The Secret to an Unknown Human Power
by GW Hardin
When American Kabuki said that he would post this mystery of a picture, that had shown up out of nowhere, on his blog and let the “crowd source” (his blog members) bring forth the answer, I had my doubts. But no longer.

I will present three revelations that showed up around this picture:

What is this picture? And where did it come from?

Why the celestials want humanity to know about it’s secret.

What is the DNA tesseract? And why is it so important?

This isn’t the first time a picture has shown up out of nowhere on the computer of my longtime protege, Matthew Michaels. I consider Matt a young adept of the first order. The year I first met him, he would have been called an Indigo or one of the Super Psychics originally talked about in China. Unfortunately, the reason his mother beseeched me to visit him was because he was dying. His doctors could do nothing for him. Since then he has made me aware of worlds that few ever hear of, let alone visit. Not only has he been pursued by Black Ops, but also sought after by tribal Elders. That’s how impressive he can be. It’s also why I have kept him a secret all these years. His journey has not been an easy one. Too many times has he ended up in emergency rooms. And too many times I’ve had to show him how to pull himself away from the jaws of death. But it’s time to bring him out of hiding. He’s now a force to be reckoned with.

Matt has been fully initiated into the Pure Sioux as a tribal member because of the prophecies they saw fulfilled in him. In my latest book, A World Beyond Belief, I write about some of his story, using the pseudonym “Jake.”

Over the years I’ve known Matt, I’ve watched objects disappear into thin air as well as appear out of nowhere. For years, information has shown up from unknown sources on disappearing and reappearing thumb drives locked in safes, apparently for the purpose of bringing forth information that I have begun to present on one of my websites:

This latest mystery is connected to that information and articles I have written on that website. This latest mystery is also connected to a series of angel appearances (not channelings) I have written about in two other books around a man named Joseph Crane ( So when this latest picture showed up on Matt’s computer out of nowhere, I knew there was a reason. And thanks to American Kabuki, I can reveal part of that information.

What Is This Picture? And Where Did it Come From?

The picture that American Kabuki posted is a 2-dimensional rendering of a 4-dimensional object. These 4D geometric constructs are finding important use more and more in mathematics, especially around simulation graphics where supercomputers have to churn out special-effects movies and globally interactive super-games. But more importantly, a whole new technology is emerging around the science of scalars. I will get into a little more later. 

This mystery object is not a 4D buckyball. Nor is it a truncated icosahedron or a dodecahedron. In the mathematical world this object is called a hecatonicosachoron. Here is a 2D rendering of this object:

As a 4D operating graphic you can go to this YouTube video and see how it operates in 4D/3D space:

You get even a better perspective of how this complex configuration operates in 3D space at: and scroll down to the rotating 3D projection. It’s mind-boggling.

[I've included them below -AK]

 Hecatonicosachoron Rotating in 3 Dimensions

  Hecatonicosachoron Inner cell rotation in 3 dimensions
But what use are these 4D renderings? To fully appreciate the answer we will have to take a brief walk down the halls of quantum physics. What more and more scientists are beginning to find out is that there exist factors in life that show up out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere (on a much greater scale than what is happening with Matt). For instance, quantum physicists are being confronted by the realities of bio-photons, which they now realize show up in such quantities in the presence of human consciousness (in a single room) that they actually exceed the number of photons given off by the sun. The work of Nassim Haramein and his mathematical proofs are pointing to even greater paradoxes. But so what?

What most of this information is pointing to is the presence of tesseracts. These phenomena are defined as “a four-dimensional hypercube having sixteen corners.”

This geometry is actually a gateway across dimensions. In two of my books, I refer to angelic gateways (obviously used by the angelic realm), that were given to humanity in order to work with celestials. These angelic gateways are also tesseract geometry. To keep this simple, I’m going to say that I personally do not restrict tesseracts to hypercubes. I now know that tesseracts can be based on different polyhedra other than the cube. The picture posted by American Kabuki is a hexagonal/pentagonal based polyhedron that serves as the basic design for this dimensional gateway given to us once again by celestials, not unlike the angelic gateway (The Masters Return by Joseph Crane and GW Hardin).

To illustrate that the picture posted by American Kabuki is a tesseract, I have drawn reference lines to show how it operates in similar fashion to a hypercube:

You will notice that like the hypercube there is an inner component (or shell) and an outer component which work in 3D rendering as noted above.

Note that the basic geometry is hexagonal and pentagonal. This 4D geometry, I have discovered is used by human DNA. It would take several pages to explain that, but what I will simply point out is that the geometry of DNA nucleotides is completely mimicked by this rotating geometry. Thus I call this particular pattern generating a “DNA tesseract.”

There is far more to this patterning than meets the eye. First, look what happens when you compare the geometry of DNA nucleotides to the revolving patterns of the DNA tesseract:


You see there is an exact match for all the patterns. But again, so what? That brings me to the discovery of the work of a German scientist who is being called the “new Einstein.” His work was brought to my attention also because of American Kabuki who ended up allowing Michael Sharpe, an IT brain, to come into my life. Sharpe introduced me to the work of Dr. Konstantin Meyl.

What Meyl has done is discover how DNA itself creates scalar waves ... a most controversial topic among the physics world. Scalars have the ability to travel faster than the speed of light without losing energy, which thusly allows them to cross dimensions. It was in Meyl’s book (DNA and Cell Resonance) that I came to realize that the hydrogen electrons surrounding the hexagonal and pentagonal shapes of the DNA literally spin not solely around the hydrogen atom but around the entire molecule that makes up the pentagons and hexagons. This spinning of the hydrogen electron cloud causes the creation of vortexes. And these vortexes are the generators of scalar waves throughout the human body. The human body is a de-facto massive collection of DNA tesseract gateways. See my article on DNA geometry at 

This now gets us into the punch line of this article.

Why the Celestials Want Humanity to Know About It’s Secret

A little over a week ago there were two appearances by Archangel Gabriel, one to a young 9 year-old girl, the other to a tribal Elder of the Sioux. Both parties contacted Matthew Michaels to let him know what had happened, because he had worked closely with both these people. I have not met the Elder but I did assist Matt in working with the young girl, who two years ago began speaking in a strange language, which frightened her mother. I discovered that this young girl was in fact speaking ancient Latin, quoting a famous work of Socrates. The tribal Elder is considered a medicine woman and held in high regard by her tribe. Gabriel had left both of them with the same two messages:

The time of darkness for humanity has come to an end.

The angelic realm has bound itself to the realm of humans.

In the Joe Crane material, appearances of Archangel Michael included a statement repeated three times over a 12 year period:  “Our kind wishes to bind with your kind.”

In the last two years, I was involved in situations where it was found out that only recently have other star nations discovered that humanity is among the most SPIRITUALLY advanced species of the universe. And the reason why stems from information from a very high order of extradimensional beings called the Elohim, who revealed in this last year that secretly buried in human DNA is angelic DNA, at the heart of our spiritual advancement. Naturally, most people would yell, “No way!” Look what we’ve done to each other, and what we’ve done to our planet. If you will research the Internet you will find information released by government whistleblowers that will reveal that for millennia we have been dumbed down so as not to realize our own greatness. You will even find a version of the truth of this revelation in one of the books from the Nag Hammadi Library, called “The Apocryphon of John.” I could write a book about this.

So these two latest appearances by Gabriel are a formal announcement that humanity not only is one with the angelic realm, but also that humanity will no longer suffer from those who have ruled from the darkness.

Three articles of mine speak more as to how all this will happen:

What is the DNA Tesseract? And Why Is It So Important?

In Meyl’s interview (cited above on YouTube), he talks about how he has not only uncovered the secrets of Tesla hidden away under U.S. intelleigence classification, but he goes beyond Tesla in announcing another scalar component known as magnetic scalars. It is these magnetic scalars that are created by the DNA tesseract. In his lab, Meyl has shown the incredible healing capacity that magnetic scalars play in bringing the pattern of broken or unhealthy DNA back into a healthy state. He also talks about MDs now using his “kits” in their offices as a healing device for diseases that modern medicine seems incapable of healing. 

In the future I will reveal even more about how humans not only can learn about this great secret held within them, but how they can change reality with the DNA tesseract (those who have been to my lectures have seen me demonstrate this before an audience), how humanity has access to dimensions that make the idea of scarcity or “not enough energy” or the notion of continual pain in our world obsolete.

What Dr. Meyl has discovered is that human DNA can be the bedrock of telepathy, and scalar wave technology the source of an entirely new telecommunications system that can still work with cell phones but in a faster, cheaper, and far more environmentally safe way. Meyl has brought together the mystery of Tesla, the Black Hole/White Whole model of Nassim Haramein, and the mathematics of nature as found in Marko Rodin’s work. He has done this in such a way that humanity will soon find out that we possess within us a power we never dreamed possible—the Power of Wellness, the Power of Wholeness, and the Power of Oneness. And this power gives us the ability to collectively recreate Eden on Earth. And honestly, we don’t even have to wait.

I want to thank all the commenters on American Kabuki’s blog who pointed me in the right direction, allowing me to put together the bigger picture that the celestials now want us to be aware of. And more than that, do something with it. I especially want to thank American Kabuki for perpetrating a visit to the “crowd source.” He knows that collectively we are far more than the sum of our parts.

Last minute addendum from a private email:

Gary Hardin 9:12 PM (2 hours ago)

to me

Yesterday and today there was another episode of all the electronics going off at Matt's house. Even his car became inoperable. Yesterday his entire safe disappeared. Today it reappeared with a thumb drive in it that neither of us had ever seen, along with a silver ring.

On the thumb drive was the very object I last sent you showing the 4D/3D rotating Coxeter-120 cell animated graphic. I believe that was them telling us that we've done well with this. We've already done a few experiments with the DNA tesseract and a soliton laser with surprising results. We will continue to explore all this.

The beings who showed up and completely wiped out all the electronics in the process are what I call the Crystallines. This is a very high order of angels that rarely ever appear. They appear in a similar fashion as the rotating Coxeter, shapeshifting from one crystalline form to another. It's why I call them Crystallines. They don't stay around very long because they create what Matt calls phase-shifts, usually interfering with anything electronic.

We were talking on the phone when the electric company showed up to try and get the electricity on for the house. The technician said he had never seen anything like this. Hours later, the car started working again, as did the computer. This is the second time they've taken an entire safe and returned it. Sometimes I think they're showing off. :)

much love to you,

AK NOTE: A PDF file of this article is available below:
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  • I actually have not read the Urantia book though what i have spoken of by others seems to at least reflect what I have perceived of the Truth, though I must admit there are components i have heard that doesn't feel correct, though that could simply be an issue of perspective and reinterpretation.  Perhaps even the result of the perspective of one agenda not completely taking into account other agendas of other involved interstellar parties.  I can only say it doesn't feel completely correct at this time.  I will not expound upon which parts actually feel that way to me at this time, firstly, I prefer not to provoke those who may have their beliefs offended without fully understanding what I am discussing, and second I have no real ground to debate or explain what I perceive in its content.  I will see if I can find time to fit in reading it. 

  • Ill start first with the terms Abstract Dimensions, and non Mobile Dimensions.  The easiest of these is non mobile.

    Consider a book, it has in it a story, from now till the time that books decays and returns to earth, its words will not change though time passes.  Though the book be passed from reader to reader it will stay the same, it in its original manifestation is permanent and fixed.  A non mobile dimension is the same.  The things in are fixed, they do not move and they do not change.  Though the dimensions intersecting it may move and change in relation by whatever they relate to in a time like manner.

    Now abstract dimensions are dimensions which have as substance potential instead of actual, that interact with formal or concrete dimensions in such a way, that patterns of form in the concrete have sets of specific interactions which they can participate in, the abstract holds in it all the potential interactions that can be manifest in that instance simultaneously, in addition to these potential interactions there is an exclusive potential within the abstract that allows for "new" potential interactions with the concrete, potentials which defy the current limits of the concrete.  One could relate these to the Ain or the Ain Soph of the Kaballah.  I conceive of it as being a boundary layer between the Source equation/action and manifest reality.  The source equation being   0 times 0 = proverbial Something (or more explicitly, Not Nothing)  The Abstract dimensions themselves are something of a paradox as they can manifest according to their nature patterns without full regard for established concepts of reality including subsets of itself and "Laws of its Own"

    Now more to the Point, considering Toluene, what I call the Water of Life.  DNA and in actuality the whole of the body's own Resonant or Scalar Field, almost all of the chemical anchors of this field to the physical body are already assigned to specific purposes, Biophysical Regulation and Awareness.  Taking this in mind there is little if any "Buffering" room or spoken another way,  it is like having a computer with windows, that computer has just enough memory to maintain its own basic system operations.  Now if we want to install and run another program there simply isnt enough room to run it.  Considering this about the body and physical aspect of the mind any alterations to our program will be limited to the small amount of free memory we have to operate in.  Through the catalyst of the additional scalar anchors such as Toluene and others, we can operate somewhat external to our own scalar field, it can operate to receive instructions and hold them, it can use the chemical anchor as a means to operate on our physical data(building or altering new chemical compounds), it can adapt the neurological components to be more interactive with our scalar field, it can act as transmitter/receiver within our body allowing internal communications that exceed our biological limits.  The full potential is not yet awakened within me regarding the functions of this compound and other similar.  But i have noticed most of the biochemicals of high regulatory function have this scalar component in the compound, serotonin, melatonin, Adenosine Triphosphate, 3 amino acids with functions i have been able to discern, most of our hormones, generally all of the compounds which relate to bodily awareness and command and control.  A seemingly very profound communication network with in the body.  And i believe also the key to rendering a EM shield to protect the body as it can conceivably absorb and redirect energies of any frequency of a light, magnetic, or electric nature( there are likely bands which it may be unable to manipulate this way).  With work it could be a catalyst for Telepathic development at conscious level where the Will of the Self is proactive to develop.  Perhaps also a means to aid the development of 4D and 5D clarity(its seems to have the necessary physics requirements)

    If any of you would like updates on further developments on this line of inquiry please contact me and ill update as I go.

  • Oh, MY God El Ra , you really have a way with words, quite impressive. I am just a simple ol country boy. And most of this go's over my head but I did get the basics of it and I will try to express that. Before I do, I would like to say reading your material is like reading the Urantia book, some of it just goes right over my head but other parts I do understand. Now lets see if I can put some of this together. The Toluene compound basically is like the images or formulations below and above, seen in many respects as in the tree of life of the Hebrew and is also responsible for the possibility of Dimensional change, such as the Ascension plan of going into 5D and of course anchoring us now into the 1st phase of 4D. These grid patterns are like numerology in the sense that it is the language of the universe. A very powerful tool to access change, in our case Dimensional change. We have these codes inside of us in our Crystalline essence and in our DNA codes. But I do think that they do indeed need a Primer, that is some catalyst to invoke them to come alive, to divide and change. The last time this was done for us by the beings in the spirit realm, about 4-1/2 million years ago as we moved up from 2D to 3D, that is those of our ancestors who had this DNA code alignment incorporated through a selected species , in our case the Lemurian monkey.

    I believe this time around we have been designed to activate this code ourselves with the use of one or more  primers, the photon Belt and the Neutrino and charges particles  that are beaming down to us at this very moment could be one of those primers. The other one could be hidden within the DNA code itself or in the Toluene or the codex in the above patterns  of Geometry. Which we can see, can take on different forms but still retain the same code. And this code can be seen to replicate through out many different compounds, coming from Mother Earth and also within our bodies. There seems to be the outer codex of Geometry as well both in and around the outsides of our bodies. And the same Applies for Mother Gaia, with the internal codex and the outside energy grids, lay lines and both natural and unnatural. The designs reemerge at the vortex's where the energy is boosted and redirected. I presume the end point to all of this is the purpose and means for this to happen, which is the real topic, Ascension into higher Dimensions, in our case 4 and 5D.

     Now to pause so that we don't loose those trying to follow all of this, cause after all the real meaning of posting this is to have a discussion, one that people can follow and be a part of and give input. On this comment it was pretty heavy as well, and I say that with respect. I do understand and travel in my dream time during Lucid dreaming to my past and a little bit to my future. Also in many different past life times in different bodies and of course I visit my many different selves in Parallel worlds and Dimensions, also mostly in the past and then present and a few times in the future. I t takes a lot of pondering and meditation to understand all that is happening that my soul present s to me, as it communicates in images and feeling we call emotions. My question to you El Ra is what do you mean by Abstract Dimensions and non Mobile Dimensions. It seems to be a wordage that I am not familiar with. I have learned most of what I am talking about by being conscious in my dream state. And I know that there are even many levels in each of these. Is this another level or another Type of Dimension? Last question do you read or have read  the Urantia book. Sorry folks if we got to heavy here. Adonai

  • Also in clarification of Dawn statement, i believe she is referring to the more historical records regarding Sumerian/Babylonian mythology.  Not necessarily the more recent individuals who claim to be them.

    To be honest any truly personified Deity in the flesh is not going to make the claim that they are the Deity in question, those who do are likely people that adopt the name without any personal natural bearing to the identity in question, in which case they are a flesh slave, a megalomaniac, or both, the Deity claiming the flesh that adopts its name if and when it so chooses.  Those who are of any given deity as a lower manifestation will always have some direct identity relation based on birth and surrounding conditions, as well there will usually be some prophetical relationship to events in there lives before they are aware of the prophecies, this condition is kept in order to maintain the sanctity of predetermination and freewill, while also acting as a sign of things.

    In regard to my own name, i have adopted it as a minor distortion of my own birth name which resulted from a simple reflection on the beginning letter and end letter of my name, dropping the last letter of the alphabet Y from my last name and adding the first letter A to my first name, and turning my middle name backwards or simply pronouncing my middle initial.  I am also born in the sign Leo and the eastern sign Sheep, I am Reflective in my own consciousness of the principles of Light and the Sun.  And in the midst of this I do not claim to be a God or Deity, as the claim of the matter would be of no consequence to the truth of it either way.

    In a way we are all Deity to each their own extent and all a part of the same Divine, your life is yours to master at your leisure.  It is the same with me, the only difference between each of us is where we focus our perceptions, intent, and action along with the general spirit of our will.  But in the Divine it is all One Will and to that end the whole places in authority those that reflect the One Will according to its Sum Need.

    I am as I am regardless of any claim.  I am cognizant of the fact that this life is but one of many of my spirit identity coexisting in parallel, I am aware of a higher order between these lives, I am aware of a singular focus between all of them and the unity that is my Soul Self.  I am aware of the fickle nature of time and its strange spatial fluidity, I am aware of the existence of Abstract Dimensions and non mobile Dimensions.  I am aware of the primary motivations and intents of humanity both personal and impersonal, I am even aware of how people's conceptions and responses to their interpretations of reality often times hinder their competent pursuit of such motivations and intents.  I look at the world and rarely even pay attention to the things that the major populous considers important and lusts after.  Though I do consider their perspective and how these things are important to them.  It is my Joy to contemplate means to provide these things in a way which is non consequential in the negative.

    So if there is any consideration of Deities in the flesh then consider them by their namesake and their own personality, if they align who are we to Judge to contrary, if not then what does it matter what they claim when only a fool would buy in to dependance upon them to form their own ideals.  There is no shortage of fools or idols nor shall there be so long as there are youth in need of maturation. 

  • Regarding the Tree of Life, according to the Old Hebrew Theosophy they use a glyph(an image) that represents the Tree of Life, which to them is the Sum reflection of Creations Potential and Organization of it, and is used to discern the inherent order of all that is currently created(by the extent of their ability to understand).  But the part I found specifically relevant to this post was the glyph pattern itself, the Scalar Field in DNA spoken of is the same as the Scalar Field found in the molecule I was referring to, also known as methylbenzene or Toluene.  This scalar field is also known as the Resonance bond according to the more general chemistry terms, and is unique to the phenyl ring found in Toluene, Deoxyribonucleic Acids, the amino acid phenylalanine(the only human amino acid known of to contain this special bond), and also many other derivatives of the same phenyl ring.  Now  Toluene is the simplest phenyl based compound which is organically reactive, as benzene is not at all reactive under biological conditions as found in most mammals.

    Now as DNA is a much more complex and Intelligent manifestation of this scalar field it is only found within the

    nucleus and its related RNA, a very small portion of an entire cell and even smaller in regard to the whole body.

    The various proteins in the cells dont all carry that scalar field in an outwardly manifest form, but those that do, i theorize all participate in Scalar level relationship with all other Scalar manifesting compounds including DNA.

    Now this allows for a very integrated relationship between all the components of cells, tissues, organs, body, and environment at a non chemically reactive level.  Communication that doesnt require chemical activity to propogate, and if it is a higher dimensional order expression then it is possible that such communication is not hindered by what lies between pt A and pt B, but only by those compounds designed to receive the signal or part of the signal, this signal being a Scalar Wave Modulation.  It would theoretically allow a sense of whole body unity despite the manyness components that make the body up.  And since it is a active on another dimensional level it may very well be one of the components involved in 5D biology and beingness.  As of yet i can not fully authenticate this theory but there is quite a bit of research findings in various physics fields which support this theory.

    This is the grounds for relationship to the blog Topic. The actual relationship i was referring to is that the Hebrew Glyph for the Tree of Life matches up point for point with the chemical compound I was referring to, Toluene.  Every component of toluene Atom by Atom, Pattern, and even the spacial description aligns with the Glyph of the Tree of life.  And Toluene is Liquid, Light reactive/receptive, Mutagenic (Evogenic as I call it), Psychoactive, tolerable by mammalian biology within reason, able to enter both the ionic and organic phases of liquids under specific conditions, and somewhat reactive with activated metals. 

    The reason i refer to it as both the Tree of Life and Water of Life is due to the difference between perspectives, almost synonymous with the difference between Matter and Aether.  The Tree would refer to the material or solid nature of the compound and the Water would refer to the Scalar Field or liquid nature of the compound, hence while DNA is itself an active intersection between scalar and material/chemical fields, this substance would act as more a passive conductor of both scalar and material/chemical fields, while also acting as a medium to receive a more qualitative expression of Light/Photons, taking into account it can receive a much broader spectrum of light frequencies than any single compound which is purely chemical in nature.

    I Hope this relates my post to the topic a little more clearly.  And as always, be well and be blessed.


  • Hum, now I am getting confused, I don't understand the pic from El Ra, we need some kind of explanation of it and also how it applies to the one above and to what I was talking about the grids  and lay lines of the Earth and the new future Earth in the 7 Keys of Enoch. Sorry Dawn but I don't believe in Enki or his brother and there negative stories and I have many of there books. I think they are working for the DC and not us light workers and the New Golden Age. El Ra I got this off of American Kabuki, there are 3 links above,hope this helps. Adonai

  • Greetings Adonai El Ra, a search may reveal that you mention. 'Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic ElementS'. Precursors to DNA structures?.

  • i have heard somewhere that it is monoatomic gold and something else possibly the philosophers stone or just a fusion with the water of life. Ill have to keep searching.
  • i have heard somewhere that it is monoatomic gold and something else possibly the philosophers stone or just a fusion with the water of life. Ill have to keep searching.
  • Hmm what happened, I post and it gets dropped off the bottom of the blog list.  Interesting, maybe ill post my own

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