Traveling all these countries, I had to live for some time in the city of conquistador Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada at the foot of the mountains of Monserrate and Guadalupe. At that time already very close to the Second World War, I was introduced to a friend in that city certainly very singular.

Sucre was called, and traveling had also come for university knowledge from some Atlantic port until the Andean summit.


With that friend of other times everything was very curious, to the unusual and the same presentation.


Someone whose name I mention not touch any night at the door of my home with the evident purpose of inviting a background conversation with the usual friend...


It was certainly not very beautiful site of the meeting; crummy shop with a small lounge.


And after all the formalities of presentation we enter the field of discussion.


It was glaringly evident the intellectual capacity of my new friend; theoretical subject, speculative, studious...


Founder of some theosophical lodge type is said and cited frequently Bablasky, Leadbeater, Annie Besant, etc.


In the exchange of ideas it is clear that shone by pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist exhibitions...


Had it not been for their love of hypnotism and exhibitionist desire that reunion of friends would have ended peacefully, but behold the devil puts his tail where ever you want.


It happened that this friend gave him to do demonstrations of his hypnotic power and approaching a gentleman of a certain age who was there sitting next to another table very politely begged serve as a taxable person for his experiment.


In the case of issues related to Hypnology is not over emphasize the idea that not all subjects are likely to fall into trance.


Sucre with his exhibitionist I is ostensible he did not want to be in a ridiculous, needed to show his power and so he did superhuman efforts to plunge into hypnotic sleep the gentleman.


But all was useless, while Sucre struggled and even suffered, that good gentleman himself thought the worst.


And suddenly as if struck by lightning on a dark night, it happened what had to happen; the passive gentleman jumped from his place rebuking Sucre, treating him of thief, swindler, villain, etc., etc. But our usual friend who was not a meek sheep, thundered and flashed.


And they flew through the air tables and chairs and cups and plates, and clamored the business owner among the great rumpus asking to be paid the bill.


Fortunately the police intervened and all was quiet; the poor Sucre had to pawn his luggage to pay the debt...


Past so that unpleasant that misfortune, we set a new date with the mentioned friend that obviously was quieter as to Sucre was not got into his head the crazy idea of ​​repeating his experiment.


Then we clarify many ideas and concepts of esoteric and occult background.


The one friend later entered college in order to get a good lawyer and obviously was a superb student.


Any given day, after many years, the mentioned friend invited me to dinner and table was a conversation about hidden treasures; then it occurred to me I narrate the following case.


"I was sleeping in my room, I said, when I was suddenly awakened by a strange noise underground or circulated mysteriously running northwest to the southwest."


"I sat startled by something so unusual sound from my bed to see what was happening."


"So great surprise I saw that in a corner of my bedroom the earth opened."


"And it arose as if by magic the ghost of an unknown woman with very small voice said to me many years I am dead; here in this place I buried a great treasure; bring them out you, it is for you."


Upon hearing my story Sucre vehemently begged me to bring him to the scene and it is clear that I would not deny this service ...


Another evening came to tell me that he had contacted the owner of the house (a very famous doctor of the city) and begged me to investigate whether or not if this personage was actually the owner of the property or not as he had his doubts.

I confess plainly and frankly that was not difficult to perform astral projection; I simply took advantage of the transition state between wakefulness and sleep.


In moments you start to doze got up from my bed and gently went outside. It is clear that the physical body was asleep in bed.


Thus the splitting of Eidolon was performed with full success; I still remember that remarkable psychic experiment faithfully.



Flying, floating in the astral atmosphere of planet Earth walked through several streets looking for the medical doctor's office...


Begged to my Elemental Intercessor take me to that office and is ostensible that I was attended...


At time to arrive to a certain house I understood; three steps leading to the cover of a sumptuous mansion...


I walked through those doors and found myself in a waiting room; I moved forward a little more and entered resolutely in the consulting room...


I examined in detail the interior of the latter; I saw a table and on it a typewriter and some other things; a window allowed to see a yard of the residence; and the doctor sat in and I could see on his aura the aforementioned property...


I returned very satisfied with the experiment to the physical body; the Eilodón is certainly extraordinary...


Early in the morning my friend came to know the result of my psychic experiment.


I narrated him in detail everything I had seen and heard; then I saw amazement in Sucre's face; he knew such office and data that I gave him proved accurate...


What happened next it is easy to guess; Sucre not only made the Doctor rented the house but also and this is the most curious, did his partner...


In those days I decided to get away from that city despite the pleas of that friend who insisted that I cancel my trip...


When I returned later, after a few years to that place, and everything had changed, that house had disappeared...


Then I found a barren arid land, horrible, stony ground, dreadfully boring...


And I saw high voltage electrical installations and dual pump motors and machines of every kind and well-paid workers, etc., etc., etc.


Sucre living there himself inside a room that looked more like a trench on a battlefield, entering and getting out, giving prevailing order to workers, etc., etc., etc.


The chamber was protected by gigantic rocks and its walls many small windows that could be opened or closed at will.


For those shutters Sucre watched what happened around him. Such peepholes were you "supposedly" very useful...


Occasionally at any outside noise was holding his pistol or rifle and then those openings could be seen from outside as opening or closing or peering through them the mouths of rifles or pistols...


So things was when I returned; then my friend told me that this was very coveted treasure, it was the famous golden calf that had so unnerved many people of the region and therefore was surrounded by greedy mortal enemies who had tried to assassinate him.


Bless my soul and Holy Mary! I said to myself ... at the wrong time I was to tell this friend that vision of the treasure ... it would have been better have closed mounth...


Another day full of optimism confessed that certainly twelve meters deep had found a doll of clay and inside the hollow head whippersnapper found a parchment on which was traced all the treasure map.


In the laboratory of doctor was carefully removed such parchment between the head of the puppet because with time and humidity had stuck too much. ...


According to the plan were to twelve meters deep four reservoirs located one to the east, another west, a third in the north and south last...


Such plane showed signs and accurate data and finally had a judgment signed with initials and last name.


"Whoever finds my treasure buried in deep wells, it will be pursued by the Church Patron and twenty days before not know that I took profits buried for me."


In those days and the second world war was well underway; Hitler had invaded many European countries and was preparing to attack Russia...


My friend was germanophile hundred percent and believed very seriously in Hitler's triumph...


It is clear therefore that influenced by the political tactics of Hitler today signed a peace treaty with any country and the next day he attacked, he would not work according to the directions of the plane...


Sucre said to himself: "These indications are an oversight ... The treasure is many meters below the doll; said four deposits do not interest me "...


So he left and went indications thoroughly; when I looked into that hole, I only saw a cliff, black, deep, frightening...


- "Friend Sucre, I said: You have made a very serious mistake, has left the treasure above in the four reservoirs and has gone to the bottom, no one buried so deep treasure"...


It is clear that such words uttered by me carrying the fragrance of sincerity and the perfume of courtesy...


However, we must speak plainly to emphasize the ego of greed.


Unquestionably the latter stood out exorbitant in my friend combined with cunning, distrust and violence.


No way was for me something unusual that Sucre then thundered and flashes ranting and even foisting things which I had never thought of.


Poor Sucre! ... Threatened to kill me, he thought for a moment that I "supposedly" was very much agree with his aforementioned enemies, perhaps in order to steal the treasure ...


After all and seeing my dreadful serenity invited me to his "trench refuge" for coffee...


Before definitely stay away from that Hispanic city in other times known as New Granada, that friend brought me another request;  wholeheartedly pleaded study with the Eidolon his underground work.


I also wanted to do an astral exploration at that depth and so I agreed to his request...


It happened in an exquisite full moon night I slept very quiet supine (face up) and with good body relaxed...


No worries I decided to watch, spy, my own dream ... I wanted to use for my astral out that existing state of transition between wakefulness and slumber...


When began the process of dreaminess, when they started to appear own dream images, delicately and feeling myself spirit, I made an effort to eliminate laziness and then I got out of bed...


I left my room as if it were a ghost, walking delicately and then left the house...


On the streets of the city floated delightfully filled with an exquisite spiritual voluptuousness...


It was not difficult to get in my bearings; Suddenly I was in the place of events, in the realm of facts...


Before that horrible black hole that already had more than seventy meters deep, a dwarf old man, a pygmy, a gnome respectable white beard looked me innocent...


Floating in the atmosphere descended gently to the aqueous bottom of the nefarious hole of greeds...


In my sidereal feet touching the slime of the wet and gloomy land, I did with pleasantness another effort and penetrated inside this under downhole...


How gently down with the Eidolon under the black seat in such a den of that well lots of water! ...


Examining in detail every granite rock submerged under the chaotic waters, I entered very deeply under that underground...


Clearly, my friend of yore had left the fabulous treasure up there as we have said in previous paragraphs...


Now in these abysmal regions, I saw only before my insignificant person, stones, mud, water...


But suddenly something unusual happens, I'm at a horizontal channel by leaving the field that is directed towards the street...


What a surprise! Sucre nothing had told me about this, he never told me that in such deep thought to make a horizontal drilling...


I slid serenely with the Eidolon by into the aforementioned channel flooded by the waters, I moved forward a little more and then came to the surface on the side of the street...


Concluded the astral exploration returned to my physical body; research was obviously wonderful...


Later, when I reported all this to my friend, I saw him very sad, this man suffered the unspeakable, wanted gold, emeralds, riches, greed was swallowing him alive...


But he was justified by saying that all that treasure needed him to make a proletarian revolution, supposedly needed to invest that money on armaments, etc.


How horrible is greed! ... In such a place reigned only fear, distrust, revolver, rifle, espionage, cunning, thoughts of murder, the desire to command, prevail, climb to the top of the staircase, make itself felt ... etc.


When I left that city I resolved to never again intervene in those motives of greed ...


"Sell that ye have, he said Christ, and give alms; provide purses  for yourself that will not wear, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. "

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