, the cause of liberation for the yogi; this practice brings health to the Yogi and grants perfection."


"The Vira-Sadhaka or Heruka considers the Universe itself as the place of liberation, he knows how to live wisely; with the sight landed in the infinite Truth, is above fear and censorship by the evidence of Saham (I am she, that is the potency, undoubtedly penetrated by her) free of any link to Samsara, master of his senses, proceeding to PANCATATTWA RITUAL".


"This word designates the five elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth are reputed as the various principles of the manifestation of SHAKTI (KUNDALINI). In the five are contain the Cosmic potency and Vira-Sadhaka has to perform the task of reviving the primal nature of those elements as an act of potency in order to advance to the Firstborn of Creation, to own Shiva ".


A clearly highlights quite clearly pinpoint the intrinsic necessity of a stepped to the transcendental principles of universal life promotion. Such advancement must have by basic the organic nature of the subject.


With respect to the organic subject, ether is closely related to women or sex trade (MAITHUNA), the air with wine (MADYA), fire with flesh (MANSA), water with the fish (MATSYA) and land with cereals (MUDRA).


So by the intelligent enjoyment of the five "M" (woman, wine, meat, fish and cereals), is invoke the potency (Shakti) of the elements it, updating itself here and now.


The Pancatattwa enables Shakti-Puja (ie the gnostic cult of the Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti).


The wonderful flashes of MAHA-KUNDALINI are contained in all the properties of the five elements of Nature. We urgently need to turn those flashes into flames within ourselves.


By ritual Pancatattwa is unquestionable that the hidden inner divinity even when is not placed within the intellectual animal mistakenly called man, consciously extends its intimate energy with the evident purpose of helping the Essence in the process of awakening...


We clearly know that the five elements are various forms of one potency and, therefore, they are seeking to attract the inner life of the Intimate Being to attach to the outer life, the immanent with the transcendent to thereby be recognized here and now the Being.


We need to learn to live intensely from moment to moment in the world of the five elements.


Karma-Yoga, the path of the straight line, it has by base the Law of Balance.


How we could exercise sovereign mastery the power over the Akashic Tattva excluding Sahaja Maithuna (Sexual Magic)?


They say Indian traditions that Rama Krishna did sit Saradalevi on the throne of the Divine Mother within the temple and began, the pair sang the hymn to Devi Kundalini with the ancestral ritual ceremony that culminates in the famous Shorashi Puja, worship of the woman. Hes and hers during the Maithuna arrived at Samadhi ... So you get ply all power over the Akashic Tattva...


It is written with words of fire in the book of the splendors that the power of the SOLAR LOGOS is not in the brain or the heart or any other organ of the body, but only in the sexual organs, the phallus and in Uterus.


In no way could we develop in our inner constitution the Akashic powers if make the mistake to fornicate or hate the sex or commit adultery. "All sin will be forgiven except the sin against the Holy Spirit (sex) ..."

(must be understand that fornication is the lost of the Christ in Substance that is contained in the Seed, this means that is not necessarily to be bound by marriages ties marriage does not give you the license to spill out the Semen: that is the water of life that man and woman both carry on their living constitution, as well the sin forgiveness of all sins but against the Holy Spirit must be understood that the Holy Spirit is  the giver of life the Third Logos since that the first Logos is the Father and the Son the Second Logos and that statement of forgiveness comes from the Holy book )


Once, finding myself outside the physical body, I asked my Divine Mother Kundalini the following question: Is it possible that there in the physical world there is someone who can self-realization without Sexual Magic? The answer was terrible, awful. "Impossible my son, that's not possible." I was very impressed and touched in the depths of the soul...


And what shall we say about the Vayu Tattwa, air element? What is your relationship with the fruit of the vine? It is obvious that no drunkard could acquire the wonderful powers of Vayu Tattwa ... It is manifestly clear that the pure and without ferment of any kind is used successfully in the Ritual of PancaTattwa...


How does or how we could acquire the miraculous powers of the Tattwa Tejas igneous if we make the mistake of giving carnivores elements? Unfortunately human crowds or become radical vegetarians or become almost cannibalistic.


And what would we say about the Apas Tattva and its formidable powers? It is obvious that in fish the secret that allows us to control storms and walk on water is; unfortunately the people or hate seafood or abuse them.


How could we conquer the powers of Tattva Prithvi, the earth element, if we hate cereals, vegetables and plants or if we abuse of these foods?


From this it follows that all elements, both the earth and the flesh, are in essence absolutely pure. When the Vira enjoys pleasure without a personal dye mixture, it is revealed in sex the original cause of the Cosmos, the world of phenomena, the world of Maya.


Currents tattwa found in the Cosmos in line with the structure of forces and produce the evolution and devolution of the Universe, are manifested as a boundary of creation and the firstborn of Nature, so that an immense power rises and transforms the will of the Vira, who henceforth burns in the grill of Maha-Kundalini.


The wise writer Waldemar reads in one of his works:


"Prana, the sixth fundamental force not only effective in men, but is the vital principle of every being existing in the Universe."


"Prana is what is called the breath of God and resulting in organisms vital manifestations. For the enjoyment of the five elements of Ritual Pancatattwa are invigorated as it powers to flash in the sixth principle in the constitution of beings, that is in the Lingam-Sarira, the Ethereal Body. "


"If you know give due attention to the true nature of the will awakened by this flash, to capture it with conscious awareness and not just imaginatively but holding it with all the Intimate Being, a transport of transcendental order is made".


Unquestionably, the sparkle of wine, woman, meat, etc., after rotating the chakras of the vital body, come to update the superior forces of the Soul: Atman-Buddhi-Manas.


"In order that the dark mass of Tamas (latent power) is exceeded in its chaotic and inert state, they should be brought special moments of ecstatic emotion: the individual comes out of it somehow, and resources of wine and the act sexual play a decisive role here."


This exit out of it is, in the sense itself properly understood, one entering the force of the elements.


Tattwas currents found in the Cosmos are obviously subordinate to SHAKTI, to the POTENCY. Updated the power of the five elements in the living depths of the soul, it is clear that we become masters of the Tattvas. Then we can, if we want, to immortalize the physical body, pass through fire without getting burned, walk on water, calm or unleash storms, float in the air, unleash hurricanes, through any rock or mountain from side to side without receive the least harm, uttering words that numb or enchant venomous snakes, etc., etc., etc.


Om! Obedient to the Goddess, who resembles a snake asleep on the Swayambbulingam and wonderfully ornate, enjoys the beloved and other raptures. She is captivated by the wine and radiates like millions of rays. She will be awakened by air and fire, by the mantras Yam and Dram and by the mantra Hum (during sexual magic).


In the pronunciation of the mantra KRIM a great imagination must be used. It is necessary to infuse energy and transform it into magical force.


Such mantra is not only used in Sexual Magic, is ostensible that it forms part of the whole living Ritual Pancatattwa.


The Gnostic Vira when drinking wine or eating meat or fish or cereals, pronounces the mantra Krim (mentally) and intensifies your imagination so that the whole universe seems be filled by the Blessed Mother Goddess of the World.

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