
A Great Event Will Take Place in the Ethers ~ via Jose Sanchez

After a couple of weeks of having a wonderful time, I was seating at the hairdresser waiting for my beloved to have her hair done and while waiting I,received this message as a beautiful download. It all came about as We were talking about angels and the archangel Zadkiel.
I truly hope you enjoy this message as much as I did receiving it and having the vision of what's taking place.
Much love to you all.
Greetings beloved I come to you with the love of the all and I speak to you heart to heart.
I am here to bestow a message of love upon all that wish to listen.
It is a great blessing being offered now.
In July 25th a great event will take place in the ethers.
A wonderful chain of events will grab hold and bring forth from the higher spheres a transformational and transmutational energy.
Heaven will step down its energy and bless Mother Earth and humanity with a divine dispensation that will echo through eternity.
The Elohim, The angles from all spheres will raise their wings and in unison will chant praise to the most high for the absolute blessings brought down to help in the ascension of humanity and your beloved Mother.
It is a tremendous task embraced by the great white brotherhood of love and light and through their pleas all of heaven has now answered.
All beings of the light through the infinite universe are now and specially on the earth time of the 25th of July infusing with their light. This infusion will increase 10 fold and all in earth will become aware and your hearts shall rejoice.
Light is taking its divine right in the hearts of all humans.
No more shall darkness dictate the direction in which humanity heads but now it is up to humanity to embrace light through the original dispensation of true divine free will.
Humans arise and take your place at the helm of your existence And move forth in your power as beings of the light embraced by the pure love of our divine creator.
Light is now prevalent in every corner of the planet in spite of all that is happening as it is all a liberation of the hearts of all and the spirit of freedom and liberty are free to awaken the hearts of everyone that has felt suppressed.
14 days on from the 25th of July a great rebirth is taking place in and around Mother Earth.
In conjunction with the new energies brought by the blue comet a new light, a new template of existence is being birthed and love is the grand awakening.
Darkness is officially removed on that day from around the earth no more shall that cloud pollute and sully Mother's beautiful spark.
It is now time for your mother to put on her gown of light, the greatest dance and banquet of all eternity is now offered in her honor for her grand and amazing service to us all, to you all.
Thank you beloved and blessings in your journey of love.
The heart of the All.
Before you leave I have a question....
Will I or people in general feel or be aware of this event?
Thank you for your question and I'm happy to address your question.
Many of your sensitives and your psychic and intuitive ones will feel and be aware of this event in dream state and wake state.
As for the masses that have been "unaware" they will certainly feel it and see it through their dreams.
And many more shall awaken and become aware in their waking state. This is a process so great in its magnitude that everyone will be aware at a conscious level even if in a small way.
Thank you. Again blessing a to you all with much love.
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  • I agree with you Peter we have to be careful what we ask for, but God never gives us more than what we can handle. So I believe we will all get the amount of energy that we can safely handle as we keep moving ever upward and onward in our Ascension plan. And this event, however big or small is a part of it. It is one of the many steps or levels that we are to ascend in our ongoing Ascension career. There taking off the training wheels and no more blinders as well. We are soon going to take our 1st baby steps into the higher Dimensions of Density.This probably should have happened last yr. but as they say "better late than never" right,huh. Adonai

  • Be careful what you ask for Rev...

    They powers that be can only push so hard.

    the masses. would have a melt down if things were turned up too quickly.

    People that know better are going sideways at the moment trying to cope with the current energies..

    I do tend to agree with you that this coming event is going to give us a kick along.

  • Right Peter, I hope this is the one but truthfully I think there will be many, each time boosting us up a notch or two. But I do think it could be a big one maybe bigger than the last 2 or 3. I hope they keep given us more info on this, we need a pick me up, seems we have slowed down in one way bt time itself has speeded up in another way, huh. Adonai
  • Timely message Rev.

    Just a little but longer.


  • Thank you Veru for sharing your positive comment. I to hope this is a big one for we really need our batteries charged now. I felt something the last couple of events but it soon faded. Lets hope this event kick starts us to the get go. I think it could be a big one why else would they send 3 blogs out in 3 days. Oh yes AAM said to watch for the Mercaba in the sky's on the 29th, I presume thats the western hemisphere , so ck 28th and 29th. I am going to get the video camera out that I bought for the 12-21 event and see if I can capture something this time around. .L&L ,Adonai

  • This is the 3rd warning of a opening in the star grid or gate. Some say its a portal opening but at any rate something or rather some high energy is coming to earth at that time or time-less period of between the 25- 26th and he 4-5th Aug. We could really use this burst of new energy. The last report says its a alignment of planets, see AA Michaels last blog. HIs 1st blog says its a Celestial event coming from the heavens. I wonder if the Photon Belt has any thing to do with this Event, I believe I wrote about this last yr. When  we will fully enter the Photon Belt on that time period. Some even thought this would be the time of the 3 days of darkness but so far no one from the AA has mentioned it. At any rate it should be one heck of a ride, then we can say,are we there yet !Adonai

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