Council of Light equinoxYour world is entering a period of immense destabilization.
In past messages we have referred to Chaotic Nodes as unexpected catalytic and chaotic changes. We have also noted in past communications that multiple Chaotic Nodes are emerging, and their interaction is what we are referring in this message as destabilization.
(see a previous Hathor message titled Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality).
This destabilization of your world is occurring at the ecological, social and individual levels of existence.
Let’s begin with the ecological issues.
Your planetary environment is, essentially, being poisoned. The acidification of your oceans, the overuse of pesticides, chemical agents and fossil fuels are all interacting to create an ecological Chaotic Node of immense proportions. Indeed, a growing number of your scientists are saying that your Earth is entering the beginning stages of a “6th mass extinction.”
We will turn our attention to the ramifications of these issues in a moment but let us address the other two levels first.
At a social level your world is entering a highly volatile and destabilizing state. This is a complex situation but addressing the most rudimentary levels we would say you are witnessing a clash of cultural values as well as the impact of both climate change and war on migrations of human populations, some of which are being caused by circumstances and some of which are being manipulated by power brokers behind the scenes.
The third level is the individual—you—the one reading this message.
This is also a complex situation and there are several levels involved. One of these levels has to do with the poisoning of your planet’s environment that we mentioned earlier. And as a result of climate change and deforestation, new forms of bacteria and viruses are being spread globally.
These microforms of life are not inert. They are living intelligences that evolve, and they are evolving very rapidly in ways that will make your current medical methodologies for dealing with them ineffective.
A second challenge to your individual stability has to do with the magnetic shifts and dimensional alterations that are unfolding on your planet. Because your nervous system operates according to the principles of bio-electromagnetism, the neural networks in your nervous systems are being challenged by these shifts and alterations. Some of you, especially those who are energetically sensitive, will be prone to this more than others. But increasingly, no one will be exempt.
Communications between human beings will get more challenging—to be gracious about it.
What may surprise you is that some of these challenges will arise in close friendships and intimate relationships. You may find that seemingly insignificant external events can set off tsunamis of emotional responses.
There are two primary reasons for this phenomenon.
The first has to do with the destabilization of your nervous system making it more prone to losing its center. And the second level has to do with the process of catalytic evolution that you are undergoing as a human being at this point in time. What we mean by this is what has been hidden is being revealed. The deepest catacombs of your subconscious are being turned over like a plow cutting through a field. This is essentially a very disturbing state to deal with especially for those of you who think of yourselves as spiritual beings.
If you are of the opinion that being a spiritual being requires that you always be in a state of bliss and happiness then you will find this purification process deeply disturbing, but it is—quite frankly—required for individual evolution and liberation from the restrictions imposed by your religions and confining histories. It is also necessary for humanity, as a whole, to face and transform its own shadow material (i.e., unresolved emotional issues and destructive belief patterns) if humankind is to survive.
In past messages we have said that a course of action could be changed in the 11th hour. By this we were referring to a metaphor meaning that in the last hour before an irrevocable shift occurs it is possible to change an outcome.
We are still of this opinion, but you are well past the 11th hour. You are at one minute before midnight, metaphorically speaking, of course.
What this means is that massive changes will have to occur in a very short period of time if you are collectively to avoid the 6th mass extinction.
As the ecological and social aspects of this destabilization process are so complex, we wish to confine our comments to practical suggestions for you.
One marker, evolutionarily speaking for transition states between dimensions as a human being, is the growing perception that life is a dream. If this occurs for you, you will experience your life and the events of your life as having a dreamlike insubstantial quality. You will still have to deal with the realities of your physical existence, but there will be an increasing sense that your physical existence has an unreal quality about it.
We do realize that in many of our messages we have sounded like a broken record, repeating ourselves again and again especially when referring to coherent states of emotion like happiness, joy and/or appreciation. This has to do with physics and neuropsychology. Coherent states of emotion are an antidote to the destabilization of your nervous system caused by the various factors that we mentioned previously.
There are many ways to accomplish this task of bringing coherency to your nervous system. For one, we suggest you work with the sound meditation A Bridge Between the Worlds (see Tom’s comments below) on a regular basis as a means to introduce this type of coherent emotion into your nervous system.
Another way to create more coherency is to introduce more joy into your life, which is indeed paradoxical for many of you. Very few cultures underwrite the necessity for joy as a value. Sacrifice, martyrdom and self-forgetting are what seem to be valued most in many societies, but from our perspective these are the greatest errors, at least from the perspective of spiritual evolution.
We are very sensitive to the fact that many of you reading this message may be dealing with this paradox (i.e., how to create more joy your life) in very direct and challenging ways.
Our advice, like all advice, should be “taken with a grain of salt.” This is simply our perspective on this particular challenge. Having stated this caveat, our suggestion is to cleave away from your life the thought forms of self-sacrifice and martyrdom. Find more ways to discover joy even in the smallest things. It does not matter how small they are.
And finally, find the courage to speak your truth to those closest to you. This type of truth speaking and self-revealing is, in our opinion, critical for your successful transition through the current and on-going period of global destabilization.
The Hathors
February 7, 2016
Source:“A Hathor Planetary Message: Destabilization,” channeled through Tom Kenyon, February 7, 2016, at
U sit in a Bowl of Fear of Ur own making,, and try to garnish Ur fancy words with spices on top,,,, and it still is a Bowl of Fear,,, a dish We do NoT need. The Joy and Love and Peace that is the Center of each of Us,, if We chose,,, is a Force that will Never Fail,, and Never entertains fear or weakness,,,,,, 'nothing will be lost,,, no Not One,, ' except your Soup of Fear.
It seems to me, that we are very close to losing it, the Earth and if we lose her we have lost everything. THE DC has poisoned her so much that it will take a miracle to save her and I do believe in Miracles. We need to greatly speed up the EVENT the RV. and the DISCLOSURE project.So that we can get a lot of help from our ET friends and Allies. And as you know the GALACTIC FEDERATION and others have had a Evacuation plan in effect sense the 70s. Ashtar command is one of those with the Evacuation Earth project. So there is hope and we get to choose if we wont to stay and repair her or go to the sub-or inner Earth or up onto the ships and we must make thee choice soon. You can see the new Earth on u-tube near the sun when there is a lg solor flare. Adonai
We need more messages from this source....
´´coherent states of emotion like happiness, joy and/or appreciation. This has to do with physics and neuropsychology. Coherent states of emotion are an antidote to the destabilization of your nervous system caused by the various factors that we mentioned previously.´´