Channeling Session Date: 08/18/1998
A rare disagreement came up over the title of this podcast with myself wanting "Pluck Yew" and Karra wanting "A Healer's Secret" though reluctantly as the healer's secret isn't something she wanted a lot of focus on but it was better than what I offered. In the end, 6th dimensional class won out over 3rd dimensional crass, go figure. On note about this session that made it stand out over previous podcasts was that it could have been recorded last Friday instead of 1998 for how relevant the topics discussed are to the news anyone can read about daily. It's not often that we're transcribing a tape where we have to remind ourselves the topic is about Bill Clinton and not Donald Trump when Tia is discussing impeachment or Omal discussing the effect of the presidency on the stock market. It's another great night learning from teachers of the highest caliber if only it was to teach us that life in their world is not so much different than life is in ours. On that note, it's old home week five miles below the surface of Mars three dimensions away.
As to the session itself, Tia was the ring mistress and thus had the honor of going first. Answering a question on the wild fluctuations in the stock market, it was then we first learned about what was then in 1998 just the start of the Asian Flu when markets around the globe were affected by the drops in the Asian markets. Moving on she focuses on politics and the turmoil taking place in the current administration the day after Bill Clinton gave his famous speech admitting an improper relationship with a certain intern. She gives us her impassioned opinion on what it will mean for the presidency going forward. Impeachment was looking likely so she was very hooked into how this was making that more of a reality. We shift back to stocks and where does an investment go and after that was cleared up, Omal came on to discuss both Bill Clinton and the stock market in words that cannot help to bring on a sense of deja vu. How the two are interrelated could make one think this session took place recently and not in the '90's. The fun doesn't stop there, he next floors us by confirming that not only did the pyramids of Giza originally had hieroglyphs on the outside and that what was written is still someplace in public view. He ends side one by linking the wording of the hieroglyphs to words in general wrapping up with the history of the English language from someone who watched it grow to what it came to be first hand through monitoring on the base of its growth.
On side two Omal is only on long enough to finish up the point he was making about why English became the most widely spoken language on the planet. Karra is the next scheduled speaker so the subject naturally shifts to healing. To that subject she explains how when you are healing it is important to use the energy efficiently so that you can gain in knowledge and strength. One other key ingredient is the patience learned through experience to be effective as a healer. Next we move on to the healer's secret, knowledge held back from a patient until an appropriate time comes to share it. Karra and I had a long running debate on whether it was a secret someone should be told right at the start which was my contention or held back as was the custom. Things came to a head with this channeling session and Karra's wisdom won out as it always does. The question at hand was belief and what someone should believe will happen during the healing. The one topic would be all that we would have time to cover but we went through quite a bit of tape making sure the point was well understood. Lyka comes on next all tired out from an exercise the night before where she had not gotten a bit of sleep. She was now newly promoted to captain and was having to b more responsible than she had before in her time with us which was starting to show. From our discussion with her we get a look into the what her life was like while having a command in the Sirian Defense Force. Kiri is the last speaker for this session and after teasing us yet again with a lesson on how to build a warp core engine, she tells us about a recent trip to Sirius to see her grandmother who had recently broken her arm while pruning some trees. Not something someone in her 800's should be doing but it led to us hearing about the status of a future guide for Skip, one of our guests in the room. We end the session on a variety of subjects such as how parents are such kids at heart and contemplate what would happen if you put a rabbit into a warp core engine.
In love and light as one.
Russ and Karra
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