A collective of the Angels with Archangel Jophiel ~ Purpose of Life, 18 June, 2013
There is a divine life purpose, there is a purpose in everything that you do and everyone one you meet has a purpose. It is quite a broad subject for us to cover.
Let us begin with the broad spectrum of your mission as a collective. You are of a collective and you can't always see, or grasp the vastness of that until you remove your veils of forgetfulness. To experience this separateness, you had to forget this collective, although some of you are re-remembering it as we speak. Your mission as a collective is to re-remember love.
To experience a journey and find the love of home and bring it to you here. To re-remember that you are all brothers and sisters and part of the light of all that is. And you have truly been getting better at it as you go along. You have been beautifully evolving each year, each decade, each millennium. Humanity has been evolving since its remembrance as a species and you are continuing to do so. You are fulfilling your destiny, truly it is Our destiny, and we thank you.So remember that every single day you put people and create situations in your life to help you re-remember love.
To remember that together you are stronger, to speak your truth with love, and to fall in love with life. Bringing balance with your mental and emotional selves will greatly help this task. You can use the power of your thought, with the power to keep your focus, your strength and your goodwill and combine with your originality and ingenuity to bring about the growth that you desire.
To see the spiritual growth you desire, your ability to tap into your resources of the 6th sense variety, expand your creativity, originality and ingenuity, will help you create what you desire.And Victory is yours.
Your desires are coming to fruition, so keep up the good work, keep up the marching forward and watch to see what you create. Have patience sometimes for the process, but do not let it set you off your course.
The timing is always perfect and it is a great time to start a brand new cycle and remember that a happy outcome follows your positive expectations. Your desired outcome will occur.
A Collective of Angel Lights.
There is a divine life purpose, there is a purpose in everything that you do and everyone one you meet has a purpose. It is quite a broad subject for us to cover.
Let us begin with the broad spectrum of your mission as a collective. You are of a collective and you can't always see, or grasp the vastness of that until you remove your veils of forgetfulness. To experience this separateness, you had to forget this collective, although some of you are re-remembering it as we speak. Your mission as a collective is to re-remember love.
To experience a journey and find the love of home and bring it to you here. To re-remember that you are all brothers and sisters and part of the light of all that is. And you have truly been getting better at it as you go along. You have been beautifully evolving each year, each decade, each millennium. Humanity has been evolving since its remembrance as a species and you are continuing to do so. You are fulfilling your destiny, truly it is Our destiny, and we thank you.So remember that every single day you put people and create situations in your life to help you re-remember love.
To remember that together you are stronger, to speak your truth with love, and to fall in love with life. Bringing balance with your mental and emotional selves will greatly help this task. You can use the power of your thought, with the power to keep your focus, your strength and your goodwill and combine with your originality and ingenuity to bring about the growth that you desire.
To see the spiritual growth you desire, your ability to tap into your resources of the 6th sense variety, expand your creativity, originality and ingenuity, will help you create what you desire.And Victory is yours.
Your desires are coming to fruition, so keep up the good work, keep up the marching forward and watch to see what you create. Have patience sometimes for the process, but do not let it set you off your course.
The timing is always perfect and it is a great time to start a brand new cycle and remember that a happy outcome follows your positive expectations. Your desired outcome will occur.
A Collective of Angel Lights.